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Two monensin-resistant clones show similar low-density lipoprotein binding activity but less internalization or degradation of low-density lipoprotein than the parental Balb/3T3 or other resistant clone. Sterol synthesis from radioactive acetate in the resistant mutant, MO-5, is inhibited by more than 70% of control in the presence of tenfold higher amounts of low-density lipoprotein than the dose that inhibits the parental Balb/3T3 to similar level. 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase activity of Balb/3T3 and MO-5 is inhibited by 48% and 27% of control, respectively, in the presence of 10 micrograms/ml of low-density lipoprotein. Colloidal silica gradient centrifugation shows that transport of low-density lipoprotein from the surface membrane to the lysosome is much slower in MO-5 cells than in Balb/3T3 cells. Down regulation of low-density lipoprotein receptors on the cell surface in Balb/3T3 is observed by exposing the cells to 5-15 micrograms/ml low-density lipoprotein, whereas only slight if any down regulation is observed when MO-5 cells are treated with low-density lipoprotein. The altered endocytosis of low-density lipoprotein behaves as a dominant trait in hybrids of MO-5 and THO2-2, a derivative of Balb/3T3 resistant to both ouabain and 6-thioguanine.  相似文献   
A special exposure system was used for the inhalation of nickel oxide (NiO) aerosol by Wistar male rats. The median aerodynamic diameter and the geometric standard deviation were 1.2 μm and 2.2, respectively. A histopathological study of the rats was performed immediately, and at intervals of 12 and 20 mo after a 1-mo expsoure to NiO. Electron microscopy showed that localization of NiO particles was restricted to the lungs and that each particle had been engulfed by the alveolar macrophages. Type II pneumocytes and nonciliated bronchiolar epithelial cells (Clara cells), as well as numerous tubular myelin (surfactant) in the alveoli were prominent. In rats dissected after 12 mo, clusters of NiO particles were still present within the terminal bronchioli, alveolar walls, and lysosomes of the alveolar macrophages. Pools of tubular myelin were observed in the peribron-chial lymphatics. The Clara cells, which project into the lumen of bronchioli, showed active secretion and were filled with smooth en-doplasmic reticulum (SER) in the apical cytoplasm. In the experimental group sacrificed after 20 mo, one rat had papillary adenocarcinoma and two rats showed adenomatosis in the peripheral portion of the lung, but none in the upper respiratory tract.  相似文献   
Experiments were carried out to determine what subcellular fractions of Tetrahymena pyriformis could, after inoculation into mice, activate macrophages to kill Toxoplasma gondii in vitro. Peritoneal macrophages from mice inoculated intraperitoneally with cilia, pellicles, mitochondria, and microsomes exhibited strong toxoplasmacidal activity and had an enhanced capacity to release hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) by stimulation of a membrane-active agent as compared with resident macrophages. In contrast, macrophages from mice inoculated with macronuclei and postmicrosomal supernatant showed no toxoplasmacidal activity and a low level of H2O2 release. Similar dose response was observed on the active subcellular fractions with regard to the degree of macrophage activation. Treatment of the active subcellular fractions with heating and trypsin markedly reduced their activity.  相似文献   
Insulin induced the formation of ruffling membranes in cultured KB cells (a cell strain derived from human epidermoid carcinoma) within 1-2 min after its addition. The ruffled regions were stained strongly with antibody to actin but not that to tubulin. Pretreatment of KB cells with agents disrupting microfilaments (cytochalasins), but not with those disrupting microtubules (colcemid, nocodazole, and colchicine) completely inhibited the formation of ruffling membranes. Pretreatment of KB cells with dibutyryl cyclic AMP, but not with dibutyryl cyclic GMP, also inhibited the formation of ruffling membranes. Addition of insulin enhanced Na+-dependent uptake of a system A amino acid (alpha-amino isobutyric acid; AIB) by the cells within 5 min after the addition, and decreased the cyclic AMP content of the cells. Treatments that inhibited insulin-induced formation of ruffling membranes of KB cells also inhibited insulin-induced enhancement of their AIB uptake. From these observations, the mechanism of insulin-induced formation of ruffling membranes and its close correlation with AIB transport are discussed.  相似文献   
Endoreduplication (ER) could be induced very effectively in Chinese hamster V79 cells exposed to cytosine arabinoside (1-β-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine; Ara-C). Cells were cultured for 48 hours in Ara-C containing medium. ER frequency increases rapidly after Ara-C release. About 60% of metaphase cells were endoreduplicated at 8–10 hours after release from Ara-C (5 μg/ml). Induction of ER also depends on Ara-C concentrations.  相似文献   
Sugar compositions of cell walls of dark-grown coleoptiles from12 barley strains, 11 of which were coleoptilar semi-dwarf strains,were analyzed on days 2 and 3 after germination. Major wallcomponents of the 12 strains were arabinose, xylose, and glucosein hemicellulose and cellulose; minor components were galactoseand mannose. The sugar content of each wall component per unit length wasnot correlated to any growth parameters calculated from a logisticequation simulating coleoptile growth, but the relative contentsof galactose and mannose in relation to the total wall sugarcontent was correlated to the growth rate on day 3 and the growthcontinuing period. These facts suggest that growth of these12 barley strains in the late growth stage is regulated by theminor wall components, galactose and mannose. 1 Dedicated to the late Professor Joji Ashida. (Received October 12, 1982; Accepted January 12, 1983)  相似文献   
In order to study the IAA-induced modifications of the cellwall of azuki bean (Vigna angularis Ohwi et Ohashi cv. Takara)epicotyl segments, the xyloglucans were subfractionated intotwo components, i.e., 4K-U and 24K xyloglucans, which were obtainedby extraction with 4% KOH solution containing 8 M urea and 24%KOH solution, respectively. The weight-average molecular weightsof 4K-U and 24K xyloglucans were estimated to be 40 x 104 and106 x 104, respectively. Complete acid hydrolysis of 4K-U and24K xyloglucans gave glucose, xylose, galactose and fucose inmole % 48.3 : 33.5 : 13.8 : 4.4 and 45.3 : 30.9 : 19.6 : 4.3,respectively. Treatment of epicotyl segments with IAA (0.1 mM) caused a decreasein the amount of 24K xyloglucans and an increase in 4K-U xyloglucans,whereas the total amount of the two xyloglucans remained constant.Furthermore, IAA treatment caused a decrease in the molecularweight of 24K xyloglucans from 106 x 104 to 78 x 104 withoutcausing changes in their sugar compositions. With 4K-U xyloglucans,IAA caused an increase in the mole % of xylose and a decreasein the mole % of galactose and fucose. 1 This paper is dedicated to the late Professor Joji Ashida. (Received November 26, 1982; Accepted February 7, 1983)  相似文献   
The nature of the centromere and the orientation in meiosis of silkworm chromosomes were investigated using the trivalent of the F1 hybrid between the wild and domestic silkworm and X-ray-induced aberrant chromosomes as well as normal silkworm chromosomes. The results of the experiments were as follows: (1) Pro-metaphase chromosomes showed no distinct primary constriction even after treatment with hypotonic solution, (2) sister chromatids separated in parallel along the entire length of the chromosome at mitotic anaphase, (3) chiasmata underwent complete terminalization during diakinesis and thus chromosome dyads were always connected end-to-end by a terminal chiasma at metaphase I, (4) radiation-induced aberrant chromosomes were stably transmitted throughout a number of cell generations, and (5) although the homomorphic bivalents generally orientated axially at metaphase I and equatorially at metaphase II, this normal sequence tended to be inverted or modified in the X-ray-induced aberrant chromosomes and in the trivalent of the F1 hybrid silkworms. These observations may be best interpreted by assuming the holocentric nature of silkworm chromosomes.  相似文献   
Simple approximate expressions have been derived from the theory of Zimm and Bragg for use in the analysis of experimental data on the helix-coil transition in polypeptide. On the basis of the resulting expressions practical procedures are proposed to determine two basic parameters characterizing a thermally induced transition, i.e., helix initiation parameter σ and enthalpy change for helix formation, ΔH. They have been applied to the data for poly(β-benzyl L -aspartate) (PBLA) with the result: σ = 1.6 × 10?4 and ΔH = ?450 cal/mole for PBLA in m-cresol; σ = 0.6 × 10?4 and ΔH = 260 cal/mole for PBLA in chloroform containing 5.7 vol-% of dichloroacetic acid. This result gives evidence that σ may change not only from one polypeptide to another but also for a given polypeptide in different solvents. The change in limiting viscosity number [η] accompanying the transition was measured in the same solvents. The curve of [η] versus helical content had a relatively monotonic shape for the chloroformdichloroacetic acid solutions as compared with that for the m-cresol solutions, indicating that [η] depended largely on σ. Provided that [η] is a direct measure of the mean-square radius of gyration, 〈S2〉, the results are consistent with the theoretical predictions of Nagai and of Miller and Flory for 〈S2〉.  相似文献   
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