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Cell adhesion - spreading frontiers, intricate insights   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesions play important roles in determining the structural organization and behaviour of cells in tissues. These adhesions are mediated by specific cell-surface receptors that are linked to the actin cytoskeleton through submembranous multiprotein complexes that also serve to generate intracellular signals. The molecular mechanisms by which regulation of cell adhesiveness is coordinated with other aspects of cell behaviour are now under study and some aspects of this are highlighted in this short review. New scope for analysis of the roles of individual adhesion molecules in vivo is being provided by mouse gene knockouts.  相似文献   
We present the results of in vitro binding studies aimed at defining the key recognition elements on the MS2 RNA translational operator (TR) essential for complex formation with coat protein. We have used chemically synthesized operators carrying modified functional groups at defined nucleotide positions, which are essential for recognition by the phage coat protein. These experiments have been complemented with modification-binding interference assays. The results confirm that the complexes which form between TR and RNA-free phage capsids, the X-ray structure of which has recently been reported at 3.0 A, are identical to those which form in solution between TR and a single coat protein dimer. There are also effects on operator affinity which cannot be explained simply by the alteration of direct RNA-protein contacts and may reflect changes in the conformational equilibrium of the unliganded operator. The results also provide support for the approach of using modified oligoribonucleotides to investigate the details of RNA-ligand interactions.  相似文献   
Synopsis Although swimming is energetically costly, a number of studies on salmonid species have demonstrated increased growth rates in fishes forced to swim for prolonged periods at moderate speeds (typically 1–2 body lengths per sec). This suggests that additional energetic costs of swimming are more than met by alternative compensatory gains. The mechanisms underlying such effects are not fully understood. In this paper, we describe an experiment designed to examine one possible mechanism, namely a swimming-induced inhibition of aggression, with consequent beneficial effects on growth. The study used Arctic charr,Salvelinus alpinus, a species for which a positive relationship between exercise and growth has been clearly established. Using direct behavioural observations on small groups, we demonstrate that individuals displaying high levels of aggressive behaviour are able to monopolise access to food and that enforced swimming at a moderate speed (1 body length per sec) reduces the incidence of aggression although not the degree of monopolisation of food shown by aggressive individuals. These results suggest that the enhanced growth rates accompanying enforced swimming may reflect lower energetic costs of reduced aggressive activity rather than improved access to food by subordinates.  相似文献   
Summary The 48 amino acid peptides -Aga-IVA and -Aga-IVB are the first agents known to specifically block P-type calcium channels in mammalian brain, thus complementing the existing suite of pharmacological tools used for characterizing calcium channels. These peptides provide a new set of probes for studies aimed at elucidating the structural basis underlying the subtype specificity of calcium channel antagonists. We used 288 NMR-derived constraints in a protocol combining distance geometry and molecular dynamics employing the program DGII, followed by energy minimization with Discover to derive the three-dimensional structure of -Aga-IVB. The toxin consists of a well-defined core region, comprising seven solvent-shielded residues and a well-defined triple-stranded -sheet. Four loop regions have average backbone rms deviations between 0.38 and 1.31 Å, two of which are well-defined type-II -turns. Other structural features include disordered C- and N-termini and several conserved basic amino acids that are clustered on one face of the molecule. The reported structure suggests a possible surface for interaction with the channel. This surface contains amino acids that are identical to those of another known P-type calcium channel antagonist, -Aga-IVA, and is rich in basic residues that may have a role in binding to the anionic sites in the extracellular regions of the calcium channel.Abbreviations TOCSY total correlated spectroscopy - NOESY nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy - COSY correlated spectroscopy  相似文献   
The financial demise of Oxford''s department of neurosurgery (OxDONS) was precipitated by the financial rules of the reformed NHS. In particular it was produced by the failure of "resources to follow patients"; the requirement that "prices have to follow costs"; and the use of private income for revenue expenditure, not capital expenditure. This process will eventually affect all hospital departments, but it affected the unit in Oxford sooner as it started as "efficient"--that is, underresourced--and has depended on income from extracontractual referrals and private work. Current NHS accounting rules act as a disincentive to private income being generated in NHS hospitals, and consultants should be aware of this.  相似文献   
CL115,574, an analogue of PGE1, is a potent inhibitor of gastric acid secretion in animals. The effects of this compound on gastric acid and mucus secretion were studied in 8 male volunteers. The compound was well tolerated, and its maximally effective antisecretory dose (750 micrograms) inhibited pentagastrin stimulated acid secretion by approximately 40% over a 2-hour period, with stimulation beginning one hour after the drug was orally administered. CL115,574 proved to have a significant and sustained effect upon the stimulation of mucus secretion into gastric juice. Considering the possible role that mucus may play in mucosal cytoprotection, CL115,574 because of its antisecretory and mucogenic actions may prove to be an important clinical anti-ulcer compound.  相似文献   
The H2 uptake activity (units/mg protein) of Clostridium pasteurianum cells with methylene blue as the electron acceptor increases with cell density independent of the growth conditions. The H2 evolution activity (units/mg protein) of the same cells with reduced methyl viologen as the electron donor remains fairly constant under all growth conditions tested. Cells grown under N2-fixing conditions have the highest H2 uptake activity and were used for the purification of hydrogenase II (uptake hydrogenase). Attempts to separate hydrogenase II from hydrogenase I (bidirectional hydrogenase) by a previously published method were unreliable. We report here a new large-scale purification procedure which employs a rapid membrane filtration system to fractionate cell-free extracts. Hydrogenases I and II were easily filtered into the low-molecular-weight fraction (Mr less than 100 000), and from this, hydrogenase II was further purified to a homogeneous state. Hydrogenase II is a monomeric iron-sulfur protein of molecular weight 53 000 containing eight iron atoms and eight acid-labile sulfur atoms per molecule. Hydrogenase II catalyzes both H2 oxidation and H2 evolution at rates of 3000 and 5.9 μmol H2 consumed or evolved/min per mg protein, respectively. The purification procedure for hydrogenase II using the filtration system described greatly facilitates the large-scale purification of hydrogenase I and other enzymes from cell-free extracts of C. pasteurianum.  相似文献   
Human enteric viruses were detected in samples of water, crabs, and bottom sediments obtained from two sewage sludge disposal sites in the Atlantic Ocean. Viruses were isolated from sediments 17 months after the cessation of sludge dumping. These findings indicate that, under natural conditions, viruses can survive for a long period of time in the marine environment and that they may present potential public health problems to humans using these resources for food and recreation. The isolation of viruses in the absence of fecal indicator bacteria reinforces previous observations on the inadequacy of these bacteria for predicting the virological quality of water and shellfish.  相似文献   
The product of the rabbit prt gene (PRT), a gene linked to the immunoglobulin κ-light chain gene ab, was purified from rabbit serum by precipitation with ammonium sulfate and by chromotography on DEAE-Sephadex and Sephacryl S300. Analysis of PRT indicated that it was associated rabbit hemopexin; the molecular weight of PRT (i.e., 68,000), as estimated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, was similar to the reported molecular weight of rabbit hemopexin; the PRT phenotypes correlated with the phenotypes of a hematin binding protein; PRT itself bound hematin; and the amino acid composition of PRT was similar to the amino acid composition of rabbit hemopexin. The prt gene, however, need not be the structural gene for hemopexin; it may encode a glycosyl transferase responsible in part for the carbohydrate associated with the protein.  相似文献   
The effect of Fc receptor engagement on protein phosphorylation in murine peritoneal macrophages has been investigated. Treatment of macrophage cultures with insoluble immune complexes resulted in enhanced phosphorylation of six proteins at 73, 66, 53, 37, 31 and 25 kD. Comparison of the protein phosphorylation patterns induced by immune complexes with those induced by agents which mimic the actions of well known intracellular second messengers (i.e., A23187, dibutyryl cAMP, or phorbol myristate acetate) revealed substantial similarity between Fc receptor induced events and those induced in response to phorbol diesters. There were, however, two phosphorylated proteins which were only seen following stimulation with immune complexes. Thus, more than one kind of protein kinase activity appears to be involved in Fc receptor mediated stimulation of macrophage function.  相似文献   
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