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Cyclin D1 is the regulatory subunit of certain protein kinases thought to advance the G1 phase of the cell cycle. Deregulated cyclin D1 expression has been implicated in several human neoplasms, most consistently in centrocytic B lymphoma, where the cyclin D1 gene usually has been translocated to an immunoglobulin locus. To determine directly whether constitutive cyclin D1 expression is lymphomagenic, transgenic mice were generated having the cyclin D1 gene linked to an immunoglobulin enhancer. Despite abundant transgene expression, their lymphocytes were normal in cell cycle activity, size and mitogen responsiveness, but young transgenic animals contained fewer mature B- and T-cells. Although spontaneous tumours were infrequent, lymphomagenesis was much more rapid in mice that co-expressed the cyclin D1 transgene and a myc transgene than in mice expressing either transgene alone. Moreover, the spontaneous lymphomas of myc transgenic animals often ectopically expressed the endogenous cyclin D1 gene. These findings indicate that this G1 cyclin can modulate differentiation and collaborate with myc-like genes in oncogenesis.  相似文献   
Phosphofructokinase (PFK) catalyzes the rate-limiting step of glycolysis. Deficiency of the muscle enzyme is manifested by exercise intolerance and a compensated hemolytic anemia. Case reports of this autosomal recessive disease suggest a predominance in Ashkenazi Jews in the United States. We have explored the genetic basis for this illness in nine affected families and surveyed the normal Ashkenazi population for the mutations we have found. Genomic DNA was amplified using PCR, and denaturing gradient-gel electrophoresis was used to localize exons with possible mutations. The polymorphic exons were sequenced or digested with restriction enzymes. A previously described splicing mutation, delta 5, accounted for 11 (61%) of 18 abnormal alleles in the nine families. A single base deletion leading to a frameshift mutation in exon 22 (delta C-22) was found in six of seven alleles. A third mutation, resulting in a nonconservative amino acid substitution in exon 4, accounted for the remaining allele. Thus, three mutations could account for all illness in this group, and two mutations could account for 17 of 18 alleles. In screening 250 normal Ashkenazi individuals for all three mutations, we found only one delta 5 allele. Clinical data revealed no correlation between the particular mutations and symptoms, but male patients were more symptomatic than females, and only males had frank hemolysis and hyperuricemia. Because PFK deficiency in Ashkenazi Jews is caused by a limited number of mutations, screening genomic DNA from peripheral blood for the described mutations in this population should enable rapid diagnosis without muscle biopsy.  相似文献   
Abstract: Hyperthermophiles are a recently discovered group of microorganisms that grow at and above 90°C. They currently comprise over 20 different genera, and except for two novel bacteria, all are classified as Archaea. The majority of these organisms are obligately anaerobic heterotrophs that reduce elemental sulfur (S°) to H2S. The best studied from a biochemical perspective are the archaeon, Pyrococcus furiosus , and the bacterium, Thermotoga maritima , both of which are saccharolytic. P. furiosus is thought to contain a new type of Entner-Doudoroff pathway for the conversion of carbohydrates ultimately to acetate, H2 and CO2. The pathway is independent of nicotinamide nucleotides and involves novel types of ferredoxin-linked oxidoreductases, one of which has tungsten, a rarely used element, as a prosthetic group. The only site of energy conservation is at the level of acetyl CoA, which in the presence of ADP and phosphate is converted to acetate and ATP in a single step. In contrast, T. maritima utilizes a conventional Embden-Meyerhof pathway for sugar oxidation. P. furiosus also utilizes peptides as a sole carbon and energy source. Amino acid oxidation is thought to involve glutamate dehydrogenase together with at least three types of novel ferredoxin-linked oxidoreductases which catalyze the oxidation of 2-ketoglutarate, aryl pyruvates and formaldehyde. One of these enzymes also utilizes tungsten. In P. furiosus , virtually all of the reductant that is generated during the catabolism of both carbohydrates and peptides is channeled to a cytoplasmic hydrogenase. This enzyme is now termed sulhydrogenase, as it reduces both protons to H2 and S°(or polysulfide) to H2S. S° reduction appears to lead to the conservation of energy in P. furiosus but not in T. maritima , although the mechanism by which this occurs is not known.  相似文献   
NB176 is a Bacillus thuringiensis mutant derived by λ-irradiation of NB125 Bacillus thuringiensis var. tenebrionis (Krieg). It exhibits two interesting phenotypes: (i) oligosporogeny and (ii) twofold to threefold overproduction of the CryIIIA protein. Southern profiles of the NB176 strain showed an additional copy(s) of the cryIIIA gene located on a 4 kb HindIII fragment, in addition to the expected cryIIIA gene on a 3 kb HindIII fragment. Each cryIIIA gene-bearing HindIII fragment was cloned from NB176. The restriction map of the 3 kb HindIII fragment was identical to that published by Donovan and coworkers. Sequencing of the 4 kb HindIII fragment showed no alterations in the promoter region of the cryIIIA gene but did show replacement of the region immediately following the cryIIIA open reading frame with a sequence encoding a transposase with 50% amino acid homology to that of Tn 1000. These findings suggest that the overproduction phenotype of NB176 results from extra copies of the cryIIIA gene produced from a transposition event(s) induced or stabilized by γ-irradiation. Integration of additional copies of the cryIIIA gene into the native 90MDa plasmid of the wild-type B. thuringiensis var. tenebrionis strain resulted in strains that made enormous crystals, many possessing greatly enhanced insecticidal activity.  相似文献   
The carotenoid composition of 33 species of green algal lichens and 5 species of blue-green algal lichens was examined and compared with that of the leaves of higher plants. As in higher plants, green algal lichen species which were found in both shade and full sunlight exhibited higher levels of the carotenoids involved in photoprotective thermal energy dissipation (zeaxanthin as well as the total xanthophyll cycle pool) in the sun than in the shade. This was particularly true when thalli were moist during exposure to high light, or presumably became desiccated in full sunlight. However, the reverse trend in the carotenoid composition of green algal lichens was also observed in those species which were found predominantly either in the shade or in full sunlight. In this case sun-exposed lichens often possessed lower levels of zeaxanthin and of the components of the xanthophyll cycle than lichens which were found in the shade. In contrast to higher plants, the lichens from all habitats exhibited a relatively high ratio of carotenoids to chlorophylls (more characteristic of sun leaves), very low levels of α-carotene (similar to that found in sun leaves), and a level of β-carotene similar to that found in shade leaves. Zeaxanthin, but not the expoxides of the xanthophyll cycle, was also frequently found in blue-green algal lichens. A trend for increasing levels of zeaxanthin with increasing growth light regime was observed inPeltigera rufescens, the species which was found to occur over the widest range of light environments. The level of zeaxanthin per chlorophylla in these blue-green algal lichens was in a range similar to that per chlorophylla+b in green algal lichens. However, zeaxanthin was also absent in one species,Collema cristatum, in full sunlight. Thus, the zeaxanthin content of the blue-green algal lichens can be similar to that of higher plants, or it can be rather dissimilar, as was also the case in the green algal lichen species. The presence of large amounts of ketocarotenoids in blue-green algal lichens is also noteworthy.  相似文献   
Adams  M. L.  Norvell  W. A.  Peverly  J. H.  Philpot  W. D. 《Plant and Soil》1993,155(1):235-238
Leaf reflectance and fluorescence characteristics of soybean (Glycine max cv Bragg) are influenced strongly by Mn availability. This report evaluates the effects of leaflet choice, leaf age, and leaf nodal position on several spectral characteristics. Leaves were obtained from soybeans grown hydroponically under controlled environmental conditions with wide differences in Mn supply. The ratio of constant yield fluorescence (Fo) to variable yield fluorescence (Fv), the ratios of reflectance at 750 nm to 550 nm and that at 650 nm to 550 nm, the position of the "red edge" near 700 nm, and an index of leaf "yellowness" were measured periodically. Increasing leaf age caused increases in the "red edge" and in both reflectance ratios. Leaf "yellowness" and the fluorescence ratio Fo/Fv decreased with leaf age and increased with leaf nodal position, primarily in Mn deficient leaves. Effects arising from leaf choice were smaller than those caused by Mn deficiency.  相似文献   
Two experiments were designed to evaluate the responsiveness of beef heifers to superstimulatory treatments administered during the first follicular wave. Heifers were examined daily (Experiment 1) or twice daily (Experiment 2) by ultrasonography to determine the status of follicular wave development and the day of initiation of superstimulatory treatment. Heifers in both experiments were superstimulated with a total dose of 10 ml Folltropin (equivalent to 200 mg of NIH-FSH-P1), divided into 10 equal intramuscular injections over 5 days. On the last day of treatment, heifers received 500 mug of cloprostenol after each injection of Folltropin to induce luteolysis. In the respective groups, superstimulatory treatments were initiated on Day -1, Day 0 (day of ovulation) or Day +1 for Experiment 1, and on Day -1, Day 0, Day +1 or Day +2 for Experiment 2. In Experiment 1, the number of ovulations in each ovary was assessed by ultrasonography and by counting the number of corpora lutea (CL) in each ovary at slaughter. The correlation between both techniques for assessing ovulatory response was high (r= 0.98; P< 0.0001), and there was no significant difference in the mean number of ovulations detected by ultrasound (5.7+/-1.1) versus the mean number of CL counted at slaughter (6.2+/-1.2). In Experiment 1, the mean (+/- SEM) number of CL counted at slaughter in heifers treated on Day -1 (9.4+/-3.8) and Day 0 (7.3+/-1.6) was higher (P< 0.05) than that of heifers treated on Day +1 (0.7+/-0.3). The mean number of follicles >/=7 mm in diameter on the last day of treatment was also higher (P<0.05) in the Day -1 group compared with the Day +1 group; the Day 0 group was intermediate. In Experiment 2, the mean number of ovulations was higher (P< 0.05) in the Day 0 group (18.4+/-3.4) than the Day -1 (9.5+/-2.3), Day +1 (6.7+/-2.2) or Day +2 (6.5+/-2.3) groups. Heifers in the Day -1, and Day 0 groups had more (P< 0.05) follicles >/=7 mm at the end of treatment compared with heifers in the Day +1 or the Day +2 group. The stated hypothesis was supported: exogenous FSH treatment initiated at the time of wave emergence, near the expected time of the endogenous wave-eliciting FSH surge, has a positive effect on the superstimulatory response. A higher superstimulatory response was elicited when treatments were initiated on the day of, or the day before, wave emergence compared with that of later treatments.  相似文献   
The bioenergetic role of the reduction of elemental sulfur (S0) in the hyperthermophilic archaeon (formerly archaebacterium) Pyrococcus furiosus was investigated with chemostat cultures with maltose as the limiting carbon source. The maximal yield coefficient was 99.8 g (dry weight) of cells (cdw) per mol of maltose in the presence of S0 but only 51.3 g (cdw) per mol of maltose if S0 was omitted. However, the corresponding maintenance coefficients were not found to be significantly different. The primary fermentation products detected were H2, CO2, and acetate, together with H2S, when S0 was also added to the growth medium. If H2S was summed with H2 to represent total reducing equivalents released during fermentation, the presence of S0 had no significant effect on the pattern of fermentation products. In addition, the presence of S0 did not significantly affect the specific activities in cell extracts of hydrogenase, sulfur reductase, alpha-glucosidase, or protease. These results suggest either that S0 reduction is an energy-conserving reaction, i.e., S0 respiration, or that S0 has a stimulatory effect on or helps overcome a process that is yield limiting. A modification of the Entner-Doudoroff glycolytic pathway has been proposed as the primary route of glucose catabolism in P. furiosus (S. Mukund and M. W. W. Adams, J. Biol. Chem. 266:14208-14216, 1991). Operation of this pathway should yield 4 mol of ATP per mol of maltose oxidized, from which one can calculate a value of 12.9 g (cdw) per mol of ATP for non-S0 growth. Comparison of this value to the yield data for growth in the presence of S0 reduction is equivalent to an ATP yield of 0.5 mol of ATP per mol of S0 reduced. Possible mechanism to account for this apparent energy conservation are discussed.  相似文献   
A technique was developed for sectioning fresh red spruce foliage (Picea rubens Sarg.) for use in fluorescence microscopy. This allowed rapid examination of mesophyll in 3-5 mm needle sections. Healthy, ozone treated and cold stressed needles were examined to assess the utility of this technique for early detection of damage. Healthy mesophyll cells fluoresced bright red, while injured cells fluoresced yellow-green in ozone treated needles, and yellow-orange in frozen needles. Shifts in fluorescence wavelengths may be useful for early detection of injury to mesophyll before it is evident by standard light or electron microscopy.  相似文献   
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