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A virus inhibiting protein (VI) was isolated from spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). The VI inhibited infections of test plants with plus- and minus-strand RNA viruses. Inoculation of both local lesion and systemic hosts with TMV in the presence of varying amounts of the VI resulted in typical dose response curves for the number of local lesions or the amount of virus respectively. The lowest concentration of VI leading to a significant reduction in the number of local lesions was 0.06 μg/ml. The VI was found to inhibit local lesion formation only when applied within 2–3 h p.i. but still reduced the number of local lesions when applied up to 9 h prior to virus inoculation. The antiviral activity could be attributed to a protein of molecular weight 29,000 dalton with an isoelectric point of 10.3. Its activity was destroyed by heating for 30 min to 70°C. These characteristics resemble those of other virus inhibiting proteins described for members of the order Caryophyllales such as the Phytolacca inhibitor against which a serological relationship was obtained.  相似文献   
Three groups of mutants defective in trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) reduction were isolated from Salmonella typhimurium LT2 subjected to transposition mutagenesis with Mu d(Apr lac). Mutants were identified by their acidic reaction on a modified MacConkey-TMAO medium. Group I consisted of pleiotropic chlorate-resistant mutants which were devoid of TMAO reductase activity. None expressed the lac operon. Group II mutants were partially defective in TMAO reductase. Electrophoretic studies revealed that they lacked the inducible TMAO reductase, but retained the constitutive activity. The genotypic designation tor was suggested for these mutants. The tor mutation in one was located between 80 and 83 U on the S. typhimurium chromosome. Expression of the lac operon in these mutants was not affected by air, TMAO, or nitrate. Group III mutants reduced little or no TMAO in vivo, but their extracts retained full capacity to reduce it with methyl viologen. These mutants also failed to produce hydrogen sulfide from thiosulfate and could not grow anaerobically on glycerol-fumarate. Two subgroups were distinguished. Vitamin K5 restored wild-type phenotype in subgroup IIIa only; vitamin K1 restored wild-type phenotype in both IIIa and IIIb isolates. The genotypic designation men (menaquinone) was suggested for group III isolates. The mutation in IIIa mutants was cotransducible with glpT, which corresponds to the menBCD site in Escherichia coli. That in IIIb mutants was cotransducible with glpK, which corresponds to the menA site in E. coli. Expression of the lac operon in IIIa, but not IIIb, mutants was repressed by air. An additional mutant group isolated on the same medium consisted of strains defective in formate hydrogenlyase.  相似文献   
Two temperature-sensitive mutants of satellite phage P4 which do not synthesize P4 DNA at the nonpermissive temperature have been isolated. One of these phage is mutated in the P4 alpha gene. It complements a P4 delta mutant, but not a P4 alpha amber mutant; both mutants are phenotypically identical to alpha amber mutants in all properties studied. They synthesize P4 early proteins 1 and 2 as well as two additional P4-induced early proteins, 5 and 6, which are described here. P4 late proteins are not synthesized by these mutants and cannot be transactivated by helper phage P2. The mutants are unable to transactivate P2 late proteins from a P2 AB mutant. The P4 RNA polymerase activity which has been suggested to be involved in P4 DNA synthesis is not detected at the nonpermissive temperature. The P4 polymerase activity in partially purified extracts prepared from cells infected with the mutant at the permissive temperature is temperature sensitive. Reduced activity is found in vitro when these extracts are preincubated at 41 degrees C or assayed at temperatures higher than 37 degrees C. Thus, the P4 RNA polymerase is the product of the alpha gene. Temperature shift experiments show that the alpha gene product is required until late in the P4 cycle.  相似文献   
The mutagenicity of diethylstilbestrol (DES) in V79 Chinese hamster cells was examined under a variety of conditions. DES over a concentration range 0.01–10 μg/ml failed to induce any increase above the spontaneous frequency of 6-thioguanine-resistant V79 cells. The effect of varying the expression time after treatment in the mutation assay from 3 to 9 days was studied and DES was nonmutagenic at all time points, while N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine was highly mutagenic with a peak response after a 5–7 day expression time. The mutagenicity of benzo[a]pyrene and DES, both of which induce morphological and neoplastic transformation of Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cells, was tested by cocultivating V79 cells with SHE cells for possible metabolic activation of the chemicals. Neither compound was mutagenic to V79 cells in the absence of SHE cells. Benzo[a]pyrene, but not DES, was mutagenic to V79 cells cocultivated with SHE cells. These results support the observation that DES can induce cell transformation under conditions that do not result in any measurable gene mutations. Moreover, the ability of DES to enhance the recovery of 6-thioguanine-resistant mutations was studied by determining the ability of DES to inhibit metabolic cooperation of V79 cells. Unlike the tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate, DES was a weak or inactive inhibitor of metabolic cooperation.  相似文献   
Apparent sucrose uptake. ATPase activity and membrane fluidity changes were studied during the development and senescence of carnation flowers ( Dianthus caryophyllus L., cv. Cerise Royallette). Typical changes associated with senescence of a cut flower, such as respiration, ethylene production and fresh weight, were measured. Concomitant with a rise in respiration and ethylene production and a decline in fresh weight, a sharp decrease in apparent sucrose uptake was observed. Sucrose uptake was pH dependent (pH optimum, 5.5) and influenced by membrane integrity. Apparently, the activity of ATPase is related to sucrose uptake, because similar changes occurred during flower development. In addition, the activity of ATPase was well correlated with membrane fluidity.
It is suggested that sucrose uptake is controlled by ATPase activity, which in turn is modulated by membrane lipid fluidity. The decline in membrane fluidity associated with senescence leads to a corresponding reduction in ATPase activity and sucrose uptake. Further evidence supporting this view comes from experiments in which senescence was enhanced by 1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic acid. It shortened the time to decline in fresh weight, rise in respiration and ethylene production. In parallel, reduction in membrane fluidity, ATPase activity and sucrose uptake were observed.  相似文献   
The development and the differentiation of the ventricular system of the brain of tadpoles of the South African Clawed Toad, Xenopus laevis (Daudin), is studied by light microscopy (stages 45 to 66) and scanning and transmission electron microscopy (stages 50 to 66). Special interest is paid to the ependymal structures of the foramen of Monroe, the ventricles of the diencephalon, the mesencephalon, and the rhombencephalon, and to the ependymal of the central canal and the choroid plexus of the third and fourth ventricle. At early developmental stages the lower two thirds of the ventricles are dominated by blebs, cytoplasmatic protrusions of the ependymal cells. During the development they become reduced and replaced by cilia. The number of cilia and microvilli increases strongly towards the end of the metamorphosis. The surface structures demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy are discussed in respect to morphology and physiology.  相似文献   
Serological studies and comparison of N-terminal amino acid sequences with the amino acid sequence deduced from a cDNA clone have been used to establish the sequence relationships between the subunits of the pea seed storage protein, vicilin. Subunits smaller than Mr~50 000 (i.e., Mr 34 000, 30 000, 25 000, 18 000, 14 000, 13 000 and 12 000) show extensive homology with molecules within Mr~50 000 group. Both the sequencing and serological data confirm earlier evidence from studies on vicilin synthesisin vivo andin vitro which indicated that the vicilin subunits smaller than Mr~50 000 arose by endoproteolytic cleavage of parent molecules within the Mr~50 000 group. Cleavage in different Mr 50 000 parent molecules containing either one or both of two susceptible processing sites accounts for the formation of all the vicilin subunits smaller than Mr~50 000, with the possible exception of the Mr34 000 polypeptide. The position of these sites in the putative parents were defined by reference to a complete amino acid sequence deduced from the sequence of DNA complementary to mRNA for one member of the Mr~50 000 group.  相似文献   
During early oogenesis in amphibia, most of the 5 S RNA and tRNA is stored in a ribonucleoprotein particle that sediments at 42 S. In Xenopus laevis the 42 S particle contains two major proteins: of Mr 48 000 (P48) and 43 000 (P43). It is shown that heterogeneity in composition of the 42 S particle reflects a changing situation whereby initially, both 5 S RNA and tRNA are complexed with P48 (1 molecule 5 S RNA: 1 molecule P48; 2 or 3 molecules tRNA: 1 molecule P48), but later, tRNA becomes increasingly associated with P43 (in a 1:1 ratio) although 5 S RNA remains complexed with a cleavage product of P48. These changes relate to the eventual utilization of the excess 5 S RNA and tRNA in ribosome assembly and protein synthesis.  相似文献   
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