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BACKGROUND: Although many birth defects surveillance programs incorporate georeferenced records into their databases, practical methods for routine spatial surveillance are lacking. We present a macroprogram written for the software package R designed for routine exploratory spatial analysis of birth defects data, the Automated Spatial Surveillance Program (ASSP), and present an application of this program using spina bifida prevalence data for metropolitan Atlanta. METHODS: Birth defects surveillance data were collected by the Metropolitan Atlanta Congenital Defects Program. We generated ASSP maps for two groups of years that correspond roughly to the periods before (1994-1998) and after (1999-2002) folic acid fortification of flour. ASSP maps display census tract-specific spina bifida prevalence, smoothed prevalence contours, and locations of statistically elevated prevalence. We used these maps to identify areas of elevated prevalence for spina bifida. RESULTS: We identified a large area of potential concern in the years following fortification of grains and cereals with folic acid. This area overlapped census tracts containing large numbers of Hispanic residents. CONCLUSIONS: The potential utility of ASSP for spatial disease monitoring was demonstrated by the identification of areas of high prevalence of spina bifida and may warrant further study and monitoring. We intend to further develop ASSP so that it becomes practical for routine spatial monitoring of birth defects.  相似文献   
On 20 December 2017, a mature Triaenodon obesus was observed at Hanga Roa Bay, Rapa Nui (Easter Island) at c.18 m depth. This observation increases both the range of T. obesus in the Pacific Ocean and the number of elasmobranch species at Rapa Nui. In combination with other recent sightings further extending the southern range of this species during the Austral summer, sea surface temperature is suggested as key to southern dispersal.  相似文献   
The end of the Miocene was an eventful period of changes in climate and geography, and a restructuring of terrestrial plant and mammals. The tendency towards global aridification has attracted much recent interest, making the late Miocene a striking case‐study for testing current and near‐future scenarios involving global warming. Little is known about the consequences of global changes in temperature and precipitation at regional or local scales. Given its geographical position and extraordinary fossil record, the Iberian Peninsula offers many insights into short‐ and long‐term shifts in climate, and the local response. Here, we explore the diet and ecology of large‐mammals through tooth‐wear patterns, and examine changes in local climate and habitat conditions in central Spain in a period (9.1–6.3 Ma) for which there exists a dearth of palaeoenvironmental information. Relatively dry climates and open‐woodland landscapes evolved locally during the late Vallesian and early Turolian (9.0–7.7 Ma). Unexpectedly, we detect a period of high precipitation and a peak of humidity at the end of the Turolian (7.0 Ma) that prompted the development of wetter, more forested habitats, suggesting that the traditional view of the late Miocene as a steppe landscape is a misconception. We also find a period of relatively drier and warmer conditions from the early Ventian onwards. Overall, our finding that a local episode of increased humidity in central Spain was synchronous with a global warming trend in Europe provides evidence that the greatest climatic changes may have an opposite impact at regional and local scales.  相似文献   
Neotropical seasonally dry forests (NSDFs) are widely distributed and possess high levels of species richness and endemism; however, their biogeography remains only partially understood. Using species distribution modelling and parsimony analysis of endemicity, we analysed the distributional patterns of the NSDF avifauna in order to identify their areas of endemism and provide a better understanding of the historical relationships among those areas. The strict consensus trees revealed 17 areas of endemism for NSDFs, which involve four large regions: Baja California, Caribbean–Antilles islands, Mesoamerica and South America. These well-resolved clades are circumscribed by geographical and ecological barriers associated with the Gulf of California, the leading edge of the Caribbean plate, the Tehuantepec Isthmus, the Polochic–Motagua fault, the Nicaragua Depression, the Chocó forest, the Amazon basin and the Andean Cordillera. Relationships among groups of NSDFs found here suggest that evolution of their avifauna involved a mixture of vicariance and dispersal events. Our results support the idea of independent diversification patterns and biogeographical processes in each region, including those previously associated with the Pleistocene Arc Hypothesis for NSDFs of south-eastern South America. This study provides a biogeographical framework to open new lines of research related to the biotic diversification of NSDFs.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic relationships were studied in the genus Cyanocorax (Aves: Corvidae) and related genera, Psilorhinus and Calocitta, a diverse group of New World jays distributed from the southern United States south to Argentina. Although the ecology and behavior of some species in the group have been studied extensively, lack of a molecular phylogeny has precluded rigorous interpretations in an evolutionary framework. Given the diverse combinations of plumage coloration, size, and morphology, the taxonomy of the group has been inconsistent and understanding of biogeographic patterns problematic. Moreover, plumage similarity between two geographically disjuct species, the Tufted jay (Cyanocorax dickeyi) from western Mexico and the White-tailed jay (C. mystacalis) from western Ecuador and Peru, has puzzled ornithologists for decades. Here, a phylogeny of all species in the three genera is presented, based on study of two mitochondrial and three nuclear genes. Phylogenetic trees revealed the non-monophyly of Cyanocorax, and the division of the whole assemblage in two groups: “Clade A” containing Psilorhinus morio, both species in Calocitta, Cyanocorax violaceus, C. caeruleus, C. cristatellus, and C. cyanomelas, and “Clade B” consisting of the remaining species in Cyanocorax. Relationships among species in Clade A were ambiguous and, in general, not well resolved. Within Clade B, analyses revealed the monophyly of the “Cissilopha” jays and showed no evidence for a sister relationship between C. mystacalis and C. dickeyi. The phylogenetic complexity of lineages in the group suggests several complications for the understanding biogeographic patterns, as well as for proposing a taxonomy that is consistent with morphological variation. Although multiple taxonomic arrangements are possible, recommendations are for recognizing only one genus, Cyanocorax, with Psilorhinus and Calocitta as synonyms.  相似文献   
Core protein is one of the most conserved and immunogenic of the hepatitis C virus proteins. Several pieces of experimental evidence suggest its ability for formation of virus like particles alone or in association with other viral proteins in mammalian or yeast cells with great similarity to those detected in patient sera and liver extract. In this work we report an Escherichia coli-derived truncated hepatitis C core protein that is able to aggregate. SDS-PAGE and size exclusion chromatography patterns bring to mind the aggregation of monomers of recombinant protein Co.120. The Co.120 protein migrated with buoyant density of 1.28 g/cm(3) when analyzed using CsCl density gradient centrifugation. Spherical structures with an average diameter of 30 nm were observed using electron microscopy. We report here that VLPs are generated when the first 120 aa of HCV core protein are expressed in E. coli.  相似文献   
Sialidase (neuraminidase), encoded by the neu-1 gene in the major histocompatibility complex locus catalyzes the intralysosomal degradation of sialylated glycoconjugates. Inherited deficiency of sialidase results in sialidosis or galactosialidosis, both severe metabolic disorders associated with lysosomal storage of oligosaccharides and glycopeptides. Sialidase also plays an important role in cellular signaling and is specifically required for the production of cytokine interleukin-4 by activated T lymphocytes. In these cells, neu-1-encoded sialidase activity is increased on the cell surface, suggesting that a specific mechanism regulates sorting of this enzyme to the plasma membrane. We investigated that mechanism by first showing that sialidase contains the internalization signal found in lysosomal membrane proteins targeted to endosomes via clathrin-coated pits. The signal consists of a C-terminal tetrapeptide (412)YGTL(415), with Tyr(412) and Leu(415) essential for endocytosis of the enzyme. We further demonstrated that redistribution of sialidase from lysosomes to the cell surface of activated lymphocytes is accompanied by increased reactivity of the enzyme with anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies. We speculate that phosphorylation of Tyr(412) results in inhibition of sialidase internalization in activated lymphocytes.  相似文献   
A body of evidence suggests that stress-induced sphingomyelin hydrolysis to the second messenger ceramide initiates apoptosis in some cells. Although studies using lymphoblasts from Niemann-Pick disease patients or acid sphingomyelinase (ASMase)-deficient mice have provided genetic support for this hypothesis, these models have not been universally accepted as definitive. Here, we show that mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) prepared from asmase mice manifest cell autonomous defects in apoptosis in response to several stresses. In particular, asmase(-/-) MEFs failed to generate ceramide and were totally resistant to radiation-induced apoptosis but remained sensitive to staurosporine, which did not induce ceramide. asmase(-/-) MEFs were also partially resistant to tumor necrosis factor alpha/ actinomycin D and serum withdrawal. Thus, resistance to apoptosis in asmase(-/-) MEFs was not global but rather stress type specific. Most importantly, the sensitivity to stress could be restored in the asmase(-/-) MEFs by administration of natural ceramide. Overcoming apoptosis resistance by natural ceramide is evidence that it is the lack of ceramide, not ASMase, that determines apoptosis sensitivity. The ability to rescue the apoptotic phenotype without reversing the genotype by the product of the enzymatic deficiency provides proof that ceramide is obligate for apoptosis induction in response to some stresses.  相似文献   
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