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The type III intermediate filaments (IFs) are essential cytoskeletal elements of mechanosignal transduction and serve critical roles in tissue repair. Mice genetically deficient for the IF protein vimentin (Vim(-/-)) have impaired wound healing from deficits in myofibroblast development. We report a surprising finding made in Vim(-/-) mice that corneas are protected from fibrosis and instead promote regenerative healing after traumatic alkali injury. This reparative phenotype in Vim(-/-) corneas is strikingly recapitulated by the pharmacological agent withaferin A (WFA), a small molecule that binds to vimentin and down-regulates its injury-induced expression. Attenuation of corneal fibrosis by WFA is mediated by down-regulation of ubiquitin-conjugating E3 ligase Skp2 and up-regulation of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p27(Kip1) and p21(Cip1). In cell culture models, WFA exerts G(2)/M cell cycle arrest in a p27(Kip1)- and Skp2-dependent manner. Finally, by developing a highly sensitive imaging method to measure corneal opacity, we identify a novel role for desmin overexpression in corneal haze. We demonstrate that desmin down-regulation by WFA via targeting the conserved WFA-ligand binding site shared among type III IFs promotes further improvement of corneal transparency without affecting cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor levels in Vim(-/-) mice. This dissociates a direct role for desmin in corneal cell proliferation. Taken together, our findings illuminate a previously unappreciated pathogenic role for type III IF overexpression in corneal fibrotic conditions and also validate WFA as a powerful drug lead toward anti-fibrosis therapeutic development.  相似文献   
A Zeidan  NE Ziv 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e42314
Neuroligins (Nlgns) are postsynaptic, integral membrane cell adhesion molecules that play important roles in the formation, validation, and maturation of synapses in the mammalian central nervous system. Given their prominent roles in the life cycle of synapses, it might be expected that the loss of neuroligin family members would affect the stability of synaptic organization, and ultimately, affect the tenacity and persistence of individual synaptic junctions. Here we examined whether and to what extent the loss of Nlgn-1 affects the dynamics of several key synaptic molecules and the constancy of their contents at individual synapses over time. Fluorescently tagged versions of the postsynaptic scaffold molecule PSD-95, the AMPA-type glutamate receptor subunit GluA2 and the presynaptic vesicle molecule SV2A were expressed in primary cortical cultures from Nlgn-1 KO mice and wild-type (WT) littermates, and live imaging was used to follow the constancy of their contents at individual synapses over periods of 8-12 hours. We found that the loss of Nlgn-1 was associated with larger fluctuations in the synaptic contents of these molecules and a poorer preservation of their contents at individual synapses. Furthermore, rates of synaptic turnover were somewhat greater in neurons from Nlgn-1 knockout mice. Finally, the increased GluA2 redistribution rates observed in neurons from Nlgn-1 knockout mice were negated by suppressing spontaneous network activity. These findings suggest that the loss of Nlgn-1 is associated with some use-dependent destabilization of excitatory synapse organization, and indicate that in the absence of Nlgn-1, the tenacity of excitatory synapses might be somewhat impaired.  相似文献   
A new intercalating nucleic acid monomer M comprising a 4-(1-indole)-butane-1,2-diol moiety was synthesized via a classical alkylation reaction of indole-3-carboxaldehyde followed by a condensation reaction with phenanthrene-9,10-dione in the presence of ammonium acetate to form a phenanthroimidazole moiety linked to the indole ring. Insertion of the new intercalator as a bulge into a Triplex Forming Oligonucleotide resulted in good thermal stability of the corresponding Hoogsteen-type triplexes. Molecular modeling supports the possible intercalating ability of M. Hybridisation properties of DNA/DNA and RNA/DNA three-way junctions (TWJ) with M in the branching point were also evaluated by their thermal stability at pH 7. DNA/DNA TWJ showed increase in thermal stability compared to wild type oligonucleotides whereas this was not the case for RNA/DNA TWJ.  相似文献   
Age-related cataract is clinically and genetically heterogeneous disorder affecting the ocular lens, and the leading cause of vision loss and blindness worldwide. Here we screened nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (nsSNPs) of a novel gene, EPHA2 responsible for age related cataracts. The SNPs were retrieved from dbSNP. Using I-Mutant, protein stability change was calculated. The potentially functional nsSNPs and their effect on protein was predicted by PolyPhen and SIFT respectively. FASTSNP was used for functional analysis and estimation of risk score. The functional impact on the EPHA2 protein was evaluated by using SWISSPDB viewer and NOMAD-Ref server. Our analysis revealed 16 SNPs as nonsynonymous out of which 6 nsSNPs, namely rs11543934, rs2291806, rs1058371, rs1058370, rs79100278 and rs113882203 were found to be least stable by I-Mutant 2.0 with DDG value of > -1.0. nsSNPs, namely rs35903225, rs2291806, rs1058372, rs1058370, rs79100278 and rs113882203 showed a highly deleterious tolerance index score of 0.00 by SIFT server. Four nsSNPs namely rs11543934, rs2291806, rs1058370 and rs113882203 were found to be probably damaging with PSIC score of ≥ 2. 0 by Polyp hen server. Three nsSNPs namely, rs11543934, rs2291806 and rs1058370 were found to be highly polymorphic with a risk score of 3-4 with a possible effect of Non-conservative change and splicing regulation by FASTSNP. The total energy and RMSD value was higher for the mutant-type structure compared to the native type structure. We concluded that the nsSNP namely rs2291806 as the potential functional polymorphic that is likely to have functional impact on the EPHA2 gene.  相似文献   
Solid-state NMR measurements performed on intact whole cells of Staphylococcus aureus labeled selectively in vivo have established that des-N-methylleucyl oritavancin (which has antimicrobial activity) binds to the cell-wall peptidoglycan, even though removal of the terminal N-methylleucyl residue destroys the d-Ala-d-Ala binding pocket. By contrast, the des-N-methylleucyl form of vancomycin (which has no antimicrobial activity) does not bind to the cell wall. Solid-state NMR has also determined that oritavancin and vancomycin are comparable inhibitors of transglycosylation, but that oritavancin is a more potent inhibitor of transpeptidation. This combination of effects on cell-wall binding and biosynthesis is interpreted in terms of a recent proposal that oritavancin-like glycopeptides have two cell-wall binding sites: the well-known peptidoglycan d-Ala-d-Ala pentapeptide stem terminus and the pentaglycyl bridging segment. The resulting dual mode of action provides a structural framework for coordinated cell-wall assembly that accounts for the enhanced potency of oritavancin and oritavancin-like analogues against vancomycin-resistant organisms.  相似文献   
In this paper, we analyze the genetic variability in four Tunisian natural populations of Medicago ciliaris using 19 quantitative traits and six polymorphic microsatellite loci. We investigated the amplification transferability of 30 microsatellites developed in the model legume M. truncatula to M. ciliaris. Results revealed that about 56.66% of analyzed markers are valuable genetic markers for M. ciliaris. The most genetic diversity at quantitative traits and microsatellite loci was found to occur within populations (>80%). Low differentiations among populations at quantitative traits Q ST  = 0.146 and molecular markers F ST  = 0.18 were found. The majority of measured traits exhibited no significant difference in the level of Q ST and F ST . Furthermore, significant correlations established between these traits and eco-geographical factors suggested that natural selection should be invoked to explain the level of phenotypic divergence among populations rather than drift. There was no significant correlation between population differentiation at quantitative traits and molecular markers. Significant spatial genetic structure consistent with models of isolation by distance was detected within all studied populations. The site-of-origin environmental factors explain about 9.07% of total phenotypic genetic variation among populations. The eco-geographical factors that influence more the variation of measured traits among populations are the soil texture and altitude. Nevertheless, there were no consistent pattern of associations between gene diversity (He) and environmental factors.  相似文献   
Despite its importance in iron-overload diseases, little is known about the composition of plasma non-transferrin-bound iron (NTBI). Using 30-kDa ultrafiltration, plasma from thalassemic patients consisted of both filterable and non-filterable NTBI, the filterable fraction representing less than 10% NTBI. Low filterability could result from protein binding or NTBI species exceeding 30 kDa. The properties of iron citrate and its interaction with albumin were therefore investigated, as these represent likely NTBI species. Iron permeated 5- or 12-kDa ultrafiltration units completely when complexes were freshly prepared and citrate exceeded iron by tenfold, whereas with 30-kDa ultrafiltration units, permeation approached 100% at all molar ratios. A g = 4.3 electron paramagnetic resonance signal, characteristic of mononuclear iron, was detectable only with iron-to-citrate ratios above 1:100. The ability of both desferrioxamine and 1,2-dimethyl-3-hydroxypyridin-4-one to chelate iron in iron citrate complexes also increased with increasing ratios of citrate to iron. Incremental molar excesses of citrate thus favour the progressive appearance of chelatable lower molecular weight iron oligomers, dimers and ultimately monomers. Filtration of iron citrate in the presence of albumin showed substantial binding to albumin across a wide range of iron-to-citrate ratios and also increased accessibility of iron to chelators, reflecting a shift towards smaller oligomeric species. However, in vitro experiments using immunodepletion or absorption of albumin to Cibacron blue–Sepharose indicate that iron is only loosely bound in iron citrate–albumin complexes and that NTBI is unlikely to be albumin-bound to any significant extent in thalassemic sera.  相似文献   
Palaeolimnological studies were carried out on sediment cores from nine North African wetland lakes. The lakes represented a variety of habitats ranging from freshwater to mixohaline conditions and with and without direct connections to the sea. Sediment cores were examined for records of recent environmental change during the 20th century period. Faunal remains analysed in the sediments included those of Cladocera, Ostracoda, Chironomidae, Mollusca and, at the sites with marine connections, Foraminifera. Cyprideis torosa littoralis was the most common ostracod, occurring in sediments from the seven sites linked with the sea and also in brackish water Sidi Bou Rhaba. In acid Megene Chitane ostracods were scarce, being represented by a single species (Cypria ophtalmica). Candona neglecta completely disappeared at two sites (Sidi Bou Rhaba and Bokka) during the 20th century. Of the Cladocera, Chydorus sphaericus was common in the moderately mixohaline sites and but Heterocypris salina occurred only where marine salinities were occasionally achieved (in Zerga, Ichkeul and Korba). Microinvertebrate assemblages in the Nile Delta lake cores and to a less extent in Zerga showed a clear response indicative of more fresher conditions occurring during the latter part of the 20th century. However the freshening trend began prior to construction of the Aswan High Dam (mid 1960s).With the exception of the most saline site (Korba), microinvertebrate communiuties at all the CASSARINA sites have experienced major disturbances during the 20th century. Changes in freshwater availability associated with increased human usage of water resources is perceived as a major factor regulating the abundance and occurrence of aquatic microinvertebrate species at these sites  相似文献   
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