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The ω-chain variant analogs of prostacyclin (PGI2) and PGD2 in which the n-amyl side-chain has been replaced by a cyclohexyl group have been prepared and their cardiovascular activities have been compared to those of BW-245C(Fig. 1)(1) a potent anti-aggregatory vasodilator bearing a cyclohexyl-terminated side-chain on a hydantoin skeleton. The cyclohexyl group has little effect on PGI2, but converts PGD2 to a long lasting hypotensive agent and increases the platelet anti-aggregatory potency of PGD2 by a factor of 8. The prostaglandin antagonist N-0164 selectively blocks the anti-aggregatory actions of PGD2, cyclohexyl-PGD2, and BW-245C; with essentially no effect on PGI2, cyclohexyl-PGI2 and PGE2 at comparably effective doses. The latter observation is contrary to an earlier report by MacIntyre (2,3), but supports the view that the anti-aggregatory effect of high doses of PGE2 (EC50=50μM) is mediated by the PGI2 receptor (4). The hydantoin acts at the platelet PGD2 receptor.  相似文献   
The fatty acid compositions of the lipids and the lipid peroxide concentrations and rates of lipid peroxidation were determined in suspensions of liver endoplasmic reticulum isolated from rats fed on synthetic diets in which the fatty acid composition had been varied but the remaining constituents (protein, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals) kept constant. Stock diet and synthetic diets containing no fat, 10% corn oil, herring oil, coconut oil or lard were used. The fatty acid composition of the liver endoplasmic reticulum lipid was markedly dependent on the fatty acid composition of the dietary lipid. Feeding a herring-oil diet caused incorporation of 8.7% eicosapentaenoic acid (C20:5) and 17% docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6), but only 5.1% linoleic acid (C18:2) and 6.4% arachidonic acid (C20:4), feeding a corn-oil diet caused incorporation of 25.1% C18:2, 17.8% C20:4 and 2.5% C22:6 fatty acids, and feeding a lard diet caused incorporation of 10.3% C18:2, 13.5% C20:4 and 4.3% C22:6 fatty acids into the liver endoplasmic-reticulum lipids. Phenobarbitone injection (100mg/kg) decreased the incorporation of C20:4 and C22:6 fatty acids into the liver endoplasmic reticulum of rats fed on a lard, corn-oil or herring-oil diet. Microsomal lipid peroxide concentrations and rates of peroxidation in the presence of ascorbate depended on the nature and quantity of the polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet. The lipid peroxide content was 1.82±0.30nmol of malonaldehyde/mg of protein and the rate of peroxidation was 0.60±0.08nmol of malonaldehyde/min per mg of protein after feeding a fat-free diet, and the values were increased to 20.80nmol of malonaldehyde/mg of protein and 3.73nmol of malonaldehyde/min per mg of protein after feeding a 10% herring-oil diet in which polyunsaturated fatty acids formed 24% of the total fatty acids. Addition of α-tocopherol to the diets (120mg/kg of diet) caused a very large decrease in the lipid peroxide concentration and rate of lipid peroxidation in the endoplasmic reticulum, but addition of the synthetic anti-oxidant 2,6-di-t-butyl-4-methylphenol to the diet (100mg/kg of diet) was ineffective. Treatment of the animals with phenobarbitone (1mg/ml of drinking water) caused a sharp fall in the rate of lipid peroxidation. It is concluded that the polyunsaturated fatty acid composition of the diet regulates the fatty acid composition of the liver endoplasmic reticulum, and this in turn is an important factor controlling the rate and extent of lipid peroxidation in vitro and possibly in vivo.  相似文献   
Summary Recently, antibiotics have enjoyed widespread usage as tools in studies of epithelial transport. In the present study we assess the usefulness of the pore-forming antibiotic gramicidin D as a means for probing the electrical properties of the tight epithelium rabbit urinary bladder. Addition of 50 M gramicidin to the mucosal bath (either a NaCl or KCl Ringer's solution) led to a large irreversible increase in the transepithelial conductance (G T ) within 800 sec.G T increased by approximately 1200% and 500% in KCl and NaCl Ringer's solutions, respectively. Microelectrode measurements of the resistance ration (the ration of apical membrane resitance to basolateral membrane resistance) showed that apical membrane resistance is dereased by the drug. Measurements of the basolateral membrane resistance (R bl ) and tight junctional resistance (R j ) using a new and independent method (based on the perturbation of basolateral membrane electrogenic Na+ pump) demonstrated thatR bl andR j were unaffected, suggesting that the effects of gramicidin are restricted to the apical membrane for periods of at least 2 hours after drug addition. The selectivity of the gramicidin-induced permeability in the apical membrane was calculated from measurements of the apical membrane potential after ion substitutions using a modified version of the constant field equation. The selectivity sequence for cations was Cs+>K+>Na+>Li+>choline. Unlike the commonly used polyene antibiotics nystatin and amphotericin B, gramicidin did not induce a significant Cl permeability. In addition, the dose-response curve had a slope of 1. A method is described for calculating membrane resistances directly from transepithelial measurements under some conditions of gramicidin use, without requiring the use of microlectrode measurements.  相似文献   
We compare a recombinant cDNA plasmid (pAF81) complementary to a fetal skeletal muscle actin mRNA with a plasmid (pAM91) complementary to the actin mRNA expressed in adult skeletal muscle. The two mRNAs are significantly diverged in silent nucleotide positions; they are coexpressed in fetal skeletal muscle, and in differentiating muscle cell cultures their accumulation begins coordinately. The sequence of pAF81 shows that the amino acid sequence of mouse fetal skeletal muscle actin is almost identical to that of adult bovine cardiac actin. Hybridization of pAF81 to RNA from different mouse tissues shows that fetal skeletal muscle actin mRNA is very homologous or identical to fetal and adult cardiac actin mRNA. Only one gene homologous to pAF81 is detected on blots of restricted mouse DNA. We conclude that this gene must be expressed both in fetal skeletal muscle and in fetal heart. Whereas mRNA transcribed from this gene is the major actin mRNA species in adult heart, it is present in low amounts, if at all, in adult skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
Summary The electrical properties of the basolateral membrane of rabbit descending colon were studied with microelectrode methods in conjunction with the polyene antibiotic nystatin. Two problems were examined: (i) the relative distribution of tight junctional, apical membrane and basolateral membrane resistances, and (ii) the ionic basis of the basolateral membrane potential. Intracellular K+ activity (K+) was measured using liquid ion exchanger microelectrodes ((K+)=76±2mm) and was found not to be in equilibrium with the basolateral membrane potential. In order to measure membrane resistances and to estimate the selective permeability of the basolateral membrane, the apical membrane was treated with nystatin and bathed with a K2SO4 Ringer's solution which was designed to mimic intracellular K+ composition. This procedure virtually eliminated the resistance and electromotive force of the apical membrane. Shunt resistance was calculated by two independent methods based on microelectrode and transepithelial measurements. Both methods produced similar results (R s =691±63 cm2 and 770±247 cm2, respectively). These findings indicate that the shunt has no significant selectivity, contrary to previous reports. Native apical membrane resistance was estimated as 705±123 V cm2 and basolateral membrane resistance was 95±14 V cm2.To estimate basolateral membrane selectivity, the serosa was bathed in a NaCl Ringer's solution followed by a series of changes in which all or part of the Na+ was replaced by equimolar amounts of K+. From measures of bi-ionic potentials and conductance during these replacements, we calculated potassium permeability and selectivity ratios for the nystatin-treated colon by fitting these results to the constant field equations. By correcting for shunt conductance, it was then possible to estimate the selective permeability of the basolateral membrane alone. Selectivity estimates were as follows:P Na/P K=.08 andP Cl/P K=.07 (uncorrected for shunt) andP Na/P K=.04 andP Cl/P K=.06 (basolateral membrane alone).In a second set of experiments, evidence for an electrogenic Na+ pump in the basolateral membrane is presented. A small ouabain-sensitive potential could be generated in the nystatin-treated colon in the absence of chemical or electrical gradients by mucosal, but not serosal, addition of NaCl. We conclude that this electrogenic pump may contribute to the basolateral membrane potential; however, the primary source of this potential is passive: specifically, a potassium gradient which is maintained by an active transport process.An appendix compares the results of nystatin experiments to amiloride experiments which were conducted separately on the same tissues. The purpose of this comparison was to develop a comprehensive model of colonic transport. The analysis reveals a leak conductance in the apical membrane and the presence of an amiloride-insensitive conductance pathway.  相似文献   
Incorporation of [14C]-phenylalanine and [14C]-methionine into cinnamon cuttings suggests that synthesis of eugenol from phenylalanine involves exchange of the terminal carbon in the side chain with that from a donor molecule such as methionine whereas synthesis of cinnamic aldehyde incorporates phenylalanine in toto.  相似文献   
Some properties of the inducible α-glucosidase system of Mucor rouxii were investigated. This enzymatic activity was induced after resuspending glucose-grown cells in a maltose-supplemented medium. The wall-bound activity of α-glucosidase was determined by using intact cells in the enzymatic assay; this activity represented from 80 to 90% of the total activity present in the induced cells. The addition of glucose before, or during, the induction period repressed α-glucosidase synthesis. α-Glucosidase induction was tested under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. It was found that the enzyme synthesis and the appearance of wall-bound activity were not affected by changing the gaseous environment. On the other hand, it was observed that anaerobically grown yeast-like cells were much less efficient than aerobic mycelia to develop wall-bound α-glucosidase activity. This could explain earlier observations about the incapacity of M. rouxii to utilize maltose as a substrate for anaerobic growth. This idea was strengthened by the fact that, if an anaerobic culture was induced to develop under a mycelial morphology by adding to the medium the chemical agent EDTA, these cells also acquired the capacity to grow on maltose and concomitantly possessed wall-bound α-glucosidase activity. The relevance of the structure of the cell wall on the capacity of M. rouxii to metabolize maltose is discussed.  相似文献   
We describe a generally applicable method of adapting Dictyostelium from growth on a bacterial food source to axenic growth. Cells are initially selected by growth on a plastic substratum but subsequently acquire the ability to grow in suspension culture. These strains can be transformed efficiently by DNA-mediated gene transfer.  相似文献   
Peptide YY (PYY) and enteroglucagon are produced by endocrine cells of the colonic mucosa. PYY inhibits upper gastrointestinal motility, and enteroglucagon is trophic for small bowel mucosa. Adaptive increase in the production and release of these peptides may improve functional results after colorectal resections. We hypothesized that if segments of the colon were resected, then production and release of PYY and enteroglucagon would increase in the remaining segments of bowel. Animals which underwent colonic transections and partial resections had transient elevations of PYY up to 250 +/- 80 pmol/L, which dropped to control group levels in the second week following surgery. Rats with an abdominal colectomy had significantly greater PYY levels than all other groups from the third (208 +/- 30 pmol/L) to the thirty-eighth (100 +/- 16 pmol/L) week of the study. Circulating levels of enteroglucagon were elevated to 156 +/- 35 pmol/L in rats with a right hemicolectomy during the first week following surgery. Enteroglucagon levels did not significantly vary in the other groups studied. Both tissue PYY (413 +/- 33 pmol/gram) and tissue enteroglucagon (171 +/- 17 pmol/gram) were significantly elevated in the rectums of the rats with an abdominal colectomy, as compared to all other groups. The elevated tissue levels may thus account for the ability to maintain elevated plasma PYY. Double immunogold labeling of endocrine cells in the colorectal tissue for PYY and enteroglucagon revealed both peptides within the same endocrine cells and secretory granules. These studies support the hypothesis that circulating levels of PYY are elevated after major colonic resections and suggest that L-type endocrine cells may participate in adaptive responses which improve intestinal function following colonic surgery.  相似文献   
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