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Isovaleric acidemia (IVA) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder caused by a deficiency of isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase encoded by IVD gene. In this case study we report the first Saudi IVA patients from a consanguineous family with a novel transversion (p.G362V) and briefly discuss likely phenotype–genotype correlation of the disease in the Saudi population. We explored the functional consequences of the mutation by using various bioinformatics prediction algorithms and discussed the likely mechanism of the disease caused by the mutation.  相似文献   

Glycyrrhiza glabra L. is considered an important source of bioactive compounds. This study aimed at the development of an efficient solution for the treatment of oral candidiasis. Several extracts of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. were prepared using different solvents and their potential in vitro antifungal activity was assessed. Ethanolic extracts showed the most promising results against C. albicans. This extract was incorporated into mucoadhesive nanoparticles (PLA, PLGA and alginate), which were further included in an oral gel, an oral film and a toothpaste, respectively. The results showed that nanoparticles were successfully produced, presenting a mean size among 100–900?nm with high encapsulation efficiency. In vitro studies showed that the most bioadhesive formulation was the oral film with extract-loaded PLGA nanoparticles, followed by the toothpaste with extract-loaded alginate nanoparticles and the oral gel with extract-loaded PLA nanoparticles.  相似文献   
Ontogenetic diet shifts were compared among five sympatric pike cichlids Crenicichla in a subtropical South American stream using stable C and N isotopes and tissue stoichiometry (C:N). Within species, stable N isotopes were positively related to body size while C:N showed negative relationships. Stable C isotopes, however, were not related to body size in any species. By modelling the switch to piscivory using gut content‐isotope‐body size relationships, diet shifts were shown to be species‐specific with regard to both rate and degree of piscivory. Compared to other piscivorous lineages, Crenicichla appear to be unusually small‐bodied (based on maximum body size). Because of their diversity, abundance and dynamic size‐structured functional roles, Crenicichla may exert broad and complex predation pressures on the aquatic community.  相似文献   
The crystal structure of three head-to-head dimers (having two cholic acid or deoxycholic acid units) linked at carbon atoms C3 by aromatic or alkyl bridges is studied. An internal coordinates system is necessary for describing the relative orientation in the space of the two bile acid residues. Five angles (three torsion and two common ones) are necessary for defining the relative position of both steroid residues in space. Carbon atoms C3 (which always carries a α-hydroxy group in natural bile acids), and C10 and C13 (which always carry β-methyl groups) of each steroid residue are suitable for this purpose. Furthermore, the distance between each C3 carbon atoms of both steroid residues will allow one to locate the steroids in space. The three dimers selected provide a large range of values for these angles. The packing, hydrogen bond network, and location of guest in the three crystals are discussed.  相似文献   
Here we attempted to clarify telomere metabolism in parental cells and their derived clonal human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) at different passages using quantitative fluorescence in situ hybridization (Q-FISH). Our methodology involved estimation of the individual telomere lengths of chromosomal arms in individual cells within each clone in relation to telomere fluorescence units (TFUs) determined by Q-FISH. TFUs were very variable within the same metaphase spread and within the same cell. TFUs of the established iPSCs derived from human amnion (hAM933 iPSCs), expressed as mean values of the median TFUs of 20 karyotypes, were significantly longer than those of the parental cells, although the telomere extension rates varied quite significantly among the clones. Twenty metaphase spreads from hAM933 iPSCs demonstrated no chromosomal instability. The iPSCs established from fetal lung fibroblasts (MRC-5) did not exhibit telomere shortening and chromosomal instability as the number of passages increased. However, the telomeres of other iPSCs derived from MRC-5 became shorter as the number of passages increased, and one (5%) of 20 metaphase spreads showed chromosomal abnormalities including X trisomy at an early stage and all 20 showed abnormalities including X and 12 trisomies at the late stage.  相似文献   
Leprosy is an infectious and contagious spectral disease accompanied by a series of immunological events triggered by the host response to the aetiologic agent, Mycobacterium leprae . The induction and maintenance of the immune/inflammatory response in leprosy are linked to multiple cell interactions and soluble factors, primarily through the action of cytokines. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the serum levels of tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α and its soluble receptors (sTNF-R1 and sTNF-R2) in leprosy patients at different stages of multidrug treatment (MDT) in comparison with non-infected individuals and to determine their role as putative biomarkers of the severity of leprosy or the treatment response. ELISA was used to measure the levels of these molecules in 30 healthy controls and 37 leprosy patients at the time of diagnosis and during and after MDT. Our results showed increases in the serum levels of TNF-α and sTNF-R2 in infected individuals in comparison with controls. The levels of TNF-α, but not sTNF-R2, decreased with treatment. The current results corroborate previous reports of elevated serum levels of TNF-α in leprosy and suggest a role for sTNF-R2 in the control of this cytokine during MDT.  相似文献   
The regulation of signal transduction by phosphorylation and ubiquitination is essential to ensure the correct behavior of eukaryotic cells. We searched for protein families involved in such signaling in several eukaryotic species and in a limited set of prokaryotes, where two members of the Planctomycetes phylum were included as they exhibit eukaryote-like features (Gemmata obscuriglobus and Pirellula staleyi). We identified sequences homologous to eukaryotic serine/threonine kinases (STKs) and E2-ubiquitin conjugating enzymes in the two Planctomycetes species. To extend these analyses to the Planctomycetes/Verrucomicrobia/Chlamydia super-phylum, we performed comparative analyses using domains from kinases, phosphatases and GTPases that serve as signaling signatures, and we analyzed their distributions. We found substantial differences in kinome densities with regards to other prokaryote clades and among the groups in the Planctomycetes/Verrucomicrobia/Chlamydia super-phylum. In addition, we identified the presence of classic eukaryotic E2-conjugating ubiquitin proteins in prokaryotes, these having previously believed to exist only in eukaryotes. Our phylogenetic analyses of the STKs signature domains and E2-enzymes suggest the existence of horizontal gene transfer.  相似文献   
Transglutaminase-1 (TG1)-deficient autosomal-recessive congenital ichthyosis (ARCI) is a rare and severe genetic skin disease caused by mutations in TGM1. It is characterized by collodion babies at birth, dramatically increased transepidermal water loss (TEWL), and lifelong pronounced scaling. The disease has a tremendous burden, including the problem of stigmatization. Currently, no therapy targeting the molecular cause is available, and the therapeutic situation is deplorable. In this study, we developed the basis for a causative therapy aiming at the delivery of the enzyme to the inner site of the keratinocytes’ plasma membrane. We prepared sterically stabilized liposomes with encapsulated recombinant human TG1 (rhTG1) and equipped with a highly cationic lipopeptide vector to mediate cellular uptake. The liposomes overcame the problems of insufficient cutaneous delivery and membrane penetration and provided excellent availability and activity of rhTG1 in primary keratinocytes. To demonstrate the general feasibility of this therapeutic approach in a humanized context, we used a skin-humanized mouse model. Treatment with rhTG1 liposomes resulted in considerable improvement of the ichthyosis phenotype and in normalization of the regenerated ARCI skin: in situ monitoring showed a restoration of TG1 activity, and cholesterol clefts vanished ultrastructurally. Measurement of TEWL revealed a restoration of epidermal barrier function. We regard this aspect as a major advance over available nonspecific approaches making use of, for example, retinoid creams. We conclude that this topical approach is a promising strategy for restoring epidermal integrity and barrier function and provides a causal cure for individuals with TG1 deficiency.  相似文献   
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