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Zusammenfassung Bei der Untersuchung der Pigmente und des Stoffwechsels der Chaetophorineen wurden drei Stämme der Chaetophoracee Microthamnion kuetzingianum Naegeli näher analysiert. Neben den üblichen Chloroplastenpigmenten: Chlorophyll a und b, - und -Carotin, -Cryptoxanthin, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Antheraxanthin, Violaxanthin, Neoxanthin und Neoxanthin Neo A konnte Siphonaxanthin identifiziert werden (ca. 30–40% der Gesamtcarotinoide). Es war nicht in den Chaetophoraceen Draparnaldia glomerata, Chaetophora elegans und Stigeoclonium helveticum var. maius zu finden. Dieses für viele Gattungen der Bryopsidales (= Siphonales) typische Keto-Carotinoid wurde damit auch außerhalb dieser Ordnung nachgewiesen. Seine Bedeutung als Leitcarotinoid wird diskutiert.
Chlorophylls and carotenoids of the Chaetophorineae (Chlorophycea, Ulotrichales) 1. Siphonaxanthin in Microthamnion kuetzingianum Naegeli
Summary In the forthcoming series of papers we are going to investigate the chlorophylls and carotenoids of the members of the subordo Chaetophorineae (ordo: Ulotrichales). Three strains of Microthamnion kuetzingianum Naegeli have already been studied. In addition to the usual chloroplast pigments: chlorophyll a and b, -and -carotene, -cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, antheraxanthin, violaxanthin, neoxanthin, and neoxanthin neo A—siphonaxanthin was found (approx. 30–40% of total carotenoids). This keto-carotenoid does not occur in Chaetophora elegans, Draparnaldia glomerata, and in Stigeoclonium helveticum var. maius. Since Siphonaxanthin is typical for many genera of the Bryopsidales (= Siphonales) the chemotaxonomical significance of its occurrence outside this order is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Es wird der Nachweis versucht, dass es — ebenso wie in der Physik — auch in der Biologie komplementäre Erkenntnissysteme gibt. Wie Welle und Korpuskel in der Physik, so sind innerhalb der Biologie u.a. Form und Funktion, Innenwelt und Umwelt sowie auch vor allem Vererbung und Anpassung komplementäre Begriffsgefüge. Das wird im einzelnen diskutiert und nachgewiesen.Für die Erkenntnis der Wirklichkeit im Ganzen folgt daraus, dass systematisch aufgebaute Erkenntnisgefüge nur in Teilbereichen des Wirklichen möglich sind — nur in der klassischen Mechanik, der Elektrodynamik, der vergleichenden Anatomie, der Genetik usw. — Das Wirkliche in seiner Gesamthet hingegen besitzt keine systematische sondern nur eine historisch-dialektische Struktur. Metaphysisch bedeutet das, dass das Wesen der Wirklichkeit in schöpferischer Freiheit im Sinne etwaGoethes, aber nicht in sturer Notwendigkeit (dira necessitas im SinneSpinozas) besteht.
Contenido Se demuestra que — como en laFisica — tambien en la Biologia existen complementarios sistemas de conocimiento. Como onda y corpúsculo dentro de la Fisica, asi son dentro de la Biologia entre otros forma y función, mundo internoy ambientey en primer lugar también herencia y adaptación principios complementarios. Esto será discutido y demonstrado en sus particularidades.Para el conocimiento de la realidad como totalidad sigue de tales consideraciones la conclusión que conocimientos sistematicamente construidos son posibles solo en esferas particulares de la realidad — como p.e. en la mecánica racional, en la electrodinámica, en la anatomia comparada, en la genética etc. —. Lo real en su totalidad posee al contrario ninguna estructura sistemática sino solo un históricadialectica. Metafisicamente hablado significa esto que la esencia de la realidad consiste en una libertad creativa en el sentido deGoethe, pero de ninguna manera en una necesidad absoluta en el sentido deSpinoza.

Lecture delivered August 1953 at the Biological Department of the University of Texas in Austin (Texas) U.S.A.  相似文献   
Ohne Zusammenfassung  相似文献   
Zum Problem der sexuellen Fortpflanzung in der PeridineengattungCeratium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
On the basis of older literature and our new observations, a hypothesis is presented to illustrate our present view on the sexual cycle of the Ceratia. In the fresh-waterC. cornutum it has been possible to demonstrate that the “Knäuelstadium” ofBorgert (1910) represents in fact the postzygotene of meiosis. Formerly the “Knäuelstadium” was considered to be a stage of mitosis but, contrary to this view, occurs only in the Praeceratia, i. e. the swarmers emerging in spring from the germinating cysts (Scoczylas 1958). The “Knäuelstadium” has also been observed in marine Ceratia, but in cells of normal shape (Borgert 1910,Schneider 1924), which therefore function as meiocytes. The microswarmers (truncata-, lineata- andlata-forms;Lohmann 1908,Apstein 1910, 1911, and others) are the male gametes which copulate with females similar to vegetative cells, and which in this process are completely (flagellums?) resorbed by the latter. Stages of copulation have been observed in preserved material byApstein (1911),Borgert (1910),Tschirn (1920) and by us, and in the living state inC. horridum also by us. The latter species is monoecious. The marine Ceratia therefore seem to be haplonts in which the zygotes cannot be distinguished from vegetative cells, neither by a resting stage nor by obvious differences in shape. The possibility of diplophasic mitosis, however, has not been excluded.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wurde die Entwicklung des sympathischen Grenzstranges an Hühnerembryonen mittels der Cajalschen Imprägnation untersucht. Die ersten Spuren treten am Ende des dritten Tages der Bebrütung auf (Bebrütungsdauer 2 Tage 21 Stunden), wenn auch die eigentlichen Entwicklungsvorgänge erst 3 Stunden später im vollen Gange sind. Zwischen der Uranlage des Sy. und dem Spinalnerven sind gewisse Beziehungen nachweisbar, die im 3. Tag in zelligen kettenförmigen und faserigen Zusammenhängen bestehen. — Aus diesem Befund wird die Schlußfolgerung gezogen, daß durch den Nachweis von ganz frühen Verbindungen der Hypothese der mesodermalen Abstammung ihre fundamentalste Stütze entzogen wird; die histologischen Befunde sprechen eher für eine ektodermale Genese, obwohl der Ursprung der Mutterzellen nicht zu ermitteln war.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the widespread use of heritability calculations in recent behaviour research including behaviour genetics. In the sequel, a radical criticism concerning the basic axioms of the underlying, more general concept itself is presented. The starting point for testing the proclaimed universal validity of this concept stems from a fictitious yet realistic example taken from learning research. The theoretical result, based on the application of the conventional reasoning in this field, states that developmental processes — and learning is only one specific case out of an immense number of similar behavioural mechanisms — can neither be adequately described nor causally explained with sufficient reliability within the context of the heredity paradigm. On the contrary, an inherent inconsistency of the concept itself when applied to behaviour processes is demonstrated. Finally, a conceptual alternative involving a systems-theoretical approach to the problem is presented: In such a perspective it is the concept of cognition which represents the adequate explanatory theorem - a theorem in which quantitative processing of information from the environment is clearly revealed to belong to a subordinate level of living organization.  相似文献   
Summary The intracellular electrolyte concentrations of the frog skin epithelium have been determined in thin freeze-dried cryosections using the technique of electron microprobe analysis. Stimulation of the transepithelial Na transport by arginine vasopressin (AVP) resulted in a marked increase in the Na concentration and a reciprocal drop in the K concentration in all epithelial cell layers. The effects of AVP were cancelled by addition of amiloride. It is concluded from these results that the primary mechanism by which AVP stimulates transepithelial Na transport is an increase in the Na permeability of the apical membrane. However, also some evidence has been obtained for an additional stimulatory effect of AVP on the Na pump. In mitochondria-rich cells and in gland cells no significant concentration changes were detected, supporting the view that these cells do not share in transepithelial Na transport. Furthermore, the dependence of the intracellular electrolyte concentrations upon the Na concentration in the outer and inner bathing solution was evaluated. Both in control and AVP-stimulated skins the intracellular Na concentration showed saturation already at low external Na concentrations, indicating that the self-inhibition of transepithelial Na transport is due to a reduction of the permeability of the apical membrane. After lowering the Na concentration in the internal bath frequently a Na increase in the outermost and a drop in the deeper epithelial layers was observed. It is concluded that partial uncoupling of the transport syncytium occurs, which may explain the inhibition of the transepithelial Na transport and blunting of the AVP response under this condition.  相似文献   
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