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In the rat, alpha-Methyldopa (alpha-MD, 50 mg/kg i.p.) induced during 8 hrs. an important reduction of paradoxical sleep (PS) and an increase of light slow waves sleep (SWS1). These effects were reversed by intraventricular infusion of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from PS-deprived donor rats, and PS restauration depended directly on the duration of the deprivation in the donor. It is probable that hypnogenic substances accumulate in the CSF during PS-deprivation, and that these factors can by-pass the noradrenergic step in the chain of biochemical events normally leading to the appearance of PS.  相似文献   
Summary We describe a case of (2) (q34;q36) deletion in a girl. The main clinical features of the proband are staturo-ponderal retardation, skull-face dysmorphia and an interauricular communication. The relationship between morphological and chromosomal abnormalities is discussed.  相似文献   
BackgroundAdverse birth outcomes are major causes of morbidity and mortality during childhood and associate with a higher risk of noncommunicable diseases in adult life. Maternal periconception and antenatal nutrition, mostly focusing on single nutrients or foods, has been shown to influence infant birth outcomes. However, evidence on whole diet that considers complex nutrient and food interaction is rare and conflicting. We aim to elucidate the influence of whole-diet maternal dietary inflammatory potential and quality during periconceptional and antenatal periods on birth outcomes.Methods and findingsWe harmonized and pooled individual participant data (IPD) from up to 24,861 mother–child pairs in 7 European mother–offspring cohorts [cohort name, country (recruitment dates): ALSPAC, UK (1 April 1991 to 31 December 1992); EDEN, France (27 January 2003 to 6 March 2006); Generation R, the Netherlands (1 April 2002 to 31 January 2006); Lifeways, Ireland (2 October 2001 to 4 April 2003); REPRO_PL, Poland (18 September 2007 to 16 December 2011); ROLO, Ireland (1 January 2007 to 1 January 2011); SWS, United Kingdom (6 April 1998 to 17 December 2002)]. Maternal diets were assessed preconceptionally (n = 2 cohorts) and antenatally (n = 7 cohorts). Maternal dietary inflammatory potential and quality were ranked using the energy-adjusted Dietary Inflammatory Index (E-DII) and Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) index, respectively. Primary outcomes were birth weight and gestational age at birth. Adverse birth outcomes, i.e., low birth weight (LBW), macrosomia, small-for-gestational-age (SGA), large-for-gestational-age (LGA), preterm and postterm births were defined according to standard clinical cutoffs. Associations of maternal E-DII and DASH scores with infant birth outcomes were assessed using cohort-specific multivariable regression analyses (adjusted for confounders including maternal education, ethnicity, prepregnancy body mass index (BMI), maternal height, parity, cigarettes smoking, and alcohol consumption), with subsequent random-effects meta-analyses.Overall, the study mothers had a mean ± SD age of 29.5 ± 4.9 y at delivery and a mean BMI of 23.3 ± 4.2 kg/m2. Higher pregnancy DASH score (higher dietary quality) was associated with higher birth weight [β(95% CI) = 18.5(5.7, 31.3) g per 1-SD higher DASH score; P value = 0.005] and head circumference [0.03(0.01, 0.06) cm; P value = 0.004], longer birth length [0.05(0.01, 0.10) cm; P value = 0.010], and lower risk of delivering LBW [odds ratio (OR) (95% CI) = 0.89(0.82, 0.95); P value = 0.001] and SGA [0.87(0.82, 0.94); P value < 0.001] infants. Higher maternal prepregnancy E-DII score (more pro-inflammatory diet) was associated with lower birth weight [β(95% CI) = −18.7(−34.8, −2.6) g per 1-SD higher E-DII score; P value = 0.023] and shorter birth length [−0.07(−0.14, −0.01) cm; P value = 0.031], whereas higher pregnancy E-DII score was associated with a shorter birth length [−0.06(−0.10, −0.01) cm; P value = 0.026] and higher risk of SGA [OR(95% CI) = 1.18(1.11, 1.26); P value < 0.001]. In male, but not female, infants higher maternal prepregnancy E-DII was associated with lower birth weight and head circumference, shorter birth length, and higher risk of SGA (P-for-sex-interaction = 0.029, 0.059, 0.104, and 0.075, respectively). No consistent associations were observed for maternal E-DII and DASH scores with gestational age, preterm and postterm birth, or macrosomia and LGA. Limitations of this study were that self-reported dietary data might have increased nondifferential measurement error and that causality cannot be claimed definitely with observational design.ConclusionsIn this cohort study, we observed that maternal diet that is of low quality and high inflammatory potential is associated with lower offspring birth size and higher risk of offspring being born SGA in this multicenter meta-analysis using harmonized IPD. Improving overall maternal dietary pattern based on predefined criteria may optimize fetal growth and avert substantial healthcare burden associated with adverse birth outcomes.

In this cohort analysis, Ling-Wei Chen and colleagues explore associations of maternal dietary patterns with offspring birth outcomes.  相似文献   
To investigate the occurrence of acquired immune deficiency syndrome in Haitians, a health status questionnaire was administered and selected studies of immune status done in a randomly chosen sample of 189 healthy adult Haitians living in Montreal. The study group was comparable to a large sample of Haitians in Montreal interviewed in the 1981 census with respect to age, sex, number of persons per household and year of immigration, but the proportion of currently married people in the study was larger (60.8% v. 42.6%). The results in the study group were compared with those in a sample of 189 non-Haitians matched for age, sex and neighbourhood of residence. Persons with known causes of impaired immune function were excluded. The participation rate was 87.5%. The study and control groups both reported few symptoms and chronic health problems and had comparable demographic data, including rate of employment and income. The mean total numbers of lymphocytes, OKT3 and OKT4 (helper) and OKT8 (suppressor) cells were significantly higher in the Haitians than in the controls, though still within normal limits. There was a borderline elevation of the lymphocyte response to phytohemagglutinin in the Haitians. The ratios of helper to suppressor T cells in the two groups were, however, not significantly different. The Haitians, in comparison with non-Haitians living in the same community, had no demonstrable abnormalities of cellular immune function.  相似文献   
Phenotypic differentiation of bifidobacteria of human and animal origins.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The phenotypes of 153 strains belonging or related to the genus Bifidobacterium were studied. These organisms included 38 collection strains and 115 wild strains (41 strains of human origin, 56 strains of animal origin, and 18 strains obtained from rivers or sewage). Our phenotypic analysis revealed seven main groups that were subdivided into 20 subgroups. Seven subgroups contained no type or collection strain. Among the human strains, the type strains of Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum and B. catenulatum fell into group I, which contained the type strains of B. adolescentis (subgroup Ib), B. dentium (subgroup Ic), and B. angulatum (ungrouped). The type strain of B. breve belonged to subgroup IIIa1, and the type strains of B. infantis and B. longum fell into subgroup IIIb1. Group VII comprised only wild strains that were isolated from human infant feces. Among the animal strains, group II consisted mainly of bifidobacteria that were isolated from pig feces and contained the type strains of B. suis (subgroup IIb), B. thermophilum (subgroup IIf), B. choerinum, and B. boum (ungrouped). Wild strains belonging to group V were isolated from pig, calf, cow, and chicken feces; this included the type strains of B. animalis (subgroup Va), B. magnum (subgroup Vb), B. pseudolongum, and B. globosum (subgroup Vc). The strains of human origin (groups I, III, and VII) were well separated from the animal strains (groups II, IV, and V). It was not surprising that the wild strains isolated from surface water or sewage were distributed in the animal groups as well as the human groups. Thus, bifidobacteria can be considered to be successful indicators of human or animal fecal pollution when they are correctly classified. The acidification patterns were not adequate to differentiate Bifidobacterium species, as determined previously by Mitsuoka (Bifidobacteria Microflora 3:11-28, 1984) and Scardovi (p. 1418-1434, in P. H. A. Sneath, N. S. Mair, M. E. Sharpe, and J. G. Holt, ed., Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, vol. 2, 1986). However, enzymatic tests furnished new taxonomic criteria for the genus.  相似文献   
  1. Increasing landscape heterogeneity, both in terms of composition and configuration, can promote natural enemies and biological control in agricultural landscapes. However, relatively poor information exists about the effects of landscape heterogeneity on lacewings, which are a major group of predators. Furthermore, temporal changes of landscape effects on natural enemy dynamics remain largely unexplored.
  2. Here, we investigated how landscape composition and configuration affect lacewings and their biological control potential on leafhoppers. Lacewings and leafhoppers were sampled from April to July in 10 vineyards located in southwestern France. The vineyards were selected along a gradient of a proportion of semi‐natural habitats in the landscape.
  3. The proportion of semi‐natural habitats positively affected the abundance of adults and eggs, as well as species richness, of lacewings, alone or in interaction with the sampling month. Landscape configuration was never found to enhance abundance or species richness of lacewings. Finally, the predator–prey ratio increased through time but did not respond to landscape composition or configuration.
  4. Our study highlights that the proportion of semi‐natural habitats increases both abundance and diversity of lacewings in vineyard landscapes but that this effect varies over time. This result indicates the need to assess the variability of landscape effects over time to maximize biological pest control services in agricultural landscapes.


Floral scent, usually consisting of multiple compounds, is a complex trait, and its role in pollinator attraction has received increasing attention. However, disentangling the effect of individual floral scent compounds is difficult due to the complexity of isolating the effect of single compounds by traditional methods.


Using available quasi-isogenic lines (qILs) that were generated as part of the original mapping of the floral scent volatile-related loci CNL1 (benzaldehyde) and TPS2 (β-ocimene) in Capsella, we generated four genotypes that should only differ in these two compounds. Plants of the four genotypes were introduced into a common garden outside the natural range of C. rubella or C. grandiflora, with individuals of a self-compatible C. grandiflora line as pollen donors, whose different genetic background facilitates the detection of outcrossing events. Visitors to flowers of all five genotypes were compared, and the seeds set during the common-garden period were collected for high-throughput amplicon-based sequencing to estimate their outcrossing rates.


Benzaldehyde and β-ocimene emissions were detected in the floral scent of corresponding genotypes. While some pollinator groups showed specific visitation preferences depending on scent compounds, the outcrossing rates in seeds did not vary among the four scent-manipulated genotypes.


The scent-manipulated Capsella materials constructed using qILs provide a powerful system to study the ecological effects of individual floral scent compounds under largely natural environments. In Capsella, individual benzaldehyde and β-ocimene emission may act as attractants for different types of pollinators.
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