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In spite of adjuvant chemotherapy, a significant fraction of patients with localized breast cancer (BC) relapse after optimal treatment. We determined the occurrence of cytoplasmic MAP1LC3B/LC3B (microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3B)-positive puncta, as well as the presence of nuclear HMGB1 (high mobility group box 1) in cancer cells within surgical BC specimens by immunohistochemistry, first in a test cohort (152 patients) and then in a validation cohort of localized BC patients who all received adjuvant anthracycline-based chemotherapy (1646 patients). Cytoplasmic LC3B+ puncta inversely correlated with the intensity of SQSTM1 staining, suggesting that a high percentage cells of LC3B+ puncta reflects increased autophagic flux. After setting optimal thresholds in the test cohort, cytoplasmic LC3B+ puncta and nuclear HMGB1 were scored as positive in 27.2% and 28.6% of the tumors, respectively, in the validation cohort, while 8.7% were considered as double positive. LC3B+ puncta or HMGB1 expression alone did not constitute independent prognostic factors for metastasis-free survival (MFS) in multivariate analyses. However, the combined positivity for LC3B+ puncta and nuclear HMGB1 constituted an independent prognostic factor significantly associated with prolonged MFS (hazard ratio: 0.49 95% confidence interval [0.26–0.89]; P = 0.02), and improved breast cancer specific survival (hazard ratio: 0.21 95% confidence interval [0.05–0.85]; P = 0.029). Subgroup analyses revealed that within patients with poor-prognosis BC, HMGB1+ LC3B+ double-positive tumors had a better prognosis than BC that lacked one or both of these markers. Altogether, these results suggest that the combined positivity for LC3B+ puncta and nuclear HMGB1 is a positive predictor for longer BC survival.  相似文献   
Grape diversity present in Morocco and the part of this diversity used nowadays are poorly documented. In order to choose diversified genotypes, to select them so that their agronomic interest will be tested, a group of 21 autochthonous cultivars preserved in the germplasm collections of SODEA and 18 Moroccan cultivars from “Domaine de Vassal” INRA grape collection was compared to a group of cultivars from neighbouring countries (Algeria and Tunisia), and from a core collection optimizing simple sequence repeat (SSR) allelic diversity of grape. Data from 20 nuclear and 3 chloroplastic SSR markers were obtained for this set of 211 cultivars. A total of 156 alleles (mean of 7.8 alleles per locus) were detected for the nSSRs and 7 alleles for the cpSSR in the Moroccan group. Chlorotype diversity in Moroccan and Algerian group were similar, but slightly lower than in the Tunisian group and the core collection. Similarly, the nSSR diversity was high in the core collection and low in the Moroccan and the Algerian groups compared to the two other groups. Clustering of cultivars based on nSSR data reflected their geographical origin and, to a certain extent, the use of the cultivars. The specificity of the Moroccan plant material was attested by the Bayesian analysis using Structure, while differences of the core collection were clearly revealed both by the Bayesian and a multivariate analysis. These results confirm the differentiation of the material from Maghreb and more specifically of Moroccan material, having evolved independently from Europe.  相似文献   
Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) is the first and rate-limiting enzyme of tryptophan catabolism through the kynurenine pathway. Intriguingly, IDO is constitutively and highly expressed in the mammalian epididymis in contrast to most other tissues where IDO is induced by proinflammatory cytokines, such as interferons. To gain insight into the role of IDO in the physiology of the mammalian epididymis, we studied both wild type and Ido1(-/-)-deficient mice. In the caput epididymis of Ido1(-/-) animals, the lack of IDO activity was not compensated by other tryptophan-catabolizing enzymes and led to the loss of kynurenine production. The absence of IDO generated an inflammatory state in the caput epididymis as revealed by an increased accumulation of various inflammation markers. The absence of IDO also increased the tryptophan content of the caput epididymis and generated a parallel increase in caput epididymal protein content as a consequence of deficient proteasomal activity. Surprisingly, the lack of IDO expression had no noticeable impact on overall male fertility but did induce highly significant increases in both the number and the percentage of abnormal spermatozoa. These changes coincided with a significant decrease in white blood cell count in epididymal fluid compared with wild type mice. These data provide support for IDO playing a hitherto unsuspected role in sperm quality control in the epididymis involving the ubiquitination of defective spermatozoa and their subsequent removal.  相似文献   
T lymphocytes of fetal origin found in maternal circulation after gestation have been reported as a possible cause for autoimmune diseases. During gestation, mothers acquire CD34+CD38+ cells of fetal origin that persist decades. In this study, we asked whether fetal T and B cells could develop from these progenitors in the maternal thymus and bone marrow during and after gestation. RAG-/--deficient female mice (Ly5.2) were mated to congenic wild-type Ly5.1 mice (RAG+/+). Fetal double-positive T cells (CD4+CD8+) with characteristic TCR and IL-7R expression patterns could be recovered in maternal thymus during the resulting pregnancies. We made similar observations in the thymus of immunocompetent mothers. Such phenomenon was observed overall in 12 of 68 tested mice compared with 0 of 51 controls (p=0.001). T cells could also be found in maternal spleen and produced IFN-gamma in the presence of an allogenic or an Ag-specific stimulus. Similarly, CD19+IgM+ fetal B cells as well as plasma Igs could be found in maternal RAG-/- bone marrow and spleen after similar matings. Our results suggest that during gestation mothers acquire fetal lymphoid progenitors that develop into functional T cells. This fetal cell microchimerism may have a direct impact on maternal health.  相似文献   
The development of in vitro fertilization (IVF) techniques for infertility management has led to the investigation of the proteome of follicular fluid and oocyte. In addition, different markers contributing to oocyte maturation and embryo development potential have been reported in the literature. Different techniques were utilized to analyze whole proteome or single protein markers in follicular fluid and oocytes, particularly in animal models. Data from several studies have generated large amounts of information, however, an ideal profile to predict the best oocytes and embryos suitable for implantation are still to be uncovered. The identification of such profiles and markers from follicular fluid, oocytes and endometrium should help scientists and clinicians develop better strategies to improving clinical outcome of IVF cycles.  相似文献   
Similar to Bacillus subtilis, Enterococcus faecalis transports and phosphorylates maltose via a phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP):maltose phosphotransferase system (PTS). The maltose‐specific PTS permease is encoded by the malT gene. However, E. faecalis lacks a malA gene encoding a 6‐phospho‐α‐glucosidase, which in B. subtilis hydrolyses maltose 6′‐P into glucose and glucose 6‐P. Instead, an operon encoding a maltose phosphorylase (MalP), a phosphoglucomutase and a mutarotase starts upstream from malT. MalP was suggested to split maltose 6‐P into glucose 1‐P and glucose 6‐P. However, purified MalP phosphorolyses maltose but not maltose 6′‐P. We discovered that the gene downstream from malT encodes a novel enzyme (MapP) that dephosphorylates maltose 6′‐P formed by the PTS. The resulting intracellular maltose is cleaved by MalP into glucose and glucose 1‐P. Slow uptake of maltose probably via a maltodextrin ABC transporter allows poor growth for the mapP but not the malP mutant. Synthesis of MapP in a B. subtilis mutant accumulating maltose 6′‐P restored growth on maltose. MapP catalyses the dephosphorylation of intracellular maltose 6′‐P, and the resulting maltose is converted by the B. subtilis maltose phosphorylase into glucose and glucose 1‐P. MapP therefore connects PTS‐mediated maltose uptake to maltose phosphorylase‐catalysed metabolism. Dephosphorylation assays with a wide variety of phospho‐substrates revealed that MapP preferably dephosphorylates disaccharides containing an O‐α‐glycosyl linkage.  相似文献   
Soybean cyst nematode (SCN, Heterodera glycines) is the most devastating pest affecting soybean production worldwide. SCN resistance requires both the GmSHMT08 and the GmSNAP18 in ‘Peking’‐type resistance. Here, we describe the molecular interaction between GmSHMT08 and GmSNAP18, which is potentiated by a pathogenesis‐related protein GmPR08‐Bet VI. Like GmSNAP18 and GmSHMT08, GmPR08‐Bet VI expression was induced in response to SCN and its overexpression decreased SCN cysts by 65% in infected transgenic soybean roots. Overexpression of GmPR08‐Bet VI did not have an effect on SCN resistance when the two cytokinin‐binding sites in GmPR08‐Bet VI were mutated, indicating a new role of GmPR08‐Bet VI in SCN resistance. GmPR08‐Bet VI was mapped to a QTL for resistance to SCN using different mapping populations. GmSHMT08, GmSNAP18 and GmPR08‐Bet VI localize to the cytosol and plasma membrane. GmSNAP18 expression and localization hyper‐accumulated at the plasma membrane and was specific to the root cells surrounding the nematode in SCN‐resistant soybeans. Genes encoding key components of the salicylic acid signalling pathway were induced under SCN infection. GmSNAP18 and GmPR08‐Bet VI were also induced under salicylic acid and cytokinin exogenous treatments, while GmSHMT08 was induced only when the resistant GmSNAP18 was present, pointing to the presence of a molecular crosstalk between SCN‐resistant genes and defence genes. Expression analysis of GmSHMT08 and GmSNAP18 identified the need of a minimum expression requirement to trigger the SCN resistance reaction. These results provide insight into a new response mechanism towards plant nematode resistance involving haplotype compatibility, gene dosage and hormone signalling.  相似文献   
Cereal products (soft and hard wheat) are a basic staple food in the Moroccan diet. A total of 60 samples of two types of wheat flours used for human consumption were collected; 30 samples among this collection were obtained from various households using Moroccan varieties of wheat produced in traditional flour mills. The rest of the samples were purchased from retail wheat flour sources in the Rabat and Sale city markets. Standard plate counts (SPC), total and faecal coliforms, Clostridium, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, yeast, lactic acid bacteria, and molds, were carried out to assess the microbiological quality of wheat flour. Microbiological interpretation of the criteria was performed according to standards implemented by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Most frequent counts, in traditional and industrial wheat flour, were total aerobic mesophilic bacteria with an average 4 × 104 and 2.5 × 104 cfu/g, respectively. The results showed higher coliform and fungi counts in house than in commercial samples. Pathogenic flora as Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., S. aureus, L. monocytogenes, and Clostridium were not detected in all investigated samples. Bacterial strains isolated from both flours belong to the following genera: Enterobacter spp., Serratia spp., Klebsiella spp., Pantoea spp., Leclercia spp., Proteus spp. The most frequent genus of the investigated isolates was Aspergillus (81 %). Microbial counts were lower than the limit laid down in the Codex Alimentarius, attributing to these flours a satisfactory microbiological quality.  相似文献   
It is well established that, upon changing their natural desert low caloric (succulent halophilic plants) to a regular laboratory high caloric diet, sand rats undergo various phenotypic changes depending on their genetic background and including obesity and various degrees of insulin resistance. Our aim was to investigate the acute effects of Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) on glucose-induced insulin secretion in normal lean sand rats maintained on their natural diet and in obese insulin resistant normoglycemic or type 2 diabetic animals after a 9-month high caloric diet. Animals were fed either a low or a high caloric diet; after 9 months, pancreatic islets were isolated and incubated in the presence of increasing cytokine concentrations. At the end of the high-energy diet, animals were all over-weight, and probably due to a different genetic background, they displayed either insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia and normoglycemia or a marked type-2 diabetic state. Pancreatic islets from obese insulin resistant normoglycemic animals were much more sensitive and responsive to IL-1β when compared to lean controls. The cytokine was inefficient in diabetic islets. In conclusion, the markedly increased insulinotropic effect of IL-1β in obese diabetes-resistant sand rat could participate and be involved in pancreatic β-cell hyperactivity that compensates for insulin resistance and thereby prevent the development of type 2 diabetes in these animals.  相似文献   
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