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李智  何瑞荣 《生理学报》1989,41(4):328-337
对81只麻醉兔,在静脉注射新福林和硝普钠升降血压而改变动脉压力感受器活动的条件下,观察心率,后肢血管阻力和肾交感神经活动的反射性变化。主要结果如下:(1) 由新福林升高血压时,心率减慢、后肢血管阻力降低和肾交感神经活动抑制;硝普钠降低血压时引起相反效应。各指标的反射性变化有良好的可重复性。(2) 切断两侧减压神经或切断两侧窦神经后,静注新福林和硝普钠诱发的心率反射性变化均显著减弱(P<0.01);切断两侧减压神经较切断两侧窦神经后减弱得更为明显,其中对于新福林升压时的心率减慢反应差异显著(P<(0.05)。相反,对于新福林和硝普钠引起的后肢血管阻力反射性变化,与缓冲神经部分切断之前相比无明显差异;在对照肾交感神经活动已增高的基础上,硝普钠降压时肾交感神经活动的反射性兴奋效应降低,而新福林升压时的肾交感神经活动反射性抑制效应与神经切断前相比无明显差异。(3) 缓冲神经全部切断(SAD)后,新福林和硝普钠引起的平均动脉血压(MAP)变动幅度显著增大(P<0.05)。此时心率、后肢血管阻力和肾交感神经活动的反射调节效应均明显减弱(P<0.001)。(4) 进一步切断两侧迷走神经后,残留的反射效应即行消失。 以上结果表明,颈动脉窦和主动脉弓压力感受器传入以单纯相加的方式对心率进行反射性调节,以主  相似文献   
在大鼠牵拉心房和急性扩张血容量所致的肾效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵工  何瑞荣 《生理学报》1987,39(5):471-477
在28只麻醉大鼠,观察了牵拉心房和急性扩容时的肾效应。用5—7g的砝码牵拉大鼠右心房30min(n=6)时,尿量、尿钠和尿钾分别增加98%、127%和59%;牵拉左心房(n=4)所致的肾效应与牵拉右心房的基本相同。切断双侧迷走神经后,牵拉右心房的肾效应无明显改变。在切断迷走神经的大鼠,观察了双线结扎右心耳对急性扩容后肾效应的影响。急性扩容在假手术大鼠引起明显的利尿、钠尿和钾尿效应(P<0.01);而结扎右心耳的大鼠,钠尿效应约为假手术大鼠的一半,但尿量和尿钾排泄量与假手术组无明显异差。上述肾效应不受切断迷走神经的影响,因此不是通过容量感受性反射引起的。根据以上结果,我们推测,牵拉心房或急性扩容引起的尿量、尿铜和尿钾的增多,可能是心房钠尿因子释放增多所致,而结扎右心耳则导致释放入血流的心房钠尿因子减少。  相似文献   
The present work reports the isolation and characterization of new polymorphic microsatellites in mung bean (Vigna radiata L.). Of 93 designed primer pairs, seven were found to amplify polymorphic microsatellite loci, which were then characterized using 34 mung bean accessions. The number of alleles ranged from two to five alleles per locus with an average of three alleles. Observed and expected heterozygosity values ranged from 0 to 0.088 and from 0.275 to 0.683, respectively. All seven loci showed significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, whereas only one pairwise combination (GBssr‐MB77 and GBssr‐MB91) exhibited significant departure from linkage disequilibrium. These newly developed markers are currently being utilized for diversity assessment within the mung bean germplasm collection of the Korean Gene Bank.  相似文献   
BANGERTH  F.; HO  L. C. 《Annals of botany》1984,53(3):315-320
The position of fruits in a truss and the induction sequenceof fruit set has been examined for the effects on the finalsize of parthenocarpic fruits in tomato. Fruits at two developmentalstages were examined to measure the change of d. wt and theimport of 14C leaf assimilates. The sequence of induction largely determined the import rateinto fruits of the same truss and first-induced fruits are thereforelarger within the same truss. The position of fruits in thetruss modifies the extent of this ‘primigen dominance’effect. Possible mechanisms for this dominance phenomenon arediscussed. Position, set sequence, size, fruit, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill  相似文献   
本文是根据1962—1964年部分调查研究资料整理而成的。文中列出了83种水生维管束植物(以下简称水生植物)的名录,比较了全湖21个采集断面、3个植物带和17个植物群丛以及长江中下游6个浅水湖泊水生植物的生物量,分析了东湖两个断面(Ⅻ和ⅪⅡ)的生物量的周年变化和湖中不同水深区的生物量变化情况。全湖面积为28.5平方公里。8月是生物量的高峰期,平均每平方米的生物量为1,068.1克(湿重)或94.8克(风干重)或82克(烘干重)或322千卡(能量)。其中,以黄丝草所占的比例为最大,其次为大茨藻、聚草、黑藻和金鱼藻。全湖水生植物的年生产量为30,440吨(湿重)或2,337吨(烘干重)或9×109千卡(能量),连同浮游植物(16×109千卡)一起,则东湖全年的原初生产量为25×109千卡,其中水生植物约占总原初生产量的36%。本文最后讨论了水生植物在湖泊渔业上的合理利用问题,提出了草食性鱼种放养量的计算公式和合理利用水生植物资源的建议。    相似文献   
HO  L. C.; PEEL  A. J. 《Annals of botany》1969,33(4):743-751
Autoradiographic techniques have been used to investigate thetransport of 14C-assimilates and 32P-phosphate in relation tophyllotaxis and age of leaves in Salix viminalis. The leavesborne on the young shoots of S. viminalis are arranged in fiveorthostichies. Three of these orthostichies share one main transportchannel, a second channel being shared by the leaves on theremaining two orthostichies. Where two orthostichies are separatedby an angular distance of 72°, transport may occur betweenleaves on these orthostichies. In addition to the phyllotaxis of the leafy shoot, it has beendemonstrated that the age of the leaf is a factor which determinesthe distribution of materials between leaves.  相似文献   
The volume and composition of the endosperm apoplast of thedeveloping wheat grain, comprising endosperm cavity and intercellularfree-space, was examined in relation to kernel growth rate andsize. Samples of the cavity sap were collected by centrifugationof kernels during the linear phase of grain growth. The cavitysap contained 10–50 mM sucrose, a small amount of hexosesbut a high concentration of oligosaccharides (up to 9 timesthat of sucrose). In comparing cvs Yandilla King and Cleveland,high growth rate was associated with high cavity sap sucroseconcentration but with low K+ concentration. K+ concentrationin the endosperm cells (124 mM) was about 5 times higher thanin the cavity sap (10–40 mM). Cavity sap pH was 6.3–6.6.The uptake of sucrose by endosperm cells was partly inhibitedby PCMBS, an inhibitor of membrane-bound carriers. Several necessaryconditions for proton cotransport during sucrose uptake by endospermcells were met. The volume of the intercellular free-space, estimated by membranepermeating (14C-mannitol, 14C-sucrose) or non-permeating (3H-PEG900)markers averaged 2.2 µl or 5–7% of the water ingrains of cvs Yandilla King, Cleveland and SUN 9E. The cavityvolume was highly variable but tended to be larger in largergrains. Pulse labelling of 14CO2 to flag leaves showed that 14C-sucrosewas the principal 14C-assimilate in the cavity sap and was convertedto insoluble compounds in the endosperm while the cavity sapoligosaccharides acquired negligible label in 6 h. Key words: Wheat, Endosperm apoplast, Sugars  相似文献   
NICHOLS  R.; HO  L. C. 《Annals of botany》1975,39(2):287-296
The translocation and distribution of dry matter were studiedin the floral and vegetative parts of the cut carnation duringsenescence. The change in dry weights of the tissues and theamount of radioactivity recovered from them after feeding with14C-sucrose were measured. Treatments with ethylene and sucrosewere used to alter the rate of senescence of the flowers. Sucrosemoved through the stem relatively unchanged but was rapidlyinverted and metabolized in the petals. During natural ageing,14C moved from the stem to the flower and the movement was enhancedby exogenous sucrose, which also reduced the loss of dry matterin the petals and promoted their growth. Treatment with ethylenecaused petals to wilt and lose dry weight, and ovaries to enlargeand increase in dry weight. The distribution of radioactivityin flowers fed with 14C-sucrose before and after ethylene treatmentsupported the observation that dry matter was translocated betweenthe flower parts. The results indicate that a change in thesource-ink relationships of the flower parts contributes tothe factors that determine the rate of flower senescence.  相似文献   
从海南省五指山市非洲菊苗圃,儋州市兰花基地非洲菊苗圃的腐烂病根上采集分离到9个疫霉菌株,经鉴定属于隐地疫霉Phytophthoracryptogea。  相似文献   
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