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Among many alterations within the TP53 gene the rs1042522 (C72G, p.Pro72Arg) has been associated with numerous cancers , however the results differ between populations for opposite Pro or Arg alleles. Similar thus inconclusive results are observed in ovarian cancer, which may suggest that the rs1042522 does not influence ovarian carcinogensis directly, but might be linked to another pathogenic alteration. WRAP53 which overlaps the TP53 is required to maintain normal levels of p53 upon DNA damage, but also when altered may independently increase the risk of cancer. To evaluate the association between three SNPs located in WRAP53–TP53 region: rs1042522, rs2287497, rs2287498 and ovarian cancer risk in Polish population we genotyped 626 cases and 1,045 healthy controls. Our results provide the evidence for an association between studied SNPs and a risk of invasive ovarian cancer in Poland. We found that CC homozygotes in rs1042522 were more frequent in cancers when compared to controls (OR = 1.46, p = 0.03). Similarly in WRAP53 both TT homozygotes in rs2287497 (OR = 1.95, p = 0.03) and AA homozygotes in rs2287498 (OR = 2.65, p = 0,01) were more frequent among cases than healthy individuals. There is also a suggestive evidence that specific homozygosity of studied SNPs in TP53–WRAP53 region is significantly overrepresented in ovarian cancer patients. In conclusion SNPs in WRAP53 (rs2287497 and rs2287498) have stronger association with an ovarian cancer risk than rs1042522 in TP53.  相似文献   
Resveratrol is a natural compound that has been intensely studied due to its role in cancer prevention and potential as an anti-cancer therapy. Its effects include induction of apoptosis and senescence-like growth inhibition. Here, we report that two cancer cell lines (U-2 OS and A549) differ significantly in their molecular responses to resveratrol. Specifically, in U-2 OS cells, the activation of the p53 pathway is attenuated when compared to the activation in A549 cells. This attenuation is accompanied by a point mutation (458: CGA→TGA) in the PPM1D gene and overexpression of the encoded protein, which is a negative regulator of p53. Experimentally induced knockdown of PPM1D in U-2 OS cells resulted in slightly increased activation of the p53 pathway, most clearly visible as stronger phosphorylation of p53 Ser37. When treated with nutlin-3a, a non-genotoxic activator of p53, U-2 OS and A549 cells both responded with substantial activation of the p53 pathway. Nutlin-3a improved the clonogenic survival of both cell lines treated with resveratrol. This improvement was associated with lower activation of DNA-damage signaling (phosphorylation of ATM, CHK2, and histone H2AX) and higher accumulation of cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. Thus, the hyperactivation of p53 by nutlin-3a helps to preserve the replicative potential of cells exposed to resveratrol.  相似文献   
Jarosław Kobak 《Biofouling》2013,29(3):141-150

The effects of several factors (shell length, exposure time, substratum orientation in space, illumination, temperature, conspecifics) upon the attachment strength (measured with a digital dynamometer) of the freshwater, gregarious bivalve Dreissena polymorpha were studied under laboratory conditions. A rapid increase in attachment strength was observed on resocart (a thermosetting polymer based on phenol-formaldehyde resin, with paper as filler) substrata during the first 4-d exposure, after which it stabilised at ca 1 N. The attachment strength increased also with mussel size. Mussel adhesion on variously oriented surfaces (vertical, upper horizontal and lower horizontal) was similar. Illumination inhibited attachment strength, as expected for a photophobic species, but only after a 2-d exposure. After 6 d, no effects of light were detected. Thus, illumination seemed to influence the attachment rate, rather than the final strength. The optimum temperature for mussel attachment was 20 – 25°C. At lower and higher temperatures (5 – 15°C and 30°C), their adhesion strength decreased. The presence of conspecifics stimulated mussel attachment strength.  相似文献   
Like other species of the genus Taxus, European yew trees contain taxanes, including paclitaxel (T) and its precursor 10-deacetylbaccatin III (10-DAB). Taxanes are one of the most effective anticancer drugs. This study was undertaken to describe the levels and patterns of taxane variation in the Sudetian region (SW Poland). Paclitaxel (T) and 10-deacetylbaccatin III (10-DAB) concentrations were analysed in five populations. Needles and twigs were analysed from 60 individuals (30 males and 30 females) in each population. In addition, morphometric measurements were taken in the populations to obtain light intensity coefficients (specific leaf area, SLA). High variability in the taxane contents at both intra and interpopulational levels was found. Nevertheless, females had a significantly higher taxane content compared to males. Because taxanes are carbon-based secondary metabolites, females have higher rate of gas exchange of females compared to males. This was probably an adaptation to greater reproductive effort incurred by females. In this regard, female individuals seem to be better for selecting elite cultivars with a higher taxane production. The relationship between light intensity and taxane content was not significant. Shading, important for optimizing crop production, should not reduce the concentration of taxanes.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to assess the metabolic and physiological changes in rats fed a diet high in fat, fructose, and salt, and with excess iron level. Mineral status was also estimated. Wistar rats were assigned to groups fed either a standard control diet (C) or a diet high in fat, fructose, and salt. The noncontrol diets contained either normal (M) or high level (MFe) of iron. After 6 weeks, the length and weight of the rats were measured, and the animals were euthanized. The kidneys and gonads were collected, and blood samples were taken. Serum levels of insulin, nitric oxide, and iron were measured. The iron, zinc, copper, and calcium concentrations of tissues were determined. It was found that the M diet led to a significant increase in the relative kidney mass of the rats compared with the control group. Among the rats fed the M diet, markedly higher serum level of iron and lower levels of zinc and copper were observed in tissues, while significantly higher calcium levels were found in the gonads. The MFe diet resulted in decreased obesity index, insulin level, and nitric oxide serum concentration in the rats, when compared with both the M and C diets. The high iron level in the modified diet increased the relative mass of the gonads. The excess iron level in the diet disturbed the zinc, copper, and calcium status of tissues. The decrease in insulin and nitric oxide in rats fed the diet high in iron, fat, fructose, and salt was associated with disorders of zinc, copper, and calcium status, as well as with an increase in the relative mass of the gonads.  相似文献   
Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) cause benign and malignant tumors of the mucosal and cutaneous epithelium. The initial events regulating HPV infection impact the establishment of viral persistence, which is requisite for malignant progression of HPV-infected lesions. However, the precise mechanisms involved in HPV entry into host cells, including the cellular factors regulating virus uptake, are not clearly defined. We show that HPV16 exposure to human keratinocytes initiates epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-dependent Src protein kinase activation that results in phosphorylation and extracellular translocation of annexin A2 (AnxA2). HPV16 particles interact with AnxA2 in association with S100A10 as a heterotetramer at the cell surface in a Ca2+-dependent manner, and the interaction appears to involve heparan-sulfonated proteoglycans. We show multiple lines of evidence that this interaction promotes virus uptake into host cells. An antibody to AnxA2 prevents HPV16 internalization, whereas an antibody to S100A10 blocks infection at a late endosomal/lysosomal site. These results suggest that AnxA2 and S100A10 have separate roles during HPV16 binding, entry, and trafficking. Our data additionally imply that AnxA2 and S100A10 may be involved in regulating the intracellular trafficking of virus particles prior to nuclear delivery of the viral genome.  相似文献   
The paper presents experimental investigations of diffusion of antibiotics (ciprofloxacin or ampicillin) into the water phase from mixtures of neutral or negatively charged liposomes, and antibiotic–liposome interactions. Using the laser interferometry technique, the amounts and fluxes of released antibiotics, concentration field evolution, and the velocity of the concentration boundary layer’s “growth” were determined. To avoid the limitations of membranes, a measurement system without the artificial boundary of phases with a free water–solution interface has been proposed. It was found that the diffusion of anionic and neutral liposomes into the water phase was insignificant and mainly the diffusion of antibiotics was measured. Differences in the diffusion kinetics of ciprofloxacin and ampicillin from liposomal solutions to the water phase were observed. Ampicillin diffused more efficiently than ciprofloxacin regardless of the liposomal solution type. Moreover, the amount of ampicillin and ciprofloxacin released from the anionic liposomal phase was higher than that from the neutral one. Our results confirm that ciprofloxacin at neutral pH shows little tendency to bind neutral liposomes. Additionally, it was also observed that ciprofloxacin disrupts negatively charged liposomes as a final effect of antibiotic–lipid interactions.  相似文献   
We observed the oviposition behaviour of the soil mite Pergamasus brevicornis Berlese (Acari: Parasitidae) using continuous video-monitoring. Oviposition consisted of six sequential phases. The first phase (I) involved inspection of the substrate. In the second phase (II) there were rhythmic movements of the first pair of legs and slight reciprocating movements of the body. The third (III) was a resting phase. In the fourth phase (IV) the gnathosoma was lowered and the body was raised. In the next phase (V) there were two sub-phases. During the first (Va), the female held the egg below the gnathosoma. In the second sub-phase (Vb), the gnathosoma moved up holding the egg, which was then placed on the substrate. The last phase (VI) involved intense ‘cleaning’ movements of the chelicerae and palps. During Va a protective external eggshell structure is gradually formed, involving a phase where the egg shell is sticky. After moving the egg to the substrate, the female freed her palps and chelicerae from the sticky egg shell and cleaned her gnathosomal appendages. Phases II–V took on average 207 ± 69 s.  相似文献   
Capsule Structural heterogeneity was the most important factor influencing the distribution of Barred Warbler Sylvia nisoria, Common Whitethroat S. communis and Lesser Whitethroat S. curruca in linear habitats in farmland of Western Poland.

Aims To investigate the occurrence of three species of Sylvia warblers in relation to the spatial structure of linear habitats in the agricultural landscape of Western Poland where, in contrast to Western Europe, field boundaries are not managed in terms of their size or spatial structure.

Methods In 2008, the distribution of breeding territories of Sylvia warblers in linear habitats was estimated in farmland of Western Poland. Redundancy detrended analysis was used to assess the relationship between bird abundance and seven linear habitat variables in ninety-four 150?m sections.

Results Sylvia warblers differed in habitat requirements, however heterogeneity affected their distribution to the greatest extent. In addition, Barred Warbler preferred high shrub volume and wider sections, whereas Common Whitethroat was attracted by brambles and nettles and Lesser Whitethroat favoured shrubs. All species avoided a high proportion of low vegetation.

Conclusion Structural heterogeneity resulted in highly preferred linear habitats for Sylvia warblers. Thus, maintaining or increasing structural heterogeneity of linear habitats may be a very effective tool for the conservation of farmland bird populations.  相似文献   
Capsule The highest densities of Meadow Pipits in Central Europe are found in lowland and upland wet meadows.

Aims To create a large-scale predictive model of Meadow Pipit density.

Methods We analysed factors affecting the density of the Meadows Pipit in Poland using data from 777?×?1?km study plots and a set of 22 environmental variables, including agriculture intensification and habitat-specific plant species as classifiers of meadow types. Predictors were selected using variation inflation factor, then related to species density data using generalized additive models.

Results The best-supported model included 11 variables and was clearly better (Akaike information criterion weight?=?0.47) than other models. The density of the Meadow Pipit reaches its highest levels on large areas of extensively used wet meadows as well as pastures where livestock graze and which show high photosynthetic activity in April.

Conclusion Some aspects of the environment that were not identified from remote sensing data were vital for determining relatively high density. Conservation efforts for preserving Meadow Pipit populations should focus on maintaining wet meadows and extensively grazed pastures. Given the results, the Meadows Pipit may be classified as a good indicator of traditional agriculture.  相似文献   
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