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Quinones and other oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (oxy-PAHs) are toxic and/or genotoxic compounds observed to be cocontaminants at PAH-contaminated sites, but their formation and fate in contaminated environmental systems have not been well studied. Anthracene-9,10-dione (anthraquinone) has been found in most PAH-contaminated soils and sediments that have been analyzed for oxy-PAHs. However, little is known about the biodegradation of oxy-PAHs, and no bacterial isolates have been described that are capable of growing on or degrading anthraquinone. PAH-degrading Mycobacterium spp. are the only organisms that have been investigated to date for metabolism of a PAH quinone, 4,5-pyrenequinone. We utilized DNA-based stable-isotope probing (SIP) with [U-13C]anthraquinone to identify bacteria associated with anthraquinone degradation in PAH-contaminated soil from a former manufactured-gas plant site both before and after treatment in a laboratory-scale bioreactor. SIP with [U-13C]anthracene was also performed to assess whether bacteria capable of growing on anthracene are the same as those identified to grow on anthraquinone. Organisms closely related to Sphingomonas were the most predominant among the organisms associated with anthraquinone degradation in bioreactor-treated soil, while organisms in the genus Phenylobacterium comprised the majority of anthraquinone degraders in the untreated soil. Bacteria associated with anthracene degradation differed from those responsible for anthraquinone degradation. These results suggest that Sphingomonas and Phenylobacterium species are associated with anthraquinone degradation and that anthracene-degrading organisms may not possess mechanisms to grow on anthraquinone.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. The biology of most invasive species in their native geographical areas remains largely unknown. Such studies are, however, crucial in shedding light on the ecological and evolutionary processes underlying biological invasions. 2. The present study focuses on the little fire ant Wasmannia auropunctata, a species native to Central and South America that has been widely introduced and which has become invasive throughout the tropics. We characterise and compare several ecological traits of native populations in French Guiana with those in one of its introduced ranges, New Caledonia. 3. We found ecologically heterogeneous populations of W. auropunctata coexisting in the species’ native geographical area. First, we found populations restricted to naturally perturbed areas (particularly floodplains) within the primary forest, and absent from the surrounding forest areas. These populations were characterised by low nest and worker densities. Second, we found dominant populations in recent anthropogenic areas (e.g. secondary forest or forest edge along road) characterised by high nest and worker densities, and associated with low ant species richness. The local dominance of W. auropunctata in such areas can be due to the displacement of other species (cause) or the filling‐up of empty habitats unsuitable to other ants (effect). With respect to their demographic features and ant species richness, the populations of native anthropogenic habitats were to a large extent similar to the invasive populations introduced into remote areas. 4. The results point to the need for greater research efforts to better understand the ecological and demographic features of invasive species within their native ranges.  相似文献   
Bacterial chemotaxis may have a significant impact on the structure and function of bacterial communities. Quantification of chemotactic motion is necessary to identify chemoeffectors and to determine the bacterial transport parameters used in predictive models of chemotaxis. When the chemotactic bacteria consume the chemoeffector, the chemoeffector gradient to which the bacteria respond may be significantly perturbed by the consumption. Therefore, consumption of the chemoeffector can confound chemotaxis measurements if it is not accounted for. Current methods of quantifying chemotaxis use bacterial concentrations that are too high to preclude chemoeffector consumption or involve ill-defined conditions that make quantifying chemotaxis difficult. We developed a method of quantifying bacterial chemotaxis at low cell concentrations (~105 CFU/ml), so metabolism of the chemoeffector is minimized. The method facilitates quantification of bacterial-transport parameters by providing well-defined boundary conditions and can be used with volatile and semivolatile chemoeffectors.  相似文献   
Halomonas species are recognized for producing exopolysaccharides (EPS) exhibiting amphiphilic properties that allow these macromolecules to interface with hydrophobic substrates, such as hydrocarbons. There remains a paucity of knowledge, however, on the potential of Halomonas EPS to influence the biodegradation of hydrocarbons. In this study, the well-characterized amphiphilic EPS produced by Halomonas species strain TG39 was shown to effectively increase the solubilization of aromatic hydrocarbons and enhance their biodegradation by an indigenous microbial community from oil-contaminated surface waters collected during the active phase of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Three Halomonas strains were isolated from the Deepwater Horizon site, all of which produced EPS with excellent emulsifying qualities and shared high (97-100%) 16S rRNA sequence identity with strain TG39 and other EPS-producing Halomonas strains. Analysis of pyrosequence data from surface water samples collected during the spill revealed several distinct Halomonas phylotypes, of which some shared a high sequence identity (≥97%) to strain TG39 and the Gulf spill isolates. Other bacterial groups comprising members with well-characterized EPS-producing qualities, such as Alteromonas , Colwellia and Pseudoalteromonas , were also found enriched in surface waters, suggesting that the total pool of EPS in the Gulf during the spill may have been supplemented by these organisms. Roller bottle incubations with one of the Halomonas isolates from the Deepwater Horizon spill site demonstrated its ability to effectively produce oil aggregates and emulsify the oil. The enrichment of EPS-producing bacteria during the spill coupled with their capacity to produce amphiphilic EPS is likely to have contributed to the ultimate removal of the oil and to the formation of oil aggregates, which were a dominant feature observed in contaminated surface waters.  相似文献   
Male infertility is a relatively common condition affecting 1 in 20 men of reproductive age. The etiology of this condition is thought to involve the excessive generation of reactive oxygen species by human spermatozoa; however, the cause of this aberrant activity is unknown. In this study we demonstrate that defective human sperm populations are characterized by high cellular contents of both esterified and unesterified fatty acids and a decrease in the proportion of the total fatty acid pool made up by docosahexaenoic acid. The free unsaturated fatty acid content of these cells was positively correlated with the induction of mitochondrial superoxide generation (P < 0.001). This relationship was causal and mediated by the range of unesterified, unsaturated fatty acids that are present in human spermatozoa. Thus direct exposure of these cells to free unsaturated fatty acids stimulated mitochondrial superoxide generation and precipitated a loss of motility and an increase in oxidative DNA damage, two key attributes of male infertility. We conclude that defective human spermatozoa are characterized by an abnormally high content of fatty acids that, in their unesterified, unsaturated form, promote ROS generation by sperm mitochondria, creating a state of oxidative stress and a concomitant loss of functional competence.  相似文献   
Nest-site availability limits cavity-using populations in many harvested forests; however, little is known about the extent of nest-site limitation in mature forests with a full complement of excavator species and intact processes of cavity creation and loss. To examine the role of nest-site availability in limiting cavity-using populations in mature mixed conifer forests in central British Columbia, Canada, we conducted an 11-year before-after control-impact experiment in which we increased nest-site availability via nest box addition. Our 7 sites (3 treatments, 4 controls) had low cavity densities (<2/ha) prior to treatment and cavity occupation rates were also low (<10%/yr), which is a relationship often cited in the literature as evidence of non-limitation in cavity-nesting populations. Following nest box addition at our treatment sites, which tripled the availability of cavities, total density of bird and mammal nests more than tripled. Density of mountain chickadee (Poecile gambeli) nests increased 9-fold on treatment sites and returned to pre-treatment levels following box removal, suggesting that chickadee populations were limited by cavity availability at our study sites. Density of red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) and northern flying squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus) nests and roosts also increased significantly at treatment sites following box addition and declined following box removal. We noted little change in chickadee or squirrel nest density at control sites monitored concurrently. Squirrels preferred large-sized over small-sized boxes, and significantly enlarged the entrance areas of small boxes by chewing, suggesting that there may have been a shortage of suitable nest and roost sites for them in our study area. We contend that low cavity occupancy rates may not accurately reflect nest-site availability for cavity nesters in mature forests, and that cavity size may influence the true availability of cavities on the landscape. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
An observational study using videorecordings and computer-assisted data analysis was undertaken in order to investigate the behaviour of mice infected with larvae of Toxocara canis. The findings indicated that the infection had a marked effect on five readily and reliably differentiable categories of murine behaviour. A marked increase in the number of shorter bouts of each of the five behaviours was also associated with the infection. These results support previous findings and further suggest that T. canis infection affects the way in which mice respond to their environment. In particular the infection appears to be associated with hyperactivity in mice. Possible causes of such behavioural abnormalities as well as implications of these findings for clinical studies concerned with relationships between T. canis infection and hyperactivity in children are discussed.  相似文献   
Nuclei of the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii strain Whd were isolated and nuclear proteins were extracted in three fractions, corresponding to the increasing affinity of these proteins to genomic DNA. One fraction contained two major bands (48- and 46-kDa) and antibodies specific to this fraction revealed two major bands by Western blot on nuclear extracts, corresponding to the 46- and 48-kDa bands. The 48-kDa protein was detected in G1 phase but not in M phase cells. An expression cDNA library of C. cohnii was screened with these antibodies, and two different open reading frames were isolated. Dinoflagellate nuclear associated protein (Dinap1), one of these coding sequences, was produced in E. coli and appeared to correspond to the 48-kDa nuclear protein. No homologue of this sequence was found in the data bases, but two regions were identified, one including two putative zinc finger repeats, and one coding for two potential W/W domains. The second coding sequence showed a low similarity to non-specific sterol carrier proteins. Immunocytolocalization with specific polyclonal antibodies to recombinant Dinap1 showed that the nucleus was immunoreactive only during the G1 phase: the nucleoplasm was immunostained, while chromosome cores and nuclear envelopes were negative.  相似文献   
A medium modified from eutherian systems was used to culture epididymal epithelial cells of the brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) for more than 2 months. Epididymal tubule fragments from the caput, corpus and cauda epididymides were used to generate cell monolayers. All three epididymal cell culture systems supported maturational changes in marsupial spermatozoa and enabled immature possum spermatozoa to differentiate from a T-shape to a streamlined shape, accompanied by the development of progressive motility after co-culture with 7-day-old cultured epididymal cell monolayers. This epididymal cell and sperm co-culture system for marsupial species may facilitate the identification of specific epithelial factors that affect sperm maturation, particularly in a species in which morphological maturation is readily visible.  相似文献   
Fusarium oxysporum is a root-infecting fungal pathogen that causes wilt disease on a broad range of plant species, including the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Currently, very little is known about the molecular or physiological processes that are activated in the host during infection and the roles these processes play in resistance and susceptibility to F. oxysporum. In this study, we analyzed global gene expression profiles of F. oxysporum-infected Arabidopsis plants. Genes involved in jasmonate biosynthesis as well as jasmonate-dependent defense were coordinately induced by F. oxysporum. Similarly, tryptophan pathway genes, including those involved in both indole-glucosinolate and auxin biosynthesis, were upregulated in both the leaves and the roots of inoculated plants. Analysis of plants expressing the DR5:GUS construct suggested that root auxin homeostasis was altered during F. oxysporum infection. However, Arabidopsis mutants with altered auxin and tryptophan-derived metabolites such as indole-glucosinolates and camalexin did not show an altered resistance to this pathogen. In contrast, several auxin-signaling mutants were more resistant to F. oxysporum. Chemical or genetic alteration of polar auxin transport also conferred increased pathogen resistance. Our results suggest that, similarly to many other pathogenic and nonpathogenic or beneficial soil organisms, F. oxysporum requires components of auxin signaling and transport to colonize the plant more effectively. Potential mechanisms of auxin signaling and transport-mediated F. oxysporum susceptibility are discussed.  相似文献   
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