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Infection of root nodules of beans, Phaseolus vulgaris L., by bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV) and the effect of the disease on the specific activity of the nodule are reported. Infectivity and serological microprecipitin assays with two sources of BYMV antiserum demonstrated that nodules from bean plants whose leaves had been inoculated with BYMV contain BYMV antigen. The disease reduced the fresh weights of tops, roots, and root nodules and induced premature nodule decay and/or nodule drop. The disease also reduced leghemoglobin content, on a plant weight basis, and N2 fixation rate, on an individual plant basis, as measured by the acetylene reduction assay. The increased leghemoglobin content per gram-nodule in BYMV-infected nodules relative to healthy nodules might be associated with multiplication of the virus in the nodule and/or unknown cellular effects derived from the BYMV-Rhizobium interaction.  相似文献   
A temperature-dependent conformational change of the active DPN-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase was observed. When initial reaction kinetic data were examined between 35 and 5 degrees, the Hill number (n) varied from 2 at higher to n approaching unity at lower temperatures, with an inflection point at 17 degrees. The presence of manganous isocitrate in the incubation media shifted the transition temperature for enzyme inactivation by 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoate) from 8-16 degrees. These temperature-dependent transitions were paralleled by progressive changes in sedimentation velocities from s20, w of 10.4 at 25 degrees to 7.3 at 10 degrees as measured by active band centrifugation. The linear Arrhenius plot for apparent V max and the constancy of S0.5 for the substrate manganous isocitrate between 35 and 5 degrees suggest that this temperature-dependent conformational change may not be solely related to manganous isocitrate. Further indications of equilibria between different species of enzyme in solution and effects of substrates and cofactors on conformation came from studies of specific activity of enzyme diluted into buffers at 3 and 25 degrees. Dilution to concentrations between 10 and 25 mum enzyme resulted in relatively rapid protein concentration-dependent inactivation which could be prevented and fully reversed by manganous isocitrate. No further substantial inactivation was found subsequent to this phase at 25 degrees. Lowering the temperature of the dilution buffer to 3 degrees favored formation of enzyme species exhibiting a further time and pH-dependent loss of activity which became independent of protein concentration below 7 mum enzyme. The rate of cold inactivation was reduced by raising the ionic strength of the buffer and its progress could be arrested by manganous isocitrate; however, the substrate did not restore the original activity.  相似文献   
Aging is a major risk factor for many diseases,especially in highly prevalent cardiopulmonary comorbidities and infectious diseases including Coronavirus Diseas...  相似文献   
Bacterial species can adapt to significant changes in their environment by mutation followed by selection, a phenomenon known as “adaptive evolution.” With the development of bioinformatics and genetic engineering, research on adaptive evolution has progressed rapidly, as have applications of the process. In this review, we summarize various mechanisms of bacterial adaptive evolution, the technologies used for studying it, and successful applications of the method in research and industry. We particularly highlight the contributions of Dr. L. O. Ingram. Microbial adaptive evolution has significant impact on our society not only from its industrial applications, but also in the evolution, emergence, and control of various pathogens.  相似文献   
根据2010年5月—10月调查资料,对山东莱州湾中国对虾(Fenneropenaeus chinensis)的资源状况、生长特性及其空间分布进行了研究。莱州湾放流前本底调查资料表明,目前山东莱州湾中国对虾捕捞产量主要来源于增殖放流,且在一定条件下捕捞产量与放流数量成正相关关系。依据2010年中国对虾生物学数据,应用R语言命令对中国对虾体长体重关系和体长生长方程进行了拟合,并对拟合系数进行了显著性检验,结果表明中国对虾体长与体重系数a、b处于显著水平(P0.05),中国对虾体长生长方程拟合系数K、t_0、L_∞处于极显著水平(P0.001),故拟合效果明显,获得为中国对虾生长参数雌虾为K=0.0226、t_0=37.45d、L_∞=200.77 mm、W_∞=80.50 g、t_r=85.18d(8月4日),雄虾为:K=0.0419、t_0=40.25d、L_∞=145.81 mm、W_∞=23.37 g、tr=67.24d(7月18日),与20世纪80年代相比,中国对虾个体明显减小,生长速度加快,生长拐点提前了1个月。另外,根据大面调查体长数据,对各个站位体长组出现频率进行Ward聚类分析,利用R语言聚类树的融合水平值定义划分水平,选择具有最大跳跃的分组水平,将中国对虾虾群大致可分为两个组群,河口组和深水组,同时按照各体长组的多度值大小,探讨了各组内具有代表性的分类体长组,结果表明,河口组的中国对虾以体长125—135 mm为主,深水组以体长115—125 mm和105—115mm为主,河口组个体明显大于深水组;河口组分布区入海河流较多,饵料生物丰富,以软泥底质为主,有利于中国对虾的摄食和前期保护,深水组分布于莱州湾中东部,蟹类资源相对较高,且以沙质底质为主,对中国对虾的生长与保护产生一定的影响。  相似文献   
Thoracic ossification of the ligamentum flavum (TOLF) is ectopic ossification of the spinal ligaments. Histologically, the development of TOLF can be described as the process of endochondral ossification. However, the underlying aetiology has not been completely clarified. In this investigation, the gene expression profile associated with leucine‐rich repeat‐containing G‐protein‐coupled receptors (LGR) and Wnt signalling pathway in the thoracic ligamentum flavum cells (TLFCs) of different ossification stages was analysed via RNA sequencing. We further confirmed the significant differences in the related gene expression profile by Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis. LGR5 was first identified in primary human TLFCs during osteogenic differentiation. To evaluate the effect of LGR5 on osteogenic differentiation, LGR5 has been knocked down and overexpressed in human TLFCs. We observed that the knockdown of LGR5 inhibited the activity of Wnt signalling and attenuated the potential osteogenic differentiation of TLFCs, while overexpression of LGR5 activated the Wnt signalling pathway and increased osteogenic differentiation. Our results provide important evidence for the potent positive mediatory effects of LGR5 on osteogenesis by enhancing the Wnt signalling pathway in TOLF.  相似文献   
动物乳杆菌的分离鉴定及其抑菌蛋白的特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过滤纸片法从健康肉猪猪大肠、小肠中分离得到212株抗生物质产生菌, 以杯碟法复筛, 得到1株对溶壁微球菌(Micrococcus lysodeikticus)、金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)、枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)、蜡状芽孢杆菌(Bacillus cereus)等革兰氏阳性菌和大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)、鼠伤寒沙门氏菌(Salmonella typhimurium)等革兰氏阴性菌以及部分真菌如禾谷镰刀霉(Fusarium graminearum)均有强烈抑制作用的乳酸菌。经形态学、生理生化特征及16S rDNA序列同源性分析等手段鉴定该菌株为动物乳杆菌(Lactobacillus animalis)。排除酸和过氧化氢的干扰后, 该菌株的发酵上清液对指示菌仍有明显抑菌活性; 用蛋白酶处理该菌株的发酵上清液后, 抑菌活性丧失; 发酵液粗提物具有较好的热稳定性(经121°C处理20 min仍有较强抑菌活性)以及较宽的抑菌活性pH值范围(3.5~5.5), 因此初步认为该菌株产生一类具有广谱抑菌活性的类细菌素物质。  相似文献   
The development of thermostable vaccines can relieve the bottleneck of existing vaccines caused by thermal instability and subsequent poor efficacy, which is one of the predominant reasons for the millions of deaths caused by vaccine-preventable diseases. Research into the mechanism of viral thermostability may provide strategies for developing thermostable vaccines. Using Newcastle disease virus (NDV) as model, we identified the negative surface charge of attachment glycoprotein as a novel determinant of viral thermostability. It prevented the temperature-induced aggregation of glycoprotein and subsequent detachment from virion surface. Then structural stability of virion surface was improved and virus could bind to and infect cells efficiently after heat-treatment. Employing the approach of surface charge engineering, thermal stability of NDV and influenza A virus (IAV) vaccines was successfully improved. The increase in the level of vaccine thermal stability was determined by the value-added in the negative surface charge of the attachment glycoprotein. The engineered live and inactivated vaccines could be used efficiently after storage at 37°C for at least 10 and 60 days, respectively. Thus, our results revealed a novel surface-charge-mediated link between HN protein and NDV thermostability, which could be used to design thermal stable NDV and IAV vaccines rationally.  相似文献   
人类活动影响下新疆生态环境的一些变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
樊自立 《生态学报》1985,5(4):291-299
人类活动引起的新疆生态环境变化主要有以下几方面:1.河流流程缩短,河水矿化度和泥沙含量增加;2.湖泊水位下降,湖面缩小或变干,湖水矿化度升高;3.森林破坏,面积缩小;4.草场的产草量降低,牧草质量下降; 5.土壤次生盐渍化、沼泽化和肥力下降;6.土地沙漠化不断扩大。  相似文献   
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