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The gene encoding L-rhamnose isomerase (L-RhI) from Pseudomonas stutzeri was cloned into Escherichia coli and sequenced. A sequence analysis of the DNA responsible for the L-RhI gene revealed an open reading frame of 1,290 bp coding for a protein of 430 amino acid residues with a predicted molecular mass of 46,946 Da. A comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence with sequences in relevant databases indicated that no significant homology has previously been identified. An amino acid sequence alignment, however, suggested that the residues involved in the active site of L-RhI from E. coli are conserved in that from P. stutzeri. The L-RhI gene was then overexpressed in E. coli cells under the control of the T5 promoter. The recombinant clone, E. coli JM109, produced significant levels of L-RhI activity, with a specific activity of 140 U/mg and a volumetric yield of 20,000 U of soluble enzyme per liter of medium. This reflected a 20-fold increase in the volumetric yield compared to the value for the intrinsic yield. The recombinant L-RhI protein was purified to apparent homogeneity on the basis of three-step chromatography. The purified recombinant enzyme showed a single band with an estimated molecular weight of 42,000 in a sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel. The overall enzymatic properties of the purified recombinant L-RhI protein were the same as those of the authentic one, as the optimal activity was measured at 60 degrees C within a broad pH range from 5.0 to 11.0, with an optimum at pH 9.0.  相似文献   
We have evaluated the sizes and lifetimes of rafts in the plasma membrane from the existing literature, with a special attention paid to their intrinsically broad distributions and the limited time and space scales that are covered by the observation methods used for these studies. Distinguishing the rafts in the steady state (reserve rafts) from those after stimulation or unintentional crosslinking of raft molecules (stabilized receptor-cluster rafts) is critically important. In resting cells, the rafts appear small and unstable, and the consensus now is that their sizes are smaller than the optical diffraction limit (250 nm). Upon stimulation, the raft-preferring receptors are clustered, inducing larger, stabilized rafts, probably by coalescing small, unstable rafts or cholesterol-glycosphingolipid complexes in the receptor clusters. This receptor-cluster-induced conversion of raft types may be caused by suppression of alkyl chain isomerization and the lipid lateral diffusion in the cluster, with the aid of exclusion of cholesterol from the bulk domain and the boundary region of the majority of transmembrane proteins. We critically inspected the possible analogy to the boundary lipid concept. Finally, we propose a hypothesis for the coupling of GPI-anchored receptor signals with lipid-anchored signaling molecules in the inner-leaflet raft.  相似文献   
Androgenesis, development from paternal but not maternal chromosomes, can be induced in some organisms including fish, but has not been induced previously in mollusk. In this study we investigated the induction of haploid androgenesis in the Pacific oyster by ultraviolet irradiation and observed nuclear behavior in the androgenetic eggs. Irradiation for 90 seconds at a UV intensity of 72 erg/mm2 per second (6480 erg/mm2) was the optimal dose to achieve haploid androgenesis. The fertilization and development rates of D-shaped larvae decreased with increasing exposure time, and the development of the genetically inactivated eggs terminated before reaching the D-shaped stage. Cytologic observations showed that UV irradiation did not affect germinal vesicle breakdown or chromosomal condensation but caused various nuclear behavioral patterns during meiosis and first mitosis: 21.7% of eggs extruded all maternal chromosomes as 2 or 3 polar bodies, and 59.1% of eggs formed one female pronucleus. The maternally derived nucleus did not participate, or partially participated, in the first karyokinesis. The cytologic evidence demonstrates that the male genome is directing development in haploids produced by UV irradiation.  相似文献   
Studying cell functions for cellomics studies often requires the use of purified individual cells from mixtures of various kinds of cells. We have developed a new non-destructive on-chip cell sorting system for single cell based cultivation, by exploiting the advantage of microfluidics and electrostatic force. The system consists of the following two parts: a cell sorting chip made of poly-dimethylsiloxane (PDMS) on a 0.2-mm-thick glass slide, and an image analysis system with a phase-contrast/fluorescence microscope. The unique features of our system include (i) identification of a target from sample cells is achieved by comparison of the 0.2-μm-resolution phase-contrast and fluorescence images of cells in the microchannel every 1/30 s; (ii) non-destructive sorting of target cells in a laminar flow by application of electrostatic repulsion force for removing unrequited cells from the one laminar flow to the other; (iii) the use of agar gel for electrodes in order to minimize the effect on cells by electrochemical reactions of electrodes, and (iv) pre-filter, which was fabricated within the channel for removal of dust contained in a sample solution from tissue extracts. The sorting chip is capable of continuous operation and we have purified more than ten thousand cells for cultivation without damaging them. Our design has proved to be very efficient and suitable for the routine use in cell purification experiments.  相似文献   
Composition and structure of the centromeric region of rice chromosome 8   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Understanding the organization of eukaryotic centromeres has both fundamental and applied importance because of their roles in chromosome segregation, karyotypic stability, and artificial chromosome-based cloning and expression vectors. Using clone-by-clone sequencing methodology, we obtained the complete genomic sequence of the centromeric region of rice (Oryza sativa) chromosome 8. Analysis of 1.97 Mb of contiguous nucleotide sequence revealed three large clusters of CentO satellite repeats (68.5 kb of 155-bp repeats) and >220 transposable element (TE)-related sequences; together, these account for approximately 60% of this centromeric region. The 155-bp repeats were tandemly arrayed head to tail within the clusters, which had different orientations and were interrupted by TE-related sequences. The individual 155-bp CentO satellite repeats showed frequent transitions and transversions at eight nucleotide positions. The 40 TE elements with highly conserved sequences were mostly gypsy-type retrotransposons. Furthermore, 48 genes, showing high BLAST homology to known proteins or to rice full-length cDNAs, were predicted within the region; some were close to the CentO clusters. We then performed a genome-wide survey of the sequences and organization of CentO and RIRE7 families. Our study provides the complete sequence of a centromeric region from either plants or animals and likely will provide insight into the evolutionary and functional analysis of plant centromeres.  相似文献   
Although the sex-determining genes are known in mammals, Drosophila, and C. elegans, little is known in other animals. Fishes are an attractive group of organisms for studying the evolution of sex determination because they show an amazing variety of mechanisms, ranging from environmental sex determination and different forms of hermaphroditism to classical sex chromosomal XX/XY or WZ/ZZ systems and modifications thereof. In the fish medaka, dmrt1b(Y) has recently been found to be the candidate male sex-determining gene. It is a duplicate of the autosomal dmrt1a gene, a gene acting in the sex determination/differentiation cascade of flies, worms, and mammals. Because in birds dmrt1 is located on the Z-chromosome, both findings led to the suggestion that dmrt1b(Y) is a "non-mammalian Sry" with an even more widespread distribution. However, although Sry was found to be the male sex-determining gene in the mouse and some other mammalian species, in some it is absent and has obviously been replaced by other genes that now fulfil the same function. We have asked if the same might be true of the dmrt1b(Y) gene. We find that the gene duplication generating dmrt1b(Y) occurred recently during the evolution of the genus Oryzias. The gene is absent from all other fish species studied. Therefore, it may not be the male-sex determining gene in all fishes.  相似文献   
Analogues of endomorphin-2 (EM-2: Tyr-Pro-Phe-Phe-NH(2)) (1) were designed to examine the importance of each residue on mu-opioid receptor interaction. Replacement of Tyr(1) by 2',6'-dimethyl-L-tyrosine (Dmt) (9-12) exerted profound effects: [Dmt(1)]EM-2 (9) elevated mu-opioid affinity 4.6-fold (K(i mu=0.15 nM) yet selectivity fell 330-fold as delta-affinity rose (K(i)delta=28.2 nM). This simultaneous increased mu- and delta-receptor bioactivities resulted in dual agonism (IC(50)=0.07 and 1.87 nM, respectively). While substitution of Phe(4) by a phenethyl group (4) decreased mu affinity (K(i)mu=13.3 nM), the same derivative containing Dmt (12) was comparable to EM-2 but also acquired weak delta antagonism (pA(2)=7.05). 1H NMR spectroscopy revealed a trans configuration (1:2 to 1:3, cis/trans) in the Tyr-Pro amide bond, but a cis configuration (5:3 to 13:7, cis/trans) with Dmt-Pro analogues.  相似文献   
Modifications to the cell wall of developing and ripening tomato fruit are mediated by cell wall-degrading enzymes, including a beta-d-xylosidase or alpha-l-arabinofuranosidase, which participate in the breakdown of xylans and/or arabinoxylans. The activity of both enzymes was highest during early fruit growth, before decreasing during later development and ripening. Two beta-d-xylosidase cDNAs, designated LeXYL1 and LeXYL2, and an alpha-l-arabinofuranosidase cDNA, designated LeARF1, were obtained. Accumulation of mRNAs for beta-d-xylosidase and alpha-l-arabinofuranosidase was examined during fruit development and ripening. LeARF1 and LeXYL2 genes were relatively highly expressed during fruit development and decreased after the onset of ripening. By contrast, LeXYL1 was not expressed during fruit development, but was expressed later, particularly during over-ripening. The expression of all three genes was also followed in ripening-impaired mutants, Nr, Nr2, nor, and rin of cv. Ailsa Craig fruit. LeXYL2 mRNA was detected in the ripe fruits of all the mutants and its abundance was similar to that in mature green wild-type fruit. By contrast, LEXYL1 mRNA was expressed only in the ripe fruits of the Nr mutant, suggesting that the two beta-d-xylosidase genes are subject to distinct regulatory control during fruit development and ripening. LeARF1 mRNA was detected in ripe fruits of Nr2, nor and rin, and not in ripe fruit of the Nr mutant. The accumulation of LeARF1 in ripe fruit was restored by 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), an inhibitor of ethylene action, while 1-MCP had no effect on the expression of LeXYL1 or LeXYL2. This suggests that LeARF1 expression is subject to negative regulation by ethylene and that the two beta-d-xylosidase genes are independent of ethylene action.  相似文献   
Rho-kinase and myosin phosphatase are implicated in the phosphorylation-state of myosin light chain downstream of Rho, which is thought to induce smooth muscle contraction and stress fibre formation in non-muscle cells. Here, we found that microtubule-associated proteins, Tau and MAP2, interacted with the myosin-binding subunit (MBS) of myosin phosphatase, and were the possible substrates of both Rho-kinase and myosin phosphatase. We determined the phosphorylation sites of Tau (Thr245, Thr377, Ser409) and MAP2 (Ser1796) by Rho-kinase. We also found that Rho-kinase phosphorylated Tau at Ser262 to some extent. Phosphorylation by Rho-kinase decreased the activity of Tau to promote microtubule assembly in vitro. Substitutions of Ala for Ser/Thr at the phosphorylation sites of Tau (Tau-AAA) did not affect the activity to promote microtubule assembly, while substitutions of Asp for Ser/Thr (Tau-DDD), which are expected to mimic the phosphorylation-state of Tau, slightly reduced the activity. When Tau, or mutated forms of Tau, were expressed in PC12 cells, followed by treatment with cytochalasin D, they promoted extension of the cell process in a cytochalasin-dependent manner. However, Tau-DDD showed the weaker activity in this capacity than wild-type Tau or Tau-AAA. These results suggest that the phosphorylation-state of these residues of Tau affects its activity both in vitro and in vivo. Thus, it is likely that the Rho-kinase/MBS pathway regulates not only the actin-myosin system but also microtubule dynamics.  相似文献   
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