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During an investigation of Hypocrea/Trichoderma species inhabiting mushroom bedlogs, we found five strains of an undescribed species from a culture collection. These were analyzed using a combined approach, including morphology of holomorph, cultural studies, and phylogenetic analyses of the rRNA gene cluster of the internal transcribed spacer region, translation elongation factor 1-α, and RNA polymerase subunit II gene sequences. Distinctive morphological characters include stromata with green ascospores produced on potato dextrose agar medium, and Gliocladium-like to irregularly Verticillium-like conidiophores. In phylogenetic analyses, this species belongs to the Semiorbis clade, but its morphological characteristics do not match the other members of this clade. Based on morphological observations and phylogenetic analyses, we describe this as a new species, Trichoderma mienum, representing its Hypocrea teleomorph and Trichoderma anamorph.  相似文献   
We obtained a potent anti-hypertensive peptide, RPFHPF, by replacing the amino acid residues of ovokinin(2-7) (RADHPF), an orally active anti-hypertensive peptide derived from ovalbumin. After intravenous administration in anesthetized Wistar rats, the designed peptide [Pro2, Phe3]-ovokinin(2-7) had a long-lasting hypotensive activity at a dose of 10 mg/kg, while that of ovokinin(2-7) was only transient even at a dose of 100 mg/kg. After oral administration in conscious spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs), [Pro2, Phe3]-ovokinin(2-7) significantly lowered the systolic blood pressure in a dose-dependent manner. It is noteworthy that the minimum effective dose of [Pro2, Phe3]-ovokinin(2-7) was 0.3 mg/kg, about one-thirtieth of that of ovokinin(2-7). On the other hand, orally administered [Pro2, Phe3]-ovokinin(2-7) did not show any significant hypotensive effect in normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKYs) even at a dose of 3 mg/kg. Taken together, [Pro2, Phe3]-ovokinin(2-7) proved to be an ideal, potent anti-hypertensive peptide with little effect on normal blood pressure when given orally.  相似文献   
A novel acidophilic fungus was isolated by an acidic enrichment culture of microbial mats and biofilms collected at an extremely acidic and high temperature hot spring. In culture studies, this fungus was revealed to produce ascomycetous teleomorph structures. Molecular phylogenetic study and morphological observation showed this fungus is a new species of the genus Teratosphaeria (Capnodiales, Dothideomycetes) and is phylogenetically close to Acidomyces acidophilus and Bispora sp., which were previously reported as acidophilic anamorphic fungi. This new fungus is described here as a new species of Teratosphaeria, and its physiological properties adapting to its habitat are demonstrated. This is the first report of a teleomorphic fungus having highly acidophilic and thermophilic properties.  相似文献   
On decayed wood near a stream, tiny cyphelloid, hair-bearing, Flagelloscypha-like basidiomata were found coexisting with conidia of an aero-aquatic fungus, Peyronelina glomerulata. An isolate originating from the basidioma produced conidia of P. glomerulata by soaking the culture in water. Three additional strains originating from conidia of P. glomerulata produced immature basidiomata with basidium-like structures on the agar medium after about 4 months incubation. Fine structure of the hyphal septa of P. glomerulata was found to be of the dolipore type. Phylogenetic analysis based on sequences from the D1/D2 regions of the LSU rDNA showed that the strains from conidia and from a basidioma clustered together in the Flagelloscypha clade and nested within the Nia clade of Hymenomycetes. The culture studies and molecular phylogenetic analysis suggested that P. glomerulata has a Flagelloscypha teleomorph, a cyphelloid basidiomycete. The molecular data also indicate that P. glomerulata is phylogenetically related to the marine basidiomycetes, Nia and Halocyphina. Thus, this study revealed that cyphelloid basidiomycetes have evolved into both marine as well as freshwater habitats by morphological adaptations of the teleomorphs in the former and of the anamorph in the latter case.  相似文献   
Coffee "silverskin" (CS) is a by-product of the roasting procedure for coffee beans. A CS extract (CS-ext) was found to have a high inhibitory effect against hyaluronidase. It seems that the higher-molecular-weight substances in CS-ext contributed most to the hyaluronidase inhibition, while acidic polysaccharides mainly composed of uronic acid played a major role in this hyaluronidase inhibition by CS-ext.  相似文献   
We demonstrated that prostaglandin (PG) E2 aggravates gastric mucosal injury caused by histamine in rats, and investigated using various EP agonists which EP receptor subtype is involved in this phenomenon. Rats were used after 18 hr fasting. Histamine (80 mg/kg) dissolved in 10% gelatin, was given s.c., either alone or in combination with i.v. administration of PGE2 or various EP agonists such as 17-phenyl PGE2 (EP1), butaprost (EP2), sulprostone (EP1/EP3), ONO-NT012 (EP3) and ONO-AE1-329 (EP4). The animals were killed 4 hr later, and the mucosa was examined for lesions. The mucosal permeability was determined using Evans blue (1%). Histamine alone induced few lesions in the gastric mucosa within 4 hr. PGE2 dose-dependently worsened the lesions induced by histamine, the response being inhibited by tripelennamine but not cimetidine. The effect of PGE2 was mimicked by 17-phenyl PGE2 and sulprostone, but not other EP agonists, including EP2, EP3, and EP3/EP4 agonists. The mucosal vascular permeability was slightly increased by histamine, and this response was markedly enhanced by co-administration of 17-phenyl PGE2 as well as PGE2. The mucosal ulcerogenic and vascular permeability responses induced by histamine plus PGE2 were both suppressed by pretreatment with ONO-AE829, the EP1 antagonist. These results suggest that PGE2 aggravates histamine-induced gastric mucosal injury in rats. This action of PGE2 is mediated by EP1 receptors and functionally associated with potentiation of the increased vascular permeability caused by histamine through stimulation of H1-receptors.  相似文献   
A study of the diversity, taxonomy, and ecology of endophytic Xylariaceae (Ascomycota) was carried out. In this study, we obtained isolates of Xylariaceae from healthy, attached leaves and teleomorphic stromata on decayed plant materials in a permanent plot at Khao Yai National Park (Thailand). In addition, strains deposited beforehand were selected in which both endophytic strains isolated from living plant tissues and saprobic strains from fruit bodies were included. Consequently, 405 strains of Xylariaceae (273 endophytic and 132 saprobic strains, including identified strains) were studied to reveal the diversity and taxonomy of endophytes and the relationships between those endophytes and saprobic Xylariaceae in Thailand that have been recorded according to fruit-body formation on decayed plant materials. Analysis of 28S rDNA D1/D2 sequences revealed 21 xylariaceous species inhabiting tropical foliage at the site, and several species that are already known as saprobes appear to be among those isolated from living leaves. Furthermore, several clades that consisted of only endophytic strains were found, and some of these have no known matches in public DNA sequence banks.  相似文献   
A new oomycete was found from intertidal fallen leaves of mangroves in Japan and Thailand and is described here asHalophytophthora porrigovesica. This species is characterized by having an epapillate, ovate zoosporangium with a lens-shaped dehiscence plug-like material at the apex, and by forming an expanding long cylindrical vesicle prior to zoospore release. A key to 14 species and 2 varieties ofHalophytophthora including the new species is proposed. The subtropical (Iriomote is., Japan) strains and tropical (Thailand) strains were different in physiological properties and especially in the asexual reproduction. The subtropical strains showed a lower optimal temperature and wider range of suitable temperature and salinity for zoosporangium formation, whereas the tropical strains showed a higher optimal temperature and narrower range of temperature and salinity. These differences are explained as adaptations of the strains to the environmental conditions of their respective habitats. From the subtropical mangroves, six strains of the new species have been isolated only from submerged leaves ofSonneratia alba, while several strains have been isolated from tropical mangroves from the leaves of three species of mangrove trees,S. alba, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza andAvicennia alba. This indicates a change of taxon selectivity (host specificity) with the geographical distribution.  相似文献   
During the continuous culturing of neural PC12 cells, a drug hypersensitive PC12 mutant cell line (PC12m3) was obtained, which demonstrated high neurite outgrowth when stimulated by various drugs. When the immunosuppressant drug FK506 and nerve growth factor (NGF) were introduced to the PC12m3 cells, the frequency of neurite outgrowth increased approximately 40-fold for NGF alone. However, the effect of FK506 on neuritogenesis in PC12 parental and drug insensitive PC12m1 mutant cells was much lower than in PC12m3 cells. The sustained activation of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase plays an important role in neurite outgrowth of PC12 cells. Interestingly, the drug hypersensitive PC12m3 cells exhibited the sustained activation of MAP kinase with FK506 in comparison to low or no activities in PC12 parental or drug insensitive PC12m1 cells. These results indicate that PC12m3 cells have a novel FK506-induced MAP kinase pathway for neuritogenesis.  相似文献   
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