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Summary The angioarchitecture of the superficial vascular hyaloid system (membrana vasculosa retinae) of the frog eye was studied by means of scanning electron microscopy of vascular corrosion casts. The terminal vessels form a single-layered sheath intimately adjacent to the vitreal side of the avascular retina. The hyaloid system is subdivided by the ventral venous trunk into three central areas: the dorsal, the temporo-ventral, and the naso-ventral area. Toward the ora serrata, the hyaloid system is bordered by an arterial ring, and by nasal and temporal venous branches forming more or less complete hemicircles. A vascular zone composed of several tongue-like sectors establishes an inter-connection between the peripheral vascular rings and the central areas of the fundus. The arterial blood is supplied from the arterial ring. The drainage of the hyaloid system is provided via two routes: (1) the Y-shaped ventral trunk collects blood from the central areas, (2) the two peripheral venous branches drain the tongue-like sectors. The vessels within the dorsal area follow preferentially a dorso-ventral meridional direction. This densely capillarized territory corresponds in localization to the area centralis retinae. The ultrastructure of microvessels of the hyaloid system is characterized by features typical for capillaries of the central nervous system.  相似文献   
The nucleotide sequence of the tnpA gene of Tn21.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
The nucleotide sequence of the tnpA gene of Tn21 is presented. The transposase encoded by this gene is exactly the same length (988 amino acids) as the Tn501 transposase (4), and shows 72% homology overall with this protein, with greater homology towards the C-terminus. The sequence of the transposase is discussed in the context of the evolution of Class II transposable elements and of the characteristics of the enzyme's action.  相似文献   
Summary We reported earlier the recovery of two classes of soybean urease mutants in soybean (Glycine max L. Merr. cv. Williams). Class I mutants lack the embryo-specific urease while class II mutants lack the activities of both urease isozymes, the embryo-specific and the ubiquitous urease, the latter found in all tissues examined. We report here the recovery of a true-breeding mutant, aj3, which represents the third phenotypic class: normal levels of embryo-specific urease and little or no ubiquitous urease. Unlike class II mutant plants which lack urease in all tissue, aj3 lacks urease activity only in leaves (ca. 2% normal activity); its roots have near normal urease activity. Callus derived from leaves of aj3 has 14% to 40% the urease activity of Williams 82 callus. This partial reduction in urease activity in aj3 callus is sufficient to reduce growth with urea as sole nitrogen source and to confer resistance to 50 mM urea added to callus maintenance medium. Leaves of aj3 produce more than 40 times the urease antigen expected from their urease activity. The aj3 trait is due to a single recessive lesion which is not allelic with lesions at theEu2, Eu3 (class II) orEu1 (class I) loci. We designate the aj3 genotype aseu4/eu4.  相似文献   
Spermiogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans involves the conversion of spherical, sessile spermatids into bipolar, crawling spermatozoa. In males, spermiogenesis is induced by mating, while in hermaphrodites, spermiogenesis occurs before the first oocytes are fertilized. Alternatively, spermiogenesis can be induced in vitro by treatment with monensin triethanolamine, or pronase. Treatment with the calmodulin inhibitors, trifluoperazine, chlorpromazine, or W7, also induces spermiogenesis in vitro with a half maximal effect at 20 microM. Upon initial activation, spermatids extend long, thin spikes and undergo extensive cellular movements. Eventually, a single motile pseudopod forms through the restructuring of one or more of these spikes. These transient spikes can be prolonged in vitro by removing triethanolamine as soon as the spermatids first form spikes. Spermatids from spe-8 and spe-12 spermatogenesis-defective (spe) mutants activate in vivo with male but not hermaphrodite sperm activator. In vitro, the mutant spermatids arrest spermiogenesis at the spike stage when activated with pronase, but form normal spermatozoa if subsequently or initially treated with monensin or triethanolamine. We present a model of spermiogenesis in which the mutant defects and the action of the pharmacological agents are ordered relative to one another.  相似文献   
In 15%-20% of children with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), the underlying defect is adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency. The overall goal of our research has been to identify the precise molecular defects in patients with ADA-deficient SCID. In this study, we focused on a patient whom we found to have normal sized ADA mRNA by Northern analysis and an intact ADA structural gene by Southern analysis. By cloning and sequencing this patient's ADA cDNA, we found a C-to-T point mutation in exon 11. This resulted in the amino acid substitution of a valine for an alanine at position 329 of the ADA protein. Sequence analysis revealed that this mutation created a new BalI restriction site. Using Southern analyses, we were able to directly screen individuals to determine the frequency of this mutation. By combining data on eight families followed at our institution with data on five other families reported in the literature, we established that five of 13 patients (seven of 22 alleles) with known or suspected point mutations have this defect. This mutation was found to be associated with three different ADA haplotypes. This argues against a founder effect and suggests that the mutation is very old. In summary, a conservative amino acid substitution is found in a high proportion of patients with ADA deficiency; this can easily be detected by Southern analysis.  相似文献   
The accuracy of DNA-based prenatal diagnosis of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) was determined by study of 174 families. Only 60% of families had a living affected male, and 63% had history of a single affected male. Prenatal diagnosis was declined by 47% of mothers whose DNA studies predicted a carrier risk below 2%, and none have had affected sons. Fetal risk was estimated prospectively by linkage analysis using intragenic and flanking RFLPs and retrospectively using dystrophin cDNA analysis for families whose linkage estimates lacked precision. Diagnostic accuracy was determined by comparing predictions with 40 male pregnancy outcomes. On the basis of linkage analysis, we anticipated 3.2 DMD males and observed 3.0. Retrospective cDNA analysis identified deletions in 2 of these 3 males. The combined use of linkage and cDNA deletion analysis provided a highly accurate method for prenatal diagnosis of DMD.  相似文献   
The excretory-secretory products of exsheathed third-stage larvae of Trichostrongylus colubriformis conferred some protection to guinea pigs against homologous challenge. A glycoprotein with an apparent molecular mass of approximately 94 kDa was the dominant immunogen in post-exsheathment products. Immunoblots revealed IgG antibodies to this glycoprotein in sera from multiply-infected guinea pigs and some sheep, and in sera of guinea pigs after three truncated infections which had been restricted by anthelmintic treatments to development of the third parasitic stage. IgA antibodies to this protein were also found in intestinal lymph of a naturally infected sheep. Fluorescent antibody studies indicated that this 94 kDa component was associated with cells in the central body cavity of third-stage larvae, but was absent from fourth-stage larvae or adult worms. Fractionation and protection assays in guinea pigs revealed that while the native and aggregated 94 kDa protein conferred some host protection, it was not the only protective component of the excretory-secretory products of exsheathed third-stage larvae of T. colubriformis.  相似文献   
Stability of DNase I in footprinting experiments.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The taxonomy of the family Pasteurellaceae has remained controversial despite investigations of biochemistry, serology, and nucleic acid relatedness. In an attempt to resolve some of this confusion, we have partially sequenced the 16S rRNAs of seven members of the family, representing all three genera. The sequences were aligned, similarity scores calculated, and single, average and complete linkage cluster analysis of the resulting distance matrix performed. In this way, an evolutionary branching pattern of these closely related species was reconstructed, and the approximate phylogenetic position of the family determined. Actinobacillus (Haemophilus) actinomycetemcomitans clustered with Haemophilus instead of Actinobacillus, supporting transfer of this species to the genus Haemophilus. Thus cluster analysis of phylogenetic relatedness was found to be particularly useful for studying closely related organisms, and could be performed using a microcomputer.  相似文献   
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