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Egg predation by conspecific males of damselfishes,Pomacentrus nagasakiensis andChromis notatus notatus, was studied at Bohnotsu (31°15′ N, 131°15′ E) and Tsuyazaki (33°47′ N, 130°29′ E), respectively. InP. nagasakiensis, 7 egg-guarding males were removed from nests, and intrusion and egg predation by conspecific males took place in all of the nests within an average time of 12.2 min. Frequency of attacks on eggs by other reef fishes during the period between the removal of egg-guarding males and intrusion of conspecific males was lower than expected, considering the frequency of aggressive displays of the egg-guarding males. The results of male removal experiments forChromis notatus notatus were almost the same, with intrusion and egg predation by conspecific males occurring in all 12 of the nests from which egg-guarding males had been removed. SixP. nagasakiensis and 15C. notatus notatus which intruded into the nests and preyed on eggs were collected. All were males except for 1C. notatus notatus female. Results suggest that these males which intruded into vacant nests to eat eggs did not have clutches of their own during the spawning bouts when the experiments were done. Results also showed that the intruding males were not inferior to egg-guarding males in standard length, gonadosomatic index, and condition factor. It is clear that males which do not have their own clutches during at least 1 spawning bout and prey on others' eggs when egg-guarding males disappear are common in these 2 gregariously nesting damselfishes. It is discussed that conspecific eggs are potentially a good food source not only for other species of reef fishes but also for conspecific males which do not have their own eggs during the spawning bouts. The origin of males wich prey on eggs of other conspecifics is also considered. Some aspects of egg-guarding and aggressive behavior of males in damselfishes are discussed.  相似文献   
A sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay of nicotine was developed using antisera raised against 6-(p-aminobenzamido) nicotine coupled to bovine serum albumin. Inhibition studies with various nicotine analogues revealed that the antisera are highly specific for both the N-methylpyrrolidine ring and the pyridine ring of nicotine, and especially for the structural changes of the former. The use of these antisera in an assay of nicotine in biological fluids is desirable, since the pyrrolidine ring of nicotine is first metabolized in vivo and antibodies must, therefore, discriminate nicotine from other nicotine metabolites.  相似文献   
Ewing's sarcoma is a recalcitrant tumor greatly in need of more effective therapy. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of eribulin on a doxorubicin (DOX)‐resistant Ewing's sarcoma patient derived orthotopic xenograft (PDOX) model. The Ewing's sarcoma PDOX model was previously established in the right chest wall of nude mice from tumor resected form the patient's right chest wall. In the previous study, the Ewing's sarcoma PDOX was resistant to doxorubicin (DOX) and sensitive to palbociclib and linsitinib. In the present study, the PDOX models were randomized into three groups when the tumor volume reached 60 mm3: G1, untreated control (n = 6); G2, DOX treated (n = 6), intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection, weekly, for 2 weeks); G3, Eribulin treated (n = 6, intravenous (i.v.) injection, weekly for 2 weeks). All mice were sacrificed on day 15. Changes in body weight and tumor volume were assessed two times per week. Tumor weight was measured after sacrifice. DOX did not suppress tumor growth compared to the control group (P = 0.589), consistent with the previous results in the patient and PDOX. Eribulin regressed tumor size significantly compared to G1 and G2 (P = 0.006, P = 0.017) respectively. No significant difference was observed in body weight among any group. Our results demonstrate that eribulin is a promising novel therapeutic agent for Ewing's sarcoma.  相似文献   
The guidelines for night and shift workers recommend that after night work, they should sleep in a dark environment during the daytime. However, staying in a dark environment during the daytime reduces nocturnal melatonin secretion and delays its onset. Daytime bright-light exposure after night work is important for melatonin synthesis the subsequent night and for maintaining the circadian rhythms. However, it is not clear whether daytime sleeping after night work should be in a dim- or a bright-light environment for maintaining melatonin secretion. The aim of this study, therefore, was to evaluate the effect of bright-light exposure during daytime sleeping on nocturnal melatonin secretion after simulated night work. Twelve healthy male subjects, aged 24.8 ± 4.6 (mean ± SD), participated in 3-day sessions under two experimental conditions, bright light or dim light, in a random order. On the first day, the subjects entered the experimental room at 16:00 and saliva samples were collected every hour between 18:00 and 00:00 under dim-light conditions. Between 00:00 and 08:00, they participated in tasks that simulated night work. At 10:00 the next morning, they slept for 6 hours under either a bright-light condition (>3000 lx) or a dim-light condition (<50 lx). In the evening, saliva samples were collected as on the first day. The saliva samples were analyzed for melatonin concentration. Activity and sleep times were recorded by a wrist device worn throughout the experiment. In the statistical analysis, the time courses of melatonin concentration were compared between the two conditions by three-way repeated measurements ANOVA (light condition, day and time of day). The change in dim light melatonin onset (ΔDLMO) between the first and second days, and daytime and nocturnal sleep parameters after the simulated night work were compared between the light conditions using paired t-tests. The ANOVA results indicated a significant interaction (light condition and3 day) (p = .006). Post hoc tests indicated that in the dim-light condition, the melatonin concentration was significantly lower on the second day than on the first day (p = .046); however, in the bright-light condition, there was no significant difference in the melatonin concentration between the days (p = .560). There was a significant difference in ΔDLMO between the conditions (p = .015): DLMO after sleeping was advanced by 11.1 ± 17.4 min under bright-light conditions but delayed for 7.2 ± 13.6 min after sleeping under dim-light conditions. No significant differences were found in any sleep parameter. Our study demonstrated that daytime sleeping under bright-light conditions after night work could not reduce late evening melatonin secretion until midnight or delay the phase of melatonin secretion without decreasing the quality of the daytime sleeping. Thus, these results suggested that, to enhance melatonin secretion and to maintain their conventional sleep–wake cycle, after night work, shift workers should sleep during the daytime under bright-light conditions rather than dim-light conditions.  相似文献   
In contrast to the swordtip squid (Uroteuthis edulis) caught in the spring and summer, those caught in the autumn in the Japan Sea and the Tsushima Strait are characterized by thick bodies with large clubs, long tentacles and large suckers. In addition, most females and many males are immature. However, the reasons for these characteristics, as well as the hatching site and migratory behaviour, are not well known. The empirical water temperature of juveniles was estimated at ~17°C through strontium:calcium (Sr:Ca) ratios in statoliths and information on seawater temperature distribution. The ontogenetic variation in Sr:Ca ratios decreased from hatching to 60 days after hatching and then remained stable. The estimated water temperature was ~21°C after 60 days. Thus, individuals of the autumn-migrating group most likely hatch in the southern East China Sea in the winter and early spring and then move north-eastwards with currents and pass through the Tsushima Strait into the southern Japan Sea during or after July. However, the squid could be present in these waters without strong currents northeast of Tsushima Island, where thermoclines occur during summer, and become confined in limited layers until vertical mixing occurs in the autumn. The distribution of the squid would thereafter extend to fishing grounds in the southern and south-eastern Japan Sea and then to the Tsushima Strait. This migratory behaviour could be the cause of the observed characteristics because bottom seawater temperatures are much lower in the Japan Sea than in the East China Sea.  相似文献   
Lanthanum (La) carbonate (LC) is one of the most potent phosphate binders that prevents the elevation of serum phosphate levels in patients with end-stage renal diseases undergoing dialysis. LC binds strongly to dietary phosphate and forms insoluble complexes that pass through the gastrointestinal tract. La deposition in patients treated with LC is a recently documented finding particularly observed in gastric mucosa. We herein describe the detailed gastric mucosal lesions in 45 LC-treated patients and address the potential underlying pathologic mechanism using oral LC administration in rats. Microscopically, La deposition, as shown by subepithelial collections of plump eosinophilic histiocytes or small foreign body granulomas containing coarse granular or amorphous inclusion bodies, was found in the gastric mucosa of 44 (97.8%) of the 45 dialysis patients in the study cohort, which was most frequently associated with foveolar hyperplasia (37.8%). Using oral administration of rats with 1000 mg/day LC for 2 or more weeks, La deposition was consistently detectable in the gastric mucosa but not in other organs examined. In addition, various histologic alterations such as glandular atrophy, stromal fibrosis, proliferation of mucous neck cells, intestinal metaplasia, squamous cell papilloma, erosion, and ulcer were demonstrated in the rat model. Thus, orally administered LC can induce mucosal injury, designated here as La gastropathy, which may alter the local environment and result in La deposition in the gastric mucosa, thereby potentially inducing abnormal cell proliferation or neoplastic lesions.  相似文献   
Feeding of a naked photosynthetic dinoflagellate, Gyrodiniuminstriatum, on loricated ciliates was investigated. Gyrodiniuminstriatum preyed on Favella azorica and Eutintinnus tubulosusby engulfment through the posterior end of the sulcus. In thecase of E.tubulosus, G.instriatum preyed on this small ciliatekeeping the original gymnodinioid cell shape. On the other hand,G.instriatum preyed on Favella taraikaensis by absorbing thecell contents of this large ciliate, which resulted in a balloonlike inflation of its body size. It seemed that G.instriatumcan change its feeding style according to the size of prey.Thus, the present study shows, by using direct observationson the feeding of G.instriatum on loricated ciliates, a reversalof energy flow processes in the food chain in which photosyntheticorganisms eat primary consumers. The growth of G.instriatumafter feeding on F.taraikaensis and E.tubulosus is also describedbriefly.  相似文献   
Feeding and burrowing behavior of the monogamous gobiid fish,Valenciennea longipinnis, were studied on the coral reef at Sesoko Island, Okinawa, Japan. These fish usually live in pairs, the male and female feeding in close proximity to one another upon benthic animals and constructing several burrows cooperatively for purposes of shelter or spawning. Paired females fed more and burrowed less frequently than their mates. Because burrow maintenance was mostly conducted by the latter, the paired females performed work much less frequently than solitary females. Thus, the paired females may be able to allocate more energy toward egg production. The division of labor related to burrowing behavior in this species may be an effective way to increase reproductive success for both sexes. Moreover, the fameles burrowed even less frequently when paired with larger males, probably because burrowing ability may be correlated with mouth size in males. This is a likely reason for the preference of females to mate with larger males.  相似文献   
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