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Human teratocarcinomas   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Teratocarcinomas are one of the commonest forms of cancer in young adult men. Cell lines derived from these tumors, and particularly the cell lines composed of their embryonal carcinoma (EC) stem cells, may provide useful information concerning the development and subsequent pathology of teratocarcinomas in humans. In addition, it is likely that human EC cells resemble early embryonic cells and can be used as an in vitro counterpart of such cells from the human embryo. Several common properties of human EC cells have been identified, and a human EC cell line, TERA-2, that is capable of extensive somatic differentiation has been cloned. In nude mice, TERA-2 EC cells form tumors containing neural elements and glandular structures that resemble primitive gut. In culture, these EC cells can be induced to differentiate by exposure to retinoic acid and hexamethylenebisacetamide (HMBA). Differentiation is marked by the disappearance of several cell surface antigens characteristic of human EC cells, and the appearance of other antigens on the various subsets of differentiated derivatives. In retinoic acid-induced cultures, these differentiated derivatives include neurons and cells permissive for the replication of cytomegalovirus, a virus that can cause birth defects in humans. On the other hand, HMBA appears to activate an alternative pathway of differentiation for TERA-2 EC cells, although the identity of the resulting cells remains to be elucidated. In addition to providing a tool for analyzing the evolution of teratocarcinomas in human patients, the TERA-2 EC cells may provide us with insights into the mechanisms of cellular differentiation in the human embryo and a model in which to investigate how teratogenic agents such as HCMV can disrupt these processes.  相似文献   
The ability of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) to elevate cellular levels of mRNA for beta-subunit of luteinizing hormone (LH) has been examined in monolayer cultures from rat pituitary. Low concentrations of GnRH (100 pM) induced a 6.8-fold increase in LH-beta mRNA, while higher concentrations of GnRH were less effective. The low concentrations of GnRH (100 pM) did not result in altered GnRH receptor levels (92 +/- 12% compared to controls) after 24 h treatment but did increase protein kinase C activity to 249 +/- 16%. The protein kinase C activator, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, at concentrations (2-20 nM) which did not deplete protein kinase C, stimulated LH-beta mRNA levels 2-5-fold after 24 h. Higher concentrations of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, which depleted protein kinase C activity, substantially reduced the ability of 100 pM GnRH to stimulate increases in LH-beta mRNA levels. As previously observed, protein kinase C-depleted cells exhibited normal LH release in response to GnRH stimulation. These studies demonstrate that low concentrations of GnRH may have an important role in regulation of gonadotropin biosynthesis. Furthermore, the results suggest that activation of protein kinase C is sufficient to stimulate increases in LH-beta mRNA levels and that protein kinase C is necessary for normal GnRH stimulation of LH-beta mRNA levels. Accordingly, we postulate that protein kinase C may mediate the action of GnRH on LH-beta mRNA levels.  相似文献   
Three major forms of somatostatin were isolated from pancreas of the lamprey (Petromyzon marinus). One of the two major forms is a 14-residue somatostatin (SS-14) having the sequence AGCKNFFWKTFSSC. The homologous substitution Ser for Thr in position 12 is the first example of SS-14 from vertebrate preprosomatostatin gene I having a divergent sequence. The longest form is 37 residues in length (SS-37) and has the sequence ALRAAAVAGSPQQLLPLGQRERKAGCKNFFWKTFSSC. A 34-residue form (SS-34) identical in sequence but truncated at a single Arg residue at position 3 of SS-37 was also isolated. The yields of the three forms were SS-37 (0.43 nmol/g), SS-34 (134 nmol/g), and SS-14 (51.5 nmol/g). The identification of this nested series of somatostatins suggests that prosomatostatin processing in lamprey more closely resembles that observed for procholecystokinin than that of mammalian or other piscine prosomatostatins. Somatostatin-producing cells in the lamprey pancreas were identified by immunostaining using antiserum against SS-34 and anti-serum against mammalian SS-14.  相似文献   
Summary Genotypes of pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum L. Leeke) were examined for differences in vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) colonization and response to inoculation. For thirty genotypes tested across three field locations there was a range of mycorrhizal colonization intensity between 25 and 56%. In another experiment with two male-sterile lines, restorer lines and their derived crosses, grown in pots filled with non-sterilized soil there were significant differences between genotypes for colonization by mycorrhiza. This showed hostgenotype dependence for mycorrhizal colonization.Root growth rates, mycorrhizal root length, percentage root colonization and plant growth and P uptake were studied in ten genotypes. A set of 3 genotypes with similar root lengths varied significantly with regard to mycorrhizal root length and the percentage colonization. This supports the suggestion that VAM colonization and spread is dependent on the host genotype. The growth responses differed significantly between the genotypes and they also differed in their responses to P uptake and VAM inoculation. The utility of host-genotype dependent differences in VAM symbiosis in plant breeding is discussed.Journal Article No. 453  相似文献   
A mutation induced by ethylnitrosourea in a spermatogonial stem cell of a 101/H mouse has resulted in a structurally altered beta-diffuse major globin in one of his offspring. The mutant hemoglobin is associated with polycythemia, rubor, increased oxygen affinity and decreased hem-hem interaction. The mutant haplotype has been designated Hbbd4, polycythemia. Amino acid analysis of the mutant globin has shown that a single substitution beta 145 Tyr----Cys has occurred, and it is proposed that ethylnitrosourea induced an A----G transition in the tyrosine codon (TAC----TGC). This murine polycythemia is homologous with hemoglobin Rainier in man, in which the amino acid substitution is also beta 145 Tyr----Cys and which is associated with similar physiological consequences.  相似文献   
The composition of the outer membrane channels formed by the OmpF and OmpC porins is important in peptide permeation, and elimination of these proteins from the Escherichia coli outer membrane results in a cell in which the primary means for peptide permeation through this cell structure has been lost. E. coli peptide transport mutants which harbor defects in genes other than the ompF/ompC genes have been isolated on the basis of their resistance to toxic tripeptides. The genetic defects carried by these oligopeptide permease-negative (Opp-) strains were found to map in two distinct chromosomal locations. One opp locus was trp linked and mapped to the interval between att phi 80 and galU. Complementation studies with F'123 opp derivatives indicated that this peptide transport locus resembles that characterized in Salmonella typhimurium as a tetracistronic operon (B. G. Hogarth and C. F. Higgins, J. Bacteriol. 153:1548-1551, 1983). The second opp locus, which we have designated oppE, was mapped to the interval between dnaC and hsd at 98.5 min on the E. coli chromosome. The differences in peptide utilization, sensitivity and resistance to toxic peptides, and the L-[U-14C]alanyl-L-alanyl-L-alanine transport properties observed with these Opp-E. coli strains demonstrated that the transport systems encoded by the trp-linked opp genes and by the oppE gene(s) have different substrate preferences. Mutants harboring defects in both peptide transport loci defined in this study would not grow on nutritional peptides except for tri-L-methionine, were totally resistant to toxic peptides, and would not actively transport L-[U-14C]alanyl-L-alanyl-L-alanine.  相似文献   
Both glucagon and the structurally similar glucagon-like peptide proteolytically derived from preproglucagon were purified from the endocrine pancreas of the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctata). This study represents the first report of the isolation of glucagon-like peptide from any source. Peptide sequences of glucagon-like peptide from other species have only been deduced from the cDNA sequences for preproglucagon. The sequence of the 34-residue glucagon-like peptide was found to be HADGTYTSDVSSYLQDQAAKDFITWLKSGQPKPE. Catfish glucagon-like peptide shares sequence identity at 26 of 31 residues with the putative glucagon-like peptide from anglerfish preproglucagon II. The mass of catfish glucagon-like peptide was found by fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry to be 3785, identical with the value predicted by sequence analysis. This suggests that no post-translational modification occurs beyond proteolytic processing. The sequence of catfish glucagon was determined to be HSEGTFSNDYSKYLETRRAQDFVQWLM(N,S). Catfish glucagon exhibits a high degree of immunologic similarity with porcine glucagon by radioimmunoassay, whereas catfish glucagon-like peptide does not.  相似文献   
We have studied the interaction of purified FLP protein with restriction fragments from the substrate 2mu circle DNA of yeast. We find that FLP protects about 50 bp of DNA from nonspecific nuclease digestion. The protected site consists of two 13 bp inverted repeat sequences separated by an 8 bp spacer region. A third 13 bp element is also protected by binding of the FLP protein. We demonstrate that FLP introduces single- and double-strand breaks into the substrate DNA. This site-specific cleavage occurs at the margins of the spacer region, generating 8 bp 5' protruding ends with 5'-OH and 3'-protein-bound termini. Binding to mutant sites and half-sites demonstrates that the third symmetry element is not important for binding and cleavage by the FLP protein. The integrity of the core region is important for the cleavage activity of FLP.  相似文献   
Isolated cell preparations of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were utilized to examine the effect of ice encasement at −1°C and exposure to ethanol on metabolic and biochemical properties of cells. Following icing and ethanol treatments, passive efflux of amino acids increased gradually with duration of exposure to the stress, and closely paralleled the decline in viability of cells. In contrast, uptake of 86Rb declined much more rapidly than viability following exposure to icing or ethanol. Electron spin resonance spectroscopy studies revealed no significant change in molecular ordering within the cell membranes following icing or exposure to ethanol, whereas a small but significant increase in order was detected in the noniced controls. O2 consumption by isolated cells declined only gradually due to icing and ethanol treatments, and remained relatively high even when cell viability was severely reduced. These results indicate that the plasma membrane is a primary site of injury during ice encasement and that damage to the ion transport system is the earliest manifestation of this injury.  相似文献   
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