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Lysis of virus-infected and tumor cells by NK cells is mediated via natural cytotoxicity receptors (NCRs). We have recently shown that the NKp44 and NKp46 NCRs, but not the NKp30, recognize viral hemagglutinins. In this study we explored the nature of the cellular ligands recognized by the NKp30 and NKp46 NCRs. We demonstrate that target cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) are recognized by NKp30 and NKp46 and that 6-O-sulfation and N-acetylation state of the glucose building unit affect this recognition and lysis by NK cells. Tumor cells expressing cell surface heparanase, CHO cells lacking membranal heparan sulfate and glypican-1-suppressed pancreatic cancer cells manifest reduced recognition by NKp30 and NKp46 and are lysed to a lesser extent by NK cells. Our results are the first clue for the identity of the ligands for NKp30 and NKp46. Whether the ligands are particular HSPGs, unusual heparan sulfate epitopes, or a complex of HSPGs and either other protein or lipid moieties remains to be further explored.  相似文献   
Microparticles (MPs) are sub-micron membrane vesicles (100–1000 nm) shed from normal and pathologic cells due to stimulation or apoptosis. MPs can be found in the peripheral blood circulation of healthy individuals, whereas elevated concentrations are found in pregnancy and in a variety of diseases. Also, MPs participate in physiological processes, e.g., coagulation, inflammation, and angiogenesis. Since their clinical properties are important, we have developed a new methodology based on nano-imaging that provides significant new data on MPs nanostructure, their composition and function. We are among the first to characterize by direct-imaging cryogenic transmitting electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) the near-to-native nanostructure of MP systems isolated from different cell types and stimulation procedures. We found that there are no major differences between the MP systems we have studied, as most particles were spherical, with diameters from 200 to 400 nm. However, each MP population is very heterogeneous, showing diverse morphologies. We investigated by cryo-TEM the effects of standard techniques used to isolate and store MPs, and found that either high-g centrifugation of MPs for isolation purposes, or slow freezing to –80°C for storage introduce morphological artifacts, which can influence MP nanostructure, and thus affect the efficiency of these particles as future diagnostic tools.  相似文献   
Some membrane characteristics of normal and Rauscher leukemia virus (RLV)-infected mouse red blood cells (RBC) were compared, both with regard to total populations and young and old groups of cells. Osmotic fragility, density distribution of cells and agglutinability by poly- -lysine (pLys), concanavalin A (ConA), phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and soybean agglutinin (SBA), were examined. RBC from RLV-infected mice were agglutinated at a higher rate and to a higher degree than normal mice RBC by pLys and by the lectins PHA and ConA. These RBC were generally osmotically more resistant and contained a young cell population of unusually high specific gravity. Comparison of RBC from RLV-infected mice with old RBC from normal mice showed some common membrane characteristics. Similarly to old RBC, RBC from RLV-infected mice have a high specific gravity and high agglutinability by pLys. However, they differ in that the RBC from RLV-infected mice are osmotically more resistant and are agglutinated by ConA; they are also agglutinated at a higher rate by PHA.  相似文献   
The Mediterranean Sea is considered as one of the hotspots of marine bioinvasions, largely due to the influx of tropical species migrating through the Suez Canal, so-called Lessepsian migrants. Several cases of Lessepsian migration have been documented recently, however, little is known about the ecological characteristics of the migrating species and their aptitude to colonize the new areas. This study focused on Red Sea soritids, larger symbiont-bearing benthic foraminifera (LBF) that are indicative of tropical and subtropical environments and were recently found in the Israeli coast of the Eastern Mediterranean. We combined molecular phylogenetic analyses of soritids and their algal symbionts as well as network analysis of Sorites orbiculus Forskål to compare populations from the Gulf of Elat (northern Red Sea) and from a known hotspot in Shikmona (northern Israel) that consists of a single population of S. orbiculus. Our phylogenetic analyses show that all specimens found in Shikmona are genetically identical to a population of S. orbiculus living on a similar shallow water pebbles habitat in the Gulf of Elat. Our analyses also show that the symbionts found in Shikmona and Elat soritids belong to the Symbiodinium clade F5, which is common in the Red Sea and also present in the Indian Ocean and Caribbean Sea. Our study therefore provides the first genetic and ecological evidences that indicate that modern population of soritids found on the Mediterranean coast of Israel is probably Lessepsian, and is less likely the descendant of a native ancient Mediterranean species.  相似文献   
Reactive species of oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur play cell signalling roles in human health, e.g. recent studies have shown that increased dietary nitrate, which is a source of RNS (reactive nitrogen species), lowers resting blood pressure and the oxygen cost of exercise. In such studies, plasma nitrite and nitrate are readily determined by chemiluminescence. At sites of inflammation, such as the joints of RA (rheumatoid arthritis) patients, the generation of ROS (reactive oxygen species) and RNS overwhelms antioxidant defences and one consequence is oxidative/nitrative damage to proteins. For example, in the inflamed joint, increased RNS-mediated protein damage has been detected in the form of a biomarker, 3-nitrotyrosine, by immunohistochemistry, Western blotting, ELISAs and MS. In addition to NO?, another cell-signalling gas produced in the inflamed joint is H2S (hydrogen sulfide), an RSS (reactive sulfur species). This gas is generated by inflammatory induction of H2S-synthesizing enzymes. Using zinc-trap spectrophotometry, we detected high (micromolar) concentrations of H2S in RA synovial fluid and levels correlated with clinical scores of inflammation and disease activity. What might be the consequences of the inflammatory generation of reactive species? Effects on inflammatory cell-signalling pathways certainly appear to be crucial, but in the current review we highlight the concept that ROS/RNS-mediated protein damage creates neoepitopes, resulting in autoantibody formation against proteins, e.g. type-II collagen and the complement component, C1q. These autoantibodies have been detected in inflammatory autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   
NKp30 is a natural cytotoxicity receptor expressed by human NK cells and involved in NK lytic activity. We previously published that membranal heparan sulfate serves as a coligand for human NKp30. In the present study, we complement our results by showing direct binding of recombinant NKp30 to immobilized heparin. The heparan sulfate epitope(s) on target tumor cells and the heparin epitope(s) recognized by NKp30 share similar characteristics. Warren and colleagues (Warren HS, Jones AL, Freeman C, Bettadapura J, Parish CR. 2005. Evidence that the cellular ligand for the human NK cell activation receptor NKp30 is not a heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycan. J Immunol. 175:207-212) published that NKp30 does not bind to membranal heparan sulfate on target cells and that heparan sulfate is not involved in NKp30-mediated lysis. In the current study, we examine the binding of six different recombinant NKp30s to membranal heparan sulfate and conclude that NKp30 does interact with membranal heparan sulfate. Yet, two of the six recombinant NKp30s, including the commercially available recombinant NKp30 (employed by Warren et al.) did not show heparan sulfate-dependent binding. We demonstrate that this is due to an altered glycosylation of these two recombinant NKp30s. Upon removal of its N-linked glycans, heparan sulfate-dependent binding to tumor cells and direct binding to heparin were restored. Overall, our results emphasize the importance of proper glycosylation for analysis of NKp30 binding to its ligand and that membranal heparan sulfate could serve as a coligand for NKp30. At the cellular level, soluble heparan sulfate enhanced the secretion of IFNgamma by NK-92 natural killer cells activated with anti-NKp30 monoclonal antibody. We discuss the involvement of heparan sulfate binding to NKp30 in NKp30-mediated activation of NK cells.  相似文献   
Methods for targeting biologicals to specific disease sites   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cytokines are mediators of cell communication. Their therapeutic use requires frequent high doses to achieve effective local biological levels. However, the clinical use of some cytokines is limited because of their pleiotropism, which can result in unwanted side effects. Here, we review novel protein engineering technologies that overcome these limitations and enable the targeting of cytokines to specific sites. One such technology uses antibody-based recognition to direct the cytokine to a particular tissue, and another creates encapsulated latent cytokines that are released only at the site of disease. The latter method requires the overexpression of matrix-metalloproteinases, thereby exploiting the severity of the pathological process to regulate drug delivery. Because these technologies are based on the expression of fusion proteins, their application can be extended to other biologicals and can be delivered by gene therapy.  相似文献   
Species of the genus Citrus accumulate large quantities of flavanones that affect fruit flavor and have been documented to benefit human health. Bitter species, such as grapefruit and pummelo, accumulate bitter flavanone-7-O-neohesperidosides responsible, in part, for their characteristic taste. Non-bitter species, such as mandarin and orange, accumulate only tasteless flavanone-7-O-rutinosides. The key flavor-determining step of citrus flavanone-glycoside biosynthesis is catalyzed by rhamnosyltransferases; 1,2 rhamnosyltransferases (1,2RhaT) catalyze biosynthesis of the bitter neohesperidosides, while 1,6 rhamnosyltransferases (1,6RhaT) catalyze biosynthesis of the tasteless rutinosides. We report on the isolation and functional characterization of the gene Cm1,2RhaT from pummelo which encodes a citrus 1,2RhaT. Functional analysis of Cm1,2RhaT recombinant enzyme was conducted by biotransformation of the substrates using transgenic plant cell culture. Flavanones and flavones, but not flavonols, were biotransformed into 7-O-neohesperidosides by the transgenic BY2 tobacco cells expressing recombinant Cm1,2RhaT. Immunoblot analysis established that 1,2RhaT protein was expressed only in the bitter citrus species and that 1,6RhaT enzyme, whose activity was previously documented in non-bitter species, was not cross-reactive. Expression of Cm1,2RhaT at the RNA level was prominent in young fruit and leaves, but low in the corresponding mature tissue, thus correlating well with the developmental pattern of accumulation of flavanone-neohesperidosides previously established. Phylogenetic analysis of the flavonoid glycosyltransferase gene family places Cm1,2RhaT on a separate gene cluster together with the only other functionally characterized flavonoid-glucoside rhamnosyltransferase gene, suggesting a common evolutionary origin for rhamnosyltransferases specializing in glycosylation of the sugar moieties of flavonoid glucosides.  相似文献   
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