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Constitutive secretory transport in eukaryotes is likely to be mediated by non-clathrin-coated vesicles, which have been isolated and characterized [(1989) Cell 58, 329-336; (1991) Nature 349, 215-220]. They contain a set of coat proteins (COPs) which are also likely to exist in a preformed cytosolic complex named coatomer [(1991) Nature 349, 248-250]. From peptide sequence and cDNA structure comparisons evidence is presented that one of the subunits of coatomer, gamma-COP, is a true constituent of non-clathrin-coated vesicles, and that gamma-COP is related to sec 21, a secretory mutant of the yeast Saccharomyces cervisiae.  相似文献   
A 16-kDa lactose-binding lectin comprises 5% or more of the soluble protein in Xenopus laevis skin. This lectin is mainly localized in the cytoplasm of granular gland cells. In response to stress, the lectin along with a variety of toxic and antibiotic peptides are released onto the skin surface by holocrine secretion. We have purified the lectin, sequenced tryptic peptides using tandem mass spectrometry and Edman degradation, and isolated full-length cDNA using a deduced oligonucleotide. Comparison of the cDNA and peptide sequences revealed expression of at least two isolectins, which differ in sequence at only two or three amino acids. Comparison of cDNA with complementary message by ribonuclease protection confirmed expression in approximately equal abundance of two nearly identical messages. The major soluble lactose-binding lectin expressed in Xenopus muscle is composed of these same isolectins, but at 100-fold lower levels. Similarities and distinctions in sequence and carbohydrate-binding specificity indicate that this lectin is a novel member of a family of soluble lactose-binding lectins expressed in a wide range of vertebrate tissues.  相似文献   
Glycoprotein IV (gIV) of bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1), a homolog of herpes simplex virus glycoprotein D, represents a major component of the viral envelope and a dominant immunogen. To analyze the functional role of gIV during BHV-1 replication, cell line BUIV3-7, which constitutively expresses gIV, was constructed and used for the isolation of gIV- BHV-1 mutant 80-221, in which the gIV gene was replaced by a lacZ expression cassette. On complementing gIV-expressing cells, the gIV- BHV-1 replicated normally but was unable to form plaques and infectious progeny on noncomplementing cells. Further analysis showed that gIV is essential for BHV-1 entry into target cells, whereas viral gene expression, DNA replication, and envelopment appear unchanged in both noncomplementing and complementing cells infected with phenotypically complemented gIV- BHV-1. The block in entry could be overcome by polyethylene glycol-induced membrane fusion. After passaging of gIV- BHV-1 on complementing cells, a rescued variant, BHV-1res, was isolated and shown to underexpress gIV in comparison with its wild-type parent. Comparison of the penetration kinetics of BHV-1 wild type, phenotypically complemented gIV- BHV-1, and BHV-1res indicated that penetration efficiency correlated with the amount of gIV present in virus particles. In conclusion, we show that gIV of BHV-1 is an essential component of the virion involved in virus entry and that the amount of gIV in the viral envelope modulates the penetration efficiency of the virus.  相似文献   
Recent reports on the possible contribution of the non-alpha-helical carboxy-terminal domain ("tail") of type III intermediate filament (IF) proteins to IF assembly have been controversial. To examine the importance and role of this domain, we have therefore engineered a Xenopus laevis vimentin cDNA to code for a tail-less polypeptide and have used it in combination with prokaryotic and eukaryotic expression systems. Here we show that tail-less vimentin, isolated from transfected bacteria (Escherichia coli), when used for assembly in vitro, forms normal-looking, loosely packed IFs. By viscometry we demonstrate that this tail-less vimentin assembles at an even higher rate and into longer IFs than wild-type vimentin. In vivo, i.e., by forced expression in transfected type III IF-free cultured epithelial cells, tail-less vimentin was also recovered in short fibrillar structures, in rodlets and in small as well as large spheroidal aggregates ("granules") that did not reveal any IF substructure. Surprisingly, however, spheroidal aggregate structures formed from the tail-deleted vimentin, were seen not only in the cytoplasm but also in the nucleus, indicating a role of the tail in higher order organization and compartmentalization of the vimentin IF system.  相似文献   
Summary A cloning vector system was constructed on the basis of the pBR322 derivative pEG1 by introducing the whole parB locus of plasmid R1 cloned behind the promoter of the alkaline phosphatase gene (phoA) of Escherichia coli. The parB locus in combination with the phoA promoter ensures both (i) plasmid stabilization due to the post-segregational killing of plasmid-free cells during growth and (ii) killing of the cells induced by the potential environmental signal phosphate limitation. This vector, therefore, appears to be a model system for increasing the stability of recombinant plasmids and for decreasing the potential risks in the application of recombinant bacteria in industrial fermentations.Correspondence to: T. Schweder  相似文献   
Soybeans (Glycine max) contain an alpha-galactosidase that makes up a small fraction of the total protein of the seed. The properties of this enzyme are of interest because of its potential to convert the galactooligosaccharides, stachyose and raffinose, in soybean meal to sugars digestible in the human gastro intestinal tract and thereby increase potential uses of this vegetable protein source in human and animal foods. Study of this enzyme required the isolation of milligram quantities of electrophoretically pure protein from ground soybeans and therefore, scaleup of laboratory procedures by a factor of 300 times. Large scale acid precipitation, ammonium sulfate precipitation, and centrifugal recovery of the precipitated protein allowed alpha-galactosidase to be isolated from 45.5 kg soybean meal containing 17.1 kg protein, to obtain an enzyme extract with a specific activity of 90 to 100. A novel combination of strong anion exchange and cation exchange chromatography followed by Concanavalin-A affinity chromatography with a methyl alpha-D mannoside gradient gave alpha-galactosidase with an average specific activity of 56,000. Ion exchange chromatography preceding Concanavalin-A affinity chromatography allowed elimination of a relatively costly melibiose affinity chromatography step (which followed the Concanavalin-A column In the laboratory procedure) thereby making scaleup practical.  相似文献   
Hospitalized geriatric patients (N = 354) from an iodine-deficient area were screened with sensitive thyrotropin (TSH), free and total thyroxine (FT4, T4) and total triiodothyronine (T3) to determine the occurrence rate of clinical and subclinical thyroid dysfunction. The diagnostic value of the tests was compared to each other and to that of the thyrotropin-releasing-hormone test (TRH-test) in order to find the optimal first line screening test in geriatric patients. Clinical hyperthyroidism was found in 13, subclinical hyperthyroidism in 10, overt hypothyroidism in 6 and subclinical hypothyroidism in 8 cases. 20.6% of the patients were euthyroid but had subnormal TSH response to TRH, as a sign of possible thyroid autonomy. The low occurrence rate of clinical thyroid disorders (4.8%) does not justify the screening of geriatric patients in general, but the high probability of thyroid autonomy makes reasonable the investigation of every geriatric patient before iodine administration. Suppressed basal TSH and high FT4 were found to be both sensitive and specific in diagnosing clinical hyperthyroidism, but the predictive value was insufficient; elevated T4 and T3 are specific, but not sensitive. Basal TSH is sensitive, specific and has a good predictive value in diagnosing euthyroidism, whereas normal T4, FT4 or T3 are not specific enough for euthyroidism. Basal TSH is better as a first line test of thyroid function than FT4. A normal basal TSH confirms euthyroidism by itself. Other tests (TRH test, T4, FT4, T3) are necessary to elucidate the clinical importance of a subnormal or suppressed basal TSH.  相似文献   
alpha-Galactosidase from soybean (Glycine max) was purified by a five-step procedure. The enzyme's natural substrates, raffinose and stachyose, have K(m)'s of 3. 0 mM and 4. 79 mM, respectively. The products, galactose and sucrose, were measured after separation by liquid chromatography. Galactose is a competitive product inhibitor of stachyose and raffinose hydrolysis with a K(i) of 0. 12 mM. We determined these parameters by an integral kinetic approach. Stachyose hydrolysis gives a nearly constant level of raffinose shortly after hydrolysis begins. Thus, cleavage of the first alpha-(1,6)-bond in the tetrasaccharide is the rate-limiting step. Since the stachyose hydrolysis yields raffinose, soybean alpha-galactosidase simultaneously hydrolyzes two substrates. We present a novel approach for analyzing simultaneous substrate hydrolysis with competitive product inhibition by a modified integral rate expression. The experimentally found kinetic parameters are confirmed by solving the simultaneous equations which describe the hydrolysis. This technique may be applicable to other hydrolytic enzymes with multiple substrates.  相似文献   
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