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Stroke potently stimulates cell proliferation in the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricles with subsequent neuroblast migration to the injured striatum and cortex. However, most of the cells do not survive and mature. Extracellular Wnt proteins promote adult neurogenesis in the neurogenic niches. The aim of the study was to examine the efficacy of Wnt signaling on neurogenesis and functional outcome after focal ischemic injury. Lentivirus expressing Wnt3a-HA (LV-Wnt3a-HA) or GFP (LV-GFP) was injected into the striatum or subventricular zone of mice. Five days later, focal ischemic injury was induced by injection of the vasoconstrictor endothelin-1 into the striatum of the same hemisphere. Treatment with LV-Wnt3a-HA into the striatum significantly enhanced functional recovery after ischemic injury and increased the number of BrdU-positive cells that differentiated into mature neurons in the ischemic striatum by day 28. Treatment with LV-Wnt3a-HA into the subventricular zone significantly enhanced functional recovery from the second day after injury and increased the number of immature neurons in the striatum and subventricular zone. This was accompanied by reduced dissemination of the neuronal injury. Our data indicate that Wnt signaling appears to contribute to functional recovery after ischemic injury by increasing neurogenesis or neuronal survival in the striatum.  相似文献   
AD Sabag  J Bode  D Fink  B Kigel  W Kugler  G Neufeld 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e42912
Class-3 semaphorins are secreted axon guidance factors. Some of these semaphorins have recently been characterized as suppressors of tumor progression. To determine if class-3 semaphorins can be used to inhibit the development of glioblastoma-multiforme tumors, we expressed recombinant sema-3A, 3B, 3D, 3E, 3F or 3G in U87MG glioblastoma cells. Sema3A and sema3B expressing cells contracted and changed shape persistently while cells expressing other semaphorins did not. Sema3A and sema3F differed from other semaphorins including sema3B as they also inhibited the proliferation of the cells and the formation of soft agar colonies. With the exception of sema3G and sema3B, expression of these semaphorins in U87MG cells inhibited significantly tumor development from subcutaneously implanted cells. Strong inhibition of tumor development was also observed following implantation of U87MG cells expressing each of the class-3 semaphorins in the cortex of mouse brains. Sema3D and sema3E displayed the strongest inhibitory effects and their expression in U373MG or in U87MG glioblastoma cells implanted in the brains of mice prolonged the survival of the mice by more then two folds. Furthermore, most of the mice that died prior to the end of the experiment did not develop detectable tumors and many of the mice survived to the end of the experiment. Most of the semaphorins that we have used here with the exception of sema3D were characterized previously as inhibitors of angiogenesis. Our results indicate that sema3D also functions as an inhibitor of angiogenesis and suggest that the anti-tumorigenic effects are due primarily to inhibition of tumor angiogenesis. These results indicate that class-3 semaphorins such as sema3D and sema3E could perhaps be used to treat glioblastoma patients.  相似文献   
A diverse range of organisms utilize neurotoxins that target specific ion channels and modulate their activity. Typically, toxins are clustered into several multigene families, providing an organism with the upper hand in the never-ending predator-prey arms race. Several gene families, including those encoding certain neurotoxins, have been subject to diversifying selection forces, resulting in rapid gene evolution. Here we sought a spatial pattern in the distribution of both diversifying and purifying selection forces common to neurotoxin gene families. Utilizing the mechanistic empirical combination model, we analyzed various toxin families from different phyla affecting various receptors and relying on diverse modes of action. Through this approach, we were able to detect clear correlations between the pharmacological surface of a toxin and rapidly evolving domains, rich in positively selected residues. On the other hand, patches of negatively selected residues were restricted to the nontoxic face of the molecule and most likely help in stabilizing the tertiary structure of the toxin. We thus propose a mutual evolutionary strategy of venomous animals in which adaptive molecular evolution is directed toward the toxin active surface. Furthermore, we propose that the binding domains of unstudied toxins could be readily predicted using evolutionary considerations.  相似文献   
Pathogenic bacteria can resist their microenvironment by changing the expression of virulence genes. In Salmonella typhimurium, some of these genes are controlled by the two-component system PhoP-PhoQ. Studies have shown that activation of the system by cationic antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) results, among other changes, in outer membrane remodeling. However, it is not fully clear what characteristics of AMPs are required to activate the PhoP-PhoQ system and whether activation can induce resistance to the various AMPs. For that purpose, we investigated the ability of a broad repertoire of AMPs to traverse the inner membrane, to activate the PhoP-PhoQ system, and to induce bacterial resistance. The AMPs differ in length, composition, and net positive charge, and the tested bacteria include two wild-type (WT) Salmonella strains and their corresponding PhoP-PhoQ knock-out mutants. A lacZ-reporting system was adapted to follow PhoP-PhoQ activation. The data revealed that: (i) a good correlation exists among the extent of the positive charge, hydrophobicity, and amphipathicity of an AMP and its potency to activate PhoP-PhoQ; (ii) a +1 charged peptide containing histidines was highly potent, suggesting the existence of an additional mechanism independent of the peptide charge; (iii) the WT bacteria are more resistant to AMPs that are potent activators of PhoP-PhoQ; (iv) only a subset of AMPs, independent of their potency to activate the system, is more toxic to the mutated bacteria compared with the WT strains; and (v) short term exposure of WT bacteria to these AMPs does not enhance resistance. Overall, this study advances our understanding of the molecular mechanism by which AMPs activate PhoP-PhoQ and induce bacterial resistance. It also reveals that some AMPs can overcome such a resistance mechanism.  相似文献   
Birds are well known for their sexual dimorphism. But not all forms of dimorphism are the same, and differences in morphology can be so subtle that they are not detected by casual observation. We report that this is the case with the Sulawesi Babbler (Pellorneum celebense), the first reported instance of sexual dimorphism in this species or any of the ground babblers of the South‐East Asian islands. Our finding is based on a combination of morphometric analyses, genetic sexing, and observation of breeding condition. We highlight the utility of unsupervised clustering approaches, widely used in the biomedical literature, for the investigation of sexual dimorphism in ecological and evolutionary contexts. The sexual dimorphism was weaker on the mainland of Sulawesi and stronger on the continental islands of Kabaena, Muna, and Buton. This suggests that different evolutionary pressures have led the species to partition niches differently in these habitats, which separated only recently in geological history. This kind of intraspecific niche partitioning is an intrinsic part of the ecological niche of such species, one we must not miss if we are to fully understand these endlessly fascinating organisms and systems. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesian is available with online material  相似文献   
Plant-microbe interactions involve numerous regulatory systems essential for plant defense against pathogens. An ethylene-inducing xylanase (Eix) of Trichoderma viride is a potent elicitor of plant defense responses in specific cultivars of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). We demonstrate that tomato cyclopropyl isomerase (SlCPI), an enzyme involved in sterol biosynthesis, interacts with the LeEix2 receptor. Moreover, we examined the role of SlCPI in signaling during the LeEix/Eix defense response. We found that SlCPI is an important factor in the regulation of the induction of defense responses such as the hypersensitive response, ethylene biosynthesis, and the induction of pathogenesis-related protein expression in the case of LeEix/Eix. Our results also suggest that changes in the sterol composition reduce LeEix internalization, thereby attenuating the induction of plant defense responses.Plant innate immunity is activated upon the recognition of pathogen- and microbe-associated molecular patterns by surface-localized immune receptors or the stimulation of cytoplasmic immune receptors by pathogen effector proteins (Jones and Dangl, 2006; Thomma et al., 2011). Leucine-rich repeat (LRR) receptor kinases and leucine-rich repeat receptor proteins (LRR-RLPs) respond to conserved microbe-associated molecular patterns by producing a defense response upon detection (Altenbach and Robatzek, 2007; Bittel and Robatzek, 2007; Robatzek et al., 2007; Geldner and Robatzek, 2008). One such LRR-RLP is the ethylene-inducing xylanase (Eix) receptor LeEix2. The fungal protein Eix (Dean et al., 1989) is a well-known protein elicitor of defense response reactions in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum; Bailey et al., 1990; Avni et al., 1994). Eix induces ethylene biosynthesis, extensive electrolyte leakage, pathogenesis-related (PR) gene expression, reactive oxygen species (ROS), and the hypersensitive response (HR; Bailey et al., 1990; Ron et al., 2000). Eix was shown to specifically bind to the plasma membrane of responsive cultivars of both tomato and tobacco (Hanania and Avni, 1997). The response to Eix in tobacco and tomato cultivars is controlled by an LRR-RLP encoded by a single locus, termed LeEix (Ron and Avni, 2004). Previously, we showed that Eix triggers internalization of the LeEix2 receptor and its localization to endosomes (Bar and Avni, 2009).Endocytic processes and vesicular transport in general require the participation of membrane components that form transport vesicles with a capability to store and process a number of molecules known to participate in cell signaling (Anderson, 1993; Patel et al., 2008; Hansen and Nichols, 2010). Sterols are lipophilic membrane components that have many important functions in an array of eukaryotes. Changes in membrane-bound sterol levels and composition can have effects on the activity of membrane proteins and on signal transduction processes. The interaction between sterols and phospholipids forms microdomains termed lipid rafts (Simons and Ikonen, 1997). In response to cellular stimuli, lipid rafts can change the protein microenvironment, leading to the initiation of signaling cascades (Simons and Toomre, 2000; Mongrand et al., 2010; Simon-Plas et al., 2011). Sterols also provide precursors for the biosynthesis of steroid hormones such as mammalian estrogens and glucocorticoids and plant brassinosteroids (Bishop and Yokota, 2001; Benveniste, 2004; Suzuki and Muranaka, 2007). One of the enzymes involved in sterol biosynthesis is cyclopropyl isomerase (CPI; Lovato et al., 2000; Benveniste, 2004).A variety of endocytic pathways have been described in mammalian and fungal cells that differ mainly in the size, shape, and composition of endocytic vesicles and in the participation of different proteins (Conner and Schmid, 2003; Soldati and Schliwa, 2006). Cholesterol, the main mammalian sterol, has an important role in most internalization steps through both caveolae and clathrin-coated pits (Murata et al., 1995; Subtil et al., 1999). Cholesterol depletion alters endocytic structures and reduces the polar delivery of target proteins (Keller and Simons, 1998; Pichler and Riezman, 2004). Plant sterols are reported to be internalized into endosomes and distributed throughout the endocytic pathway in an actin-dependent manner (Grebe et al., 2003). The sterol endocytic pathway has been shown to interrupt the internalization, trafficking, and polar recycling of PIN2, an auxin efflux facilitator and polarity marker, in developing root epidermal cells of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana; Grebe et al., 2003; Men et al., 2008). Sterols were shown to function in the trafficking of an ATP-binding cassette (ABCB19) from the trans-Golgi to the plasma membrane (Yang et al., 2013).Here, we report the isolation of SlCPI, which interacts with the LeEix2 receptor. Modulating the expression or function of SlCPI affects the induction of plant defense responses mediated by Eix.  相似文献   
The ubiquitin-proteasome pathway for protein degradation has emerged as one of the most important mechanisms for regulation of a wide spectrum of cellular functions in virtually all eukaryotic organisms. Specifically, in plants, the ubiquitin/26S proteasome system (UPS) regulates protein degradation and contributes significantly to development of a wide range of processes, including immune response, development and programmed cell death. Moreover, increasing evidence suggests that numerous plant pathogens, such as Agrobacterium, exploit the host UPS for efficient infection, emphasizing the importance of UPS in plant-pathogen interactions.The substrate specificity of UPS is achieved by the E3 ubiquitin ligase that acts in concert with the E1 and E2 ligases to recognize and mark specific protein molecules destined for degradation by attaching to them chains of ubiquitin molecules. One class of the E3 ligases is the SCF (Skp1/Cullin/F-box protein) complex, which specifically recognizes the UPS substrates and targets them for ubiquitination via its F-box protein component. To investigate a potential role of UPS in a biological process of interest, it is important to devise a simple and reliable assay for UPS-mediated protein degradation. Here, we describe one such assay using a plant cell-free system. This assay can be adapted for studies of the roles of regulated protein degradation in diverse cellular processes, with a special focus on the F-box protein-substrate interactions.  相似文献   
Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNT) are considered some of the most lethal known substances. There are seven botulinum serotypes, of which types A, B and E cause most human botulism cases. Anti-botulinum polyclonal antibodies (PAbs) are currently used for both detection and treatment of the disease. However, significant improvements in immunoassay specificity and treatment safety may be made using monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). In this study, we present an approach for the simultaneous generation of highly specific and neutralizing MAbs against botulinum serotypes A, B, and E in a single process. The approach relies on immunization of mice with a trivalent mixture of recombinant C-terminal fragment (Hc) of each of the three neurotoxins, followed by a parallel differential robotic hybridoma screening. This strategy enabled the cloning of seven to nine MAbs against each serotype. The majority of the MAbs possessed higher anti-botulinum ELISA titers than anti-botulinum PAbs and had up to five orders of magnitude greater specificity. When tested for their potency in mice, neutralizing MAbs were obtained for all three serotypes and protected against toxin doses of 10 MsLD50–500 MsLD50. A strong synergistic effect of up to 400-fold enhancement in the neutralizing activity was observed when serotype-specific MAbs were combined. Furthermore, the highly protective oligoclonal combinations were as potent as a horse-derived PAb pharmaceutical preparation. Interestingly, MAbs that failed to demonstrate individual neutralizing activity were observed to make a significant contribution to the synergistic effect in the oligoclonal preparation. Together, the trivalent immunization strategy and differential screening approach enabled us to generate highly specific MAbs against each of the A, B, and E BoNTs. These new MAbs may possess diagnostic and therapeutic potential.  相似文献   
Reef S  Kimchi A 《Autophagy》2006,2(4):328-330
We recently revealed a novel mechanism by which p19ARF can induce cell death. We found that the p19ARF mRNA encodes an additional shorter isoform from the same open reading frame, named smARF. smARF is a short lived protein, which is rapidly degraded by the proteasome, but accumulates after inappropriate proliferative signals generated by oncogenes. Surprisingly, smARF translocates to the mitochondria, impairs the structure of the mitochondria, and dissipates the mitochondrial membrane potential in a p53 and Bcl-2 family independent manner, ultimately inducing type II caspase-independent autophagic cell death.  相似文献   
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