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Nuclear sequence markers are useful tool for the study of the history of populations and adaptation. However, it is not easy to obtain multiple nuclear primers for organisms with poor or no genomic sequence information. Here we used the genomes of organisms that have been fully sequenced to design comprehensive sets of primers to amplify polymorphic genomic fragments of multiple nuclear genes in non-sequenced organisms. First, we identified a large number of candidate polymorphic regions that were flanked on each side by conserved regions in the reference genomes. We then designed primers based on these conserved sequences and examined whether the primers could be used to amplify sequences in target species, montane brown frog (Rana ornativentris), anole lizard (Anolis sagrei), guppy (Poecilia reticulata), and fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster), for population genetic analysis. We successfully obtained polymorphic markers for all target species studied. In addition, we found that sequence identities of the regions between the primer sites in the reference genomes affected the experimental success of DNA amplification and identification of polymorphic loci in the target genomes, and that exonic primers had a higher success rate than intronic primers in amplifying readable sequences. We conclude that this comparative genomic approach is a time- and cost-effective way to obtain polymorphic markers for non-sequenced organisms, and that it will contribute to the further development of evolutionary ecology and population genetics for non-sequenced organisms, aiding in the understanding of the genetic basis of adaptation.  相似文献   
Sperm chromatin remodeling after oocyte entry is the essential step that initiates embryogenesis. This reaction involves the removal of sperm-specific basic proteins and chromatin assembly with histones. In mammals, three nucleoplasmin/nucleophosmin (NPM) family proteins-NPM1, NPM2 and NPM3-expressed in oocytes are presumed to cooperatively regulate sperm chromatin remodeling. We characterized the sperm chromatin decondensation and nucleosome assembly activities of three human NPM proteins. NPM1 and NPM2 mediated nucleosome assembly independently of other NPM proteins, whereas the function of NPM3 was largely dependent on formation of a complex with NPM1. Maximal sperm chromatin remodeling activity of NPM2 required the inhibition of its non-specific nucleic acid-binding activity by phosphorylation. Furthermore, the oligomer formation with NPM1 elicited NPM3 nucleosome assembly and sperm chromatin decondensation activity. NPM3 also suppressed the RNA-binding activity of NPM1, which enhanced the nucleoplasm-nucleolus shuttling of NPM1 in somatic cell nuclei. Our results proposed a novel mechanism whereby three NPM proteins cooperatively regulate chromatin disassembly and assembly in the early embryo and in somatic cells.  相似文献   
Human telomeric repeat binding factor 2 (hTRF2) is a protein that plays an important role in capping human telomeres to protect them from DNA damage repair systems. The ineffectiveness of hTRF2 may be linked to aging and cancer. We report the use of PLIMSTEX (protein-ligand interactions by mass spectrometry, titration, and H/D exchange) and selective acetylation of lysine residues to study the interaction of the DNA-binding domain and double-stranded telomeric DNA (repeats of TTAGGG). By increasing the resolution of PLIMSTEX to the peptide level, we localized the changes in deuterium uptake of hTRF2 as a function of varying amounts of a model oligodeoxynucleotide. From these experiments, we determined the affinity constant for binding to DNA, which is within a factor of 3 of the previously reported value. Amide H/D exchange revealed portions of the protein that have contacts with the phosphate backbone of DNA, whereas acetylation disclosed the decrease in solvent accessibility of regions containing Lys 447 and 488, which must be involved in interactions with the DNA major and minor grooves. These complementary approaches of amide H/D exchange and selective side chain modification can be employed effectively to pinpoint and quantify protein-ligand, in particular protein-DNA, interactions.  相似文献   
Prokaryotic organisms preferentially utilize less energetically costly amino acids in highly expressed genes. Studies have shown that the proteome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae also exhibits this behavior, but only in broad terms. This study examines the question of metabolic efficiency as a proteome-shaping force at a finer scale, examining whether trends consistent with cost minimization as an evolutionary force are present independent of protein function and amino acid physicochemical property, and consistently with respect to amino acid biosynthetic costs. Inverse correlations between the average amino acid biosynthetic cost of the protein product and the levels of gene expression in S. cerevisiae are consistent with natural selection to minimize costs. There are, however, patterns of amino acid usage that raise questions about the strength (and possibly the universality) of this selective force in shaping S. cerevisiae’s proteome.  相似文献   
Super-growing roots (superroots; SR), which have been established in the legume species Lotus corniculatus, are a fast-growing root culture that allows continuous root cloning, direct somatic embryogenesis and mass regeneration of plants under entirely growth regulator-free culture conditions. These features are unique for non-hairy root cultures, and they are now stably expressed since the culture was isolated more than 10 years ago (1997). Attempts to achieve direct and stable transformation of SR turned out to be unsuccessful. Making use of the supple regeneration plasticity of SR, we are reporting here an indirect transformation protocol. Leaf explants, derived from plants regenerated from SR, were inoculated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 harboring the binary vector pBI121, which contains the neomycin phosphotransferase II (NPTII) and beta-glucuronidase (GUS) genes as selectable and visual markers, respectively. After co-cultivation, the explants were selected on solidified MS medium with 0.5mg/L benzylamino purine (BAP), 100mg/L kanamycin and 250mg/L cefotaxime. Kanamycin-resistant calli were transferred to liquid rooting medium. The newly regenerated, kanamycin-resistant roots were harvested and SR cultures re-established, which exhibited all the characteristics of the original SR. Furthermore, kanamycin-resistant roots cultured onto solidified MS medium supplemented with 0.5mg/L BAP produced plants at the same rate as control SR. Six months after gene transfer, PCR analysis and histochemical locating indicated that the NPTII gene was integrated into the genome and that the GUS gene was regularly expressed in leaves, roots and nodules, respectively. The protocol makes it now possible to produce transformed SR and nodules as well as transgenic plants from transformed SR.  相似文献   
The life cycle of calicivirus is not fully understood because most of the viruses cannot be propagated in tissue culture cells. We studied the mechanism of calicivirus entry into cells using feline calicivirus (FCV), a cultivable calicivirus. From the cDNA library of Crandell-Rees feline kidney (CRFK) cells, feline junctional adhesion molecule 1 (JAM-1), an immunoglobulin-like protein present in tight junctions, was identified as a cellular-binding molecule of the FCV F4 strain, a prototype strain in Japan. Feline JAM-1 expression in nonpermissive hamster lung cells led to binding and infection by F4 and all other strains tested. An anti-feline JAM-1 antibody reduced the binding of FCV to permissive CRFK cells and strongly suppressed the cytopathic effect (CPE) and FCV progeny production in infected cells. Some strains of FCV, such as F4 and F25, have the ability to replicate in Vero cells. We found that regardless of replication ability, FCV bound to Vero and 293T cells via simian and human JAM-1, respectively. In Vero cells, an anti-human JAM-1 antibody inhibited binding, CPE, and progeny production by F4 and F25. In addition, feline JAM-1 expression permitted FCV infection in 293T cells. Taken together, our results demonstrate that feline JAM-1 is a functional receptor for FCV, simian JAM-1 also functions as a receptor for some strains of FCV, and the interaction between FCV and JAM-1 molecules may be a determinant of viral tropism. This is the first report concerning a functional receptor for the viruses in the family Caliciviridae.  相似文献   
The mechanisms by which endotoxemia causes cardiac depression have not been fully elucidated. The present study examined the involvement of nitric oxide (NO) in this pathology. Rats were infused with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or saline, and the plasma and myocardial NO(2)(-) and NO(3)(-) (NOx) concentrations were measured before or 3, 6, and 24 h after treatment. The hearts were then immediately isolated and mounted in a Langendorff apparatus, and left ventricular developed pressure (LVDP) was determined before biochemical analysis of the myocardium. LPS injection effected the expression of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) in the myocardium, a marked increase in plasma and myocardial NOx levels, and a significant decline in LVDP compared with saline controls. The LPS-induced NO production and concomitant cardiac depression were most pronounced 6 h after LPS injection and were accompanied by a significant increase in myocardial cGMP content. Myocardial ATP levels were not significantly altered after LPS injection. Significant negative correlation was observed between LVDP and myocardial cGMP content, as well as between LVDP and plasma NOx levels. Aminoguanidine, an inhibitor of iNOS, significantly attenuated the LPS-induced NOx production and contractile dysfunction. Furthermore, 1H-[1,2,4]oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one, an inhibitor of soluble guanylate cyclase, significantly decreased myocardial cGMP content and attenuated the contractile depression, although aminoguanidine or 1H-[1,2,4]oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one was not able to completely reverse myocardial dysfunction. Our data suggest that endotoxin-induced contractile dysfunction in rat hearts is associated with NO production by myocardial iNOS and a concomitant increase in myocardial cGMP.  相似文献   
We have established an efficient particle-bombardment transformation protocol for the diploid non-apomictic genotype of the warm season forage crop Paspalum notatum (bahiagrass). A vector containing a herbicide resistance gene (bar) together with the GUS reporter gene was used in transformation experiments. The bar gene confers resistance to the herbicide bialaphos. An improved culture system, highly regenerative callus, dense in compact polyembryogenic clusters, was produced on medium with a high CuSO4 content at elevated temperature. Target tissue (360 calli) produced under these conditions yielded 52 rooted plants on herbicide-containing medium, and 22 of these plants were PCR-positive. DNA gel blot analysis revealed a copy number of 1-5 for the GUS gene in different independent transformants. There was no correlation between copy number and GUS activity. While conventional cultures yielded exclusively albino plants on herbicide-containing medium, improved culture conditions for the target tissue resulted in the recovery of 100% green transgenic plants. All green herbicide-resistant regenerants were morphological normal and fertile.  相似文献   
12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), a phorbol ester that is known as a tumor promoter, induces differentiation of myeloid cells and suppresses their proliferation. We studied the regulation of apoptosis by TPA in human monocytic cell line U937 cells that lack p53. Untreated U937 cells constitutively underwent apoptosis, and TPA enhanced apoptosis in these cells. Further studies showed that TPA increased production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha) in U937 cells, and exogenously added TNFalpha induced apoptosis. Moreover, the induction of apoptosis by TPA was blocked by anti-TNFalpha antibody. Similar results were obtained in the myeloblastic cell line KY821 cells. We also found that the induction of apoptosis by TPA was increased in cells overexpressed with TNF receptor 1 but not in control cells. Furthermore, TPA failed to induce the production of TNFalpha and apoptosis in cells with either their protein kinase C or mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway blocked. Our results indicate that TPA induces apoptosis, at least in part, through a pathway that requires endogenous production of TNFalpha in U937 cells. Our data also suggest that the induction of apoptosis by TPA occurs through activation of protein kinase C and mitogen-activated protein kinase and TNFalpha is an autocrine-stimulating factor for the induction of apoptosis in these cells.  相似文献   
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