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A yeast membrane protein was isolated by its binding to tRNA Sepharose column. The 45 kDa protein shares characteristics with rat liver nuclear pore proteins in having reactivity with a monoclonal antibody (RL1) raised against rat liver nuclear pore proteins and by the binding of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), indicating the presence of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) moieties. Immunofluorescence microscopy and cell fractionation experiments indicate that the protein is located in the nuclear envelope and the endoplasmic reticulum of the cell. The gene for the 45 kDa protein was cloned using degenerate oligonucleotides derived from the N-terminal protein sequence and confirmed by internal peptide sequences. The gene was named WBP1. The protein coding sequence of the WBP1 gene reveals an ER entry signal peptide and a C-terminal membrane spanning domain. Topological studies indicate that the C-terminus of the protein is located in the cytoplasm. The cytoplasmic tail of the protein contains the K-K-X-X signal known to be sufficient for retention of transmembrane proteins in higher eukaryotic cells. Gene disruption experiments show that the 45 kDa protein is essential for the vegetative life cycle of the yeast cell.  相似文献   


Hematopoietic development in vertebrate embryos results from the sequential contribution of two pools of precursors independently generated. While intra-embryonic precursors harbour the features of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), precursors formed earlier in the yolk sac (YS) display limited differentiation and self-renewal potentials. The mechanisms leading to the generation of the precursors in both sites are still largely unknown, as are the molecular basis underlying their different potential. A possible approach to assess the role of candidate genes is to transfer or modulate their expression/activity in both sites. We thus designed and compared transduction protocols to target either native extra-embryonic precursors, or hematopoietic precursors.  相似文献   
Misfolded proteins of the secretory pathway are extracted from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), polyubiquitylated by a protein complex termed the Hmg-CoA reductase degradation ligase (HRD-ligase), and degraded by cytosolic 26S proteasomes. This process is termed ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD). We previously showed that the membrane protein Der1, which is a subunit of the HRD-ligase, is involved in the export of aberrant polypeptides from the ER. Unexpectedly, we also uncovered a close spatial proximity of Der1 and the substrate receptor Hrd3 in the ER lumen. We report here on a mutant Hrd3KR that is selectively defective for ERAD of soluble proteins. Hrd3KR displays subtle structural changes that affect its positioning toward Der1. Furthermore, increased quantities of the ER-resident Hsp70-type chaperone Kar2 and the Hsp40-type cochaperone Scj1 bind to Hrd3KR. Of note, deletion of SCJ1 impairs ERAD of model substrates and causes the accumulation of client proteins at Hrd3. Our data imply a function of Scj1 in the removal of malfolded proteins from the receptor Hrd3, which facilitates their delivery to downstream-acting components like Der1.  相似文献   
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-resident mannosidases generate asparagine-linked oligosaccharide signals that trigger ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD) of unfolded glycoproteins. In this study, we provide in vitro evidence that a complex of the yeast protein disulfide isomerase Pdi1p and the mannosidase Htm1p processes Man(8)GlcNAc(2) carbohydrates bound to unfolded proteins, yielding Man(7)GlcNAc(2). This glycan serves as a signal for HRD ligase-mediated glycoprotein disposal. We identified a point mutation in PDI1 that prevents complex formation of the oxidoreductase with Htm1p, diminishes mannosidase activity, and delays degradation of unfolded glycoproteins in vivo. Our results show that Pdi1p is engaged in both recognition and glycan signal processing of ERAD substrates and suggest that protein folding and breakdown are not separated but interconnected processes. We propose a stochastic model for how a given glycoprotein is partitioned into folding or degradation pathways and how the flux through these pathways is adjusted to stress conditions.  相似文献   
Vimentin intermediate filaments (VIF) extend throughout the rear and perinuclear regions of migrating fibroblasts, but only nonfilamentous vimentin particles are present in lamellipodial regions. In contrast, VIF networks extend to the entire cell periphery in serum-starved or nonmotile fibroblasts. Upon serum addition or activation of Rac1, VIF are rapidly phosphorylated at Ser-38, a p21-activated kinase phosphorylation site. This phosphorylation of vimentin is coincident with VIF disassembly at and retraction from the cell surface where lamellipodia form. Furthermore, local induction of photoactivatable Rac1 or the microinjection of a vimentin mimetic peptide (2B2) disassemble VIF at sites where lamellipodia subsequently form. When vimentin organization is disrupted by a dominant-negative mutant or by silencing, there is a loss of polarity, as evidenced by the formation of lamellipodia encircling the entire cell, as well as reduced cell motility. These findings demonstrate an antagonistic relationship between VIF and the formation of lamellipodia.  相似文献   


Severe malaria remains a major cause of global morbidity and mortality. Despite the use of potent anti-parasitic agents, the mortality rate in severe malaria remains high. Adjunctive therapies that target the underlying pathophysiology of severe malaria may further reduce morbidity and mortality. Endothelial activation plays a central role in the pathogenesis of severe malaria, of which angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2) has recently been shown to function as a key regulator. Nitric oxide (NO) is a major inhibitor of Ang-2 release from endothelium and has been shown to decrease endothelial inflammation and reduce the adhesion of parasitized erythrocytes. Low-flow inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) gas is a US FDA-approved treatment for hypoxic respiratory failure in neonates.


This prospective, parallel arm, randomized, placebo-controlled, blinded clinical trial compares adjunctive continuous inhaled nitric oxide at 80 ppm to placebo (both arms receiving standard anti-malarial therapy), among Ugandan children aged 1-10 years of age with severe malaria. The primary endpoint is the longitudinal change in Ang-2, an objective and quantitative biomarker of malaria severity, which will be analysed using a mixed-effects linear model. Secondary endpoints include mortality, recovery time, parasite clearance and neurocognitive sequelae.


Noteworthy aspects of this trial design include its efficient sample size supported by a computer simulation study to evaluate statistical power, meticulous attention to complex ethical issues in a cross-cultural setting, and innovative strategies for safety monitoring and blinding to treatment allocation in a resource-constrained setting in sub-Saharan Africa.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01255215  相似文献   
Interleukin-1 receptor (IL-1RI) is a master regulator of inflammation and innate immunity. When triggered by IL-1beta, IL-1RI aggregates with IL-1R-associated protein (IL-1RAcP) and forms a membrane proximal signalosome that potently activates downstream signaling cascades. IL-1beta also rapidly triggers endocytosis of IL-1RI. Although internalization of IL-1RI significantly impacts signaling, very little is known about trafficking of IL-1RI and therefore about precisely how endocytosis modulates the overall cellular response to IL-1beta. Upon internalization, activated receptors are often sorted through endosomes and delivered to lysosomes for degradation. This is a highly regulated process that requires ubiquitination of cargo proteins as well as protein-sorting complexes that specifically recognize ubiquitinated cargo. Here, we show that IL-1beta induces ubiquitination of IL-1RI and that via these attached ubiquitin groups, IL-1RI interacts with the ubiquitin-binding protein Tollip. By using an assay to follow trafficking of IL-1RI from the cell surface to late endosomes and lysosomes, we demonstrate that Tollip is required for sorting of IL-1RI at late endosomes. In Tollip-deficient cells and cells expressing only mutated Tollip (incapable of binding IL-1RI and ubiquitin), IL-1RI accumulates on late endosomes and is not efficiently degraded. Furthermore, we show that IL-1RI interacts with Tom1, an ubiquitin-, clathrin-, and Tollip-binding protein, and that Tom1 knockdown also results in the accumulation of IL-1RI at late endosomes. Our findings suggest that Tollip functions as an endosomal adaptor linking IL-1RI, via Tom1, to the endosomal degradation machinery.  相似文献   
We have investigated the co-assembly properties of the intermediate filament (IF) proteins vimentin and desmin. First, the soluble complexes formed by both proteins separately in 5 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.4, were characterized by analytical ultracentrifugation. In both cases, s-values of around 5 S were obtained corresponding to the formation of tetramers. However, at pH 7.5 and in the presence of 1 mM EDTA, both proteins behaved quite differently; whereas vimentin sedimented at 7.2 S, desmin assembled into much larger complexes of about 13 S. A mixture of equimolar amounts of vimentin and desmin in 8 M urea yielded, after reconstitution into 5 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, and 1 mM EDTA, complexes exhibiting a sharp peak at 10.9 S. This intermediate s-value indicated that co-assembly into a distinct new set of complexes had occurred. As judged by electron microscopy and viscometry, these mixtures assembled into IFs with characteristics similar to those of pure vimentin and desmin. Furthermore, when vimentin and desmin tetramers were mixed in 5 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.4, and subsequently subjected to IF assembly conditions, again "hybrid" filaments were obtained. Most interestingly, after 10 min of assembly, mass-per-length (MPL) measurements by scanning transmission electron microscopy yielded IFs with an MPL-peak value of 36 +/- 5 kDa/nm, hence closer to that of vimentin IFs (33 +/- 4 kDa/nm) than to that of desmin IFs (48 +/- 8 kDa/nm). Finally, when unit length-filaments (ULF) of vimentin and desmin were mixed and assembled further, the diameters of individual mature IFs formed exhibited a significantly higher degree of width inhomogeneity along their length than vimentin and desmin IFs as might be expected for a modular mode of assembly. Last but not least, atomic force microscopy provided further direct evidence that desmin IFs are able to fuse end-to-end with vimentin IFs. In summary, we have shown that vimentin and desmin are able to co-assemble at the dimer, tetramer, ULF and even the mature IF level.  相似文献   
The M-band is a transverse structure in the center of the sarcomere, which is thought to stabilize the thick filament lattice. It was shown recently that the constitutive vertebrate M-band component myomesin can form antiparallel dimers, which might cross-link the neighboring thick filaments. Myomesin consists mainly of immunoglobulin-like (Ig) and fibronectin type III (Fn) domains, while several muscle types express the EH-myomesin splice isoform, generated by the inclusion of the unique EH-segment of about 100 amino acid residues (aa) in the center of the molecule. Here we use atomic force microscopy (AFM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy for the biophysical characterization of myomesin. The AFM identifies the "mechanical fingerprints" of the modules constituting the myomesin molecule. Stretching of homomeric polyproteins, constructed of Ig and Fn domains of human myomesin, produces a typical saw-tooth pattern in the force-extension curve. The domains readily refold after relaxation. In contrast, stretching of a heterogeneous polyprotein, containing several repeats of the My6-EH fragment reveals a long initial plateau corresponding to the sum of EH-segment contour lengths, followed by several My6 unfolding peaks. According to this, the EH-segment is characterized as an entropic chain with a persistence length of about 0.3nm. In TEM pictures, the EH-domain appears as a gap in the molecule, indicating a random coil conformation similar to the PEVK region of titin. CD spectroscopy measurements support this result, demonstrating a mostly non-folded conformation for the EH-segment. We suggest that similarly to titin, myomesin is a molecular spring, whose elasticity is modulated by alternative splicing. The Ig and Fn domains might function as reversible "shock absorbers" by sequential unfolding in the case of extremely high or long sustained stretching forces. These complex visco-elastic properties of myomesin might be crucial for the stability of the sarcomere.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) vedaprofen (Quadrisol) on quality and freezability of stallion semen. Experiments were performed using 22 Franches Montagnes stallions from the National Stud in Avenches (Switzerland) randomly divided into a control and test group. Vedaprofen was given orally to all stallions of the test group at the recommended therapeutic dose (initial dose of 2mg/kg followed by 1mg/kg body weight every 12h) for 14 days. Control animals received the same amount of carrier substance. During treatment, blood samples of five stallions in both test and control group were collected for PGF(2 alpha)-metabolite (PG-metabolite) determination. Ejaculates from all stallions were collected and cryopreserved weekly for 14 weeks from September to December. Concentrations of PG-metabolite, PGF and PGE were measured in the seminal plasma of ejaculates collected 2 weeks before, during and 2 weeks after treatment. In fresh semen the volume, concentration, motility and number of normal sperm and sperm with major defects (acrosome defects, abnormal heads, nuclear vacuoles, proximal droplets, midpiece defects) were evaluated. In frozen-thawed semen samples motility as well as viability (SYBR-14/PI) were tested and the hypoosmotic swelling test (HOS) was performed. Results demonstrate that vedaprofen had no effect on blood plasma concentration of PG-metabolite but significantly inhibited both, PGF and PGE concentrations in seminal plasma. Furthermore, all quality parameters in fresh and frozen-thawed semen were not affected by vedaprofen treatment but the time of semen collection had a significant (P<0.05) effect on motility, normal sperm and sperm with nuclear vacuoles in fresh semen.  相似文献   
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