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We studied the photopic spectral sensitivity in the green-backed firecrown, Sephanoides sephaniodes, a South American hummingbird, and its possible ecological relationship with preferred flowers and body colouration. Avian colour vision is in general tetrachromatic with at least four types of cones, which vary in sensitivity from the near ultraviolet (UV) to the red wavelength range. Hummingbirds represent an important family of birds, yet little is known about their eye sensitivity, especially about the role of photoreceptors and their oil droplet complements. The photopic electroretinogram shows a main sensitivity peak at 560 nm and a secondary peak in the UV, and may be explained by the presence of four single cones (lambda (max) at ~370, 440, 508 and 560 nm), and a double cone (lambda (max) at 560 nm) screened by oil droplets. The flowers preferred by the firecrown are those in which the red-green wavelength region predominates and have higher contrast than other flowers. The crown plumage of males is highly iridescent in the red wavelength range (peak at 650 nm) and UV; when plotted in a high-dimensional tetrachromatic space, it falls in a "red + UV" purple hue line, suggesting a potential significant communication signal for sexual differentiation.  相似文献   
For a long time, it has been assumed that the mode of action of Cry2A toxins was unique and different from that of other three-domain Cry toxins due to their apparent nonspecific and unsaturable binding to an unlimited number of receptors. However, based on the homology of the tertiary structure among three-domain Cry toxins, similar modes of action for all of them are expected. To confirm this hypothesis, binding assays were carried out with 125I-labeled Cry2Ab. Saturation assays showed that Cry2Ab binds in a specific and saturable manner to brush border membrane vesicles (BBMVs) of Helicoverpa armigera. Homologous-competition assays with 125I-Cry2Ab demonstrated that this toxin binds with high affinity to binding sites in H. armigera and Helicoverpa zea midgut. Heterologous-competition assays showed a common binding site for three toxins belonging to the Cry2A family (Cry2Aa, Cry2Ab, and Cry2Ae), which is not shared by Cry1Ac. Estimation of Kd (dissociation constant) values revealed that Cry2Ab had around 35-fold less affinity than Cry1Ac for BBMV binding sites in both insect species. Only minor differences were found regarding Rt (concentration of binding sites) values. This study questions previous interpretations from other authors performing binding assays with Cry2A toxins and establishes the basis for the mode of action of Cry2A toxins.  相似文献   
Flavodoxin has been recently recognized as an essential protein for a number of pathogenic bacteria including Helicobacter pylori, where it has been proposed to constitute a target for antibacterial drug development. One way we are exploring to screen for novel inhibitory compounds is to perform thermal upshift assays, for which a detailed knowledge of protein thermostability and cofactor binding properties is of great help. However, very little is known on the stability and ligand binding properties of H. pylori flavodoxin, and its peculiar FMN binding site together with the variety of behaviors observed within the flavodoxin family preclude extrapolations. We have thus performed a detailed experimental and computational analysis of the thermostability and cofactor binding energetics of H. pylori flavodoxin, and we have found that the thermal unfolding equilibrium is more complex that any other previously described for flavodoxins as it involves the accumulation of two distinct equilibrium intermediates. Fortunately the entire stability and binding data can be satisfactorily fitted to a model, summarized in a simple phase diagram, where the cofactor only binds to the native state. On the other hand, we show how variability of thermal unfolding behavior within the flavodoxin family can be predicted using structure-energetics relationships implemented in the COREX algorithm. The different distribution and ranges of local stabilities of the Anabaena and H. pylori apoflavodoxins explain the essential experimental differences observed: much lower Tm1, greater resistance to global unfolding, and more pronounced cold denaturation in H. pylori. Finally, a new strategy is proposed to identify using COREX structural characteristics of equilibrium intermediate states populated during protein unfolding.  相似文献   
Evidence of interpersonal violence has been documented previously in Pleistocene members of the genus Homo, but only very rarely has this been posited as the possible manner of death. Here we report the earliest evidence of lethal interpersonal violence in the hominin fossil record. Cranium 17 recovered from the Sima de los Huesos Middle Pleistocene site shows two clear perimortem depression fractures on the frontal bone, interpreted as being produced by two episodes of localized blunt force trauma. The type of injuries, their location, the strong similarity of the fractures in shape and size, and the different orientations and implied trajectories of the two fractures suggest they were produced with the same object in face-to-face interpersonal conflict. Given that either of the two traumatic events was likely lethal, the presence of multiple blows implies an intention to kill. This finding shows that the lethal interpersonal violence is an ancient human behavior and has important implications for the accumulation of bodies at the site, supporting an anthropic origin.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to determine the distribution of different volumes of methylene blue solution injected into the epidural space in anaesthetized pregnant and non-pregnant sheep, to evaluate its cranial distribution and to compare between them. Fifteen pregnant and fifteen non-pregnant sheep were included in the study. Sheep were anaesthetized and received 0.05, 0.1, or 0.2 mL/kg of a lumbosacral epidural solution containing 0.12% methylene blue in 0.9% saline. Thirty minutes after the epidural injection, the ewes were euthanized. The extension of the dye within the epidural space was measured, and the correlation between the volume of the dye injected and the number of stained vertebrae was evaluated. The cranial migration of the dye between pregnant and non-pregnant sheep was also compared. The results show that the volume of methylene blue injected epidurally into pregnant and non-pregnant sheep correlated directly with its cephalic distribution into the epidural space; and a volume of 0.1 mL/kg or 0.2 mL/kg stained up to the first lumbar segment in pregnant and non-pregnant sheep, respectively. Also, the results suggest that the volume of drugs administered into the epidural space of pregnant sheep should be half the volume that would be used in non-pregnant sheep.  相似文献   
Community‐level climate change indicators have been proposed to appraise the impact of global warming on community composition. However, non‐climate factors may also critically influence species distribution and biological community assembly. The aim of this paper was to study how fire–vegetation dynamics can modify our ability to predict the impact of climate change on bird communities, as described through a widely‐used climate change indicator: the community thermal index (CTI). Potential changes in bird species assemblage were predicted using the spatially‐explicit species assemblage modelling framework – SESAM – that applies successive filters to constrained predictions of richness and composition obtained by stacking species distribution models that hierarchically integrate climate change and wildfire–vegetation dynamics. We forecasted future values of CTI between current conditions and 2050, across a wide range of fire–vegetation and climate change scenarios. Fire–vegetation dynamics were simulated for Catalonia (Mediterranean basin) using a process‐based model that reproduces the spatial interaction between wildfire, vegetation dynamics and wildfire management under two IPCC climate scenarios. Net increases in CTI caused by the concomitant impact of climate warming and an increasingly severe wildfire regime were predicted. However, the overall increase in the CTI could be partially counterbalanced by forest expansion via land abandonment and efficient wildfire suppression policies. CTI is thus strongly dependent on complex interactions between climate change and fire–vegetation dynamics. The potential impacts on bird communities may be underestimated if an overestimation of richness is predicted but not constrained. Our findings highlight the need to explicitly incorporate these interactions when using indicators to interpret and forecast climate change impact in dynamic ecosystems. In fire‐prone systems, wildfire management and land‐use policies can potentially offset or heighten the effects of climate change on biological communities, offering an opportunity to address the impact of global climate change proactively.  相似文献   
Telomeres are repetitive sequences (TTAGGG) located at the end of chromosomes. Telomeres progressively shorten with each cell replication cycle, ultimately leading to chromosomal instability and loss of cell viability. Telomere length anomaly appears to be one of the earliest and most prevalent genetic alterations in malignant transformation. Here we aim to estimate telomere length from whole-exome sequencing data in colon tumors and normal colonic mucosa, and to analyze the potential association of telomere length with clinical factors and gene expression in colon cancer.Reads containing at least five repetitions of the telomere sequence (TTAGGG) were extracted from the raw sequences of 42 adjacent normal-tumor paired samples. The number of reads from the tumor sample was normalized to build the Tumor Telomere Length Ratio (TTLR), considered an estimation of telomere length change in the tumor compared to the paired normal tissue. We evaluated the associations between TTLR and clinical factors, gene expression and copy number (CN) aberrations measured in the same tumor samples.Colon tumors showed significantly shorter telomeres than their paired normal samples. No significant association was observed between TTLR and gender, age, tumor location, prognosis, stromal infiltration or molecular subtypes. The functional gene set enrichment analysis showed pathways related to immune response significantly associated with TLLR.By extracting a relative measure of telomere length from whole-exome sequencing data, we have assessed that colon tumor cells predominantly shorten telomeres, and this alteration is associated with expression changes in genes related to immune response and inflammation in tumor cells.  相似文献   
We have designed synthetic peptides that mimic the primary and secondary structure of the cationic lipopeptide antibiotic polymyxin B (PxB) in order to determine the structural requirements for membrane action and to assess possible therapeutic potential. Two analogues with related sequences to that of PxB, but including synthetic simplifications (disulphide bridge between two cysteines in positions 4 and 10, N-terminal nonanoic acid), have been synthesized. Peptide-lipid interactions have been studied by fluorescence resonance energy transfer between pyrene and 4,4-difluoro-5-methyl-4-bora-3alpha,4alpha-diaza-s-indacene-3-dodecanoyl (BODIPY)probes covalently linked to phospholipids, and the possibility of membrane disruption or permeabilization has been assessed by light scattering and fluorescence quenching assays. The synthetic peptide sP-B, which closely mimics the primary and secondary structures of PxB, binds to vesicles of anionic 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylglycero-sn-3-phosphoglycerol (POPG) or of lipids extracted from Escherichia coli membranes, and induces apposition of the vesicles and selective lipid exchange without permeabilization of the membrane. We conclude that sP-B forms functional vesicle-vesicle contacts that are selective, as previously described for PxB. The second analogue, sP-C, has a permutation of two amino acids that breaks the hydrophobic patch formed by D-Phe and Leu residues on the cyclic part of the sequence. sP-C lipopeptide is more effective than sP-B in inducing lipid mixing, but shows no selectivity for the lipids that exchange through the vesicle-vesicle contacts, and at high concentrations has a membrane-permeabilizing effect. The deacylated and non-antibiotic derivative PxB-nonapeptide (PxB-NP) does not induce the formation of functional intervesicle contacts in the range of concentrations studied.  相似文献   
The isotopic composition of the remains of cereals and pine has been studied, from three different chronological phases from 2140 to 1500 cal bc at the Terlinques site, southeast Iberian Peninsula. The δ13C values range between ?24.91 and ?21.19 ‰ (V-PDB), with an average of ?23.05 ‰ (STD = 0.69). The archaeological cereals show an average isotopic discrimination (Δ13C) with the past atmospheric CO2 of 16.96 ‰, which is much greater than the average Δ13C of 13.89 ‰ of the rainfed Triticeae (wheat and barley) in modern times. However, considering the effect of the atmospheric CO2 concentration, which is included in the WUEi (intrinsic water-use efficiency), this difference is even greater, 77 for archaeological samples versus 144 for present-day rainfed cereals. This could represent some of the earliest evidence of the use of irrigation techniques in Europe. Modern cereals which have been irrigated show a general Δ13C average of 17.17 ‰, very similar to those of the middle Holocene. However, when the WUEi is calculated, the value of 108 indicates that present-day irrigated cereals are more stressed than the archaeological samples. For comparison, we have included pine trees, since these have an extensive root development which is capable of reaching the water table. In the past, both cereals and pine present similar WUEi values (77 vs. 72), however at present only irrigated cereals show similar WUEi values to pine (108 vs. 107). This again suggests irrigation of cereals in the past. The processes of climatic degradation towards drier conditions which started in the middle Holocene could be responsible for the use of land near water sources, on riverbanks and near shallow lakes. According to the isotopic and plant macrofossil data, irrigation or water management techniques were used at the Terlinques site, located close to the Laguna de Villena, a lake which has now dried out.  相似文献   
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