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Yarrowia lipolytica was recently introduced as a new model organism to study peroxisome degradation in yeasts. Transfer of Y. lipolytica cells from oleate/ethylamine to glucose/ammonium chloride medium leads to selective macroautophagy of peroxisomes. To decipher the molecular mechanisms of macropexophagy we isolated mutants of Y. lipolytica defective in the inactivation of peroxisomal enzymes under pexophagy conditions. Through this analysis we identified the gene YlTRS85, the ortholog of Saccharomyces cerevisiae TRS85 that encodes the 85 kDa subunit of transport protein particle (TRAPP). A parallel genetic screen in S. cerevisiae also identified the trs85 mutant. Here, we report that Trs85 is required for nonspecific autophagy, pexophagy and the cytoplasm to vacuole targeting pathway in both yeasts.  相似文献   
Three experiments were conducted to evaluate the role of endogenous opioid peptides (EOP) in modulating luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion in the prepubertal gilt. In Experiment I, 8 prepubertal (P) gilts, 160-170 days of age (puberty = 197 +/- 10 days), received either 1 (n = 2), 3 (n = 3), or 6 (n = 3) mg/kg BW of naloxone (NAL), an opiate antagonist, in saline i.v. Blood was collected by jugular vein cannula every 15 min for 2 h before and 2 h after NAL. All doses of NAL failed to alter serum LH concentrations. In Experiment II, 21 P gilts 160-170 days of age and 21 mature (M) gilts were ovariectomized (OVX). At the time of OVX, gilts were classified as prepubertal if their ovaries were devoid of corpora albicantia and corpora lutea. Three weeks after OVX, P and M gilts were injected twice daily for 10 days with either 0.85 mg/kg BW of progesterone (P4) or oil vehicle (V), resulting in the following groups: PP4 (n = 11), PV (n = 10), MP4 (n = 11), and MV (n = 10). All gilts received 1 mg/kg BW of NAL on the last day of treatment. Blood samples were collected via a jugular cannula every 15 min for 4 h before and 2 h after NAL treatment. NAL treatment resulted in an increase (p less than 0.05) in serum LH concentrations only in the MP4 gilts. In Experiment III, 15 OVX gilts 280 days of age were used. Ten of the 15 gilts were OVX prior to puberty at 160 days of age and were classified as chronologically mature (CM) at the time of treatment. The remaining 5 gilts were OVX after puberty, and were classified as sexually mature (SM) at the time of treatment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Chlorophyll fluorescence methods were applied to probe in vivo photosystem II (PSII) function in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii grown in sulfur-depleted media under aerobic conditions. The rates of oxygen evolution and     dark reduction decreased during a 24-h incubation in sulfur-deficient medium, while the respiration rate increased. The analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence induction curves suggests that electron transport was perturbed on both the acceptor and donor sides of PSII. Light-induced violaxanthin de-epoxidation and non-photochemical fluorescence quenching were suppressed, owing to dark accumulation of zeaxanthin. Also sulfur-deprived cells showed elevated concentrations of violaxanthin and lutein. Sulfur deprivation stimulated a pronounced (three- to four-fold) increase in chlorophyll a fluorescence intensity (parameters Fo and Fm), probably due to greater light absorption by carotenoids and changes in the excitation energy transfer and deactivation in PSII of C. reinhardtii .  相似文献   
The activation of cell division and oxidative stress responses has been investigated in the case of leaf protoplast-derived cells. Initiation of protoplast culture was found to be associated with oxidative stress as indicated by the rate of H2O2 release into the medium and/or by catalase and ascorbate peroxidase activities. Both cell division frequency and the above stress-related parameters were dependent on the exogenous auxin (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 2,4-D) concentrations used. In addition, the well known oxidative stress-inducing agent paraquat (1 μM) could promote cell division at suboptimal auxin concentration but not in the absence of exogenous auxin. The H2O2 scavenger dimethylthiourea and the NADPH oxidase inhibitor diphenyleneiodonium inhibited not only the activation of cellular defense reactions but cell division as well. Based on the above experimental observations, it is suggested that exogenous auxin (2,4-D) enhances cellular defense reactions in parallel with cell division activation.  相似文献   
Roles of oxidative stress and photoinhibition in high light acclimation were studied using a regulatory mutant of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. The mutant strain ΔsigCDE contains the stress responsive SigB as the only functional group 2 σ factor. The ?sigCDE strain grew more slowly than the control strain in methyl-viologen-induced oxidative stress. Furthermore, a fluorescence dye detecting H2O2, hydroxyl and peroxyl radicals and peroxynitrite, produced a stronger signal in ?sigCDE than in the control strain, and immunological detection of carbonylated residues showed more protein oxidation in ?sigCDE than in the control strain. These results indicate that ?sigCDE suffers from oxidative stress in standard conditions. The oxidative stress may be explained by the findings that ?sigCDE had a low content of glutathione and low amount of Flv3 protein functioning in the Mehler-like reaction. Although ?sigCDE suffers from oxidative stress, up-regulation of photoprotective carotenoids and Flv4, Sll2018, Flv2 proteins protected PSII against light induced damage by quenching singlet oxygen more efficiently in ?sigCDE than in the control strain in visible and in UV-A/B light. However, in UV-C light singlet oxygen is not produced and PSII damage occurred similarly in the ?sigCDE and control strains. According to our results, resistance against the light-induced damage of PSII alone does not lead to high light tolerance of the cells, but in addition efficient protection against oxidative stress would be required.  相似文献   
Guanylyl cyclases (GCs), which synthesize the messenger cyclic guanosine 3′,5′-monophosphate, control several sensory functions, such as phototransduction, chemosensation, and thermosensation, in many species from worms to mammals. The GC chemoreceptor in sea urchin sperm can decode chemoattractant concentrations with single-molecule sensitivity. The molecular and cellular underpinnings of such ultrasensitivity are not known for any eukaryotic chemoreceptor. In this paper, we show that an exquisitely high density of 3 × 105 GC chemoreceptors and subnanomolar ligand affinity provide a high ligand-capture efficacy and render sperm perfect absorbers. The GC activity is terminated within 150 ms by dephosphorylation steps of the receptor, which provides a means for precise control of the GC lifetime and which reduces “molecule noise.” Compared with other ultrasensitive sensory systems, the 10-fold signal amplification by the GC receptor is surprisingly low. The hallmarks of this signaling mechanism provide a blueprint for chemical sensing in small compartments, such as olfactory cilia, insect antennae, or even synaptic boutons.  相似文献   
The p14/MP1 scaffold complex binds MEK1 and ERK1/2 on late endosomes, thus regulating the strength, duration and intracellular location of MAPK signaling. By organelle proteomics we have compared the protein composition of endosomes purified from genetically modified p14?/?, p14+/? and p14(rev) mouse embryonic fibroblasts. The latter ones were reconstituted retrovirally from p14?/? mouse embryonic fibroblasts by reexpression of pEGFP-p14 at equimolar ratios with its physiological binding partner MP1, as shown here by absolute quantification of MP1 and p14 proteins on endosomes by quantitative MS using the Equimolarity through Equalizer Peptide strategy. A combination of subcellular fractionation, 2-D DIGE and MALDI-TOF/TOF MS revealed 31 proteins differentially regulated in p14?/? organelles, which were rescued by reexpression of pEGFP-p14 in p14?/? endosomes. Regulated proteins are known to be involved in actin remodeling, endosomal signal transduction and trafficking. Identified proteins and their in silico interaction networks suggested that endosomal signaling might regulate such major cellular functions such as proliferation, differentiation, migration and survival.  相似文献   
The paper describes the selection of chromate-resistant mutants of the yeast Pichia guilliermondii with a higher chromate-reducing activity and reports the EPR-study of Cr(V)-generation in the extra-cellular medium during the reduction of chromate by the yeast culture. It is shown that the reduction of chromate to Cr(III) species runs through the extra-cellular generation of Cr(V)-intermediate(s), thus supporting the assumption about the existence of an extra-cellular pathway of Cr(VI)-reduction. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the chromate-resistance phenotype of tested mutants correlates with a lower stationary level of Cr(V)-species in the medium. It is thus suggested that isolated mutants can be used as sources of Cr(III)-biocomplexes due to their ability to effectively reduce chromate to Cr(III)-chelates with potential pharmacological applications.  相似文献   
A 20-l packed-bed reactor filled with foamed glass beads was tested for the treatment of acetonitrile HPLC wastes. Aeration was provided by recirculating a portion of the reactor liquid phase through an aeration tank, where the dissolved oxygen concentration was kept at 6 mg/l. At a feeding rate of 0.77 g acetonitrile l–1 reactor day–1, 99% of the acetonitrile was removed; and 86% of the nitrogen present in acetonitrile was released as NH3, confirming that acetonitrile volatilization was not significant. Increasing the acetonitrile loading resulted in lower removal efficiencies, but a maximum removal capacity of 1.0 g acetonitrile l–1 reactor day–1 was achieved at a feeding rate of 1.6 g acetonitrile l–1 reactor day–1. The removal capacity of the system was well correlated with the oxygenation capacity, showing that acetonitrile removal was likely to be limited by oxygen supply. Microbial characterization of the biofilm resulted in the isolation of a Comamonas sp. able to mineralize acetonitrile as sole carbon, nitrogen and energy source. This organism was closely related to C. testosteroni (91.2%) and might represent a new species in the Comamonas genus. This study confirms the potential of packed-bed reactors for the treatment of a concentrated mixture of volatile pollutants.  相似文献   
Radiation therapy plays an important role in the management of prostate carcinoma. However, the problem of radioresistance and molecular mechanisms by which prostate carcinoma cells overcome cytotoxic effects of radiation therapy remains to be elucidated. In order to investigate possible intracellular mechanisms underlying the prostate carcinoma recurrences after radiotherapy, we have established three radiation-resistant prostate cancer cell lines, LNCaP-IRR, PC3-IRR, and Du145-IRR derived from the parental LNCaP, PC3, and Du145 prostate cancer cells by repetitive exposure to ionizing radiation. LNCaP-IRR, PC3-IRR, and Du145-IRR cells (prostate carcinoma cells recurred after radiation exposure (IRR cells)) showed higher radioresistance and cell motility than parental cell lines. IRR cells exhibited higher levels of androgen and epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors and activation of their downstream pathways, such as Ras-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-Akt and Jak-STAT. In order to define additional mechanisms involved in the radioresistance development, we determined differences in the proteome profile of parental and IRR cells using 2-D DIGE followed by computational image analysis and MS. Twenty-seven proteins were found to be modulated in all three radioresistant cell lines compared to parental cells. Identified proteins revealed capacity to interact with EGF and androgen receptors related signal transduction pathways and were involved in the regulation of intracellular routs providing cell survival, increased motility, mutagenesis, and DNA repair. Our data suggest that radioresistance development is accompanied by multiple mechanisms, including activation of cell receptors and related downstream signal transduction pathways. Identified proteins regulated in the radioresistant prostate carcinoma cells can significantly intensify activation of intracellular signaling that govern cell survival, growth, proliferation, invasion, motility, and DNA repair. In addition, such analyses may be utilized in predicting cellular response to radiotherapy.  相似文献   
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