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The original ammoniacal silver carbonate staining technique and subsequent modification developed by Fernández-Galiano are useful for investigating ciliate protozoan systematics and/or ciliate cortical structure and morphogenesis. The technique is complicated, however, by both uncertainties arising from the need to count drops of reagents and subjective control of the staining intensity. I have resolved these complications by defining volumes of reagents rather than using drops and by defining a range of staining times. I also comment on various steps of the techniques. My techniques are simplified and refined to produce consistent, high quality staining results.  相似文献   
Aquaporin-0 (AQP0) is the major intrinsic protein of lens fiber cells and the founder member of the water channel gene family. Here we show that disruption of the AQP0 gene by an early transposon (ETn) element results in expression of a chimeric protein, comprised of approximately 75% AQP0 and approximately 25% ETn long terminal repeat (LTR) sequence, in the cataract Fraser (CatFr) mouse lens. Immunoblot analysis showed that mutant AQP0-LTR was similar in mass to wild-type AQP0. However, immunofluorescence microscopy revealed that AQP0-LTR was localized to intracellular membranes rather than to plasma membranes of lens fiber cells. Heterozygous CatFr lenses were similar in size to wild-type but displayed abnormal regions of translucence and light scattering. Scanning electron microscopy further revealed that mature fiber cells within the core of the heterozygous CatFr lens failed to stratify into uniform, concentric growth shells, suggesting that the AQP0 water channel facilitates the development of the unique cellular architecture of the crystalline lens.  相似文献   
Thermal injury (TI) with septic complications continues to be a serious clinical problem. One of the main concerns in such patients is immunosuppression related to functional derangements in intestinal CD4+ T lymphocytes. Extensive previous studies in thermal injury/septic patients and animal models of thermal injury/sepsis have shown decreased responsiveness of intestinal CD4+ T cells to antigen/mitogen. This hyporesponsiveness could significantly contribute to increase injured host susceptibility to pathogens including those translocating from host's gut lumen. Our previous studies indicated that while thermal injury or sepsis alone lead to suppressed proliferation and IL-2 production of intestinal CD4+ T cells, this study showed a substantial deletion via apoptosis of the Mesenteric Lymph Nodes (MLN) CD4+ T cells. Hence, thermal injury-plus-sepsis contributes not only to suppressed CD4+ T proliferation/IL-2 production but also to a substantial modulation of CD4+ T cell survivability. These findings allow us to conclude that while thermal injury alone can produce attenuated cell mediated responses without an overt change in CD4+ T cell survival, thermal injury with septic complications causes CD4+ T cell death and an irreversible loss of cell-mediated responses. The latter happening could be responsible for high morbidity and mortality in the injured host afflicted with thermal injury plus a critical infection.  相似文献   
Recently we found that superimposition of Enterococcus faecalis infection on burn injury caused an eruption of host mortality not seen with either individual challenge. We hypothesized that the Enterococcus bacteria, and/or factors related to these organisms, aggravate burn-induced modulations in host defense by neutrophils. Our study focuses on alterations in neutrophils' oxidative, proteolytic, and adhesive functions and transendothelial migration of neutrophils in burn rats inoculated with E. faecalis. Rats were subjected to burn (30% total body surface area) and then intra-abdominally inoculated with E. faecalis (10(4)CFU kg(-1) b.w). Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) were harvested from circulating/blood and tissue/peritoneal cavity at day-2 post injury. Extracellular release of O(-)(2) anion production was determined by luminometry, and intracellular production of reactive oxygen species was measured by digital imaging technique. Fluoroscan analysis and confocal microscopy determined intracellular elastase production. The expression of adhesion molecule CD11b/CD18 was performed by flow cytometry. Calcein AM-labeled PMNs were co-cultured with TNF-α-stimulated rat lung microvascular endothelial cells, and their ability to adhere was assessed by fluorometry and digital imaging and finally, chemotaxis was measured by neutrophil transmigration assays. The results showed differential effector responses by circulatory and/or tissue PMNs. Tissue/peritoneal PMNs produced more O(-)(2), less intracellular elastase, and increased expression of CD11b/CD18 accompanied with increased adhesivity of MIP-2-stimulated PMNs to endothelial cells as compared to circulatory/blood PMNs. This differential effect was more pronounced following burn plus E. faecalis infection, indicating that the combined injury changed neutrophil functions.  相似文献   
We evaluated the dependency of neutrophil O production on PTK-Lyn and MAPK-ERK1/2 in rats after thermal injury. Activation of PTK-Lyn was assessed by immunoprecipitation. Phosphorylation of ERK1/2 was assessed by Western blot analysis. O production was measured by isoluminol-enhanced luminometry. Imaging technique was employed to measure neutrophil [Ca2+](i) in individual cells. Thermal injury caused marked upregulation of Lyn and ERK1/2 accompanying enhanced neutrophil O production. Treatment of rats with PTK blocker (AG556) or MAPK blocker (AG1478) before burn injury caused complete inhibition of the respective kinase activation. Both AG556 and AG1478 produced an ~66% inhibition in O production. Treatment with diltiazem (DZ) produced an ~37% inhibition of O production without affecting Lyn or ERK1/2 activation with burn injury. Ca2+ mobilization was upregulated with burn injury but not affected by treatment of burn rats with AG556. Unlike the partial inhibition of burn-induced O production by AG556, AG1478, or DZ, platelet-activating factor antagonist (PAFa) treatment of burn rats produced near complete inhibition of O production. PAFa treatment also blocked activation of Lyn. The findings suggest that the near complete inhibition of O production by PAFa was a result of blockade of PTK as well as Ca2+ signaling. Overall, our studies show that enhanced neutrophil O production after thermal injury is a result of potentiation of Ca2+ -linked and -independent signaling triggered by inflammatory agents such as PAF.  相似文献   


The intracellular bacterium Chlamydia pneumoniae is suspected to play a role in formation and progression of atherosclerosis. Many studies investigated cell death initiation versus inhibition by Chlamydia pneumoniae in established cell lines but nothing is known in primary human aortic smooth muscle cells, a cell type among others known to be involved in the formation of the atherosclerotic plaque. Type of cell death was analyzed by various methods in primary aortic smooth muscle cells after infection with Chlamydia pneumoniae to investigate a possible pathogenic link in atherosclerosis.  相似文献   
Lake Liambezi forms the periodic connection between the upper Zambezi, Kwando and Okavango rivers. A full parasitological assessment was conducted on 86 fish, representing 14 species in six families sampled in August 2011. Parasite diversity was low and dominated by species with complex life cycles involving intermediate hosts. Most prevalent were larval nematodes (Contracaecum sp.) infecting 12 and Trypanasoma sp. infecting nine of the 14 host species. The intra-erythrocytic parasite Babesiosoma mariae was found in the blood of Coptodon rendalli and Oreochromis andersonii with prevalence of 50% and 60%, respectively. The host-specific monogenean Annulotrema hepseti was recorded only from H. cuvieri with a prevalence of 100%. Notable absences were the copepod and branchiuran parasites that have direct lifecycles and usually occur in high prevalence and abundance in the region. Because parasites with direct life cycles can only be transported into the lake on the host fish, their absence suggests limited immigration of infected fishes into the lake. This suggests that internal recruitment dominates over immigration in the fish population dynamics in Lake Liambezi.  相似文献   
Gold salts and phenylbutazone selectively inhibit the synthesis of PGF and PGE2 respectively. Lowered production of one prostaglandin species is accompanied by an increased production of the other. Selective inhibition by these drugs was observed in the presence of adrenaline, reduced glutathione and copper sulphate under conditions when most anti-inflammatory compounds inhibited PGE2 and PGF syntheses equally. It is postulated that selective inhibitors may have a different mode of action in vivo and beneficial effects may be related to the endogenous ratio of PGE to PGF required for normal function.  相似文献   
Although cellular damage during cryopreservation of freshwater fish spermatozoa has been reported in several studies, there is a lack of correlation between this damage and the fertility rates of eggs using postthawed milt. The apparent lack of such correlation may be due to other undetected sublethal cryodamage, which could affect the cell functionality and viability. This may be extremely important for freshwater fish spermatozoa whose ability to fertilize the egg requires dilution in water or hypoosmotic solutions, an hazardous environment for the cells. This study tested the change in cell permeability during cryopreservation, using Hoechst 33258 to assess cell permeability. The permeability of spermatozoa at different times after dilution in several hypoosmotic media were investigated. In the first trial, fresh semen, sperm diluted in freezing media (CPT), and freeze/thawed semen were studied. Three CPT were tested (Me2SO, DMA, and methanol). In the second trial, the addition of egg yolk as a membrane stabilizer was investigated. Samples were frozen at -20 degreesC/min in a programmable cooler and thawed in a 25 degreesC water bath. Dilution in the CPTs slightly increased the susceptibility of cells to damage but freezing/thawing caused a dramatic increase in the fragility of cells, which were killed in a few seconds after their contact with the hypoosmotic solutions. Egg yolk provided a significant protection to the membrane, allowing the cells a greater and more prolonged survival in the fertilization media. Samples frozen with Me2SO displayed the best results. These results are consistent with the achieved fertility rates that demonstrated sublethal cryodamage in the function of the sperm membrane that was not detected by standard procedures. Copyright 1998 Academic Press.  相似文献   
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