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Research was undertaken to clarify the taxonomic identity of leaf rust (Pucciniales) fungi on bioenergy switchgrass in the Eastern and Central U.S. We integrated internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) and partial 28S ribosomal RNA gene sequence data from collections taken from cultivated switchgrass and herbarium specimens, including purported aecial and telial states of Puccinia graminicola and Puccinia pammelii. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses revealed four monophyletic clades: Puccinia emaculata sensu stricto (s.s.), P. pammelii, P. graminicola, and Puccinia novopanici. Results also indicated that P. emaculata s.s. was not affecting cultivated, bioenergy switchgrass. Aecidium pammelii and P. pammelii were distinct phylogenetically from P. emaculata s.s. and grouped within a well-supported clade, demonstrating aecial-telial host alternation for P. pammelii between Euphorbia corollata and switchgrass. Aecidium stillingiae on queen’s delight (Stillingia sylvatica)—a purported aecial state host for P. graminicola—shared identical sequences with the recently described species Puccinia pascua. The latter fungus, however, was recovered within a subclade of P. graminicola. Hence, queen’s delight likely is not an aecial host to P. graminicola s.s. Additional molecular studies are warranted to determine species boundaries within the P. graminicola complex. The majority of contemporary collections from cultivated switchgrass were recognized as P. novopanici. Collectively, bioenergy switchgrass is host to at least three phylogenetically distinct species, presenting a significant challenge to the future selection and breeding of switchgrass with improved rust resistance.  相似文献   
The x-ray crystal structure of the fluoride derivative of ferric sperm whale (Physeter catodon) myoglobin (Mb) has been determined at 2.5 A resolution (R = 0.187) by difference Fourier techniques. The fluoride anion, sitting in the central part of the heme distal site and coordinated to the heme iron, is hydrogen bonded to the distal His(64)E7 NE2 atom and to the W195 solvent water molecule. This water molecule also significantly interacts with the same HisE7 residue, which stabilizes the coordinated fluoride ion. Moreover, fluoride and formate binding to ferric Aplysia limacina Mb, sperm whale (Physeter catodon) Mb, horse (Caballus caballus) Mb, loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) Mb, and human hemoglobin has been investigated by 1H-NMR relaxometry. A strong solvent proton relaxation enhancement is observed for the fluoride derivatives of hemoproteins containing HisE7. Conversely, only a small outer-sphere contribution to the solvent relaxation rate has been observed for all of the formate derivatives considered and for the A. limacina Mb:fluoride derivative, where HisE7 is replaced by Val.  相似文献   
Species of Colletotrichum cause diseases on a wide range of hosts, frequently infecting plants in the Agavaceae (monocotyledons: Liliales). Three species of Colletotrichum restricted to the Agavaceae were detected through morphological studies of specimens and molecular sequence analyses of the LSU of the nu-rDNA and the ITS region of the nu-rDNA from cultures. Colletotrichum agaves on Agave is fully described and illustrated. Colletotrichum dracaenophilum is described as a new species for isolates having long conidia and occurring on Dracaena sanderiana from China. Colletotrichum phormii and Glomerella phormii are determined to be the correct scientific names for the asexual and sexual states, respectively, of a species commonly referred to as C. rhodocyclum and G. phacidiomorpha occurring mainly on Phormium. In addition, C. gloeosporioides and C. boninense were isolated from plants in the Agavaceae. All species of Colletotrichum described on Agavaceae were evaluated based on type specimens. A key to the five species of Colletotrichum on Agavaceae is included. This paper includes one new species, Colletotrichum dracaenophilum, and three new combinations, Colletotrichum phormii, Glomerella phormii, and Phaeosphaeriopsis phacidiomorpha.  相似文献   
An early diagnosis of cancer is crucial in the battle against this disease and the in vivo visualization of tumors at cellular level is still the most challenging goal. In order to target tumor cells, we took into account their increased metabolism and amino acid nutrients or pseudo-nutrients, which are actively transported through the cell membrane, have been chosen as vectors for new MRI contrast agents. For this reason new gadolinium complexes conjugated to agmatine, arginine, and glutamine have been synthesized and studied.  相似文献   
The phylogenetic positions of Puccinia spp. infecting sugarcane (a complex hybrid of Saccharum spp.) were determined using 38 newly generated rust sequences and 26 sequences from GenBank. Rust specimens on sugarcane were collected from 164 locations in 23 countries and identified based on light microscopy. The morphology for all samples matched that of Puccinia kuehnii or P. melanocephala, the orange and brown rust pathogens of sugarcane, respectively. Nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences (rDNA) including portions of the 5.8S rDNA, the complete internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) and 5′ region of the large subunit (nLSU) rDNA were obtained for each species along with 36 additional rust taxa. Despite a shared host, the two Puccinia spp. on sugarcane are not closely related within the Pucciniales. Phylogenetic analyses place P. melanocephala most closely to P. miscanthi, P. nakanishikii, and P. rufipes infecting Miscanthus sinensis, Cymbopogon citratus, and Imperata cylindrica, respectively. Puccinia kuehnii is basal to a clade of Poaceae-infecting rusts including P. agrophila, P. polysora, P. substriata, and Uromyces setariae-italicae infecting Schizachyrium spp., Zea mays, Digitaria spp., and Urochloa mosambicensis, respectively. Light and scanning electron microscopy images highlight morphological differences distinguishing the two sugarcane-infecting species. This study confirms the separation of rust species infecting Poaceae from Cyperaceae- and Juncaceae-infecting rusts and also provides support for the presence of an additional group that includes P. kuehnii and other grass-infecting relatives.  相似文献   
The boronic functionalities on the outer surface of the Gd(III) bis(m-boroxyphenylamide)DTPA complex (Gd(III)L) enable it to bind to fructosamine residues of oxygenated glycated human adult hemoglobin. The formation of the macromolecular adduct can be assessed by NMR spectroscopy via observation of the enhancement of the solvent water proton relaxation rate. Unexpectedly, a strong binding interaction was also observed for the oxygenated unglycated human adult hemoglobin, eventually displaying a much higher relaxation enhancement. From relaxation rate measurements it was found that two Gd(III)L complexes interact with one hemoglobin tetramer (KD = 1.0 x 10(-5) M and 4.6 x 10(-4) M, respectively), whereas no interaction has been observed with monomeric hemoproteins. A markedly higher affinity of the Gd(III)L complex has been observed for oxygenated and aquo-met human adult hemoglobin derivatives with respect to the corresponding deoxy derivative. Upon binding, a net change in the quaternary structure of hemoglobin has been assessed by monitoring the changes in the high-resolution 1H-NMR spectrum of the protein as well as in the Soret absorption band. On the basis of these observations and the 11B NMR results obtained with the diamagnetic La(III)L complex, we suggest that the interaction between the lanthanide complex and deoxygenated, oxygenated, and aquo-met derivatives of human adult hemoglobin takes place at the 2, 3-diphosphoglycerate (DPG) binding site, through the formation of N-->B coordinative bonds at His143beta and His2beta residues of different beta-chains. The stronger binding to the oxygenated form is then responsible for a shift of the allosteric equilibrium toward the high-affinity R-state. Accordingly, Gd(III)L affinity for oxygenated human fetal hemoglobin (lacking His143beta) is significantly lower than that observed for the unglycated human adult tetramer.  相似文献   
Nineteen scorers from seven Cuban laboratories participated in this slide exercise designed to test the influence of the scorer on the accuracy, sensitivity and variability of the comet assay when a visual method of DNA damage evaluation is used. The assay was performed using human lymphocytes from a single donor exposed in vitro for 5 min at 0 degrees C to doses of 0, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 and 200 microM of hydrogen peroxide. Each participant scored the same set of 14 coded slides with silver stained comets. The comets were classified visually into five categories according to the appearance resulting from the relative proportion of DNA in the tail. The extent of DNA damage was expressed in arbitrary units. At zero dose the median values of 12 scorers out of 19 were included between the values of the overall 25 and 75 per thousand. This proportion remains practically the same as the dose increases. The lowest dose detected by this method for the majority of scorers (11) was 10 microM. The coefficient of variation at the control dose was the highest (median value 26%), progressively declined to 20%, and starting from 25 microM, values are around 10%. The results of the exercise show the reliability of the silver staining and visual scoring for the comet method.  相似文献   
One hundred and seventeen clades of euagarics   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
This study provides a first broad systematic treatment of the euagarics as they have recently emerged in phylogenetic systematics. The sample consists of 877 homobasidiomycete taxa and includes approximately one tenth (ca. 700 species) of the known number of species of gilled mushrooms that were traditionally classified in the order Agaricales. About 1000 nucleotide sequences at the 5(') end of the nuclear large ribosomal subunit gene (nLSU) were produced for each taxon. Phylogenetic analyses of nucleotide sequence data employed unequally weighted parsimony and bootstrap methods. Clades revealed by the analyses support the recognition of eight major groups of homobasidiomycetes that cut across traditional lines of classification, in agreement with other recent phylogenetic studies. Gilled fungi comprise the majority of species in the euagarics clade. However, the recognition of a monophyletic euagarics results in the exclusion from the clade of several groups of gilled fungi that have been traditionally classified in the Agaricales and necessitates the inclusion of several clavaroid, poroid, secotioid, gasteroid, and reduced forms that were traditionally classified in other basidiomycete orders. A total of 117 monophyletic groups (clades) of euagarics can be recognized on the basis on nLSU phylogeny. Though many clades correspond to traditional taxonomic groups, many do not. Newly discovered phylogenetic affinities include for instance relationships of the true puffballs (Lycoperdales) with Agaricaceae, of Panellus and the poroid fungi Dictyopanus and Favolaschia with Mycena, and of the reduced fungus Caripia with Gymnopus. Several clades are best supported by ecological, biochemical, or trophic habits rather than by morphological similarities.  相似文献   
A unique cryo-electron microscopy facility has been designed and constructed at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) to study the three-dimensional organization of viruses and bacteria classified as select agents at biological safety level (BSL)-3, and their interactions with host cells. A 200 keV high-end cryo-electron microscope was installed inside a BSL-3 containment laboratory and standard operating procedures were developed and implemented to ensure its safe and efficient operation. We also developed a new microscope decontamination protocol based on chlorine dioxide gas with a continuous flow system, which allowed us to expand the facility capabilities to study bacterial agents including spore-forming species. The new unified protocol does not require agent-specific treatment in contrast to the previously used heat decontamination. To optimize the use of the cryo-electron microscope and to improve safety conditions, it can be remotely controlled from a room outside of containment, or through a computer network world-wide. Automated data collection is provided by using JADAS (single particle imaging) and SerialEM (tomography). The facility has successfully operated for more than a year without an incident and was certified as a select agent facility by the Centers for Disease Control.  相似文献   
Sandhoff disease (SD) is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disease caused by a mutation in the gene for the β-subunit of β-N-acetylhexosaminidase (Hex), resulting in the inability to catabolize ganglioside GM2 within the lysosomes. SD presents with an accumulation of GM2 and its asialo derivative GA2, primarily in the central nervous system. Myelin-enriched glycolipids, cerebrosides and sulfatides, are also decreased in SD corresponding with dysmyelination. At present, no treatment exists for SD. Previous studies have shown the therapeutic benefit of adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector-mediated gene therapy in the treatment of SD in murine and feline models. In this study, we treated presymptomatic SD cats with AAVrh8 vectors expressing feline Hex in the thalamus combined with intracerebroventricular (Thal/ICV) injections. Treated animals showed clearly improved neurologic function and quality of life, manifested in part by prevention or attenuation of whole-body tremors characteristic of untreated animals. Hex activity was significantly elevated, whereas storage of GM2 and GA2 was significantly decreased in tissue samples taken from the cortex, cerebellum, thalamus, and cervical spinal cord. Treatment also increased levels of myelin-enriched cerebrosides and sulfatides in the cortex and thalamus. This study demonstrates the therapeutic potential of AAV for feline SD and suggests a similar potential for human SD patients.  相似文献   
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