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Aquaporins play important roles in maintaining plant water status under challenging environments. The regulation of aquaporin density in cell membranes is essential to control transcellular water flows. This work focuses on the maize (Zea mays) plasma membrane intrinsic protein (ZmPIP) aquaporin subfamily, which is divided into two sequence-related groups (ZmPIP1s and ZmPIP2s). When expressed alone in mesophyll protoplasts, ZmPIP2s are efficiently targeted to the plasma membrane, whereas ZmPIP1s are retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). A protein domain-swapping approach was utilized to demonstrate that the transmembrane domain3 (TM3), together with the previously identified N-terminal ER export diacidic motif, account for the differential localization of these proteins. In addition to protoplasts, leaf epidermal cells transiently transformed by biolistic particle delivery were used to confirm and refine these results. By generating artificial proteins consisting of a single transmembrane domain, we demonstrated that the TM3 of ZmPIP1;2 or ZmPIP2;5 discriminates between ER and plasma membrane localization, respectively. More specifically, a new LxxxA motif in the TM3 of ZmPIP2;5, which is highly conserved in plant PIP2s, was shown to regulate its anterograde routing along the secretory pathway, particularly its export from the ER.Aquaporins are of major importance to plant physiology, being essential for the regulation of transcellular water movement during growth and development (Maurel et al., 2008; Gomes et al., 2009; Heinen et al., 2009; Prado and Maurel, 2013; Chaumont and Tyerman, 2014). Aquaporins are small membrane proteins consisting of six transmembrane (TM) domains connected by five loops (A–E), and N and C termini facing the cytosol (Fig. 1A). They assemble as homotetramers and/or heterotetramers in the membrane, with each monomer acting as an independent water channel (Murata et al., 2000; Fetter et al., 2004; Gomes et al., 2009). Aquaporins form a highly divergent protein family in plants (Chaumont et al., 2001; Johanson et al., 2001), and this work focuses on the maize (Zea mays) plasma membrane intrinsic protein (ZmPIP) family (Chaumont et al., 2001). The regulation of the subcellular localization of these proteins is a key process controlling their density in the plasma membrane (PM) and, hence, their physiological roles (Hachez et al., 2013).Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Swapping TM3 of ZmPIP2;5 with that of ZmPIP1;2 retains the protein in intracellular structures. A, Cartoons representing the chimeric proteins composed of ZmPIP2;5, in which each TM has been replaced by the corresponding TM from ZmPIP1;2. All proteins are drawn with the cytosolic domains facing down. ZmPIP2;5 and ZmPIP1;2 portions are shown in black and white, respectively. All chimeras were fused to the C terminus of mYFP, which is not displayed for clarity purposes. B, Confocal microscopy images of maize mesophyll protoplasts transiently coexpressing mYFP-tagged ZmPIP2;5-PIP1;2 TM chimeric proteins (green) and the ER marker mCFP:HDEL (cyan). FM4-64 was added as a PM marker (red). Arrowheads in image 13 indicate accumulation of the protein in punctate structures that are not labeled by mCFP:HDEL. The localization patterns of the proteins of interest are representative of a total of at least 22 cells from three independent experiments. C, Confocal microscopy images of a maize mesophyll protoplast transiently expressing mYFP:ZmPIP2;5-TM3PIP1;2 (green) and ST:mCFP (magenta). Arrowheads indicate colocalization in Golgi stacks. The images are representative of a total of 17 cells from two independent experiments. Bar = 5 µm.PIP aquaporins cluster in two groups (PIP1s and PIP2s), which are highly conserved across species (Kammerloher et al., 1994; Chaumont et al., 2000, 2001; Johanson et al., 2001; Anderberg et al., 2012). We previously showed that the maize PIP1 and PIP2 isoforms exhibit different water channel activities when expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes, with only PIP2s increasing the membrane water permeability coefficient (Pf; Chaumont et al., 2000). However, when ZmPIP1 and ZmPIP2 are coexpressed, the isoforms physically interact to modify their stability and trafficking to the oocyte membrane, and synergistically increase the oocyte Pf (Fetter et al., 2004). Similar synergistic interactions between PIP1s and PIP2s have been reported in numerous plant species (Temmei et al., 2005; Mahdieh et al., 2008; Vandeleur et al., 2009; Bellati et al., 2010; Ayadi et al., 2011; Horie et al., 2011; Yaneff et al., 2014).PIPs were originally thought to be exclusively localized in the PM and were named accordingly (Kammerloher et al., 1994). However, recent experiments have shown that not all PIPs are located to the PM under all conditions, and that regulation of PIP subcellular localization is a highly dynamic process involving protein interactions (Boursiac et al., 2005, 2008; Zelazny et al., 2007, 2009; Uehlein et al., 2008; Besserer et al., 2012; Luu et al., 2012). When expressed singly in maize leaf mesophyll protoplasts, fluorescently tagged ZmPIP1s and ZmPIP2s differ in their subcellular localization. ZmPIP1s are retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), whereas ZmPIP2s are targeted to the PM (Zelazny et al., 2007). However, upon coexpression, ZmPIP1s are relocalized from the ER to the PM, where they perfectly colocalize with ZmPIP2s. This relocalization results from their physical interaction as demonstrated by Förster resonance energy transfer/fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy and immunoprecipitation experiments (Zelazny et al., 2007). These results indicate that ZmPIP2s, but not ZmPIP1s, possess signals that allow them to be delivered to the PM, and that hetero-oligomerization is required for ZmPIP1 trafficking to the PM. Interestingly, a diacidic motif (DxE, Asp-any amino acid-Glu) located in the N terminus of ZmPIP2;4, ZmPIP2;5, and Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) AtPIP2;1 was shown to be required to exit the ER (Zelazny et al., 2009; Sorieul et al., 2011). Diacidic motifs interact with Secretory protein24, which is thought to be the main cargo-selection protein of the Coat proteinII complex that mediates vesicle formation at ER export sites (Miller et al., 2003). However, not all PM-localized PIP2s contain a diacidic ER export signal (Zelazny et al., 2009). In addition, swapping the N-terminal region of ER-retained ZmPIP1;2 with that of PM-localized ZmPIP2;5, which contains the functional diacidic motif, is not sufficient to trigger ER export of the protein (Zelazny et al., 2009). This result suggests that other export signals might be present in PIP2s and/or ER retention signals might be present in PIP1s elsewhere than in the N terminus.To identify new signals regulating ZmPIP1 and ZmPIP2 protein trafficking along the secretory pathway, we used a protein domain swapping-based approach and identified the TM3 as an important region that discriminates between ER-retained ZmPIP1;2 and PM-localized ZmPIP2;5. Specific mutations in the TM3 region of ZmPIP2;5 allowed the identification of a new ZmPIP2-conserved LxxxA motif, which regulates its export from the ER.  相似文献   
The monoclonal antibody (MAb) Ki-67 is routinely used in clinical studies to estimate the growth fraction of tumors. However, the role of pKi-67, the protein detected by the Ki-67 MAb, remains elusive, although some biochemical data strongly suggest that it might organize chromatin. To better understand the functional organization of pKi-67, we studied its three-dimensional distribution in interphase cells by confocal microscopy and electron tomography. FluoroNanogold, a single probe combining a dense marker with a fluorescent dye, was used to investigate pKi-67 organization at the optical and ultrastructural levels. Observation by confocal microscopy followed by 3D reconstruction showed that pKi-67 forms a shell around the nucleoli. Double labeling experiments revealed that pKi-67 co-localizes with perinucleolar heterochromatin. Electron microscopy studies confirmed this close association and demonstrated that pKi-67 is located neither in the fibrillar nor in the granular components of the nucleolus. Finally, spatial analyses by electron tomography showed that pKi-67 forms cords 250-300 nm in diameter, which are themselves composed of 30-50-nm-thick fibers. These detailed comparative in situ analyses strongly suggest the involvement of pKi-67 in the higher-order organization of perinucleolar chromatin.  相似文献   
Epidemiological data indicate an association between periodontitis and obesity. The biological mechanisms of this relationship remain unclear. A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the relationship between periodontitis and the common systemic inflammatory markers in 32 morbidly obese patients recruited in a Clinical Nutrition department. Periodontal condition was evaluated using pocket depth (PD) measurement, a classical clinical marker of ongoing periodontitis. Major periodontal risk factors were recorded (age, gender, diabetes and smoking status), as well as plasma levels of inflammatory markers (CRP, orosomucoid, IL-6) and adipokines (adiponectin, leptin). All patients included in the sample exhibited evidence of periodontitis, 16 of whom were diagnosed as having severe disease. Adjusted logistic regression analysis indicated that the severity of periodontitis was associated with the plasma level of orosomucoid (p<0.04) after adjustment for age, gender and smoking. Our study thus suggests that the severity of periodontitis, in morbidly obese patients, is associated with the increase of orosomucoid levels.  相似文献   


Restricted application of insecticides to cattle is a cheap and safe farmer-based method to control tsetse. In Western Africa, it is applied using a footbath, mainly to control nagana and the tick Amblyomma variegatum. In Eastern and Southern Africa, it might help controlling the human disease, i.e., Rhodesian sleeping sickness as well. The efficiency of this new control method against ticks, tsetse and trypanosomoses has been demonstrated earlier. The invention, co-built by researchers and farmers ten years ago, became an innovation in Burkina Faso through its diffusion by two development projects.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this research, we studied the process and level of adoption in 72 farmers inhabiting the peri-urban areas of Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso. Variables describing the livestock farming system, the implementation and perception of the method and the knowledge of the epidemiological system were used to discriminate three clusters of cattle farmers that were then compared using indicators of adoption. The first cluster corresponded to modern farmers who adopted the technique very well. The more traditional farmers were discriminated into two clusters, one of which showed a good adoption rate, whereas the second failed to adopt the method. The economic benefit and the farmers'' knowledge of the epidemiological system appeared to have a low impact on the early adoption process whereas some modern practices, as well as social factors appeared critical. The quality of technical support provided to the farmers had also a great influence. Cattle farmers'' innovation-risk appraisal was analyzed using Rogers'' adoption criteria which highlighted individual variations in risk perceptions and benefits, as well as the prominent role of the socio-technical network of cattle farmers.


Results are discussed to highlight the factors that should be taken into consideration, to move discoveries from bench to field for an improved control of trypanosomoses vectors.  相似文献   
Host defense peptides are effector molecules of the innate immune system. They show broad antimicrobial action against gram-positive and -negative bacteria, and they likely play a key role in activating and mediating the innate as well as adaptive immune response in infection and inflammation. These features make them of high interest for wound healing research. Non-healing and infected wounds are a major problem in patient care and health care spending. Increasing infection rates, growing bacterial resistance to common antibiotics, and the lack of effective therapeutic options for the treatment of problematic wounds emphasize the need for new approaches in therapy and pathophysiologic understanding. This review focuses on the current knowledge of host defense peptides affecting wound healing and infection. We discuss the current data and highlight the potential future developments in this field of research.  相似文献   
The Maximum Parsimony (MP) problem aims at reconstructing a phylogenetic tree from DNA sequences while minimizing the number of genetic transformations. To solve this NP-complete problem, heuristic methods have been developed, often based on local search. In this article, we focus on the influence of the neighborhood relations. After analyzing the advantages and drawbacks of the well-known Nearest Neighbor Interchange (NNI), Subtree Pruning Regrafting (SPR) and Tree-Bisection-Reconnection (TBR) neighborhoods, we introduce the concept of Progressive Neighborhood (PN) which consists in constraining progressively the size of the neighborhood as the search advances. We empirically show that applied to the Maximum Parsimony problem, this progressive neighborhood turns out to be more efficient and robust than the classic neighborhoods using a descent algorithm. Indeed, it allows to find better solutions with a smaller number of iterations or trees evaluated.  相似文献   
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