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We have previously constructed a cloning/sequencing vector,with an in vivo system capable of creating nested deletionsfrom the end of transposon Tn3, which is useful for sequencinglarge DNAs. Here we report an in vitro system which uses anammonium sulfate fraction of extract from E. coli cells harboringa Tn3 transposase overproducer plasmid to generate nested deletions.A key feature of the procedure is exhaustive digestion of thereaction products with a restriction enzyme that cleaves onlybetween the Tn3 "right" terminus and the cloned fragment. Thisstep reduces the noise level due to mechanisms other than deletionsfrom the Tn3 terminus, and facilitates detection and isolationof the desired deletion products. This system enables us tosave at least 2 days' time when obtaining the necessary deletionscompared with the in vivo system.  相似文献   
3,3'-Dipropyl-2,2'-thiadicarbocyanine iodide [DiS-C(3)(5)], often used as a tracer dye to assess the mitochondrial membrane potential, was investigated in detail regarding its effects on the structure and function of isolated mitochondria. As reported previously, DiS-C(3)(5) had an inhibitory effect on NADH-driven mitochondrial electron transfer. On the contrary, in the presence of inorganic phosphate, DiS-C(3)(5) showed dose-dependent biphasic effects on mitochondria energized by succinate. At higher concentrations, such as 50 micro m, DiS-C(3)(5) accelerated mitochondrial oxygen consumption. Measurements of the permeability of DiS-C(3)(5)-treated mitochondrial membranes to poly(ethylene glycol) and analysis of mitochondrial configuration by transmission electron microscopy revealed that the accelerating effect of DiS-C(3)(5) on mitochondrial oxygen consumption reflects the induction of the mitochondrial permeability transition (PT). When the mitochondrial PT was induced by DiS-C(3)(5), release of mitochondrial cytochrome c was observed, as in the case of the PT induced by Ca(2+). On the contrary, at a low concentration such as 5 micro m, DiS-C(3)(5) showed an inhibitory effect on the latent oxygen consumption by mitochondria. This effect was shown to reflect inhibition of the PT induced by a low concentration of Ca(2+). Furthermore, in the absence of inorganic phosphate, DiS-C(3)(5) caused mitochondrial swelling. Under this condition, DiS-C(3)(5) caused changes in the membrane status of the mitochondria, but did not induce a release of mitochondrial cytochrome c.  相似文献   
Nestin-expressing hair-follicle-associated pluripotent (HAP) stem cells are located in the bulge area of the follicle. Previous studies have shown that HAP stem cells can differentiate to neurons, glia, keratinocytes, smooth muscle cells, and melanocytes in vitro. HAP stem cells effected nerve and spinal cord regeneration in mouse models. Recently, we demonstrated that HAP stem cells differentiated to beating cardiac muscle cells. The differentiation potential to cardiac muscle cells was greatest in the upper part of the follicle. The beat rate of the cardiac muscle cells was stimulated by isoproterenol. In the present study, we observed that isoproterenol directs HAP stem cells to differentiate to cardiac muscle cells in large numbers in culture compared to HAP stem cells not supplemented with isoproterenol. The addition of activin A, bone morphogenetic protein 4, and basic fibroblast growth factor, along with isoproternal, induced the cardiac muscle cells to form tissue sheets of beating heart muscle cells. These results demonstrate that HAP stem cells have great potential to form beating cardiac muscle cells in tissue sheets.  相似文献   
We have previously discovered nestin-expressing hair-follicle-associated pluripotent (HAP) stem cells and have shown that they can differentiate to neurons, glia, and many other cell types. HAP stem cells can be used for nerve and spinal cord repair. We have recently shown the HAP stem cells can differentiate to beating heart-muscle cells and tissue sheets of beating heart-muscle cells. In the present study, we determined the efficiency of HAP stem cells from mouse vibrissa hair follicles of various ages to differentiate to beating heart-muscle cells. We observed that the whiskers located near the ear were more efficient to differentiate to cardiac-muscle cells compared to whiskers located near the nose. Differentiation to cardiac-muscle cells from HAP stem cells in cultured whiskers in 4-week-old mice was significantly greater than in 10-, 20-, and 40-week-old mice. There was a strong decrease in differentiation potential of HAP stem cells to cardiac-muscle cells by 10 weeks of age. In contrast, the differentiation potential of HAP stem cells to other cell types did not decrease with age. The possibility of rejuvenation of HAP stem cells to differentiate at high efficiency to cardiac-muscle cells is discussed.  相似文献   
Immunochemical studies have identified a distinct myosin heavy chain (MHC) in the chicken embryonic skeletal muscle that was undetectable in this muscle in the posthatch period by both immunocytochemical and the immunoblotting procedures. This embryonic isoform, identified by antibody 96J, which also recognises the cardiac and SM1 myosin heavy chains, differs from the embryonic myosin heavy chain belonging to the fast class described previously. Although the fast embryonic isoform is a major species present in the leg and pectoral embryonic muscles, slow embryonic isoform was present in significant amounts during early embryonic development. Immunocytochemical studies using another monoclonal antibody designated 9812, which is specific for SM1 MHC, showed this isoform to be restricted to only presumptive slow muscle cells. From these studies and those reported on the changes in SM2 MHC, it is proposed that as is the case for the fast class, there also exists a slow class of myosin heavy chains composed of slow embryonic, SM1 and SM2 isoforms. The differentiation of a muscle cell involves transitions in a series of myosin isozymes in both presumptive fast and slow skeletal muscle cells.  相似文献   
A hemolysin was extracted from fungous mats ofRhizopus nigricans cultured for two weeks in modified Sabouraud broth. Preliminary characterization indicated that the active substance is water soluble, stable after heating to 100°C, not destroyed by proteolytic enzymes, not dialyzable, and not precipitable with ethanol. It is however precipitable with ammonium sulfate and extractable with lipid solvents. Lipid fractionation revealed activity in the non-acidic phospholipid fraction. The cumulative findings suggest that the active hemolytic substance is a lipid perhaps attached to a protein.
Zusammenfassung Das Hämolysin war vom Pilzmyzelium vonRhizopus nigricans extrahiert worden, das in Sabouraud's Brühe für zwei Wochen gezüchtet worden ist. Vorläufige Charakteristik zeigte, daß die aktive Substanz wasserlöslich, hitzeresistent ist und sie durch proteolytische Fermente nicht zerstört wird. Sie ist dialysierbar, und wird durch Ethanol nicht prezipitiert. Jedoch ist sie durch Ammoniumsulfate prezipitiert und durch Fettlösungsmittel extrahierbar Lipoidfraktionierung zeigte eine Aktivität in der nich-saueren Phospholipoidfraktion. Kumulative Befunde legen es nahe, daß die aktive, hämolytische Substanz ein an Protein gebundenes Lipoid ist.
Single blastomeres containing the "germ plasm" were isolated from 32-cell embryos of Xenopus albino (ap/ap) or wild type and cultured in vitro until the corresponding normal control embryos reached the neurula stage. The resulting explants from albinos were implanted into wild-type host neurulae and vice versa. The formation of functional gametes, eggs or sperm, of donor type was tested when the operated host embryos had reached sexual maturity. The color of the eggs laid by the experimental females and the presence or absence of melanophores in the epidermis and of pigment granules in the eyes of hatched larvae from matings of the experimental males with albino females made possible the identification of donor-type gametes. Twelve males and 12 females of the wild-type hosts, and 16 males and 14 females of the albino hosts survived. Six animals produced donor-type eggs or sperm, most of them being germ line chimeras. This shows that functional gametes can develop from explants derived from single blastomeres containing the "germ plasm."  相似文献   
The localization of Ca2+ in cells of the periblem and dermatogen in the root meristem and the columella and peripheral cells of the root cap of maize was examined by the precipitation method of potassium pyroantimonate and EGTA-treatment. In periblem and dermatogen cells, Ca2+ was found to be localized in the nucleoplasm and granular zone of the nucleolus. Ca2+ was also found in most cell organelles: in the matrix in mitochondria, on the thylakoid membrane in proplastids, in the vacuoles and on the plasma membranes. Ca2+ was also distributed throughout the cytoplasmic ground matrix. Much Ca2+ was present in the cell wall soon after its formation during the cell division. Ca2+ was also conspicuous in the vesicles of Golgi in the dermatogen cells. In columella and peripheral cells, there was less Ca2+ in the organelles and cytoplasmic ground matrix, but Ca2+ was present in Golgi vesicles in the peripheral cells. Electron microscopic and X-ray microanalysis showed that Ca2+ was also present in the mucilaginous layer, the outermost cell wall of the peripheral cells.  相似文献   
Using a quantitative enzyme immunoassay, Thy-1 antigen expressed by a rat myoid cell line R615B2 was detected mainly on the cell surface at a single cell stage, whereas at the stage of forming myotubes, Thy-1 was found predominantly in the cytoplasm. The muscle specific creatine kinase activity also increased in association with the shift of Thy-1 from the cell surface to the cytoplasm, suggesting biological significance of Thy-1 redistribution in muscle differentiation from single cells to multinucleated cells.  相似文献   
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