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Interleukin (IL)-5 exerts hematopoietic functions through binding to the IL-5 receptor subunits, alpha and betac. Specific assembly steps of full-length subunits as they occur in cell membranes, ultimately leading to receptor activation, are not well understood. We tracked the oligomerization of IL-5 receptor subunits using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) imaging. Full-length IL-5Ralpha and betac were expressed in Phoenix cells as chimeric proteins fused to enhanced cyan or yellow fluorescent protein (CFP or YFP, respectively). A time- and dose-dependent increase in FRET signal between IL-5Ralpha-CFP and betac-YFP was observed in response to IL-5, indicative of heteromeric receptor alpha-betac subunit interaction. This response was inhibited by AF17121, a peptide antagonist of IL-5Ralpha. Substantial FRET signals with betac-CFP and betac-YFP co-expressed in the absence of IL-5Ralpha demonstrated that betac subunits exist as preformed homo-oligomers. IL-5 had no effect on this betac-alone FRET signal. Interestingly, the addition of IL-5 to cells co-expressing betac-CFP, betac-YFP, and nontagged IL-5Ralpha led to further increase in FRET efficiency. Observation of preformed betac oligomers fits with the view that this form can lead to rapid cellular responses upon IL-5 stimulation. The IL-5-induced effects on betac assembly in the presence of nontagged IL-5Ralpha provide direct evidence that IL-5 can cause higher order rearrangements of betac homo-oligomers. These results suggest that IL-5 and perhaps other betac cytokines (IL-3 and granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor) trigger cellular responses by the sequential binding of cytokine ligand to the specificity receptor (subunit alpha), followed by binding of the ligand-subunit alpha complex to, and consequent rearrangement of, a ground state form of betac oligomers.  相似文献   
Paracoccus pantotrophus expresses two nitrate reductases—membrane bound nitrate reductase (Nar) and periplasmic nitrate reductase (Nap). In growth experiments with two denitrifying species (Paracoccus pantotrophus and Alcaligenes eutrophus) that have both Nap and Nar and two species (Pseudomonas denitrificans and Pseudomonas fluorescens) with Nar only, it was found that diauxic lag is shorter for bacteria that express Nap. In P. pantotrophus, napEDABC encodes the periplasmic nitrate reductase. To analyze the effect of Nap on diauxic lag, the nap operon was deleted from P. pantotrophus. The growth experiments with nap? mutant resulted in increased diauxic lag when switched from aerobic to anoxic respiration, suggesting Nap is responsible for shorter lags and helps in adaptation to anoxic metabolism after transition from aerobic conditions. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   
This report details the case of 17 year old identical twins who both presented with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT). Electrophysiological studies revealed atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia (AVNRT) in both twins. Successful but technically challenging slow pathway ablation was performed in both twins. This is the first reported case of confirmed AVNRT in identical twins which adds strong evidence to heritability of the dual AV node physiology and AVNRT. A review of the current literature regarding PSVT in monozygotic twins is provided.  相似文献   
The C terminus is responsible for all of the agonist activity of C5a at human C5a receptors (C5aRs). In this report we have mapped the ligand binding site on the C5aR using a series of agonist and antagonist peptide mimics of the C terminus of C5a as well as receptors mutated at putative interaction sites (Ile(116), Arg(175,) Arg(206), Glu(199), Asp(282), and Val(286)). Agonist peptide 1 (Phe-Lys-Pro-d-cyclohexylalanine-cyclohexylalanine-d-Arg) can be converted to an antagonist by substituting the bulkier Trp for cyclohexylalanine at position 5 (peptide 2). Conversely, mutation of C5aR transmembrane residue Ile(116) to the smaller Ala (I116A) makes the receptor respond to peptide 2 as an agonist (Gerber, B. O., Meng, E. C., Dotsch, V., Baranski, T. J., and Bourne, H. R. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 3394-3400). However, a potent cyclic hexapeptide antagonist, Phe-cyclo-[Orn-Pro-d-cyclohexylalanine-Trp-Arg] (peptide 3), derived from peptide 2 and which binds to the same receptor site, remains a full antagonist at I116AC5aR. This suggests that although the residue at position 5 might bind near to Ile(116), the latter is not essential for either activation or antagonism. Arg(206) and Arg(175) both appear to interact with the C-terminal carboxylate of C5a agonist peptides, suggesting a dynamic binding mechanism that may be a part of a receptor activation switch. Asp(282) has been previously shown to interact with the side chain of the C-terminal Arg residue, and Glu(199) may also interact with this side chain in both C5a and peptide mimics. Using these interactions to orient NMR-derived ligand structures in the binding site of C5aR, a new model of the interaction between peptide antagonists and the C5aR is presented.  相似文献   
Summary The Carboniferous, particularly during the Serpukhovian and Bashkirian time, was a period of scarce shallow-water calcimicrobial-microbialite reef growth. Organic frameworks developed on high-rising platforms are, however, recorded in the Precaspian Basin subsurface, Kazakhstan, Russia, Japan and Spain and represent uncommon occurrences within the general trend of low accumulation rates and scarcity of shallow-water reefs. Sierra del Cuera (Cantabrian Mountains, N Spain) is a well-exposed high-rising carbonate platform of Late Carboniferous (Bashkirian-Moscovian) age with a microbial boundstone-dominated slope dipping from 20° up to 45°. Kilometer-scale continuous exposures allow the detailed documentation of slope geometry and lithofacies spatial distribution. This study aims to develop a depositional model of steep-margined Late Paleozoic platforms built by microbial carbonates and to contribute to the understanding of the controlling factors on lithofacies characteristics, stacking patterns, accumulation rates and evolution of the depositional architecture of systems, which differ from light-dependent coralgal platform margins. From the platform break to depths of nearly 300 m, the slope is dominated by massive cement-rich boundstone, which accumulated through the biologically induced precipitation of micrite. Boundstone facies (type A) with peloidal carbonate mud, fenestellid and fistuliporid bryozoans, sponge-like molds and primary cavities filled by radiaxial fibrous cement occurs all over the slope but dominates the deeper settings. Type B boundstone consists of globose centimeter-scale laminated accretionary structures, which commonly host botryoidal cement in growth cavities. The laminae nucleate around fenestellid bryozoans, sponges, Renalcis and Girvanella-like filaments. Type B boundstone typically occurs at depths between 20–150 m to locally more than 300 m and forms the bulk of the Bashkirian prograding slope. The uppermost slope boundstone (type C; between 0 and 20–100 m depth) includes peloidal micrite, radiaxial fibrous cement, bryozoans, sponge molds, Donezella, Renalcis, Girvanella, Ortonella, calcareous algae and calcitornellid foraminifers. From depths of 80–200 m to 450 m, 1–30 m thick lenses of crinoidal packstone, spiculitic wackestone, and bryozoan biocementstone with red-stained micrite matrix are episodically intercalated with boundstone and breccias. These layers increase in number from the uppermost Bashkirian to the Moscovian in parallel with the change from a rapidly prograding to an aggrading architecture. The red-stained strata share comparable features with Lower Carboniferous deeper-water mud-mound facies and were deposited during relative rises of sea level and pauses in boundstone production. Rapid relative sea-level rises might have been associated with changes in oceanographic conditions not favourable for thecalcimicrobial boundstone growth, such as upwelling of colder, nutrient-rich waters lifting the thermocline to depths of 80–200 m. Downslope of 150–300 m, boundstones interfinger with layers of matrix-free breccias, lenses of matrix-rich breccias, platform- and slope-derived grainstone and crinoidal packstone. Clast-supported breccias bound by radiaxial cement are produced by rock falls and avalanches coeval to boundstone growth. Matrix-rich breccias are debris flow deposits triggered by the accumulation of red-stained layers. Debris flows develop following the relative sea-level rises, which favour the deposition of micrite-rich lithofacies on the slope rather than being related to relative sea-level falls and subaerial exposures. The steep slope angles are the result of in situ growth and rapid stabilization by marine cement in the uppermost part, passing into a detrital talus, which rests at the angle of repose of noncohesive material. In the Moscovian, the aggradational architecture and steeper clinoforms are the result of increased accommodation space due to tectonic subsidence and due to a reduction of slope accumulation rates (from 240±45−605±35 m/My to 130±5 m/My). The increasing number of red-stained layers and the decrease of boundstone productivity are attributed to environmental changes in the adjacent basin, in particular during relative rises of sea level and to possible cooling due to icehouse conditions. The geometry of the depositional system appears to be controlled by boundstone growth rates. During the Bashkirian, the boundstone growth potential is at least 10 times greater than average values for ancient carbonate systems. The slope progradation rates (nearly 400–1000 m/My) are similar to the highest values deduced for the Holocene Bahamian prograding platform margin. The fundamental differences with modern systems are that progradation of the microbial-boundstone dominated steep slope is primarily controlled by boundstone growth rates rather than by highstand shedding from the platform top and that boundstone growth is largely independent from light and controlled by the physicochemical characteristics of seawater.  相似文献   


The aim of the study was to interrogate the genetic architecture and autoimmune pleiotropy of scleroderma susceptibility in the Australian population.


We genotyped individuals from a well-characterized cohort of Australian scleroderma patients with the Immunochip, a custom array enriched for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at immune loci. Controls were taken from the 1958 British Birth Cohort. After data cleaning and adjusting for population stratification the final dataset consisted of 486 cases, 4,458 controls and 146,525 SNPs. Association analyses were conducted using logistic regression in PLINK. A replication study was performed using 833 cases and 1,938 controls.


A total of eight loci with suggestive association (P <10-4.5) were identified, of which five showed significant association in the replication cohort (HLA-DRB1, DNASE1L3, STAT4, TNP03-IRF5 and VCAM1). The most notable findings were at the DNASE1L3 locus, previously associated with systemic lupus erythematosus, and VCAM1, a locus not previously associated with human disease. This study identified a likely functional variant influencing scleroderma susceptibility at the DNASE1L3 locus; a missense polymorphism rs35677470 in DNASE1L3, with an odds ratio of 2.35 (P = 2.3 × 10−10) in anti-centromere antibody (ACA) positive cases.


This pilot study has confirmed previously reported scleroderma associations, revealed further genetic overlap between scleroderma and systemic lupus erythematosus, and identified a putative novel scleroderma susceptibility locus.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13075-014-0438-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Time series analysis of fossil biodiversity of marine invertebrates in the Paleobiology Database (PBDB) shows a significant periodicity at approximately 63 My, in agreement with previous analyses based on the Sepkoski database. I discuss how this result did not appear in a previous analysis of the PBDB. The existence of the 63 My periodicity, despite very different treatment of systematic error in both PBDB and Sepkoski databases strongly argues for consideration of its reality in the fossil record. Cross-spectral analysis of the two datasets finds that a 62 My periodicity coincides in phase by 1.6 My, equivalent to better than the errors in either measurement. Consequently, the two data sets not only contain the same strong periodicity, but its peaks and valleys closely correspond in time. Two other spectral peaks appear in the PBDB analysis, but appear to be artifacts associated with detrending and with the increased interval length. Sampling-standardization procedures implemented by the PBDB collaboration suggest that the signal is not an artifact of sampling bias. Further work should focus on finding the cause of the 62 My periodicity.  相似文献   
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