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割手密作为现代甘蔗遗传杂交育种史上最为成功的野生亲本,对多种不良环境都具有很强的抗逆性,被公认为是抗逆基因的主要来源。但目前真正被有效利用的割手密抗逆亲本和抗逆基因非常有限,我国自育和引进甘蔗主栽品种的抗逆性仍然比较单一且普遍偏弱,因此加强割手密优良抗逆亲本筛选和抗逆基因挖掘利用研究意义重大。本文综述了不同基因型割手密在非生物逆境(干旱、低温等理化因素)和生物逆境(病虫害侵染)下的抗逆性鉴定及其抗逆基因克隆和功能验证等国内外相关研究进展;并探讨了当前割手密资源抗逆材料筛选和抗逆基因挖掘利用中存在的问题和今后的研究方向,希望为高效利用割手密优异抗逆基因资源开展甘蔗多抗逆性聚合育种提供参考。  相似文献   
The rapid induction of photosynthesis is critical for plants under light‐fleck environment. Most previous studies about photosynthetic induction focused upon single leaf, but they did not consider the systemic integrity of plant. Here, we verified whether systemic signalling is involved in photosynthetic induction. Rumex K‐1 (Rumex patientia × Rumex tianschaious) plants were grown under light‐fleck condition. After whole night dark adaptation, different numbers of leaves (system leaf or SL) were pre‐illuminated with light, and then the photosynthetic induction of other leaves (target leaf or TL) was investigated. This study showed that the pre‐illumination of SL promoted photosynthetic induction in TL. This promotion was independent of the number of SL, the light intensity on SL and the distance between SL and TL, indicating that this systemic signalling is non‐dose‐dependent. More interestingly, the photosynthetic induction was promoted by only the pre‐illumination of morphological upper leaf rather than the pre‐illumination of morphological lower leaf, indicating that the transfer of this signal is directional. The results showed that the transfer of this systemic signalling depends upon the phloem. This systemic signalling helps plants to use light energy more efficiently under light flecks.  相似文献   
目的:为探求犏牛FSHβ基因的5’端侧翼区的序列特征,揭示该基因的变异和对家畜产仔率的意义,方法:根据奶牛FSHβ基因的5’端侧翼区的基因序列设计引物,应用PCR方法扩增并克隆了犏牛FSHβ基因的5’端侧翼区的序列,扩增序列长度为2022bp,包括5’端上游调控序列、第一外显子和部分第一内含子,并与奶牛该区段序列进行了比较研究。结果:序列分析结果表明:犏牛FSHβ基因的5’端侧翼区与文献报道的奶牛该基因的同源性为98.37%。结论:这为研究杂交一代犏牛雄性雄性不育,为开展牦牛功能基因组计划和分子育种提供了一定的科学的理论依据。  相似文献   
旨在筛选定量PCR检测不同骨骼肌纤维类型的稳定内参基因,为骨骼肌的能量和糖代谢等功能研究提供基础数据.试验选用6周龄小鼠,采集腓肠肌(Gastrocnemius muscle,GAS)、比目鱼肌(Soleus,SOL)、胫骨前肌(Tibialis anterior muscle,TA)和趾长伸肌(Extensor di...  相似文献   
报道了采自云南寄生于黄斑褶ZhaoPseudecheneis sulcatus (McClelland)鳃丝上的新贝氏虫属一新种-钳状新贝氏虫Neobychowskyella chelicerus sp.nov.。  相似文献   
微藻主要是指一类能进行光合自养的微生物,且很多藻株还兼具运动特性.因而将微藻与微流控芯片结合,实现精确靶向,或用于分子药物递送,在生物医学治疗和药效学分析等领域有重要的潜在应用价值,也是当今的研究热点之一.然而,目前关于微藻趋向运动的研究及潜在的应用的综述报道却相对较少.本文主要以模式微藻莱茵衣藻为例,概述基于微藻细胞...  相似文献   
Fluid production in Locusta Malpighian tubules was stimulated by corpora cardiaca extract (c. 100%) and dibutyryl cAMP (c. 50%). Chelerythrine and staurosporine (Protein kinase C, PKC inhibitors) inhibited it in the range 0.07-60&mgr;M (IC(50)3&mgr;M), whereas Rp-cAMP (Protein kinase A, PKA inhibitor) caused inhibition over the concentration range 10-1000&mgr;M (IC(50)264&mgr;M). The protein phosphatase inhibitor, okadaic acid, was also inhibitory over the concentration range 0.1-1000nM (IC(50) 91nM). CC extract stimulation increased fluid [Na(+)] from 41 to 59mM and decreased [K(+)] from 127 to 107mM; stimulation with cAMP had no such effect. The PKC inhibitors reduced the [K(+)] in the secreted fluid from 126 to 107mM but had no effect on the [Na(+)]. Subsequent addition of CC extract stimulated fluid production and caused an increase in [Na(+)] from 41 to about 50mM. The addition of Rp-cAMP reduced fluid production but caused a decrease in [Na(+)] from 37 to 28mM and an increase in its [K(+)] from 124 to 148mM. Fluid production by Rp-cAMP inhibited tubules was not stimulated by corpora cardiaca extract or cAMP, but [Na(+)] rose to 36mM. Protein phosphorylation plays a role in the regulation of fluid production probably via the apical and basal membrane cation transporters.  相似文献   
陈钟芳  舒加 《生理学报》1993,45(2):103-110
本文对移植的5-HT神经元从蛛网膜下腔跨软脊膜迁移进入脊髓作了初步研究。将含有5-HT细胞的胚胎中缝核组织小块或神经细胞悬浮液作为移植物,以5-HT免疫组织化学方法跟踪移植细胞,结果如下:(1)在低胸水平横切脊髓,10d后,横断脊髓内的5-HT纤维消失。(2)横切脊髓(方法同上)后,立即将中缝核组织小块移植在胸腰段脊髓的蛛网膜下腔,一月后.在横断脊髓内出现5-HT阳性神经元和纤维。5-HT纤维能在灰白质内延伸。(3)脊髓横断后,若以中缝核的细胞悬浮液代替组织小块,作上述移植,则在移植区附近的灰质内出现大量的5-HT阳性神经元。这些神经元在灰质内的分布范围与神经细胞悬浮液在蛛网膜下腔的移植范围相一致。迁入神经元能在灰质内重新形成5-HT阳性纤维网。(4)经上述移植后,灰质内出现的5-HT阳性纤维随远离细胞体而变得稀疏。白质内的5-HT阳性纤维远比灰质内稀少。本实验结果表明:移植在脊髓蛛网膜下腔的脑干5-HT细胞能跨软脊膜迁移进入脊髓。  相似文献   
麦洼牦牛和九龙牦牛FSHβ基因的PCR-SSCP分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用一对特异性引物对麦洼牦牛、九龙牦牛的FSHβ基因的5’端侧翼区进行了扩增,应用PCR-SSCP方法对其进行了多态性分析。结果表明:在麦洼牦牛的FSHβ基因的5’端侧翼区有AA型、AB型和BB型三种基因型,九龙牦牛的FSHβ基因的5’端侧翼区只检测到了AA型、AB型两种基因型。在两种牦牛品系中,AA基因型频率最高,A等位基因频率均明显高于B等位基因频率。麦洼牦牛和九龙牦牛群体中多态信息含量分别为0.3431、0.1411,麦洼牦牛多态性能高,遗传变异大。  相似文献   
用免疫组化和Western blot技术检测SVCT1和SVCT2蛋白在慢性乙型肝炎患者及正常人外周血白细胞中的表达.免疫组化结果显示:在慢性乙型肝炎患者肝组织中SVCT1和SVCT2蛋白的阳性表达率和阳性表达强度显著低于正常肝组织(P〈0.01);Western-blot检测显示,慢性乙型肝炎患者外周血白细胞中SVCT1表达缺失,SVCT2蛋白表达强度为0.481±0.056,均显著低于正常人(分别为0.325±0.085和0.971±0.140)(P〈0.01).提示慢性乙型肝炎患者体内肝细胞和外周血白细胞存在SVCT1和SVCT2蛋白表达低下或缺失;SVCT1和SVCT2蛋白表达低下或缺失可能是乙型肝炎病毒易感性的主要原因之一.  相似文献   
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