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Accurate species identification often relies on public repositories to compare the barcode sequences of the investigated individual(s) with taxonomically assigned sequences. However, the accuracy of identifications in public repositories is often questionable, and the names originally given are rarely updated. For instance, species of the Sea Lettuce (Ulva spp.; Ulvophyceae, Ulvales, Ulvaceae) are frequently misidentified in public repositories, including herbaria and gene banks, making species identification based on traditional barcoding unreliable. We DNA barcoded 295 individual distromatic foliose strains of Ulva from the North-East Atlantic for three loci (rbcL, tufA, ITS1). Seven distinct species were found, and we compared our results with all worldwide Ulva spp. sequences present in the NCBI database for the three barcodes rbcL, tufA and the ITS1. Our results demonstrate a large degree of species misidentification, where we estimate that 24%–32% of the entries pertaining to foliose species are misannotated and provide an exhaustive list of NCBI sequences reannotations. An analysis of the global distribution of registered samples from foliose species also indicates possible geographical isolation for some species, and the absence of U. lactuca from Northern Europe. We extended our analytical framework to three other genera, Fucus, Porphyra and Pyropia and also identified erroneously labelled accessions and possibly new synonymies, albeit less than for Ulva spp. Altogether, exhaustive taxonomic clarification by aggregation of a library of barcode sequences highlights misannotations and delivers an improved representation of species diversity and distribution.  相似文献   


Obtaining accurate estimates of biological or enzymatic reaction rates is critical in understanding the design principles of a network and how biological processes can be experimentally manipulated on demand. In many cases experimental limitations mean that some enzymatic rates cannot be measured directly, requiring mathematical algorithms to estimate them. Here, we describe a methodology that calculates rates at which light-regulated proteins switch between conformational states. We focus our analysis on the phytochrome family of photoreceptors found in cyanobacteria, plants and many optogenetic tools. Phytochrome proteins change between active (P A ) and inactive (P I ) states at rates that are proportional to photoconversion cross-sections and influenced by light quality, light intensity, thermal reactions and dimerisation. This work presents a method that can accurately calculate these photoconversion cross-sections in the presence of multiple non-light regulated reactions.


Our approach to calculating the photoconversion cross-sections comprises three steps: i) calculate the thermal reversion reaction rate(s); ii) develop search spaces from which all possible sets of photoconversion cross-sections exist, and; iii) estimate extinction coefficients that describe our absorption spectra. We confirm that the presented approach yields accurate results through the use of simulated test cases. Our test cases were further expanded to more realistic scenarios where noise, multiple thermal reactions and dimerisation are considered. Finally, we present the photoconversion cross-sections of an Arabidopsis phyB N-terminal fragment commonly used in optogenetic tools.


The calculation of photoconversion cross-sections has implications for both photoreceptor and synthetic biologists. Our method allows, for the first time, direct comparisons of photoconversion cross-sections and response speeds of photoreceptors in different cellular environments and synthetic tools. Due to the generality of our procedure, as shown by the application to multiple test cases, the photoconversion cross-sections and quantum yields of any photoreceptor might now, in principle, be obtained.
During denaturant-induced equilibrium (un)folding of wild-type apoflavodoxin from Azotobacter vinelandii, a molten globule-like folding intermediate is formed. This wild-type protein contains three tryptophans. In this study, we use a general approach to analyze time-resolved fluorescence and steady-state fluorescence data that are obtained upon denaturant-induced unfolding of a single-tryptophan-containing variant of apoflavodoxin [i.e., W74/F128/F167 (WFF) apoflavodoxin]. The experimental data are assembled in matrices, and subsequent singular-value decomposition of these matrices (i.e., based on either steady-state or time-resolved fluorescence data) shows the presence of three significant, and independent, components. Consequently, to further analyze the denaturation trajectories, we use a three-state protein folding model in which a folding intermediate and native and unfolded protein molecules take part. Using a global analysis procedure, we determine the relative concentrations of the species involved and show that the stability of WFF apoflavodoxin against global unfolding is ~4.1 kcal/mol. Analysis of time-resolved anisotropy data of WFF apoflavodoxin unfolding reveals the remarkable observation that W74 is equally well fixed within both the native protein and the molten globule-like folding intermediate. Slight differences between the direct environments of W74 in the folding intermediate and native protein cause different rotameric populations of the indole in both folding species as fluorescence lifetime analysis reveals. Importantly, thermodynamic analyses of the spectral denaturation trajectories of the double-tryptophan-containing protein variants WWF apoflavodoxin and WFW apoflavodoxin show that these variants are significantly more stable (5.9 kcal/mol and 6.8 kcal/mol, respectively) than WFF apoflavodoxin (4.1 kcal/mol) Hence, tryptophan residues contribute considerably to the 10.5 kcal/mol thermodynamic stability of native wild-type apoflavodoxin.  相似文献   


Array-based comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) is a high-throughput method for measuring genome-wide DNA copy number changes. Current aCGH methods have limited resolution, sensitivity and reproducibility. Microarrays for aCGH are available only for a few organisms and combination of aCGH data with expression data is cumbersome.


We present a novel method of using commercial oligonucleotide expression microarrays for aCGH, enabling DNA copy number measurements and expression profiles to be combined using the same platform. This method yields aCGH data from genomic DNA without complexity reduction at a median resolution of approximately 17,500 base pairs. Due to the well-defined nature of oligonucleotide probes, DNA amplification and deletion can be defined at the level of individual genes and can easily be combined with gene expression data.


A novel method of gene resolution analysis of copy number variation (graCNV) yields high-resolution maps of DNA copy number changes and is applicable to a broad range of organisms for which commercial oligonucleotide expression microarrays are available. Due to the standardization of oligonucleotide microarrays, graCNV results can reliably be compared between laboratories and can easily be combined with gene expression data using the same platform.  相似文献   
Many cases of active tuberculosis are thought to result from the reactivation of dormant Mycobacterium tuberculosis from a prior infection, yet remarkably little is known about the mechanism by which these non-sporulating bacteria reactivate. A family of extracellular bacterial proteins, known as resuscitation-promoting factors (Rpfs), has previously been shown to stimulate growth of dormant mycobacteria. While Rpf proteins are clearly peptidoglycan glycosidases, the mechanism and role of Rpf in mediating reactivation remains unclear. Here we use a yeast two-hybrid screen to identify potential binding partners of RpfB and report the interaction between RpfB and a putative mycobacterial endopeptidase, which we named Rpf-interacting protein A (RipA). This interaction was confirmed by in vitro and in vivo co-precipitation assays. The interacting domains map to the C-termini of both proteins, near predicted enzymatic domains. We show that RipA is a secreted, cell-associated protein, found in the same cellular compartment as RpfB. Both RipA and RpfB localize to the septa of actively growing bacteria by fluorescence microscopy. Finally, we demonstrate that RipA is capable of digesting cell wall material and is indeed a peptidoglycan hydrolase. The interaction between these two peptidoglycan hydrolases at the septum suggests a role for the complex in cell division, possibly during reactivation.  相似文献   
In order to sustain a persistent infection, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) must adapt to a changing environment that is shaped by the developing immune response. This necessity to adapt is evident in the flexibility of many aspects of Mtb metabolism, including a respiratory chain that consists of two distinct terminal cytochrome oxidase complexes. Under the conditions tested thus far, the bc1/aa3 complex appears to play a dominant role, while the alternative bd oxidase is largely redundant. However, the presence of two terminal oxidases in this obligate pathogen implies that respiratory requirements might change during infection. We report that the cytochrome bd oxidase is specifically required for resisting the adaptive immune response. While the bd oxidase was dispensable for growth in resting macrophages and the establishment of infection in mice, this complex was necessary for optimal fitness after the initiation of adaptive immunity. This requirement was dependent on lymphocyte-derived interferon gamma (IFNγ), but did not involve nitrogen and oxygen radicals that are known to inhibit respiration in other contexts. Instead, we found that ΔcydA mutants were hypersusceptible to the low pH encountered in IFNγ-activated macrophages. Unlike wild type Mtb, cytochrome bd-deficient bacteria were unable to sustain a maximal oxygen consumption rate (OCR) at low pH, indicating that the remaining cytochrome bc1/aa3 complex is preferentially inhibited under acidic conditions. Consistent with this model, the potency of the cytochrome bc1/aa3 inhibitor, Q203, is dramatically enhanced at low pH. This work identifies a critical interaction between host immunity and pathogen respiration that influences both the progression of the infection and the efficacy of potential new TB drugs.  相似文献   
Biomanipulation improved water transparency of Lake Zwemlust (The Netherlands) drastically. Before biomanipulation no submerged vegetation was present in the lake, but in summer 1987, directly after the measure, submerged macrophyte stands developed following a clear-water phase caused by high zooplankton grazing in spring. During the summers of 1988 and 1989 Elodea nuttallii was the most dominant species and reached a high biomass, but in the summers of 1990 and 1991 Ceratophyllum demersum became dominant. The total macrophyte biomass decreased in 1990 and 1991. In 1992 and 1993 C. demersum and E. nuttallii were nearly absent and Potamogeton berchtholdii became the dominant species, declining to very low abundance during late summer. Successively algal blooms appeared in autumn of those years reaching chlorophyll-a concentrations between 60–130 µg l–1. However, in experimental cages placed on the lake bottom, serving as exclosures for larger fish and birds, E. nuttallii still reached a high abundance during 1992 and 1993. Herbivory by coots (Fulica atra) in autumn/winter, and by rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus) in summer, most probably caused the decrease in total abundance of macrophytes and the shift in species composition.  相似文献   
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