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Excitation spectra of chlorophyll a fluorescence and absorptionspectra of the thalli of Ulva japonica and Ulva pertusa werestudied at room temperature. Both the fluorescence excitationspectrum and absorption spectrum of the former showed a characteristicbroad peak at 540 nm, which those of the latter lacked. It wasinferred that siphonaxanthin in the former efficiently transferredits excitation energy to chlorophyll a. 1 Contributions from the Shimoda Marine Research Center, No.312. (Received August 30, 1976; )  相似文献   
NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (complex I) plays a central role in cellular energy metabolism, and its dysfunction is found in numerous human mitochondrial diseases. Although the understanding of its structure and function has been limited, the x-ray crystal structure of the hydrophilic part of Thermus thermophilus complex I recently became available. It revealed the localization of all redox centers, including 9 iron-sulfur clusters and their coordinating ligands, and confirmed the predictions mostly made by Ohnishi et al. (Ohnishi, T., and Nakamaru-Ogiso, E. (2008) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1777, 703-710) based on various EPR studies. Recently, Yakovlev et al. (Yakovlev, G., Reda, T., and Hirst, J. (2007) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 104, 12720-12725) claimed that the EPR signals from clusters N4, N5, and N6b were misassigned. Here we identified and characterized cluster N5 in the Escherichia coli complex I whose EPR signals had never been detected by any group. Using homologous recombination, we constructed mutant strains of H101A, H101C, H101A/C114A, and cluster N5 knock-out. Although mutant NuoEFG subcomplexes were dissociated from complex I, we successfully recovered these mutant NuoCDEFG subcomplexes by expressing the His-tagged NuoCD subunit, which had a high affinity to NuoG. The W221A mutant was used as a control subcomplex carrying wild-type clusters. By lowering temperatures to around 3 K, we finally succeeded in detecting cluster N5 signals in the control for the first time. However, no cluster N5 signals were found in any of the N5 mutants, whereas EPR signals from all other clusters were detected. These data confirmed that, contrary to the misassignment claim, cluster N5 has a unique coordination with His(Cys)(3) ligands in NuoG.  相似文献   
Genetic analysis of muscle specification, formation and function in model systems has provided valuable insight into human muscle physiology and disease. Studies in Drosophila have been particularly useful for discovering key genes involved in muscle specification, myoblast fusion, and sarcomere organization. The muscles of the Drosophila female reproductive system have received little attention despite extensive work on oogenesis. We have used newly available GFP protein trap lines to characterize of ovarian muscle morphology and sarcomere organization. The muscle cells surrounding the oviducts are multinuclear with highly organized sarcomeres typical of somatic muscles. In contrast, the two muscle layers of the ovary, which are derived from gonadal mesoderm, have a mesh-like morphology similar to gut visceral muscle. Protein traps in the Fasciclin 3 gene produced Fas3::GFP that localized in dots around the periphery of epithelial sheath cells, the muscle surrounding ovarioles. Surprisingly, the epithelial sheath cells each contain a single nucleus, indicating these cells do not undergo myoblast fusion during development. Consistent with this observation, we were able to use the Flp/FRT system to efficiently generate genetic mosaics in the epithelial sheath, suggesting these cells provide a new opportunity for clonal analysis of adult striated muscle.  相似文献   
Interferon (IFN)-γ and interleukin (IL)-4 regulate many types of immune responses. Here we report that acidic glycosphingolipids (AGLs) of Hypsizigus marmoreus and Pleurotus eryngii induced secretion of IFN- γ and IL-4 from T cells in a CD11c-positive cell-dependent manner similar to that of α-galactosylceramide (α-GalCer) and isoglobotriaosylceramide (iGb3), although activated T cells by AGLs showed less secretion of cytokine than those activated by α-GalCer. In addition, stimulation of these mushroom AGLs induced proliferation of NK1.1 α/β TCR-double positive cells in splenocytes. Administration of a mixture of α-GalCer and AGLs affected the stimulation of α-GalCer and generally induced a subtle Th1 bias for splenocytes but induced an extreme Th2 bias for thymocytes. These results suggested that edible mushroom AGLs contribute to immunomodulation.  相似文献   
Cell wall and soluble polysaccharides that reacted with Trichosporon domesticum factor III serum were isolated from the type strain of T. domesticum. The fractions contained O-acetyl groups, which contributed to the serological reactivity. The antigenic structure was characterized by chromatographic and spectroscopic methods. The polysaccharide has an α-(1→3)- -mannan backbone with hetero-oligosaccharide side chains consisting of a 2-O-substituted β- -glucuronic acid residue bound to O-2 of the mannose residue, β- -xylopyranosyl residues located in the middle of the side chain, and a nonreducing terminal α- -arabinopyranosyl residue bound to O-4 of xylose. The mannan backbone is O-acetylated at O-6 of the mannose residues.  相似文献   
The lipophilic yeast Malassezia, a member of the cutaneous microflora, is an exacerbating factor in atopic dermatitis (AD). Of the 11 currently recognized species, M. globosa and M. restricta are found to frequently colonize the skin of AD patients. In this study, we attempted to quantify specific IgE antibodies against eight Malassezia species, namely, M. dermatitis, M. furfur, M. globosa, M. obtusa, M. pachydermatis, M. slooffiae, M. sympodialis, and M. restricta, in sera from AD patients by using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The specific IgE value against M. restricta was greater than those against other Malassezia species. Competitive ELISA inhibition tests revealed that M. restricta contained species specific as well as shared antigens. Therefore, M. restricta could be considered as a candidate diagnostic antigen for detecting anti-Malassezia IgE in sera from AD patients.  相似文献   
Lamellar bodies (LBs) are tubulovesicular secretory organelles of epithelial cells related to lysosomes. In the epidermis, they play a crucial role in permeability barrier homeostasis, secreting their contents, lipids, a variety of hydrolases, protease inhibitors, and antimicrobial peptides, in the upper keratinocyte layers. The identification of proteins transported in epidermal LBs is still far from complete, and the way their secretion is controlled unknown. In this study, we describe the first proteomics characterization by nano-LC-MS/MS of a fraction enriched in epidermal LBs. We identified 984 proteins, including proteins known or thought to be secreted by LBs. Moreover 31 proteins corresponded to lysosomal components further suggesting that LBs are a new class of secretory lysosomes. Many of the newly found proteins could play a role in the epidermal barrier and desquamation (one acid ceramidase-like protein, apolipoproteins, glycosidases, protease inhibitors, and peptidases) and in LB trafficking (e.g. Rab, Arf, and motor complex proteins). We focus here on CLIP-170/restin, a protein that mediates interactions between organelles and microtubules. Western blotting confirmed the presence of CLIP-170 and its known effectors IQGAP1 and Cdc42 in the LB-enriched fraction. We showed, by confocal microscopy analysis of skin cryosections, that CLIP-170 was expressed in differentiated keratinocytes, first at the periphery of the nucleus then with a granular cytoplasmic labeling evocative of LBs. It was preferentially co-localized with Cdc42 and with the known LB protein cathepsin D. CLIP-170 was also largely co-localized with Rab7. This study strongly suggests a new function for CLIP-170, its involvement together with Cdc42 and/or Rab7 in the intracellular trafficking of LBs, and provides evidence that nano-LC-MS/MS combined with monodimensional electrophoresis separation constitutes a powerful method for identifying proteins in a complex mixture such as subcellular structures.  相似文献   
Galectin-1 (Gal-1), a member of the beta-galactoside-binding animal lectin family, has a wide range of biological activities, which makes it an attractive target for medical applications. Unlike other galectins, Gal-1 is susceptible to oxidation at cysteine residues, which is troublesome for in vitro/vivo studies. To overcome this problem, we prepared a cysteine-less mutant of Gal-1 (CSGal-1) by substituting all cysteine residues with serine residues. In the case of wild-type Gal-1, the formation of covalent dimers/oligomers was evident after 10 days of storage in the absence of a reducing agent with a concomitant decrease in hemagglutination activity, while CSGal-1 did not form multimers and retained full hemagglutination activity after 400 days of storage. Frontal affinity chromatography showed that the sugar-binding specificity and affinity of Gal-1 for model glycans were barely affected by the mutagenesis. Gal-1 is known to induce cell signaling leading to an increase in the intracytoplasmic calcium concentration and to cell death. CSGal-1 is also capable of inducing calcium flux and growth inhibition in Jurkat cells, which are comparable to or more potent than those induced by Gal-1. The X-ray structure of the CSGal-1/lactose complex has been determined. The structure of CSGal-1 is almost identical to that of wild-type human Gal-1, showing that the amino acid substitutions do not affect the overall structure or carbohydrate-binding site structure of the protein. These results indicate that CSGal-1 can serve as a stable substitute for Gal-1.  相似文献   
Selective cyclooxygenase-2 non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are known to inhibit bone repair, especially when long-term administration is required due to chronicle inflammatory diseases. In order to evaluate the action of this drug in bone repair during short-term administration, 48 rats underwent surgical bone defects in their tibias, being randomly distributed into three groups: (Group 1) negative control; (Group 2) animals treated with celecoxib, and (Group 3) animals treated with ketoprofen, both experimental groups at 1 mg/kg dose, beginning 1 h before the surgical procedure and after every 12 h for the following 3 days, or until the day of sacrifice. The animals were killed after 48 h, 7, 14, and 21 days. The tibias were removed for morphological, morphometric, and immunohistochemistry analysis for COX-2. No statistical significant differences were observed in the quality of bone repair and quantity of formed bone among the groups. COX-2 immunoreactivity of the celecoxib treated specimens was more intense in the first analyzed period, and no longer observed in the periods of 14 and 21 days. Such results suggest that the administration of the analyzed drugs in short periods does not interfere with the process of bone repair in the tibia of rats.  相似文献   
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