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The new species Gymnopilus maritimus is described from coastal plant communities of Juncus maritimus, growing on sandy soil or on decaying plants, from northwestern Sardinia (Italy). The distinguishing features of G. maritimus are: (1) an unusual habitat, (2) robust basidiomata, (3) mild taste, and (4) big and strongly warted spores. The new species is compared with the micromorphologically similar species G. fulgens sensu auct. Brit. p.p. and the biogeographically and ecologically similar species G. arenophilus, as well as with other European species. A photograph of fresh material, drawings of the main micromorphological features, and FESEM and optical microscope microphotographs of basidiospores are added. Furthermore, some notes on micromorphological characters of G. arenophilus are presented and its distribution area enlarged with a record from France. A key for the European species of Gymnopilus morphologically, ecologically, and/or biogeographically related to G. maritimus is presented. The phylogeny inferred from ITS rDNA sequences revealed that G. maritimus represents an independent species and that it is not related to G. arenophilus or G. fulgens. It is the sister group of the clade containing G. imperialis and G. spectabilis, but with a bootstrap support below 50%. The characters shared by the species in this clade are: (1) robust basidiomata, (2) pileus fibrillose or scaly-fibrillose, and (3) spores longer than 8 μm, dextrinoid and strongly warted. Gymnopilus imperialis and G. spectabilis differ by the basidiomata with membranous ring in the stem, living on conifers or decaying wood, and having narrower or wider spores, respectively. Taxonomical novelties: Gymnopilus maritimus Contu, Guzm.-Dáv., A. Ortega & Vizzini  相似文献   
Stable isotope analyses were employed to explore feeding and foraging habitats and trophic levels of littoral fishes in a western Mediterranean Marine Protected Area (Egadi Islands, Sicily, Italy). Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios were measured in primary producers, invertebrates and fishes collected in December 2001 and January 2002. Fishes of the littoral region of the Egadi Islands had isotopic signatures that fell into a wider range for δ 13C (about 6‰) than for δ 15N (about 3‰). Carbon isotope ratios were consistent with a food web based on mixed sources and two trophic pathways leading to different fish species. Differences in the isotopic composition between islands were higher for benthivorous than for planktivorous fishes. The overall picture gained from this study is of a isotopic distinction between planktivorous and benthivorous fishes, resource partitioning facilitating the coexistence of similar species within the same ecosystem, and spatial variability in the isotopic signatures and trophic level of fishes. Asymmetrical analysis of variance showed that estimated trophic levels were lower in the area with the highest level of protection (Zone A) for only two out of the nine fishes analysed. As a consequence, overall spatial differences do not seem to be a consequence of protection, since in most cases trophic levels did not change significantly between zone A and zones C where professional fishing (trawling apart) is permitted, but of natural sources of variation (e.g. variability in food availability and site-specific food preferences of fishes). However, the results of this study suggest a different response at the species compared to the community level.  相似文献   
The aims of the work were to elucidate the distribution of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Tuber magnatum Pico during its symbiotic stage, and to identify the root-associated fungi in a natural truffle-ground located in North Italy. Ectomycorrhizal root tips were harvested in the truffle ground, sorted in morphotypes and analyzed by ITS. Morphological and molecular analyses revealed that (i) T. magnatum mycorrhizae were rare and independent on the fruitbody productions and (ii) the dominant fungal species belonged to Thelephoraceae, followed by Tuberaceae and Sebacinaceae.  相似文献   
The phylogeny of the genera traditionally classified in the family Pluteaceae (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) was investigated using molecular data from nuclear ribosomal genes (nSSU, ITS, nLSU) and consequences for taxonomy and character evolution were evaluated. The genus Volvariella is polyphyletic, as most of its representatives fall outside the Pluteoid clade and shows affinities to some hygrophoroid genera (Camarophyllus, Cantharocybe). Volvariella gloiocephala and allies are placed in a different clade, which represents the sister group of Pluteus, and a new generic name, Volvopluteus, is proposed to accommodate these taxa. Characters such as basidiospore size and pileipellis structure can be used to separate Pluteus, Volvariella and Volvopluteus. The genus Pluteus is monophyletic and includes species with partial veil traditionally classified in the genus Chamaeota. The evolution of morphological features used in the infrageneric taxonomy of the genus, such as metuloid cystidia and pileipellis structure, was analyzed. Agreement between the molecular phylogeny and morphological subdivision of Pluteus is, generally speaking, good, though some rearrangements are necessary: (i) species with non-metuloid pleurocystidia and pileipellis as a cutis are placed either in sect. Celluloderma, together with the species characterized by a hymenidermal pipeipellis, or in sect. Pluteus, with the metuloid bearing species; (ii) subdivision of sect. Celluloderma according to the presence/absence of cystidioid elements in the pileipellis is not supported by molecular data.  相似文献   
Musumecia, a new genus of Agaricales, is described to accommodate the new species Musumecia bettlachensis. Based on a combined ITS– and LSU–rDNA Bayesian, Maximum Likelihood and Maximum Parsimony analysis, Musumecia clearly clusters within the Tricholomatoid clade, where it is sister to Pseudoclitocybe. Musumecia is distinguished from allied genera by a unique combination of macro‐ and micromorphological characters, including basidiomes with a clitocyboid/hygrophoroid habit, emerging from a fleshy pseudosclerotial mass (pseudosclerotium), decurrent and thick lamellae, a brown darkening of both lamellae and stipe, whitish‐cream spore print, elongated non‐siderophilous basidia, smooth, acyanophilous and inamyloid basidiospores, and the absence of both cystidia and clamp‐connections.  相似文献   
Hemocytes from the ascidian Ciona intestinalis exert in vitro Ca2+-dependent cytotoxic activity toward mammalian erythrocytes and K562 cells. To examine the lytic mechanism, hemocyte populations were separated (B1-B6 bands) through a Percoll discontinuous density gradient, the hemocyte cytotoxic activity (HCA) and the lytic activity of the hemocyte lysate supernatant (HLS) were assayed. In addition the separated hemocytes were cultured and the cell-free culture medium (CFM) assayed after 3 h culture. Results support that unilocular refractile hemocytes (URGs), enriched in B5, are cytotoxic. The B5-HLS contains lysins and the activity of B5-CFM shows that lysins can be released into a culture medium. The B5 activity was blocked by D-galactose, α-lactose, lactulose, LacNAc, thiodigalactoside (TDG), L-fucose, D-mannose, D-glucose, sphingomyelin (SM), and soluble phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) inhibitors (dibucain, quinacrine). Accordingly, HLS chemico-physical properties (alkaline medium, high thermostability, Ca2+-dependence, trypsin treatment, protease inhibitors) and SEM observations of the affected targets suggested that sPLA2 could be responsible for changes and large alterations of the target cell membrane. An apoptotic activity, as recorded by a caspase 3, 7 assay, was found by treating K562 cells with very diluted HLS. A lytic mechanism involving sPLA2 and lectins promptly released by URGs and morula cells respectively is suggested, whereas target cell membrane SM could be a modulator of the enzyme activity.  相似文献   


Several studies have reported a reduction in acute coronary events (ACEs) in the general population after the enforcement of smoking regulations, although there is uncertainty concerning the magnitude of the effect of such interventions. We conducted a country-wide evaluation of the health effects of the introduction of a smoking ban in public places, using data on hospital admissions for ACEs from the Italian population after the implementation of a national smoking regulation in January 2005.

Methods and Findings

Rates of admission for ACEs in the 20 Italian regions from January 2002 to November 2006 were analysed using mixed-effect regression models that allowed for long-term trends and seasonality. Standard methods for interrupted time-series were adopted to assess the immediate and gradual effects of the smoking ban. Effect modification by age was investigated, with the assumption that exposure to passive smoking in public places would be greater among young people. In total, 936,519 hospital admissions for ACEs occurred in the Italian population during the study period. A 4% reduction in hospital admissions for ACEs among persons aged less than 70 years was evident after the introduction of the ban (Rate Ratio [RR], 0.96; 95% Confidence Interval [CI], 0.95–0.98). No effect was found among persons aged at least 70 years (RR 1.00; 95% CI 0.99–1.02). Effect modification by age was further suggested by analyses using narrower age categories.


Smoke-free policies can constitute a simple and inexpensive intervention for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and thus should be included in prevention programmes.  相似文献   
Clitopilus canariensis is described as a new species belonging to Clitopilus subgenus Rhodophana on the basis of a collection from La Palma, Canary Islands. The new species grows on humus of Cistus monspeliensis and is known from a single site. A photograph of fresh basidiomes of the type-collection and line drawings are provided.  相似文献   
A new ectomycorrhizal species, Alpova komoviana, is described from several collections from Montenegro (south-eastern Europe), in association with Alnus incana ssp. incana (Betulaceae). Its interesting basal position in the strictly Alnus-associated Alpova lineage is discussed through morphology and phylogenetic analyses based on ITS, gpd and rpb2 nuclear DNA. ITS sequences of two other taxa are included in the analysis: Alpova rubescens and A. rubescens var. obscuratus; their identity and systematic positions are discussed.  相似文献   
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