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Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA from 16 populations of Persicaria barbata (L.) H. Hara (Polygonaceae) belonging to five geographical locations of India (Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka and Andaman Island) was sequenced. Analysis of nucleotide sequences reveals polymorphism among the populations. UPGMA analysis conducted on the ITS datasets shows that the sampled populations of P. barbata are grouped according to their geographic locations and are supposed to be evolved under reproductive isolation which most probably are due to the long distance distribution and population fragmentation.  相似文献   
The halophyte, Salicornia pacifica var. utahensis (Tiderstorm) Munz produces seed under high salinity conditions, and deposits its seed on saline soil. Experiments were conducted to determine the effect of salinity, temperature and growth regulators on germination. Results indicate that the seeds can germinate at very high salt concentration (5% NaCl). Germination was sensitive to the changes in temperature regimes. At higher 30–20 C, light-dark sequence, no germination occurred at 3, 4 and 5% NaCl treatments. On the other hand, 30% germination did occur at 5% NaCl treatment at a temperature regime of 15–5 C. These seeds required light for germination. Only 50% germination occurred in the non-saline control in the dark and the addition of NaCl further reduced germination. The GA3 partially alleviated the inhibitory effect of NaCl and darkness. Kinetin did not promote germination.  相似文献   
Bisphenol-A (BPA), an organic compound with two phenol functional groups, is a widely used industrial plasticizer with known estrogenic properties. It is used in the manufacture of epoxy resins and polycarbonate plastics. This study was designed to evaluate and assess the possible toxicity arising from the oral administration of BPA to pregnant mice. Pregnant SWR/J mice (15 mice/group) were administrated oral doses of BPA (125, 250 and 500 mg/kg/day) over the course of five-day intervals during gestation (D1-5, D6-10 and D11-15), while control groups received only corn oil. The results indicated that BPA was associated with a reduction in the body weight of the pregnant mice from around 2–3 days after administration until the end of gestation. The greatest effects were evident when the BPA was given during the later stages of pregnancy, and with higher doses. They also showed marked reduction in food intake and, to a lesser extent, in water intake. Furthermore, doses of BPA induced a reduction in implantation sites, lower foetal body weight and increased mortality rates. Abortion and foetal resorption rates were not affected by BPA administration, however. The above findings were concluded by discussing the possible mechanisms involved in producing these effects.  相似文献   
Aeluropus lagopoides(Linn.) Trin. Ex Thw. (Poaceae) is a perennialgrass distributed from coastal Sindh and Balochistan to salineflats of Punjab, Pakistan. Seeds collected from an inland populationofA. lagopoides located on the University of Karachi campuswere germinated under various levels of salinity (0, 100, 200,300, 400 and 500 m M NaCl) and temperature regimes (10/20, 15/25,20/30 and 25/35 °C) in a 12 h dark/12 h light photoperiod.Highest germination was obtained under non-saline conditions,and an increase in NaCl concentration progressively inhibitedgermination. Inhibition of germination was greater at coolertemperatures (10/20 °C) when no seed germinated above aconcentration of 300 m M NaCl. The germination response at moderatetemperatures (20/30 °C) was optimal, with 30% of seeds germinatingin 500 m M NaCl. The rate of germination decreased as salinityincreased. Germination rate was highest at 20/30 °C andlowest at 10/20 °C. Seeds were transferred from salt solutionsto distilled water after 20 d and those from high salinitiesrecovered quickly at warmer temperatures with an optimal responseat 20/30 °C. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Aeluropus lagopoides, germination, halophyte, Karachi, salinity, temperature  相似文献   
Ethylene is invariably produced during seed germination but its role in regulating seed dormancy and germination is poorly understood. Seeds of 22 halophytic species having different life forms – salt secreting dicots, salt secreting monocots, stem succulents and leaf succulents were germinated in Petri dishes kept in a growth chamber set at 20/30 °C (night/day) temperature and a 12 hr light period. Sodium chloride and ethephon were added to the medium from the beginning of the experiment. Seed germination was recorded every other day for twenty days. Application of ethylene did not have any significant effect on releasing seeds from innate dormancy. However, it appeared to have a role in alleviation of salinity effects which varied from negative in certain species to almost complete alleviation of high salinity effects in others.Our data indicates that ethylene appears to have little role in breaking innate seed dormancy however, in most halophyte seeds studied, application of ethylene alleviate the salinity effect to various degrees. Halophyte seeds which could germinate under saline conditions approaching twice the salinity of seawater may offer clues to understand management of seed germination under highly saline conditions. To cite this article: M.A. Khan et al., C. R. Biologies 332 (2009).  相似文献   
Marine bacteria from the hull of a ship in the form of biofilms or microfouling were isolated, cultured, and identified by phylogenetic analysis using 16S rDNA sequences. With an average length of 946 bp, all the 16 sequences were classified using the Ribosomal database project (RDP) and were submitted to the National Center for Biotechnology Information. Phylogenetic analysis using 16S rDNA sequences indicated that the 16 strains belonged to the Firmicutes (IK-MB6 Exiguobacterium aurantiacum, IK-MB7 Exiguobacterium arabatum, IK-MB8 Exiguobacterium arabatum, IK-MB9 Jeotgalibacillus alimentarius, IK-MB10 Bacillus megaterium, IK-MB11 Bacillus pumilus, IK-MB12 Bacillus pumilus, IK-MB13 Bacillus pumilus, IK-MB14 Bacillus megaterium), High GC, Gram-positive bacteria (IK-MB2 Micrococcus luteus, IK-MB5 Micrococcus luteus, IK-MB16 Arthrobacter mysorens), G-Proteobacteria (IK-MB3 Halomonas aquamarina, IK-MB15 Halotalea alkalilenta), CFB group bacteria (IK-MB1 Myroides odoratimimus), and Enterobacteria (IK-MB4 Proteus mirabilis). Among the 16 strains, representatives of the Firmicutes were dominant (56.25%) compared to the high GC, Gram-positive bacteria (18.75%), G-Proteobacteria (12.5%), CFB group bacteria (6.25%), and Enterobacteria (6.25%). Analysis revealed that majority of marine species found in marine biofilm are of anthropogenic origin.  相似文献   

Medicinal plants are rich sources of bioactive phytochemicals. Production of such chemicals usually increased under unfavorable conditions. This study investigated the phytotoxic potential of 105 medicinal plants distributed in arid/semiarid areas along Arabian Sea coast of Pakistan. Total polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins and composition of individual phenolic compounds were also determined in species which showed high phytotoxic potential. Sandwich method was used to determine the phytotoxicity of medicinal plants on the growth of lettuce seedlings. Radicle growth was inhibited more than the hypocotyl growth. In general, halophytes showed higher phytotoxic potential than non-halophytes. Capparis cartilaginea, Indigofera hochstetteri, Parkinsonia aculeata and Prosopis glandulosa showed highest degree of inhibition. Higher amount of total phenols (16.35–25.33?mg GAE g?1), flavonoids (3.32-6.41?mg QE g?1) and tannins (1.54–2.54?mg TAE g?1) were found in these species. Pyrocatechol, quercetin, gallic, hydroxybenzoic and ferulic acids were detected as major phytotoxins, of which, gallic acid, pyrocatechol and quercetin were most abundant. These phytochemicals could be used for the production of natural, safe, healthy and eco-friendly agro-chemicals. Furthermore, these plants can be grown without encroaching agricultural lands, and can convert vast areas of arid/saline lands into economically viable resources, which also helps to halt climate change and desertification.  相似文献   
Filamentous fungal diversity from the sediments of the continental slope of Bay of Bengal was studied. Sediment samples were collected during two voyages in 2004 and 2005. Filamentous fungal population from both the cruises showed a range of 5.17–59.51 CFU/g and 3.47–29.68 CFU/g, respectively. Totally 16 fungal genera were recorded from both the cruises. Aspergillus was found to be the dominant genus and the overall percentage occurrence was as follows: Deuteromycotina 74%, Ascomycotina 17%, Basidiomycotina 4% and non-sporulating 5%. Diversity indices were calculated and during both the cruises species richness (d) varied from 0.912 to 3.622 and 1.443 to 4.588; evenness (J′) varied from 0.9183 to 1.000 and 0.8322 to 1.000 and Shannon–Wiener index (H′ log 2) varied from 0.9183 to 1.000 and 1.000 to 3.690. The higher diversity was found in Divipoint transect (northern Bay of Bengal). 95% confidence interval and ellipse showed that the stations were well lying within the funnel. Cluster analysis and MDS grouped the northern transects which showed higher diversity. BVSTEP resulted in isolation of 23 species which were most influential in the marine filamentous fungal diversity of the continental slope of Bay of Bengal. Thus, a lower population range and higher diversity of marine filamentous marine fungi in the sediments of the continental slope of Bay of Bengal was recorded.  相似文献   
We have reported the modification of biomolecule with nanomaterials. In this paper, the electrochemical response of different FAD-dependent enzymes at carbon nanomaterials modified electrode. The modified electrode also exhibits a promising enhanced electrocatalytic activity toward the oxidation of substrate. Different methods were used for fabrication of modified electrode. The presence of nanomaterials enhances the enzyme loading and stability. Cyclic voltammograms (CVs) were used for the determination of substrate and the apparent coefficient values for these compounds at different electrodes. Finally, we have studied the surface morphology of the modified electrode using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), which revealed that enzyme is coated on nanomaterials.  相似文献   


Retention of male people who inject drugs (PWIDs) is a major challenge for harm reduction programs that include sterile needle/syringe exchange in resource-limited settings like Pakistan. We assessed the risk factors for loss to follow-up among male PWIDs enrolled in a risk reduction program in Karachi, Pakistan.


We conducted a prospective cohort study among 636 HIV-uninfected male PWIDs enrolled during March-June 2009 in a harm reduction program for the estimation of incidence rate. At 24 months post-enrollment, clients who had dropped out of the program were defined as lost to follow-up and included as cases for case-cohort study.


The median age of the participants was 29 years (interquartile range: 23–36). Active outreach accounted for 76% (483/636) of cohort recruits. Loss to follow-up at 24 months was 25.5% (162/636). In multivariable logistic regression, younger age (AOR: 0.97, 95% CI: 0.92–0.99, p = 0.028), clients from other provinces than Sindh (AOR: 1.49, 95% CI: 1.01–2.22, p = 0.046), having no formal education (AOR: 3.44, 95% CI: 2.35–4.90, p<0.001), a history of incarceration (AOR: 1.68, 95% CI: 1.14–2.46, p<0.008), and being homeless (AOR: 1.47, 95% CI: 1.00–2.19, p<0.049) were associated with loss to follow-up.


Our cohort retained 74.5% of male PWIDs in Karachi for 24 months. Its loss to follow up rate suggested substantial ongoing programmatic challenges. Programmatic enhancements are needed for the highest risk male PWIDs, i.e., younger men, men not from Sindh Province, men who are poorly educated, formerly incarcerated, and/or homeless.  相似文献   
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