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Computerized gas chromatography-mass spectrometry techniques using selected ion monitoring and deuterated internal standards were used to assay simultaneously the medial basal hypothalamic concentrations of dopamine (DA) and noradrenaline (NA) and their major metabolites in individual rats 30 min after the administration of two different inhibitors of tyrosine hydroxylase, alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine (alpha-MT) and 3-iodo-L-tyrosine (MIT). Consistent with inhibition of DA synthesis, administration of both alpha-MT and MIT resulted in marked reductions (P less than 0.005) in the hypothalamic concentrations of DA and its metabolite homovanillic acid as well as in highly significant increases in prolactin secretion. alpha-MT administration, but not MIT, resulted in a highly significant decrease in NA concentration and a highly significant increase in the concentration of the NA metabolite 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethyleneglycol (DHPG). The hypothalamic ratio DHPG/NA was thus markedly increased (P less than 0.005) by alpha-MT indicating increased NA neuronal activity. alpha-MT administration also resulted in increased ACTH secretion (P less than 0.0005), an effect not observed following MIT. It is proposed that the effects on hypothalamic NA activity and ACTH secretion caused by alpha-MT are stress-mediated and unrelated to tyrosine hydroxylase inhibition. MIT is devoid of these effects but exhibits blockade activity, thus indicating it to be a preferable drug for the acute inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase in neuroendocrine investigations.  相似文献   
Multiple enzyme forms of isocitrate lyase from various sources have been frequently reported. Protease action after cell rupture was sporadically claimed to explain the observed multiple enzyme forms. In this communication studies which are consistent with a protease action in vitro on isocitrate lyase of Pinus pinea germinating seeds are reported. Moreover, changes in DEAE-Sephacel patterns, mainly related to the age of germination, were observed. Differences regarding the heat stability of the detected enzyme forms were also found. The results indicate that isocitrate lyase from P. pinea may be detected in at least three different forms, one of which is heat stable and may be obtained only at the early stages of germination.  相似文献   
The banded karyotypes of Macaca fuscata compared with Cercocebus aterrimus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The karyotypes of Macaca fuscata and Cercocebus aterrimus are compared after G, C and AgNOR banding. Although it is often assumed that the 42-chromosome monkeys (species of the genera Macaca, Papio, and Cercocebus) are identical at the chromosomal level, a number of clear and consistent differences between the karyotypes of these two taxa are described. These differences include one pericentric inversion and differences in staining intensity, particularly in centromeric and pericentromeric areas. It is probable that high resolution chromosome techniques could reveal more differences between taxa in the 42-chromosome group than are now believed to exist. It is therefore probable that karyological data could provide insight into the phylogenetic relationships in this group of Old World monkeys.  相似文献   
V G Tishchenkov 《Biofizika》1983,28(2):274-279
Rod outer segments (ROS) of the frog retina are shown to contain high affinity binding sites to guanylic nucleotides. Concentration of the binding sites comprises several per cent of rhodopsin concentration in our ROS preparations. These sites possess high affinity to GDP (Kd less than 10(-6) M) in dark-adapted preparations, and in the presence of bleached rhodopsin they effectively bind the non-hydrolizable analog of GTP--GPP (NH) P (Kd less than 10(-6) M). It is shown that one bleached rhodopsin molecule can induce the binding of up to 100 molecules of GPP (NH) P at low rhodopsin photolysis. Qur experimental results raise serious doubts as to the applicability of nucleotide exchange scheme by Fung and Stryer (1980).  相似文献   
Fish biomass (Tilapia sp.) were raised at high stocking density in 1-m(3) tanks containing 450 L of water. The water was changed continously by means of a jet flow regulator. The jet flow regulator maintained adequate dissolved oxygen (DO) and a low ammonia level, while the suspended solids were discarded. In such a system, an annual yield of above 15 kg/m(3) can be expected. The application of the jet flow regulator in aquaculture is discussed.  相似文献   
A purified endocellulase from Sclerotium rolfsii and a crude cellulase preparation from Trichoderma reesei are used to illustrate several pitfalls associated with the assay of carboxymethylcellulase activity and the subsequent attainment of linear enzyme dilution curves. It is shown that the nature of both the enzymes and the substrate make the assay unsuitable for use in the calculation of enzyme recovery and purity.  相似文献   
Summary Infrared and proton resonance spectra have been used to characterize fraction extracted sequentially from humic and fulvic acids by diethylether, acetone, dioxane, tetrahydrofuran, pyridine and dimethylformamide. The results showed that the same solvents extracted structurally similar components from both humic and fulvic acids. On the other hand, the spectra showed solvent-dependent differences, some being characteristic for a preponderance of aliphatic structures, others for aromatic structures.  相似文献   
Comparison was made between cytophotometric measurements obtained using two data acquisition systems, one a microphotometer and the other a rapid video camera system, to ascertain whether the degradation of data with the faster video acquisition system still results in recorded images of sufficient quality to permit computer discrimination between cells of very similar appearance. Normal-appearing intermediate cells from cases with normal cytology and those from patients with dysplasia or malignant disease, as well as the subvisual markers within these cells that have rendered them capable of cytophotometric discrimination, were used for the study. Comparison of the data recorded by the two systems indicates that the diagnostic information is preserved in the change-over to a full-field, video-rate scanning system, with differences in the data caused primarily by differences in the spectral response of the two systems. This was reflected in the substantial differences observed in the color-related features and the lesser differences seen in the textural features, while the morphometric features (outline and shape) were virtually unaffected. The differences were primarily expressed on a cell-to-cell basis; in sets of about 300 cells, which would be used in patient-to-patient comparisons, the feature values showed remarkable consistency between the two systems.  相似文献   
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