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The nucleotide sequences corresponding to bovine alpha S2- and beta- casein mRNAs have been determined by cDNA analysis. Both sequences appear to be complete at their 5' ends. The nucleotide sequence of alpha S2-casein, when compared with the corresponding cavine A sequence, helps to define the boundaries of a large amino acid repeat (approximately 80 residues) whereas comparisons with the nucleotide sequences of rat gamma- and mouse epsilon-casein mRNAs also reveal extensive sequence similarities. An alignment of these four sequences shows that the divergence of their translated regions has been characterized by the duplication and deletion of discrete segments of sequence that probably correspond to exons. A high degree of nucleotide substitution is also found when the four sequences are compared, except for well-conserved leader-peptide and phosphorylation-site sequences and, to a lesser extent, the 5'-untranslated regions. Similar comparison of the bovine and rat beta-caseins shows that their divergence has involved a high rate of nucleotide substitution but that no major insertions or deletions of sequence have occurred. The several splice sites that have veen defined in the rat beta-casein gene are likely to have been conserved in the bovine. The contrasting evolutionary histories of the alpha- and beta-casein coding sequences correlate with the distinctive functions of these proteins in the casein micelle system in milk.   相似文献   
Results are presented from experimental studies and numerical simulations of a spark discharge excited in a short point-plane gap filled with atmospheric-pressure nitrogen. The discharge was powered from a high-voltage source connected to the discharge gap through a large ballast resistance. In this case, a short-term spark develops only due to the charging of the stray capacitance of the external circuit; therefore, the energy released by the spark and its intensity are both low. Rapid current growth in a weak spark is accompanied by the contraction of the current channel rather than by its gasdynamic expansion, as it occurs in long-duration kiloampere sparks. Simulations show that, because of the very short spark lifetime, the plasma in a weak spark is substantially nonequilibrium and the gas temperature is fairly high.  相似文献   
Polygalacturonase (PG) activity and changes in respiratory intensity of apple fruits were investigated. The respiratory rate was decreased to a preclimacteric minimum from 30 Aug. to 20 Sept., Then increased to a climacteric peak (20–30 Sept.) and again drop down gradually with approaching the senescence stage. The PG activity was undetectable in a developing fruit until the onset climacteric phase. It rose rapidly after harvest, and reaching its highest level on 27 Oct. Just a month after the climacteric peak. The PG activity fell gradually. The amount of the fractions of pectic acid in fruits changed with the modifications of PG activity. With the ripening of fruits, the content of alcohol-soluble small molecules of pectic acids was increased from 12 to 13 5 mg/100 g of tissue, while the amount of alcohol- insoluble large molecules of pectic acids reduced from 530 to 280/100 g of tissue. PG activity would indicate the destruction of cell walls and the separation of cells. The onset of softening of fruits occurred 20 days after the rise of PG activity. It is supposed that the process of softening is directly controlled by PG activity.  相似文献   
Results are presented from experiments on the generation of a low-temperature nonequilibrium plasma in atmospheric-pressure heterophase gas-liquid media of different compositions: (i) a liquid with air bubbles and (ii) air with liquid aerosol. To illustrate possible application of a low-temperature plasma in a heterophase medium, experiments on the inactivation of some microorganisms by a low-temperature plasma have been performed.  相似文献   
We report a case of an allergic reaction after the administration of an echocardiographic contrast agent which resulted in ST-segment elevation. Hypersensitivity and allergic reactions are known causes of acute cardiovascular events. However, only limited reports are available which suggest the exact mechanism of the occurrence of angina or myocardial infarction during severe allergic reactions. In our case, through invasive imaging (coronary angiography and IVUS) we have shown for the first time a transient coronary spasm in the absence of intra-coronary thrombus and only minimal neointimal hyperplasia.  相似文献   
Restriction analysis of the NAT2 gene was carried out in inhabitants of Novosibirsk. Polymorphism of this gene for nine known point mutations was studied in a sample of Novosibirsk residents consisting of 109 healthy Caucasians. The frequencies of these mutations did not significantly differ from the frequencies reported for Caucasian populations of other countries. In 79 patients with lung cancer, a region of the NAT2 gene that includes 29.7% of the coding sequence was analyzed for the new mutations by the RFLP analysis. No new mutations were found in this group.  相似文献   
SUMOylation plays important roles in the DNA damage response. However, whether it is important for interstrand crosslink repair remains unknown. We report that the SLX4 nuclease scaffold protein is regulated by SUMOylation. We have identified three SUMO interaction motifs (SIMs) in SLX4, mutating all of which abrogated the binding of SLX4 to SUMO-2 and covalent SLX4 SUMOylation. An SLX4 mutant lacking functional SIMs is not recruited to PML nuclear bodies nor stabilized at laser-induced DNA damage sites. Additionally, we elucidated a novel role for PARylation in the recruitment of SLX4 to sites of DNA damage. Combined, our results uncover how SLX4 is regulated by post-translational modifications.  相似文献   
Oxidatively generated guanine radical cations in DNA can undergo various nucleophilic reactions including the formation of C8-guanine cross-links with adjacent or nearby N3-thymines in DNA in the presence of O2. The G*[C8-N3]T* lesions have been identified in the DNA of human cells exposed to oxidative stress, and are most likely genotoxic if not removed by cellular defense mechanisms. It has been shown that the G*[C8-N3]T* lesions are substrates of nucleotide excision repair in human cell extracts. Cleavage at the sites of the lesions was also observed but not further investigated (Ding et al. (2012) Nucleic Acids Res. 40, 2506–2517). Using a panel of eukaryotic and prokaryotic bifunctional DNA glycosylases/lyases (NEIL1, Nei, Fpg, Nth, and NTH1) and apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonucleases (Apn1, APE1, and Nfo), the analysis of cleavage fragments by PAGE and MALDI-TOF/MS show that the G*[C8-N3]T* lesions in 17-mer duplexes are incised on either side of G*, that none of the recovered cleavage fragments contain G*, and that T* is converted to a normal T in the 3′-fragment cleavage products. The abilities of the DNA glycosylases to incise the DNA strand adjacent to G*, while this base is initially cross-linked with T*, is a surprising observation and an indication of the versatility of these base excision repair proteins.  相似文献   
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