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Increased fire frequency can significantly erode both soil properties and plant–pollinator interactions affecting plant reproductive success but they have seldom been assessed simultaneously. Here, we evaluate soil properties, pollinator assemblage and the reproductive success of two native Fabaceae herbs, Desmodium uncinatum and Rhynchosia edulis, growing in unburned, low and high fire frequency sites of Chaco Serrano across two consecutive years. Desmodium uncinatum is outcrossing with a high dependence on pollinators, whereas R. edulis is autogamous and completely independent of pollinators. We found that soil water content, nitrates and electrical conductivity significantly decreased in low and high fire frequency sites. Pollinator richness and composition visiting each plant species was similar across all fire frequency scenarios. However, fruit set of the exogamous D. uncinatum was strongly reduced in frequently burned sites, whereas fruit set of the autogamous R. edulis showed no significant changes. In both species, the probability of setting fruits was positively related to soil quality across fire frequency scenarios, implying that decreased reproduction was mainly driven by limitation of abiotic resources shaped by increased fire frequency. Because the pollinator-dependent D. uncinatum has a higher reproductive cost, reduced soil quality induced by fire frequency had stronger effects on its reproduction. Chronic reduction of sexual reproduction in frequently burned sites with depleted soils will limit population recruitment with negative consequences on long-term plant population persistence.  相似文献   
Anemia has an important role in exercise performance. However, the direct link between rapid changes of hemoglobin and exercise performance is still unknown.To find out more on this topic, we studied 18 beta-thalassemia major patients free of relevant cardiac dysfunction (age 33.5±7.2 years,males = 10). Patients performed a maximal cardiopulmolmonary exercise test (cycloergometer, personalized ramp protocol, breath-by-breath measurements of expired gases) before and the day after blood transfusion (500 cc of red cell concentrates). After blood transfusion, hemoglobin increased from 10.5±0.8 g/dL to 12.1±1.2 (p<0.001), peak VO2 from 1408 to 1546mL/min (p<0.05), and VO2 at anaerobic threshold from 965 to 1024mL/min (p<0.05). No major changes were observed as regards heart and respiratory rates either at peak exercise or at anaerobic threshold. Similarly, no relevant changes were observed in ventilation efficiency, as evaluated by the ventilation vs. carbon dioxide production relationship, or in O2 delivery to the periphery as analyzed by the VO2 vs. workload relationship. The relationship between hemoglobin and VO2 changes showed, for each g/dL of hemoglobin increase, a VO2 increase = 82.5 mL/min and 35 mL/min, at peak exercise and at anaerobic threshold, respectively. In beta-thalassemia major patients, an acute albeit partial anemia correction by blood transfusion determinates a relevant increase of exercise performance, observed both at peak exercise and at anaerobic threshold.  相似文献   
We recently discovered an inherited cancer syndrome caused by BRCA1-Associated Protein 1 (BAP1) germline mutations, with high incidence of mesothelioma, uveal melanoma and other cancers and very high penetrance by age 55. To identify families with the BAP1 cancer syndrome, we screened patients with family histories of multiple mesotheliomas and melanomas and/or multiple cancers. We identified four families that shared an identical BAP1 mutation: they lived across the US and did not appear to be related. By combining family histories, molecular genetics, and genealogical approaches, we uncovered a BAP1 cancer syndrome kindred of ~80,000 descendants with a core of 106 individuals, whose members descend from a couple born in Germany in the early 1700s who immigrated to North America. Their descendants spread throughout the country with mutation carriers affected by multiple malignancies. Our data show that, once a proband is identified, extended analyses of these kindreds, using genomic and genealogical studies to identify the most recent common ancestor, allow investigators to uncover additional branches of the family that may carry BAP1 mutations. Using this knowledge, we have identified new branches of this family carrying BAP1 mutations. We have also implemented early-detection strategies that help identify cancers at early-stage, when they can be cured (melanomas) or are more susceptible to therapy (MM and other malignancies).  相似文献   
Body pigmentation in insects and other organisms is typically variable within and between species and is often associated with fitness. Regulatory variants with large effects at bab1, t and e affect variation in abdominal pigmentation in several populations of Drosophila melanogaster. Recently, we performed a genome wide association (GWA) analysis of variation in abdominal pigmentation using the inbred, sequenced lines of the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel (DGRP). We confirmed the large effects of regulatory variants in bab1, t and e; identified 81 additional candidate genes; and validated 17 candidate genes (out of 28 tested) using RNAi knockdown of gene expression and mutant alleles. However, these analyses are imperfect proxies for the effects of segregating variants. Here, we describe the results of an extreme quantitative trait locus (xQTL) GWA analysis of female body pigmentation in an outbred population derived from light and dark DGRP lines. We replicated the effects on pigmentation of 28 genes implicated by the DGRP GWA study, including bab1, t and e and 7 genes previously validated by RNAi and/or mutant analyses. We also identified many additional loci. The genetic architecture of Drosophila pigmentation is complex, with a few major genes and many other loci with smaller effects.  相似文献   
Aflatoxins are toxic and carcinogenic polyketides produced by several Aspergillus species that are known to contaminate agricultural commodities, posing a serious threat to animal and human health. Aflatoxin (AF) biosynthesis is almost fully characterized and involves the coordinated expression of approximately 25 genes clustered in a 70-kb DNA region. Aspergillus parasiticus is an economically important and common agent of AF contamination. Naturally occurring nonaflatoxigenic strains of A. parasiticus are rarely found and generally produce O-methylsterigmatocystin (OMST), the immediate precursor of AF. To elucidate the evolutionary forces acting to retain AF and OMST pathway extrolites (chemotypes), we sequenced 21 intergenic regions spanning the entire cluster in 24 A. parasiticus isolates chosen to represent the genetic diversity within a single Georgia field population. Linkage disequilibrium analyses revealed five distinct recombination blocks in the A. parasiticus cluster. Phylogenetic network analyses showed a history of recombination between chemotype-specific haplotypes, as well as evidence of contemporary recombination. We performed coalescent simulations of variation in recombination blocks and found an approximately twofold deeper coalescence for cluster genealogies compared to noncluster genealogies, our internal standard of neutral evolution. Significantly deeper cluster genealogies are indicative of balancing selection in the AF cluster of A. parasiticus and are further corroborated by the existence of trans-species polymorphisms and common haplotypes in the cluster for several closely related species. Estimates of Ka/Ks for representative cluster genes provide evidence of selection for OMST and AF chemotypes, and indicate a possible role of chemotypes in ecological adaptation and speciation.  相似文献   
In nature similar protein folds accommodate distant sequences and support diverse functions. This observation coupled with the recognition that proteins can tolerate many homologous substitutions inspires protein engineers to use recombination to search for new functions within sequences encoding structurally related molecules. These searches have led to proteins with novel activities, diversified specificities and greater stabilities. Computational methods that exploit structural and evolutionary information are being used to design highly mutated yet still natively folded chimeric proteins and protein libraries.  相似文献   
T-cell receptor (TCR) transgenic mice have proven useful for the study of various immune parameters. Despite this, it has been suggested that transferred T cells respond differently to their endogenous counterparts at least in terms of conversion to antigen-experienced populations bearing memory cell markers. Here, we have compared the response of TCR transgenic T cells to endogenous populations within the context of infection with herpes simplex virus. We found that adoptive transfer at numbers approaching those of the endogenous virus-specific subset results in a response with similar kinetics, magnitude and memory subset conversion. This suggests that this form of optimized T-cell transfer remains a useful means of tracking antiviral immune responses.  相似文献   
One of the most critical events in the origins of cellular life was the development of lipid membranes. Archaea use isoprenoid chains linked via ether bonds to sn-glycerol 1-phosphate (G1P), whereas bacteria and eukaryotes use fatty acids attached via ester bonds to enantiomeric sn-glycerol 3-phosphate. NAD(P)H-dependent G1P dehydrogenase (G1PDH) forms G1P and has been proposed to have played a crucial role in the speciation of the Archaea. We present here, to our knowledge, the first structures of archaeal G1PDH from the hyperthermophilic methanogen Methanocaldococcus jannaschii with bound substrate dihydroxyacetone phosphate, product G1P, NADPH, and Zn2+ cofactor. We also biochemically characterized the enzyme with respect to pH optimum, cation specificity, and kinetic parameters for dihydroxyacetone phosphate and NAD(P)H. The structures provide key evidence for the reaction mechanism in the stereospecific addition for the NAD(P)H-based pro-R hydrogen transfer and the coordination of the Zn2+ cofactor during catalysis. Structure-based phylogenetic analyses also provide insight into the origins of G1PDH.  相似文献   
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