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Aging dams and the rising efforts to restore stream ecosystems are increasing the number of dam decommissioning programs. Although dam decommissioning aims at improving in-stream habitat, biodiversity, and ecosystem functioning in the long term, it might also cause ecological impacts in the short term due to the mobilization of the sediment accumulated in the reservoir. Benthic biofilm in particular can be impaired by episodes of high turbidity and scouring. We conducted a multiple before-after/control-impact experiment to assess the effects of the drawdown of a large dam (42 m tall), a first step to its decommissioning, on biofilm structure (biomass and chlorophyll-a) and functioning (metabolism, nutrient uptake, and organic matter breakdown). Our results show that the reservoir drawdown reduced the autotrophic biofilm biomass (chlorophyll-a) downstream from the dam, which in turn lowered metabolism. However, nitrogen and phosphorus uptake by the biofilm was not affected. Organic matter breakdown was slower below the dam than in nearby undammed reaches before and during drawdown. All drawdown effects quickly disappeared and reaches downstream from the dam approached values found in nearby undammed reaches. Thus, our results indicate that the effects of reservoir drawdown on stream biofilms exist but may be small and disappear rapidly.  相似文献   
Antigens from Candida albicans blastoconidia and germ tubes were identified by two-dimensional electrophoresis and Western blotting and characterized by microsequencing, reactivity with concanavalin A, and a panel of human sera. Antigens identified included a polydispersed area in the acidic high-molecular-mass regions of blastoconidium and germ-tube extracts, and 16 antigens varying in molecular masses and isoelectric points (pIs). The majority of the detected antigens, especially those in the polydispersed region, showed mannosyl groups, as determined by concanavalin A reactivity. Antibodies present in sera from patients with invasive candidiasis showed high reactivity with a number of antigens not detected with sera from blood donors. Eight of the 16 antigens could be identified by reactivity with monoclonal antibodies or by microsequencing. Five antigens showed homology with five enzymes previously described as antigens in C. albicans: enolase, phosphoglycerate kinase, malate dehydrogenase, and two isoforms of the fructose biphosphate aldolase. However, to our knowledge, this is the first report of the immunogenic activity of a kexin precursor, a mitochondrial complex I chaperone, and a diacylglycerol kinase catalytic domain from C. albicans. Antigens described in this study may be of potential interest for the serodiagnosis of invasive candidiasis.  相似文献   
European pond turtles represent a phylogeographically deeply structured complex of distinct taxa. Here, we use mitochondrial DNA sequences (cytochrome b gene) and eight polymorphic microsatellite loci to investigate genetic differentiation and gene flow of Sicilian, Corsican and Sardinian pond turtles and of subspecies involved in two secondary contact zones in the Pyrenean region and Southern Italy. Mitochondrial and microsatellite differentiation is largely concordant in populations from the core regions of the distribution ranges of the studied taxa. Both marker systems provide no evidence for gene flow between Sicilian pond turtles (Emys trinacris) and Southern Italian subspecies of E. orbicularis. By contrast, in the contact zones limited gene flow occurs between distinct subspecies of E. orbicularis. Although the Southern Italian contact zone is significantly older than the Pyrenean contact zone of Holocene age, patterns of asymmetric introgression are similar. Introgressive hybridization leads to the exchange of mitochondria, but microsatellite data indicate only a few individuals with mixed ancestry. This suggests that incipient isolating mechanisms maintain largely discrete nuclear genomic gene pools. Furthermore, this implies that Southern Italy acted as a hotspot rather than as a melting pot of genetic diversity during the last glacial. Pond turtles from Corsica and Sardinia are not differentiated from continental populations of the subspecies E. o. galloitalica, neither in the mitochondrial nor in the quickly evolving microsatellite markers. As the fossil record argues for a continuous presence of pond turtles on both islands since the Middle Pleistocene, this suggests that the native island populations became extinct and the extant turtles were later introduced by prehistoric settlers. The lack of genetic differentiation of pond turtles from Corsica and Sardinia supports the view that the subspecies described from these islands are not valid.  相似文献   
The white wine Chacolía de Vizcaya/Bizkaiko Txakolina is characteristic from The Basque Country region and regulated under Appellation Contr?lée standards (BOPV 14/6/94). The objective of this study was the identification and selection of autochthonous yeast strains, to improve the conditions used to maintain the typical characteristics of this region wines. Yeasts identified as Saccharomyces bayanus isolated around these fields from 1996 to 1998, were subjected to a selective procedure based on enological characteristics and fermentative behaviour. Three of the selected strains were used to inoculate, at winery scale, two grape juice varieties accepted by the Appellation Contr?lée (Hondarrabi Zuri and Folle Blanche). The inoculated strains on the respective vinifications was followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism of mitochondrial DNA (REAmt) method with AluI enzyme, due to their specificity, short outcome, and technological simplicity compared with other molecular typing methods such as: chromosomal karyotyping analyzed by pulsed field gel electrophoresis, Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA-PCR (RAPD-PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism using the infrequently cutting enzyme SfiI (REA infrequent). This study demonstrated that strains with different phenotypic traits could show indistinguishable restriction patterns with REAmt, but could be discriminated using other typing methods such as RAPD-PCR, which although showing low reproducibility could be used as complementary to REAmt. Our results demonstrate that in spite of using autochthonous selected strains, the inoculation of musts with a particular strain do not guarantee its predominance and driving fermentation features. Of all yeast strains studied, strain no. 2 showed the best results in sensory testing and at the implantation process. Therefore, it could be used with commercial purposes for the production of Chacolí de Vizcaya/Bizkaiko Txakolina, especially when using musts from Folle Blanche.  相似文献   
The crystal structure of aryl-alcohol oxidase (AAO), a flavoenzyme involved in lignin degradation, reveals two active-site histidines, whose role in the two enzyme half-reactions was investigated. The redox state of flavin during turnover of the variants obtained show a stronger histidine involvement in the reductive than in the oxidative half-reaction. This was confirmed by the k(cat)/K(m(Al)) and reduction constants that are 2-3 orders of magnitude decreased for the His546 variants and up to 5 orders for the His502 variants, while the corresponding O(2) constants only decreased up to 1 order of magnitude. These results confirm His502 as the catalytic base in the AAO reductive half-reaction. The solvent kinetic isotope effect (KIE) revealed that hydroxyl proton abstraction is partially limiting the reaction, while the α-deuterated alcohol KIE showed a stereoselective hydride transfer. Concerning the oxidative half-reaction, directed mutagenesis and computational simulations indicate that only His502 is involved. Quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) reveals an initial partial electron transfer from the reduced FADH(-) to O(2), without formation of a flavin-hydroperoxide intermediate. Reaction follows with a nearly barrierless His502H(+) proton transfer that decreases the triplet/singlet gap. Spin inversion and second electron transfer, concomitant with a slower proton transfer from flavin N5, yields H(2)O(2). No solvent KIE was found for O(2) reduction confirming that the His502 proton transfer does not limit the oxidative half-reaction. However, the small KIE on k(cat)/K(m(Ox)), during steady-state oxidation of α-deuterated alcohol, suggests that the second proton transfer from N5H is partially limiting, as predicted by the QM/MM simulations.  相似文献   
Aim The abundance distribution of organisms at regional scales is commonly interpreted as the result of spatial variation in habitat suitability. However, the possibility that geography itself may affect patterns of distribution has received less attention. For example, the abundance of wintering bird populations might be influenced by the cost of reaching areas located far away from the main migratory pathways. We studied the abundance distribution of three common migratory passerines (meadow pipits, Anthus pratensis; common chaffinches, Fringilla coelebs; and European robins, Erithacus rubecula) wintering in farmlands located in the 600‐km long Cantabrian coastal sector of northern Spain, roughly perpendicular to the west Pyrenean migratory pathway that drives European migrant birds into the Iberian Peninsula. Location The study area occupies a belt located between the Atlantic coast and the Cantabrian Mountains in northern Spain. Methods We counted wintering and breeding birds and measured the structure of vegetation and environmental variables (altitude, rainfall, temperature) in 68 farmlands distributed at different distances from the west Pyrenean migratory flyway. We also studied the distribution of birds ringed in central and northern Europe and recovered in the study area between October and February. Analyses were based on single univariate statistics (chi‐square tests), ordination by principal components analysis and multiple regression. Results Controlling for the effects of climate, vegetation structure and local abundance of breeding conspecifics, the winter abundance of all three species decreased with the distance from their main migratory route in the western Pyrenees. Such patterns fitted well to the observed distribution of ringing recoveries. Main conclusions Our results support a link between the movements of birds along the Pyrenean migratory pathway and their winter abundance in northern Spain. According to this view, the sectors located near the migratory pathway seem to be more easily occupied by migrants, supporting the idea that proximity to passage areas may explain the fine‐grain regional patterning of species abundance in wintering grounds.  相似文献   
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