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We examined the effect of gas-stripping on the in situ removal of acetone, butanol, and ethanol (ABE) from batch reactor fermentation broth. The mutant strain (Clostridium beijerinckii BA101) was not affected adversely by gas stripping. The presence of cells in the fermentation broth affected the selectivities of ABE. A considerable improvement in the productivity and yield was recorded in this work in comparison with the non-integrated process. In an integrated process of ABE fermentation-recovery using C. beijerinckii BA101, ABE productivities and yield were improved up to 200 and 118%, respectively, as compared to control batch fermentation data. In a batch reactor C. beijerinckii BA101 utilized 45.4 g glucose l–1 and produced 17.7 g total ABE l–1, while in the integrated process it utilized 161.7 g glucose l–1 and produced total ABE of 75.9 g l–1. In the integrated process, acids were completely converted to solvents when compared to the non-integrated process (batch fermentation) which contained residual acids at the end of fermentation. In situ removal of ABE by gas stripping has been reported to be one of the most important techniques of solvent removal. During these studies we were able to maintain the ABE concentration in the fermentation broth below toxic levels.  相似文献   
Fifty-eight typical EAEC isolates from children with diarrhoea were examined for HEp-2 cell adherence assay, presence of dispersin (aap), yersiniabactin (irp2), plasmid encoded toxins (pet), Shigella enterotoxin1 (set1A) and cryptic open reading frame (shf) putative virulence genes by polymerase chain reaction as well as for biofilm production. All the isolates showed aggregative adherence pattern on HEp-2 cells. All but five isolates (91.3 %) carried aap gene. While irp2, pet, set1A and shf genes were detected in 68.9, 5.1, 39.6, and 60.3 % isolates, respectively. Thirty-three (64.7 %) isolates out of 51 tested were found to produce biofilm which was found to be significantly associated only with set1A virulence gene (P = 0.025). Highest amount of biofilm was produced by a strain that possessed all the genes studied. Out of 14 isolates in which the most frequent gene combination (aap, irp2 and shf) was observed, only six produced biofilm. It is concluded that there is significant heterogeneity in putative virulence genes of EAEC isolates from diarrhoeic children and biofilm formation is associated with multiple genes.  相似文献   
Investigations were made on rearing, reproductive behaviour and gamma sterilization of one-day old male adults of Dacus zonatus. The larvae were successfully reared on an artificial diet based on wheat shorts. Adult emergence ranged from 89–99% with a sex ratio of about 1:1. Mating occurred at dusk and its duration ranged from 8–13 hours. Males mated a second time with the same female but preferred mating if the already mated female was replaced with a sexually mature virgin female. The optimum dosage for inducing sterility amongst one-day old male adults was 12 kR.
Zusammenfassung Zucht und Fortpflanzungsverhalten von Dacus zonatus (Saunders) wurde untersucht. Die Larven wurden vier Generationen lang an einer Diät aus Weizenkleie, Bierhefe, granuliertem Zucker, Agar, Nipagin, Salzsäure und Wasser gehalten. Die Arbeit gibt Daten über Verpuppungsprozentsatz (69,3%), Puppengewicht, Dauer der Ei + Larvenperiode, Schlüpfen der Adulten, Präovipositionszeit, Fruchtbarkeit, Fertilität und Lebensdauer der Adulten. Die Schlüpfrate der Adulten betrug 89–99%, das Geschlechtsverhältnis lag etwa bei 1:1. Die Kopulation findet während der Abenddämmerung statt, sie dauert 8–13 Stunden. Maximum der Kopulationen zwischen dem 10. und 15. Tag nach dem Schlüpfen. Männchen paarten sich ein zweites Mal mit dem gleichen Weibchen, bevorzugten jedoch geschlechtsreife jung-fräuliche Weibchen. Die Eiablage begann am 2.–7. Tag nach der Paarung, die Eizahl betrug bei gepaarten Weibchen 91–564.Die optimale Dosis zur Erzeugung von 99,3% Sterilität bei Bestrahlung von einem Tag alten Männchen war 12 kR. Die Lebensdauer der Bestrahlten war vermindert.
Initiation of the pulmonary inflammatory response to Pneumocystis carinii is delayed by 3 wk in mice infected as neonates compared with adults. There was no difference in the proliferative response of draining lymph node T cells from mice infected as neonates compared with adults when stimulated in vitro with either Con A or anti-CD3 mAB: However, TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma mRNA expression in the lungs of P. carinii-infected neonates was significantly lower than in adults indicating a lack of appropriate activation signaling in the local environment. This may have been due to active suppression because TGF-beta mRNA expression was significantly elevated in neonatal lungs compared with adults. To determine whether T cells from 10-day-old mice would effect resolution of P. carinii if harbored in an adult lung environment, cells were adoptively transferred to SCID mice with established P. carinii infections. There was no difference in the kinetics of T cell migration into the lungs or of clearance of P. carinii organisms when SCID mice were reconstituted with splenocytes from young mice as compared with adult mice. Furthermore, splenocytes from young mice stimulated both TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma mRNA expression to levels that were similar to that in the lungs of SCID mice reconstituted with adult cells. These data indicate that neonatal lymphocytes are competent to resolve P. carinii infection when harbored in an adult lung environment, suggesting that the neonatal lung environment, and not the T cells, is ineffective at responding to P. carinii infection.  相似文献   
We have isolated the genes for quinol oxidase from a deep-sea piezophilic bacterium, Shewanella violacea. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequences of the cyo subunits showed that this oxidase has high similarity to Escherichia coli bo-type quinol oxidase. Northern blot analysis showed that these genes are expressed at a high level when the bacterium is grown at elevated pressure. Upstream in the cyo-operon, a sigma54-binding motif and an octamer sequence unit were found, suggesting that these elements may play a role in regulation of expression of the cyo-operon in response to changes in pressure.  相似文献   

Key message

Fine mapping of Yr47 and Lr52 in chromosome arm 5BS of wheat identified close linkage of the marker sun180 to both genes and its robustness for marker-assisted selection was demonstrated.


The widely effective and genetically linked rust resistance genes Yr47 and Lr52 have previously been mapped in the short arm of chromosome 5B in two F3 populations (Aus28183/Aus27229 and Aus28187/Aus27229). The Aus28183/Aus27229 F3 population was advanced to generate an F6 recombinant inbred line (RIL) population to identify markers closely linked with Yr47 and Lr52. Diverse genomic resources including flow-sorted chromosome survey sequence contigs representing the orthologous region in Brachypodium distachyon, the physical map of chromosome arm 5BS, expressed sequence tags (ESTs) located in the 5BS6-0.81-1.00 deletion bin and resistance gene analog contigs of chromosome arm 5BS were used to develop markers to saturate the target region. Selective genotyping was also performed using the iSelect 90 K Infinium wheat SNP assay. A set of SSR, STS, gene-based and SNP markers were developed and genotyped on the Aus28183/Aus27229 RIL population. Yr47 and Lr52 are genetically distinct genes that mapped 0.4 cM apart in the RIL population. The SSR marker sun180 co-segregated with Lr52 and mapped 0.4 cM distal to Yr47. In a high resolution mapping population of 600 F2 genotypes Yr47 and Lr52 mapped 0.2 cM apart and marker sun180 was placed 0.4 cM distal to Lr52. The amplification of a different sun180 amplicon (195 bp) than that linked with Yr47 and Lr52 (200 bp) in 204 diverse wheat genotypes demonstrated its robustness for marker-assisted selection of these genes.
We previously demonstrated that the substitution of the autolysis loop (residues 143-154 in chymotrypsin numbering) of APC with the corresponding loop of trypsin (APC-Tryp 143-154) has no influence on the proteolytic activity of the protease toward fVa, however, this substitution increases the reactivity of APC with plasma inhibitors so that the mutant exhibits no anticoagulant activity in plasma. To further investigate the role of the autolysis loop in APC and determine whether this loop is a target for modulation by protein S, we evaluated the activity of APC-Tryp 143-154 toward fVa and several plasma inhibitors both in the absence and presence of protein S. Furthermore, we evaluated the active-site topography of APC-Tryp 143-154 by determining the average distance of the closest approach (L) between a fluorescein dye tethered to a tripeptide inhibitor, attached to the active-site of APC-Tryp 143-154, and octadecylrhodamine dyes incorporated into PCPS vesicles both in the absence and presence of protein S. The activity of APC-Tryp 143-154 toward fVa was identical to that of wild-type APC both in the presence and absence of protein S. However, the reactivity of APC-Tryp 143-154 with plasma inhibitors was preferentially improved independent of protein S. The FRET analysis revealed a dramatic change in the active-site topography of APC both in the absence and presence of protein S. Anisotropy measurements revealed that the fluorescein dye has a remarkable degree of rotational freedom in the active-site of APC-Tryp 143-154. These results suggest that the autolysis loop of APC may not be a target for modulation by protein S. This loop, however, plays a critical role in restricting both the specificity and spatial environment of the active-site groove of APC.  相似文献   
The influence of major histocompatibility complex (B complex) dosage on monocyte-macrophage function was examined using 4- to 6-week-old trisomic strain chickens. Di- (B15B15), tri- (B15B15B15), and tetrasomic (B15B15B15B15) progeny were produced from trisomic x trisomic crosses. Although mononuclear leukocytes from tetrasomics exhibited enhanced chemotactic activity in response to both f-met-leu-phe and Enterobacter cloacae culture supernatant as compared with that of cells from other groups, the ability to generate peritoneal exudate cells in response to intraperitoneal Sephadex stimulation was similar in all groups. Among peritoneal exudate cells, tetrasomic birds produced a significantly lower percentage of adherent macrophages with a higher proportion of Fc receptor-positive and CMTD-2-reactive macrophages than either disomic or trisomic chickens. Both tetrasomic and trisomic peritoneal macrophages exhibited a reduced phagocytic activity for unopsonized but not opsonized SRBC than was found with disomic macrophages. Thus, the number of major histocompatibility complex copies present in cells appears to influence monocyte-macrophage function.  相似文献   
Maternal oxidative stress during pregnancy may impair fetal growth and help in the development of diseases in adulthood. The aim of current study was to assess total oxidation status (TOS), related parameters and their relationship to DNA damage (%) and homocysteine level in normal pregnant women in low-income participants. In a cross-sectional study healthy women were grouped as normal, while age matched nulliparous and singleton pregnancies were included for first, second and third trimester groups. TOS (P < 0.01), melanodialdehyde (MDA) (P < 0.001), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) (P < 0.01), triiodothyronine (T3) (P < 0.01), thyroxine (T4) (P < 0.01), and homocysteine (P < 0.001), in pregnant women were significantly higher as compared to normal healthy women. While serum total proteins (P < 0.01), albumin (P < 0.01) and total antioxidant status (TAS) (P < 0.001) decreased significantly as compared to normal healthy women. Women in third trimester showed a significantly high level of body temperature (P < 0.01), triglyceride (P < 0.01), LDL-cholesterol (P < 0.05), AST (P < 0.01), T3 (P < 0.01), homocysteine (P < 0.001), TOS (P < 0.01) and MDA (P < 0.001) but a lower concentration of serum proteins, albumin and TAS at the end of the pregnancy. Pearson correlation indicated a positive relationship of homocysteine with triglycerides (P < 0.027), TOS (P < 0.01), MDA (P < 0.035) and had a negative relationship with total protein (P < 0.026). DNA damage was strongly related with T3 (P < 0.008), TOS (P < 0.02), MDA (P < 0.037) and MBI (P < 0.048) profiles of pregnant women. These changes were considered normal for pregnant women having optimum blood pressure and normal child birth. Hormonal influences and hemodilution may contribute towards the observed changes in this study.  相似文献   
Introduction – Quality control in the pharmaceutical and phytopharmaceutical industries requires fast and reliable methods for the analysis of raw materials and final products. Objective – This study evaluates different analytical approaches in order to recognise the most suitable technique for the analysis of carbohydrates in herbal drug preparations. Methodology – The specific focus of the study is on thin‐layer chromatography (TLC), gas chromatography (GC), and a newly developed mass spectrometric method, i.e. matrix free material enhanced laser desorption/ionisation time of flight mass spectrometry (mf‐MELDI‐MS). Samples employed in the study were standards and microwave‐assisted water extracts from Quercus. Results – TLC analysis proved the presence of mono‐, di‐ and trisaccharides within the biological sample and hinted at the existence of an unknown carbohydrate of higher oligomerisation degree. After evaluation of different derivatisation techniques, GC‐MS confirmed data obtained via TLC for mono‐ to trisaccharides, delivering additionally quantified values under a considerable amount of time. A carbohydrate of higher oligomerisation degree could not be found. The application of mf‐MELDI‐MS further confirmed the presence of carbohydrates up to trisaccharides, also hinting at the presence of a form of tetrasaccharide. Besides this information, mf‐MELDI‐MS delivered further data about other substances present in the extract. Quantitative determination resulted in 1.750, 1.736 and 0.336 mg/mL for glucose, sucrose and raffinose respectively. Conclusion – Evaluation of all three techniques employed, clearly proved the heightened performance of mf‐MELDI‐MS for the qualitative analysis of complex mixtures, as targets do not need modification and analysis requires only a few minutes. In addition, GC‐MS is suitable for quantitative analysis. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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