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Drosophila melanogaster Heterochromatin Protein 1a (HP1a) is an essential protein critical for heterochromatin assembly and regulation. Its chromo shadow domain (CSD) homodimerizes, a requirement for binding protein partners that contain a PXVXL motif. How does HP1a select among its many different PXVXL-containing partners? HP1a binds tightly to Heterochromatin Protein 2 (HP2), but weakly to PIWI. We investigated differences in homodimerization and the impact of the C-terminal extension (CTE) by contrasting HP1a to its paralogue, HP1b. HP1a and HP1b differ in the dimerization interface, with HP1a having an Arg at position 188 rather than Glu. We find that while this substitution reduces the dimerization constant, it does not impact the binding surface as demonstrated by unchanged partner binding affinities. However, the CTE (only 4 residues in HP1a as compared with 87 residues in HP1b) is critical; the charged residues in HP1a are necessary for tight peptide binding. Examining a panel of amino acid substitutions in the HP1a CSD, we find that Leu-165 in HP1a interacts with HP2 but not PIWI, supporting the conclusion that different sites in the binding surface provide discrimination for partner selection. Partner sequence is also critical for affinity, as the remaining difference in binding between HP2 and PIWI polypeptides is eliminated by swapping the PXVXL motifs between the two. Taken together, these studies indicate that the binding surface of the HP1a CSD plus its short CTE provide the needed discrimination among HP1a''s partners, and that the CTE is important for differentiating the interactions of the Drosophila HP1 paralogs.  相似文献   
The conservation of humpback dolphins, distributed in coastal waters of the Indo‐West Pacific and eastern Atlantic Oceans, has been hindered by a lack of understanding about the number of species in the genus (Sousa) and their population structure. To address this issue, we present a combined analysis of genetic and morphologic data collected from beach‐cast, remote‐biopsied and museum specimens from throughout the known Sousa range. We extracted genetic sequence data from 235 samples from extant populations and explored the mitochondrial control region and four nuclear introns through phylogenetic, population‐level and population aggregation frameworks. In addition, 180 cranial specimens from the same geographical regions allowed comparisons of 24 morphological characters through multivariate analyses. The genetic and morphological data showed significant and concordant patterns of geographical segregation, which are typical for the kind of demographic isolation displayed by species units, across the Sousa genus distribution range. Based on our combined genetic and morphological analyses, there is convincing evidence for at least four species within the genus (S. teuszii in the Atlantic off West Africa, S. plumbea in the central and western Indian Ocean, S. chinensis in the eastern Indian and West Pacific Oceans, and a new as‐yet‐unnamed species off northern Australia).  相似文献   


In this work we present a methodology to produce an “imprint” of cells cultivated on a polycarbonate detector by exposure of the detector to UV C radiation.


The distribution and concentration of 10B atoms in tissue samples coming from BNCT (Boron Neutron Capture Therapy) protocols can be determined through the quantification and analysis of the tracks forming its autoradiography image on a nuclear track detector. The location of boron atoms in the cell structure could be known more accurately by the simultaneous observation of the nuclear tracks and the sample image on the detector.

Materials and Methods

A UV C irradiator was constructed. The irradiance was measured along the lamp direction and at different distances. Melanoma cells were cultured on polycarbonate foils, incubated with borophenylalanine, irradiated with thermal neutrons and exposed to UV C radiation. The samples were chemically attacked with a KOH solution.


A uniform irradiation field was established to expose the detector foils to UV C light. Cells could be seeded on the polycarbonate surface. Both imprints from cells and nuclear tracks were obtained after chemical etching.


It is possible to yield cellular imprints in polycarbonate. The nuclear tracks were mostly present inside the cells, indicating a preferential boron uptake.  相似文献   
Intermediate filament (IF) proteins exist in multiple structural forms within cells including mature IF, short filaments or 'squiggles', and non-filamentous precursors called particles. These forms are interconvertible and their relative abundance is IF type, cell type- and cell cycle stage-dependent. These structures are often associated with molecular motors, such as kinesin and dynein, and are therefore capable of translocating through the cytoplasm along microtubules. The assembly of mature IF from their precursor particles is also coupled to translation. These dynamic properties of IF provide mechanisms for regulating their reorganization and assembly in response to the functional requirements of cells. The recent findings that IF and their precursors are frequently associated with signaling molecules have revealed new functions for IF beyond their more traditional roles as mechanical integrators of cells and tissues.  相似文献   
This work is a study of the inter‐relationship between parameters that principally affect the metal up‐take in the plant. The relationships between the concentration of metal in the growth medium, Cs, the concentration of metal absorbed by the plant, Cp, and the total biomass achieved, M, all of which are factors relevant to the efficiency of phytoremediation of the plant, have been investigated via the macro‐physiological response of Brassica juncea seedlings to Ni(II) stress. The factorial growth experiments treated the Ni(II) concentration in the agar gel and the diurnal light quanta (DLQ) as independently variable parameters. Observations included the evidence of light enhancement of Ni toxicity at the root as well as at the whole plant level, the shoot mass index as a possible indicator of shoot metal sequestration in B. juncea, the logarithmic variation of Cp with Cs and the power‐law dependence of M on Cp. The sum total of these observations indicates that for the metal accumulator B. juncea with regard to its capacity to accumulate Ni, the overall metabolic nature of the plant is important – neither rapid biomass increase nor a high metal concentration capability favor the removal of high metal mass from the medium, but rather the plant with the moderate photosynthetically driven biomass growth and moderate metal concentrations demonstrated the ability to remove the maximum mass of metal from the medium. The implications of these observations in the context of the perceived need in phytoremediation engineering to maximize Cp and M simultaneously in the same plant, are discussed.  相似文献   
The effectiveness of cysteine and cysteinylglycine to act as protein thiolating agents was investigated using bovine lens aldose reductase (ALR2) as the protein target. Disulfides of both thiol compounds appear to be very effective as ALR2 thiolating agents. Cysteine- and CysGly-modified ALR2 forms (Cys-ALR2 and CysGly-ALR2, respectively) are characterized by the presence of a mixed disulfide bond involving Cys298, as demonstrated by a combined electrospray mass spectrometry and Edman degradation approach. Both Cys-ALR2 and CysGly-ALR2 essentially retain the ability to reduce glyceraldehyde but lose the susceptibility to inhibition by Sorbinil and other ALR2 inhibitors. Cys-ALR2 and CysGly-ALR2 are easily reduced back to the native enzyme form by dithiothreitol and GSH treatment; on the contrary, Cys and 2-mercaptoethanol appear to act as protein trans-thiolating agents, rather than reducing agents. The treatment at 37 degrees C of both Cys-ALR2 and CysGly-ALR2, unlikely what observed for glutathionyl-modified ALR2 (GS-ALR2), promotes the generation of an intramolecular disulfide bond between Cys298 and Cys303 residues. A rationale for the special susceptibility of Cys-ALR2 and CysGly-ALR2, as compared to GS-ALR2, to the thermally induced intramolecular rearrangement is given on the basis of a molecular dynamic and energy minimization approach. A pathway of thiol/disulfide interconversion for bovine lens ALR2 induced, in oxidative conditions, by physiological thiol compounds is proposed.  相似文献   
The glutathionyl-modified aldose reductase (GS-ALR2) is unique, among different S-thiolated enzyme forms, in that it displays a lower specific activity than the native enzyme (ALR2). Specific interactions of the bound glutathionyl moiety (GS) with the ALR2 active site, were predicted by a low perturbative molecular modelling approach. The outcoming GS allocation, involving interactions with residues relevant for catalysis and substrate allocation, explains the rationale behind the observed differences in the activity between GS-ALR2 and other thiol-modified enzyme forms. The reversible S-glutathionylation of ALR2 observed in cultured intact bovine lens undergoing an oxidative/non oxidative treatment cycle is discussed in terms of the potential of ALR2/GS-ALR2 inter-conversion as a response to oxidative stress conditions.  相似文献   
In Xenopus, the CPE is a bifunctional 3' UTR sequence that maintains maternal mRNA in a dormant state in oocytes and activates polyadenylation-induced translation during oocyte maturation. Here, we report that CPEB, which binds the CPE and stimulates polyadenylation, interacts with a new factor we term maskin. Maskin contains a peptide sequence that is conserved among elF-4E-binding proteins. Affinity chromatography demonstrates that CPEB, maskin, and elF-4E reside in a complex in oocytes, and yeast two-hybrid analyses indicate that CPEB and maskin bind directly, as do maskin and elF-4E. While CPEB and maskin remain together during oocyte maturation, the maskin-elF-4E interaction is substantially reduced. The dissolution of this complex may result in the binding of elF-4E to elF-4G and the translational activation of CPE-containing mRNAs.  相似文献   
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