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The use of cinnamyl nitroblue tetrazolium chloride (DS-NBT) in dehydrogenase experiments (lactic dehydrogenase, succinic dehydrogenase, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide diaphorase) and 3,3'-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride (DAB) in cytochrome oxidase experiments indicated that mitochondrial oxidoreduction reactions from nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide to cytochrome oxidase are located on the inner mitochondrial membrane in the outer compartment and the intracristate spaces. These reactions behave according to the chemiosmotic hypothesis. The cochlear hair cell mitochondria are cytochemically indistinguishable from free liver mitochondria. The heterogeneous mitochondrial staining pattern is related to the osmolarity of the incubation media, solubility of the enzymes and pH of the medium, but not to the fixation method.  相似文献   
A purification method for the “CAMP” factor is described. The purified preparation obtained is a peptide with a molecular weight of about 15000. Amino acid analysis has shown that this peptide contains an appreciable amount of hydroxyproline.  相似文献   
The growth of heterocystous bluegreen algae in various concentrations of sodium, was examined in axenic culture as well as in situ studies. Anabaena cylindrica Lemm. with no Na+ added, suffered from decreased rates of acetylene reduction, 14C, assimilation, excretion of organic C as well as lower concentrations of chlorophyll a and particulate organic C compared to cultures supplied with 5, 10, and 50 mg Na+·l−1 Sodium deficient algae released, extracellularly a higher percentage of previously fixed C as organic C. No differences in any parameter measured were demonstrable among cultures grown with 5, 10, and 50 mg Na+·l−1 High nitrate concentrations (20 mg NO3·l−1) resulted in decreased rates of acetylene reduction and heterocyst numbers in. Na sufficient, and Na deficient cultures: however, decreased, cellular Na content at high NO3 levels occurred only in N deficient, cultures. Higher percentages of excreted organic C occurred with increasing NO3 concentrations in Na deficient cultures. Sodium enrichment of natural bluegreen populations with the addition of 50, 100, and 200 mg Na+·l−1 elicited neither a stimulatory nor an inhibitory response in photosynthetic C fixation. In contrast, the addition of small amounts of Na+ (5 mg·l) resulted in increased C fixation. However, since the Na. concentration of the lake water, at ca. 5 mg Na+·l−1, was sufficient for growth of the bluegreens present, sodium, is not assumed to be limiting under most natural conditions. No increase in in situ acetylene reduction rates occurred with additions of sodium.  相似文献   
Prolyl hydroxylase, which is responsible for the hydroxylation of peptidyl proline residues, has been isolated and purified from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardii. The enzyme, which appears to be loosely associated with microsomal membranes, was released into solution by sonication in the presence of detergent. Purification was achieved by ion-exchange chromatography followed by affinity chromatography using the immobilized substrate poly-L-proline. Apart from its differing substrate specificity the enzyme appears to possess similar molecular characteristics to prolyl hydroxylase isolated from animal tissues: the active enzyme is a tetramer of about 240–250 kDa and nonidentical monomers of 65 and 60 kDa. The monomers are capsule shaped having a dimension of 12×7 nm.Abbreviations Da dalton - DEAE diethylaminoethyl - DTT dithiothreitol - Hepes 4-(2-hydroxymethyl)-1-piperazine ethanesulfonic acid - -KGA -ketoglutarate - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   
Hybridoma cell lines producing monoclonal antibodies to Streptococcus faecalis cell surface antigens were constructed. Some of the antibodies isolated were directed against surface components involved in pheromone-induced mating. This paper describes the use of the monoclonal antibodies to identify antigenically related surface components detected by immunoprecipitation and Western blotting, their use in pheromone response assays, and their use as functional inhibitors in mating experiments.  相似文献   
We developed a mouse monoclonal antibody against neurotensin (NT), termed NT8, for applications in immunohistochemistry and for ELISA analysis of NT. The antibody's paratope was determined by competitive ELISA using several peptide fragments of NT. That paratope requires intact peptide bonds between NT residues proline-7, arginine-8, and arginine-9. The antibody is of the IgG2B sub-isotype, having an IC50 for intact NT of approximately 3 nM when measured by competitive ELISA. Light microscopic immunohistochemical studies in the periaqueductal gray (PAG) and hypothalamus demonstrated staining patterns that agreed well with previous reports. Neuron perikarya were visualized even in the absence of colchicine pre-treatment, indicating that NT8 antibody is very sensitive in immunohistochemical applications. At the EM level, the antibody stained axon terminals, dendrites, and perikarya in the PAG. In lightly immunoreactive perikarya, rough endoplasmic reticula were visualized, suggesting that biosynthetic precursors to NT might be recognized by NT8.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) have become important tools in regenerative and transplantation medicine. Rapidly increasing numbers of patients are receiving in vitro-expanded MSC. Culture conditions typically include FSC because human serum does not fully support growth of human MSC in vitro (MSC(FCS)). Concerns regarding BSE, other infectious complications and host immune reactions have fueled investigation of alternative culture supplements. METHODS: As PDGF has long been identified as a growth factor for MSC, we tested media supplementation with platelet lysate for support of MSC proliferation. RESULTS: We found that primary cultures of BM-derived MSC can be established with animal serum-free media containing fresh frozen plasma and platelets (MSC(FFPP)). Moreover, MSC(FFPP) showed vigorous proliferation that was superior to classical culture conditions containing FCS. MSC(FFPP) morphology was equivalent to MSC(FCS), and MSC(FFPP) expressed CD73, CD90, CD105, CD106, CD146 and HLA-ABC while being negative for CD34, CD45 and surface HLA-DR, as expected. In addition to being phenotypically identical, MSC(FFPP) could efficiently differentiate into adipocytes and osteoblasts. In terms of immune regulatory properties, MSC(FFPP) were indistinguishable from MSC(FCS). Proliferation of PBMC induced by IL-2 in combination with OKT-3 or by PHA was inhibited in the presence of MSC(FFPP). DISCUSSION: Taken together, FCS can be replaced safely by FFPP in cultures of MSC for clinical purposes.  相似文献   
Biodegradation of [C]tri-p-cresyl phosphate was studied in a laboratory model sewage treatment system to develop information on the nature of its transformation products. In 24-h experiments, 70 to 80% of tri-p-cresyl phosphate added at the 1-mug/ml level was degraded. The remaining parent compound was associated with the sludge solids. The major metabolite extracted with ethyl ether from the aqueous phase was identified as p-hydroxybenzoic acid by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Two unstable ether-extractable metabolites were not identified. The half-life of [C]tri-p-cresyl phosphate was estimated to be 7.5 h.  相似文献   
D J Welsch  G L Nelsestuen 《Biochemistry》1988,27(19):7513-7519
Acetylation of prothrombin fragment 1 in acetate-borate buffer at pH 8.5 resulted in the appearance of increased light absorbance at about 250 nm. Protease digestions resulted in isolation of a single peptide (residues 94-99) with intense absorbance at about 250 nm (estimated extinction coefficient of 5000 M-1 cm-1). Amino acid analysis showed the expected composition except for the absence of His-96. Instead, an unidentified amino acid which had a ninhydrin product with absorption properties similar to those of proline eluted near aspartate. When sequenced, this peptide (YP?KPE containing epsilon-amino-acetyllysine) lacked histidine at the third position but gave a high yield of a PTH derivative that eluted near PTH-Gly from the HPLC column. Fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry of the derivatized 94-99 peptide showed a mass that was 74 units higher than expected. The histidine degradation product was identified as a di-N-acetylated side chain with an opened imidazole ring and loss of C2 of the ring. While a similar degradation pattern has previously been reported during acylation of histidine, the high chemical reactivity exhibited by His-96 was unusual. For example, under conditions sufficient for quantitative derivatization of His-96, His-105 of fragment 1 was not derivatized to a detectable level. Furthermore, His-96 in fragment 1 was at least an order of magnitude more susceptible to degradation than His-96 in the isolated 94-99 peptide. His-96 is therefore one of several neighboring amino acids of the kringle portion of fragment 1 that displays highly unusual chemistry (see also Asn-101 [Welsch, D.J., & Nelsestuen, G. L. (1988) Biochemistry 27 4946-4952] and Lys-97 [Pollock, J.S., Zapata, G.A., Weber, D.J., Berkowitz, P., Deerfield, D.W., II, Olson, D.L., Koehler, K.A., Pedersen, L.G., & Hiskey, R.G. (1988) in Current Advances in Vitamin K Research (Suttie, J.W., Ed.) pp 325-334, Elsevier Science, New York]).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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