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DAP5/p97 (death-associated protein 5) is a member of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4G family. It functions as a scaffold protein promoting cap-independent translation of proteins. During apoptosis, DAP5/p97 is cleaved by caspases at position 792, yielding an 86-kDa C-terminal truncated isoform (DAP5/p86) that promotes translation of several mRNAs mediated by an internal ribosome entry site. In this study, we report the crystal structure of the C-terminal region of DAP5/p97 extending between amino acids 730 and 897. This structure consists of four HEAT-Repeats and is homologous to the C-terminal domain of eIF4GI, eIF5, and eIF2Bε. Unlike the other proteins, DAP5/p97 lacks electron density in the loop connecting α3 and α4, which harbors the caspase cleavage site. Moreover, we observe fewer interactions between these two helices. Thus, previous mapping of this site by mutation analysis is confirmed here by the resolved structure of the DAP5/p97 C-terminus. In addition, we identified the position of two conserved aromatic and acidic boxes in the structure of the DAP5/p97 C-terminus. The acidic residues in the two aromatic and acidic boxes form a continuous negatively charged patch, which is suggested to make specific interactions with other proteins such as eIF2β. The caspase cleavage of DAP5/p97 removes the subdomain carrying acidic residues in the AA-box motif, which may result in exposure of a hydrophobic surface. These intriguing structural differences between the two DAP5 isoforms suggest that they have different interaction partners and, subsequently, different functions.  相似文献   
Exposure to chronic mild stress (CMS) is known to induce anhedonia in adult animals, and is associated with induction of depression in humans. However, the behavioral effects of CMS in young animals have not yet been characterized, and little is known about the long-term neurochemical effects of CMS in either young or adult animals. Here, we found that CMS induces anhedonia in adult but not in young animals, as measured by a set of behavioral paradigms. Furthermore, while CMS decreased neurogenesis and levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the hippocampus of adult animals, it increased these parameters in young animals. We also found that CMS altered alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate (AMPA) receptor GluR1 subunit levels in the hippocampus and the nucleus accumbens of adult, but not young animals. Finally, no significant differences were observed between the effects of CMS on circadian corticosterone levels in the different age groups. The substantially different neurochemical effects chronic stress exerts in young and adult animals may explain the behavioral resilience to such stress young animals possess.  相似文献   
Systematic mistakes can be distinguished from other types of mistakes in that they are repeatable and predictable within a given organism, and are not due to uncertainty or lack of information. Here we provide a mathematical definition for the concept of systematic mistakes, which captures the way this concept has been used in the behavioral sciences. We also provide an analytical model of information processing networks that are made of large numbers of components, in analogy to the brain being made of a large number of neurons. We show that, for almost all behavioral tasks, and for a wide range of limitations on the computational complexity of the decision-making network, the best possible decision-makers will make systematic mistakes. This result, together with available empirical evidence, suggests that violations of rationality in humans and animals are consistent with natural selection, as the latter operates under constraints.  相似文献   
Corroles that bind with high affinity to both apo and holo transferrin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The interactions of transferrin (Tf) with the water soluble corrole 1 and with its gallium (1-Ga) and manganese (1-Mn) complexes were studied to establish the possible utilization of corrole-transferrin conjugates for targeting these corroles to cells that express the transferrin receptor. The protein, in both its iron-free apo form (apoTf) and the iron-bound holo form (holoTf), was found to spontaneously bind all three derivatives. This conclusion was reached from titrations followed by several spectroscopic methods and dilution experiments measured by fluorescence. The such elucidated very small dissociation constant of 2 x 10(-7) M and 3 x 10(-8) M for 1-Ga with apoTf and holoTf, respectively and <10(-9) M for 1 with both protein forms are clearly relevant for the physiological concentration of transferrin in serum.  相似文献   
Enterohemorrhagic and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EHEC and EPEC, respectively) strains represent a major global health problem. Their virulence is mediated by the concerted activity of an array of virulence factors including toxins, a type III protein secretion system (TTSS), pili, and others. We previously showed that EPEC O127 forms a group 4 capsule (G4C), and in this report we show that EHEC O157 also produces a G4C, whose assembly is dependent on the etp, etk, and wzy genes. We further show that at early time points postinfection, these G4Cs appear to mask surface structures including intimin and the TTSS. This masking inhibited the attachment of EPEC and EHEC to tissue-cultured epithelial cells, diminished their capacity to induce the formation of actin pedestals, and attenuated TTSS-mediated protein translocation into host cells. Importantly, we found that Ler, a positive regulator of intimin and TTSS genes, represses the expression of the capsule-related genes, including etp and etk. Thus, the expression of TTSS and G4C is conversely regulated and capsule production is diminished upon TTSS expression. Indeed, at later time points postinfection, the diminishing capsule no longer interferes with the activities of intimin and the TTSS. Notably, by using the rabbit infant model, we found that the EHEC G4C is required for efficient colonization of the rabbit large intestine. Taken together, our results suggest that temporal expression of the capsule, which is coordinated with that of the TTSS, is required for optimal EHEC colonization of the host intestine.  相似文献   
We have shown that overexpression of SMS1, an enzyme that converts de novo ceramide into sphingomyelin, is accompanied by attenuated ceramide response and apoptotic resistance after photodamage with the photosensitizer Pc 4 (photodynamic therapy; PDT). To test whether SMS1 overexpression-related effects after PDT can be reversed, in this study SMS1 was downregulated in Jurkat T lymphoma/leukemia cells using small inhibitory RNA (siRNA) for SMS1. Compared to scrambled (control) siRNA-transfectants, in SMS1 siRNA-transfected cells the activity of SMS at rest was downregulated with concomitant decrease in sphingomyelin mass. In SMS1 siRNA-transfected cells increases in ceramides were higher than in control siRNA-transfectants after PDT. Similar findings were obtained for dihydroceramides suggesting the involvement of de novo ceramide pathway. PDT-induced DEVDase (caspase-3-like) activation was enhanced in SMS1 siRNA-transfected cells compared to their control counterparts. The data show that RNA interference-dependent downregulation of SMS1 is associated with increased accumulation of ceramide and dihydroceramide with concomitant sensitization of cells to apoptosis after photodamage. Similarly, in SMS2 siRNA-transfected cells, downregulation of SMS activity was accompanied by potentiated DEVDase activation post-photodamage. These findings suggest that SMS is a potential novel molecular target that can augment therapeutic efficacy of PDT.  相似文献   
AIM: Premarital screening for beta-thalassemia is not widely acceptable in India; hence, we evaluated the effectiveness of antenatal screening and counseling over 7 years. METHODS: 61,935 pregnant women were screened using the single-tube osmotic fragility test during their first antenatal visit. Individuals who were positive were investigated further for diagnosis of beta-thalassemia and other abnormal hemoglobins. Spouses of carrier women were tested whenever available. Couples at risk were given the option of prenatal diagnosis. RESULTS: Only 19% of the women registered at the antenatal clinic in the first trimester of pregnancy, and 14% of the women were positive per the osmotic fragility test; 1020 beta-thalassemia heterozygotes and 213 women with other hemoglobinopathies were identified, majority being in the second and third trimesters. Seven hundred and thirteen (69%) of their husbands could be tested, and 37 couples at risk were identified. Only 15 couples had a prenatal diagnosis done. Four couples with affected fetuses opted for termination of pregnancy. The remaining couples either did not respond after counseling or the pregnancies were advanced for prenatal intervention. CONCLUSION: This first large study shows that antenatal screening is acceptable in India; however, awareness generation is still a primary requisite to make women register early at antenatal clinics and bring their spouses for screening when required.  相似文献   


Transposable elements may acquire unrelated gene fragments into their sequences in a process called transduplication. Transduplication of protein-coding genes is common in plants, but is unknown of in animals. Here, we report that the Turmoil-1 transposable element in C. elegans has incorporated two protein-coding sequences into its inverted terminal repeat (ITR) sequences. The ITRs of Turmoil-1 contain a conserved RNA recognition motif (RRM) that originated from the rsp-2 gene and a fragment from the protein-coding region of the cpg-3 gene. We further report that an open reading frame specific to C. elegans may have been created as a result of a Turmoil-1 insertion. Mutations at the 5' splice site of this open reading frame may have reactivated the transduplicated RRM motif.  相似文献   
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