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In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, several components of the septin ring are sumoylated during anaphase and then abruptly desumoylated at cytokinesis. We show that septin sumoylation is controlled by the interactions of two enzymes of the sumoylation pathway, Siz1p and Ulp1p, with the nuclear transport machinery. The E3 ligase Siz1p is imported into the nucleus by the karyopherin Kap95p during interphase. In M phase, Siz1p is exported from the nucleus by the karyopherin Kap142p/Msn5p and subsequently targeted to the septin ring, where it participates in septin sumoylation. We also show that the accumulation of sumoylated septins during mitosis is dependent on the interactions of the SUMO isopeptidase Ulp1p with Kap121p and Kap95p-Kap60p and the nuclear pore complex (NPC). In addition to sequestering Ulp1 at the NPC, Kap121p is required for targeting Ulp1p to the septin ring during mitosis. We present a model in which Ulp1p is maintained at the NPC during interphase and transiently interacts with the septin ring during mitosis.  相似文献   
The beneficial effects of probiotic Enterococcus spp. in different hosts, such as mice and humans, have previously been reported in several studies. However, studies of large domestic animals, as well as challenge studies with pathogenic microorganisms, are very rare. Here, we investigated the influence of oral treatment of pigs with the probiotic bacterium Enterococcus faecium NCIMB 10415 on Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104 infections in weaning piglets. Clinical symptoms, fecal excretion, the organ distribution of Salmonella, and the humoral immune response (immunoglobulin G [IgG], IgM, and IgA levels) in serum were examined. A pool of 89 piglets was randomly divided into probiotic and control groups. The probiotic group received a feed supplement containing E. faecium starting on day 14 postpartum prior to challenge with Salmonella serovar Typhimurium DT104 at 28 days postpartum. After challenge with Salmonella serovar Typhimurium DT104, piglets in both groups showed no severe clinical signs of salmonellosis. However, fecal excretion and colonization of Salmonella in organs were significantly greater in piglets fed E. faecium. Likewise, the humoral immune response against Salmonella (serum IgM and IgA levels) was significantly greater in the probiotic group animals than in control animals. The results of this study suggest that E. faecium NCIMB 10415 treatment enhanced the course of infection in weaning piglets challenged with Salmonella serovar Typhimurium DT104. However, the probiotic treatment also appeared to result in greater production of specific antibodies against Salmonella serovar Typhimurium DT104.The problem of increasing microbial resistance to antibiotics resulting from years of overuse and the resulting ban on the use of antibiotics in animal production have led to increased interest in alternatives to antibiotics in animal production. In recent years, probiotic bacteria have been considered as an alternative means of reducing pathogen loads in animal breeding and production units. However, while a number of studies have focused on the mode of action of probiotics, the mode of action these bacteria is not fully understood yet.A recent interdisciplinary research study of the modes of action of probiotics in swine showed that Enterococcus faecium NCIMB 10415 reduced the pathogenic bacterial load of healthy piglets (20, 26, 30, 36). In vitro studies further demonstrated that this E. faecium probiotic strain decreased the rate of invasion of a porcine intestinal epithelial cell line by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. To determine whether probiotics also provide a measure of protection during infections, experimental challenge studies with pathogenic bacteria at a defined infectious dose and under comparable conditions seem to be necessary. Field studies could be more representative of the real situation; however, the infection pressure is too low and difficult to define, and systematic sampling cannot be done.Studies of larger domestic and production animals are rare. Most such studies deal with the mode of action of probiotics in the healthy host, and only a few studies have investigated the mode of action in the context of infections with pathogenic bacteria, such as Salmonella.In a related study, weaned piglets were fed a mixture of five probiotic strains (one Pediococcus strain and four Lactobacillus strains) and challenged with Salmonella serovar Typhimurium (7). In that study, reduced incidence, severity, and duration of diarrhea and a reduced microbiological load of Salmonella were observed. Fedorka-Cray et al. (11) observed reduced numbers of Salmonella bacteria in cecal contents and at the ileocolic junction in S. enterica serovar Choleraesuis-challenged weaning piglets fed a competitive exclusion culture. In vitro investigations showed that Enterococcus strains have inhibitory effects on the growth of S. enterica serovar Enteritidis, and these effects were explained by both enterotoxin and nonenterotoxin factors (37). Other studies showed that E. faecium may be beneficial to the adhesion and colonization of Clostridium jejuni in the canine intestine (29) and reduced the rate of carryover infections with obligate intracellular pathogens from infected sows in piglets (26). E. faecium has also been shown to influence the composition of the bacterial community in the avian, swine, and canine gastrointestinal tracts (25, 29, 36).Infections with S. enterica are some of the most important sources of human gastroenteritis (39). In Germany, 52,563 human salmonellosis cases were reported in 2006 (http://www3.rki.de/SurvStat). The consumption of contaminated pork and pork products was found to be associated with 20% of human salmonellosis cases in Germany (33), indicating the importance of meat or meat products as a potential source of infection for consumers. Salmonella serovar Typhimurium, especially phage type DT104, is the Salmonella serotype most frequently isolated from pork (27), and it is of particular concern because of its acquisition of multiple antibiotic resistance (1, 38).In this study, we investigated the effect of E. faecium NCIMB 10415 on the infection dynamics of Salmonella serovar Typhimurium DT104, fecal shedding, and the patterns of Salmonella distribution in internal organs, as well as on the humoral immune response to Salmonella in weaning piglets. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first experimental study of the mode of action of a probiotic strain of E. faecium in which dissemination to different internal organs was investigated using weaned piglets experimentally infected with Salmonella.  相似文献   
Culturing leaf protoplast-derived cells of the embryogenic alfalfa (Medicago sativa subsp. varia A2) genotype in the presence of low (1 microM) or high (10 microM) 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) concentrations results in different cell types. Cells exposed to high 2,4-D concentration remain small with dense cytoplasm and can develop into proembryogenic cell clusters, whereas protoplasts cultured at low auxin concentration elongate and subsequently die or form undifferentiated cell colonies. Fe stress applied at nonlethal concentrations (1 mM) in the presence of 1 microM 2,4-D also resulted in the development of the embryogenic cell type. Although cytoplasmic alkalinization was detected during cell activation of both types, embryogenic cells could be characterized by earlier cell division, a more alkalic vacuolar pH, and nonfunctional chloroplasts as compared with the elongated, nonembryogenic cells. Buffering of the 10 microM 2,4-D-containing culture medium by 10 mM 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid delayed cell division and resulted in nonembryogenic cell-type formation. The level of endogenous indoleacetic acid (IAA) increased transiently in all protoplast cultures during the first 4 to 5 d, but an earlier peak of IAA accumulation correlated with the earlier activation of the division cycle in embryogenic-type cells. However, this IAA peak could also be delayed by buffering of the medium pH by 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid. Based on the above data, we propose the involvement of stress responses, endogenous auxin synthesis, and the establishment of cellular pH gradients in the formation of the embryogenic cell type.  相似文献   
The mechanisms that govern the assembly of nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) remain largely unknown. Here, we have established a role for karyopherins in this process. We show that the yeast karyopherin Kap121p functions in the targeting and assembly of the nucleoporin Nup53p into NPCs by recognizing a nuclear localization signal (NLS) in Nup53p. This karyopherin-mediated function can also be performed by the Kap95p-Kap60p complex if the Kap121p-binding domain of Nup53p is replaced by a classical NLS, suggesting a more general role for karyopherins in NPC assembly. At the NPC, neighboring nucleoporins bind to two regions in Nup53p. One nucleoporin, Nup170p, associates with a region of Nup53p that overlaps with the Kap121p binding site and we show that they compete for binding to Nup53p. We propose that once targeted to the NPC, dissociation of the Kap121p-Nup53p complex is driven by the interaction of Nup53p with Nup170p. At the NPC, Nup53p exists in two separate complexes, one of which is capable of interacting with Kap121p and another that is bound to Nup170p. We propose that fluctuations between these two states drive the binding and release of Kap121p from Nup53p, thus facilitating Kap121p's movement through the NPC.  相似文献   
Oxidation-specific epitopes (OSEs) present on apoptotic cells and oxidized low density lipoprotein (OxLDL) represent danger-associated molecular patterns that are recognized by different arcs of innate immunity, including natural IgM antibodies. Here, we investigated whether circulating microparticles (MPs), which are small membrane vesicles released by apoptotic or activated cells, are physiological carriers of OSEs. OSEs on circulating MPs isolated from healthy donors and patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STE-MI) were characterized by flow cytometry using a panel of OSE-specific monoclonal antibodies. We found that a subset of MPs carry OSEs on their surface, predominantly malondialdehyde (MDA) epitopes. Consistent with this, a majority of IgM antibodies bound on the surface of circulating MPs were found to have specificity for MDA-modified LDL. Moreover, we show that MPs can stimulate THP-1 (human acute monocytic leukemia cell line) and human primary monocytes to produce interleukin 8, which can be inhibited by a monoclonal IgM with specificity for MDA epitopes. Finally, we show that MDA+ MPs are elevated at the culprit lesion site of patients with STE-MI. Our results identify a subset of OSE+ MPs that are bound by OxLDL-specific IgM. These findings demonstrate a novel mechanism by which anti-OxLDL IgM antibodies could mediate protective functions in CVD.  相似文献   
Non-CG methylation is well characterized in plants where it appears to play a role in gene silencing and genomic imprinting. Although strong evidence for the presence of non-CG methylation in mammals has been available for some time, both its origin and function remain elusive. In this review we discuss available evidence on non-CG methylation in mammals in light of evidence suggesting that the human stem cell methylome contains significant levels of methylation outside the CG site.Key words: non-CG methylation, stem cells, Dnmt1, Dnmt3a, human methylomeIn plant cells non-CG sites are methylated de novo by Chromomethylase 3, DRM1 and DRM2. Chromomethylase 3, along with DRM1 and DRM2 combine in the maintenance of methylation at symmetric CpHpG as well as asymmetric DNA sites where they appear to prevent reactivation of transposons.1 DRM1 and DRM2 modify DNA de novo primarily at asymmetric CpH and CpHpH sequences targeted by siRNA.2Much less information is available on non-CG methylation in mammals. In fact, studies on mammalian non-CG methylation form a tiny fraction of those on CG methylation, even though data for cytosine methylation in other dinucleotides, CA, CT and CC, have been available since the late 1980s.3 Strong evidence for non-CG methylation was found by examining either exogenous DNA sequences, such as plasmid and viral integrants in mouse and human cell lines,4,5 or transposons and repetitive sequences such as the human L1 retrotransposon6 in a human embryonic fibroblast cell line. In the latter study, non-CG methylation observed in L1 was found to be consistent with the capacity of Dnmt1 to methylate slippage intermediates de novo.6Non-CG methylation has also been reported at origins of replication7,8 and a region of the human myogenic gene Myf3.9 The Myf3 gene is silenced in non-muscle cell lines but it is not methylated at CGs. Instead, it carries several methylated cytosines within the sequence CCTGG. Gene-specific non-CG methylation was also reported in a study of lymphoma and myeloma cell lines not expressing many B lineage-specific genes.10 The study focused on one specific gene, B29 and found heavy CG promoter methylation of that gene in most cell lines not expressing it. However, in two other cell lines where the gene was silenced, cytosine methylation was found almost exclusively at CCWGG sites. The authors provided evidence suggesting that CCWGG methylation was sufficient for silencing the B29 promoter and that methylated probes based on B29 sequences had unique gel shift patterns compared to non-methylated but otherwise identical sequences.10 The latter finding suggests that the presence of the non-CG methylation causes changes in the proteins able to bind the promoter, which could be mechanistically related to the silencing seen with this alternate methylation.Non-CG methylation is rarely seen in DNA isolated from cancer patients. However, the p16 promoter region was reported to contain both CG and non-CG methylation in breast tumor specimens but lacked methylation at these sites in normal breast tissue obtained at mammoplasty.11 Moreover, CWG methylation at the CCWGG sites in the calcitonin gene is not found in normal or leukemic lymphocyte DNA obtained from patients.12 Further, in DNA obtained from breast cancer patients, MspI sites that are refractory to digestion by MspI and thus candidates for CHG methylation were found to carry CpG methylation.13 Their resistance to MspI restriction was found to be caused by an unusual secondary structure in the DNA spanning the MspI site that prevents restriction.13 This latter observation suggests caution in interpreting EcoRII/BstNI or EcoRII/BstOI restriction differences as due to CWG methylation, since in contrast to the 37°C incubation temperature required for full EcoRII activity, BstNI and BstOI require incubation at 60°C for full activity where many secondary structures are unstable.The recent report by Lister et al.14 confirmed a much earlier report by Ramsahoye et al.15 suggesting that non-CG methylation is prevalent in mammalian stem cell lines. Nearest neighbor analysis was used to detect non-CG methylation in the earlier study on the mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line,15 thus global methylation patterning was assessed. Lister et al.14 extend these findings to human stem cell lines at single-base resolution with whole-genome bisulfite sequencing. They report14 that the methylome of the human H1 stem cell line and the methylome of the induced pluripotent IMR90 (iPS) cell line are stippled with non-CG methylation while that of the human IMR90 fetal fibroblast cell line is not. While the results of the two studies are complementary, the human methylome study addresses locus specific non-CG methylation. Based on that data,14 one must conclude that non-CG methylation is not carefully maintained at a given site in the human H1 cell line. The average non-CG site is picked up as methylated in about 25% of the reads whereas the average CG methylation site is picked up in 92% of the reads. Moreover, non-CG methylation is not generally present on both strands and is concentrated in the body of actively transcribed genes.14Even so, the consistent finding that non-CG methylation appears to be confined to stem cell lines,14,15 raises the possibility that cancer stem cells16 carry non-CG methylation while their nonstem progeny in the tumor carry only CG methylation. Given the expected paucity of cancer stem cells in a tumor cell population, it is unlikely that bisulfite sequencing would detect non-CG methylation in DNA isolated from tumor cells since the stem cell population is expected to be only a very minor component of tumor DNA. Published sequences obtained by bisulfite sequencing generally report only CG methylation, and to the best of our knowledge bisulfite sequenced tumor DNA specimens have not reported non-CG methylation. On the other hand, when sequences from cell lines have been reported, bisulfite-mediated genomic sequencing8 or ligation mediated PCR17 methylcytosine signals outside the CG site have been observed. In a more recent study plasmid DNAs carrying the Bcl2-major breakpoint cluster18 or human breast cancer DNA13 treated with bisulfite under non-denaturing conditions, cytosines outside the CG side were only partially converted on only one strand18 or at a symmetrical CWG site.13 In the breast cancer DNA study the apparent CWG methylation was not detected when the DNA was fully denatured before bisulfite treatment.13In both stem cell studies, non-CG methylation was attributed to the Dnmt3a,14,15 a DNA methyltransferase with similarities to the plant DRM methyltransferase family19 and having the capacity to methylate non-CG sites when expressed in Drosophila melanogaster.15 DRM proteins however, possess a unique permuted domain structure found exclusively in plants19 and the associated RNA-directed non-CG DNA methylation has not been reproducibly observed in mammals despite considerable published2023 and unpublished efforts in that area. Moreover, reports where methylation was studied often infer methylation changes from 5AzaC reactivation studies24 or find that CG methylation seen in plants but not non-CG methylation is detected.21,22,25,26 In this regard, it is of interest that the level of non-CG methylation reported in stem cells corresponds to background non-CG methylation observed in vitro with human DNA methyltransferase I,27 and is consistent with the recent report that cultured stem cells are epigenetically unstable.28The function of non-CG methylation remains elusive. A role in gene expression has not been ruled out, as the studies above on Myf3 and B29 suggest.9,10 However, transgene expression of the bacterial methyltransferase M.EcoRII in a human cell line (HK293), did not affect the CG methylation state at the APC and SerpinB5 genes29 even though the promoters were symmetrically de novo methylated at mCWGs within each CCWGG sequence in each promoter. This demonstrated that CG and non-CG methylation are not mutually exclusive as had been suggested by earlier reports.9,10 That observation is now extended to the human stem cell line methylome where CG and non-CG methylation co-exist.14 Gene expression at the APC locus was likewise unaffected by transgene expression of M.EcoRII. In those experiments genome wide methylation of the CCWGG site was detected by restriction analysis and bisulfite sequencing,29 however stem cell characteristics were not studied.Many alternative functions can be envisioned for non-CG methylation, but the existing data now constrains them to functions that involve low levels of methylation that are primarily asymmetric. Moreover, inheritance of such methylation patterns requires low fidelity methylation. If methylation were maintained with high fidelity at particular CHG sites one would expect that the spontaneous deamination of 5-methylcytosine would diminish the number of such sites, so as to confine the remaining sites to those positions performing an essential function, as is seen in CG methylation.3033 However, depletion of CWG sites is not observed in the human genome.34 Since CWG sites account for only about 50% of the non-CG methylation observed in the stem cell methylome14 where methylated non-CG sites carry only about 25% methylation, the probability of deamination would be about 13% of that for CWG sites that are subject to maintenance methylation in the germ line. Since mutational depletion of methylated cytosines has to have its primary effect on the germ line, if the maintenance of non-CG methylation were more accurate and more widespread, one would have had to argue that stem cells in the human germ lines lack CWG methylation. As it is the data suggests that whatever function non-CG methylation may have in stem cells, it does not involve accurate somatic inheritance in the germ line.The extensive detail on non-CG methylation in the H1 methylome14 raises interesting questions about the nature of this form of methylation in human cell lines. A key finding in this report is the contrast between the presence of non-CG methylation in the H1 stem cell line and its absence in the IMR90 human fetal lung fibroblast cell line.14 This suggests that it may have a role in the origin and maintenance of the pluripotent lineage.14By analogy with the well known methylated DNA binding proteins specific for CG methylation,35 methylated DNA binding proteins that selectively bind sites of non-CG methylation are expected to exist in stem cells. Currently the only protein reported to have this binding specificity is human Dnmt1.3638 While Dnmt1 has been proposed to function stoichiometrically39 and could serve a non-CG binding role in stem cells, this possibility and the possibility that other stem-cell specific non-CG binding proteins might exist remain to be been explored.Finally, the nature of the non-CG methylation patterns in human stem cell lines present potentially difficult technical problems in methylation analysis. First, based on the data in the H1 stem cell methylome,40 a standard MS-qPCR for non-CG methylation would be impractical because non-CG sites are infrequent, rarely clustered and are generally characterized by partial asymmetric methylation. This means that a PCR primer that senses the 3 adjacent methylation sites usually recommended for MS-qPCR primer design41,42 cannot be reliably found. For example in the region near Oct4 (Chr6:31,246,431), a potential MS-qPCR site exists with a suboptimal set of two adjacent CHG sites both methylated on the + strand at Chr6:31,252,225 and 31,252,237.14,40 However these sites were methylated only in 13/45 and 30/52 reads. Thus the probability that they would both be methylated on the same strand is about 17%. Moreover, reverse primer locations containing non-CG methylation sites are generally too far away for practical bisulfite mediated PCR. Considering the losses associated with bisulfite mediated PCR43 the likelihood that such an MS-qPCR system would detect non-CG methylation in the H1 cell line or stem cells present in a cancer stem cell niche44,45 is very low.The second difficulty is that methods based on the specificity of MeCP2 and similar methylated DNA binding proteins for enriching methylated DNA (e.g., MIRA,46 COMPARE-MS47) will discard sequences containing non-CG methylation since they require cooperative binding afforded by runs of adjacent methylated CG sites for DNA capture. This latter property of the methylated cytosine capture techniques makes it also unlikely that methods based on 5-methylcytosine antibodies (e.g., meDIP48) will capture non-CG methylation patterns accurately since the stem cell methylome shows that adjacent methylated non-CG sites are rare in comparison to methylated CG sites.14In summary, whether or not mammalian stem cells in general or human stem cells in particular possess functional plant-like methylation patterns is likely to continue to be an interesting and challenging question. At this point we can conclude that the non-CG patterns reported in human cells appear to differ significantly from the non-CG patterns seen in plants, suggesting that they do not have a common origin or function.  相似文献   
Carboxyl esterases (CE) exhibit various reaction specificities despite of their overall structural similarity. In present study we have exploited functional metagenomics, saturation mutagenesis and experimental protein evolution to explore residues that have a significant role in substrate discrimination. We used an enzyme, designated 3A6, derived from the earthworm gut metagenome that exhibits CE and feruloyl esterase (FAE) activities with p-nitrophenyl and cinnamate esters, respectively, with a [(kcat/Km)]CE/[(kcat/Km)]FAE factor of 17. Modelling-guided saturation mutagenesis at specific hotspots (Lys281, Asp282, Asn316 and Lys317) situated close to the catalytic core (Ser143/Asp273/His305) and a deletion of a 34-AA–long peptide fragment yielded mutants with the highest CE activity, while cinnamate ester bond hydrolysis was effectively abolished. Although, single to triple mutants with both improved activities (up to 180-fold in kcat/Km values) and enzymes with inverted specificity ((kcat/Km)CE/(kcat/Km)FAE ratio of ∼0.4) were identified, no CE inactive variant was found. Screening of a large error-prone PCR-generated library yielded by far less mutants for substrate discrimination. We also found that no significant changes in CE activation energy occurs after any mutation (7.3 to −5.6 J mol−1), whereas a direct correlation between loss/gain of FAE function and activation energies (from 33.05 to −13.7 J mol−1) was found. Results suggest that the FAE activity in 3A6 may have evolved via introduction of a limited number of ‘hot spot’ mutations in a common CE ancestor, which may retain the original hydrolytic activity due to lower restrictive energy barriers but conveys a dynamic energetically favourable switch of a second hydrolytic reaction.  相似文献   
A set of chlorophyll fluorescence methods, including PEA (Plant Efficiency Analyser), PAM (Pulse Amplitude Modulated fluorometer), and picosecond fluorometer, was employed to study PS 2 heterogeneity in sulfur deprived green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The regression method and JIP test were applied to analyze chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics. The fractions of PS 2 characterized by the energetic disconnection, smaller antenna size, elevated constant rate of primary photochemistry, and inability to maintain ΔpH-dependent energy dissipation increased essentially already after 12 h of incubation in sulfur depleted medium. The amount of PS 2 centers with reduced QA (closed state), QB-non-reducing centers with impaired water splitting function, and centers coupled to the plastoquinone pool with the slow cycle rate increased dramatically after 24 h period of deprivation. The mechanisms of PS 2 inactivation under sulfur deprivation are discussed.  相似文献   
C3dg adducts of Ag can coligate complement receptor type 2 (CR2; CD21) and the B cell Ag receptor. This interaction significantly amplifies BCR-mediated signals in Ag-naive wild-type mice, lowering the threshold for B cell activation and the generation of humoral immune responses as much as 1000-fold. In this study we demonstrate that CR2-mediated complementation of BCR signals can also overcome B cell anergy. Unlike Ag alone, BCR/CR2 costimulation (Ars-CCG/C3dg complexes) of anergic Ars/A1 B cells led to Ca(2+) mobilization in vitro and the production of autoantibodies in vivo. Interestingly, the in vivo immune response of anergic cells occurs without the formation of germinal centers. These results suggest that the Ag unresponsiveness of anergic B cells can be overcome by cross-reactive (self-mimicking) Ags that have been complement-opsonized. This mechanism may place individuals exposed to complement-fixing bacteria at risk for autoimmunity.  相似文献   
Sterol glucosyltransferase, Ugt51/Atg26, is essential for both micropexophagy and macropexophagy of methanol-induced peroxisomes in Pichia pastoris. However, the role of this protein in pexophagy in other yeast remained unclear. We show that oleate- and amine-induced peroxisomes in Yarrowia lipolytica are degraded by Atg26-independent macropexophagy. Surprisingly, Atg26 was also not essential for macropexophagy of oleate- and amine-induced peroxisomes in P. pastoris, suggesting that the function of sterol glucoside (SG) in pexophagy is both species and peroxisome inducer specific. However, the rates of degradation of oleate- and amine-induced peroxisomes in P. pastoris were reduced in the absence of SG, indicating that P. pastoris specifically uses sterol conversion by Atg26 to enhance selective degradation of peroxisomes. However, methanol-induced peroxisomes apparently have lost the redundant ability to be degraded without SG. We also show that the P. pastoris Vac8 armadillo repeat protein is not essential for macropexophagy of methanol-, oleate-, or amine-induced peroxisomes, which makes PpVac8 the first known protein required for the micropexophagy, but not for the macropexophagy, machinery. The uniqueness of Atg26 and Vac8 functions under different pexophagy conditions demonstrates that not only pexophagy inducers, such as glucose or ethanol, but also the inducers of peroxisomes, such as methanol, oleate, or primary amines, determine the requirements for subsequent pexophagy in yeast.  相似文献   
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