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A five year study was conducted in a 100–120 year old even-aged sugar maple stand in southern Quebec (46°07N 73° 56W; 305 m altitude) to explore the effect of different fertilization formulations aimed at 1) correcting the most common nutrient deficiencies observed in declining maple stands (K and Mg), 2) decreasing soil acidity, and 3) simulating enrichment with atmospheric N. Seven fertilizer mixtures were applied in the spring of 1987: 400 kg ha-1 of K2SO4, CaCO3, CaMg(CO3)2, (NH4)2SO4, complete fertilizer (Maplegro) and 800 kg ha-1 of an equal mixture of K2SO4+CaCO3 or K2SO4+CaMg(CO3)2. The site was divided into twenty-four 25×25 m plots and treatments including control were replicated three times. Leaves and soils (organic and mineral) were sampled in 1987, 1988 and 1991. Trees were cored at 1.2 m to measure their response in diameter growth. The application of K2SO4+CaMg(CO3)2 was the only treatment that significantly increased (+13%) the average growth rate over the five year period after fertilization. The application of (NH4)2SO4, Maplegro, CaMg(CO3)2 and K2SO4 reduced growth relative to the control for the five year period by 29, 24, 20 and 12 %, respectively. Positive and negative effects on growth can be explained mainly in terms of changes in leaf K. Both the application of Maplegro and (NH4)2SO4 increased soil P availability. Overall, the rate of growth showed a cubic pattern of change over the 5 year period with peaks in 1988 and 1991. Trees in control plots went from a limiting foliar status of Ca and Mg, and surplus N in 1987 to a surplus of Ca and Mg, and lower N concentration in 1991. Our results suggest that nutrient deficiencies observed at our site were associated with a disturbance of the biogeochemical cycle of nutrients rather than soil nutrient depletion.Abbreviations BS base saturation - CEC cation exchange capacity - DRIS diagnosis and recommendation integrated system  相似文献   
Short-term incomplete cerebral ischemia was induced in the rat by bilaterally clamping for 5 min the common carotid arteries; subsequent reperfusion of 10 min was obtained by removing carotid occlusion. At the end of ischemia or reperfusion, animals were sacrificed by decapitation. A control group was represented by sham-operated rats. Peripheral venous blood samples were withdrawn from the femoral vein from rats subjected to cerebral reperfusion 5 min before ischemia, at the end of ischemia, and 10 min after reperfusion. A highly sensitive HPLC method for the direct determination of malondialdehyde, oxypurines, and nucleosides was used on 200 μL of brain tissue and plasma extracts. Incomplete cerebral ischemia induced the, appearance of a significant amout of tissue malondialdehyde (undetectable in control animals) and a decrease of ascorbic acid. A further 6.6-fold increase of malondialdehyde and a 18.5% decrease of ascorbic acid occurred after 10 min of reperfusion. Plasma malondialdehyde, which was present in minimal amount before ischemia, significantly increased after 5 min of ischemia, being strikingly augmented after 10 min of reperfusion. A similar trend was observed for oxypurines and nucleosides. From these data, it can be affirmed that tissue concentrations of malondialdehyde and ascorbic acid, and plasma levels of malondialdehyde, oxypurines, and nucleosides, reflect both the oxygen radical-mediated tissue injury and the depression of energy metabolism thus representing early biochemical markers of short-term incomplete brain ischemia, and reperfusion in the rat.  相似文献   
A spontaneous mutant (R/89) of photosynthetic purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26 was selected for resistance to 200 M atrazin. It showed increased resistance to interquinone electron transfer inhibitors of o-phenanthroline (resistance factor, RF=20) in UQo reconstituted isolated reaction centers and terbutryne in reaction centers (RF=55) and in chromatophores (RF=85). The amino acid sequence of the QB binding protein of the photosynthetic reaction center (the L subunit) was determined by sequencing the corresponding pufL gene and a single mutation was found (IleL229 Met). The changed amino acid of the mutant strain is in van der Waals contact with the secondary quinone QB. The binding and redox properties of QB in the mutant were characterized by kinetic (charge recombination) and multiple turnover (cytochrome oxidation and semiquinone oscillation) assays of the reaction center. The free energy for stabilization of QAQB with respect to QA QB was GAB=–60 meV and 0 meV in reaction centers and GAB=–85 meV and –46 meV in chromatophores of R-26 and R/89 strains at pH 8, respectively. The dissociation constants of the quinone UQo and semiquinone UQo in reaction centers from R-26 and R/89 showed significant and different pH dependence. The observed changes in binding and redox properties of quinones are interpreted in terms of differential effects (electrostatics and mesomerism) of mutation on the oxidized and reduced states of QB.Abbreviations BChl bacteriochlorophyll - Ile isoleucine - Met methionin - P primary donor - QA primary quinone acceptor - QB secondary quinone acceptor - RC reaction center protein - UQo 2,3-dimethoxy-5-methyl benzoquinone - UQ10 ubiquinone 50 This work is dedicated to the memory of Randall Ross Stein (1954–1994) and is, in a small way, a testament to the impact which Randy's ideas have had on the development of the field of competitive herbicide binding.  相似文献   
Elicitins are 10 kDa holoproteins secreted by Phytophthora fungi, that elicit an incompatible hypersensitive reaction, leading to resistance against fungal and bacterial plant pathogens. Comparison of primary sequences of -elicitins and -elicitins indicated several potential necrotic activity-determining residues. All of the highly necrotic -elicitins have a hydrophilic residue (usually lysine) at position 13, whereas in the less necrotic -elicitins this residue is replaced by a valine. Here, we report the synthesis and expression of a gene encoding a highly necrotic elicitin, -cryptogein, and we show that the substitution of Lys-13 of this recombinant protein by a valine leads to a drastic alteration to the necrotic activity of the recombinant protein.  相似文献   
Pine seedlings are able to accumulate chlorophylls and develop green plastids in a light-independent manner. In this work, we have characterized ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase (EC; Fd-GOGAT), a key enzyme in nitrogen interconversion during this process. Fd-GOGAT has been purified about 170-fold from cotyledons of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster). As occurs in angiosperms, the native enzyme is a single polypeptide with an apparent molecular mass of 163–168 kDa that is confined to the chloroplast stroma. Polyclonal antibodies generated against the purified enzyme were used to immunoscreen a gt11 expression library from Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedlings and partial cDNA clones were isolated and characterized. The clone with the longest cDNA insert (pGOP44) contained the codification for the C-terminal (550 amino acids) of the pine Fd-GOGAT polypeptide. Immunological cross-reactivity and comparative amino sequence analysis revealed that Fd-GOGAT is a well conserved protein in higher plants. Western blot analyses showed that protein was expressed in chloroplast-containing pine tissues and this expression pattern was not affected by exogenously supplied nitrogen. Fd-GOGAT mRNA, polypeptide and enzyme activity accumulated in substantial amounts in dark-grown pine seedlings. The presence of a functional Fd-GOGAT may be important to provide the required glutamate for the biosynthesis of nitrogen compounds during chloroplast biogenesis in the dark.  相似文献   
A cDNA clone (6PExt 1.2) encoding a novel extensin was isolated from a cDNA library made from 6 h old mesophyll protoplasts of Nicotiana sylvestris. The screening was performed with a heterologous probe from carrot. The encoded polypeptide showed features characteristic of hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins such as Ser-(Pro)4 repeats and a high content in Tyr and Lys residues. The presence of four Tyr-X-Tyr-Lys motifs suggests the possibility for intramolecular isodityrosine cross-links whereas three Val-Tyr-Lys motifs may participate in intermolecular cross-links. The analysis of genomic DNA gel blots using both the N. sylvestris and the carrot clones as probes showed that the 6PExt 1.2 gene belongs to a complex multigene family encoding extensin and extensin-related polypeptides in N. sylvestris as well as in related Nicotianeae including a laboratory hybrid. This was confirmed by the analysis of RNA gel blots: a set of mRNAs ranging in size from 0.3 kb to 3.5 kb was found by the carrot extensin probe. The 6PExt 1.2 probe found a 1.2 kb mRNA in protoplasts and in wounded tissues as well as a 0.9 kb mRNA which seemed to be stem-specific. The gene encoding 6PExt 1.2 was induced by wounding in protoplasts, in leaf strips and after Agrobacterium tumefaciens infection of stems.  相似文献   
An analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana heterochromatic regions allowed the identification of a new family of retroelements called Athila. These 10.5 kb elements, representing ca. 0.3% of the genome, present several features of retrotransposons and retroviruses. Athila elements are flanked by 1.5 kb long terminal repeats (LTR) that are themselves bounded by 5 bp perfect inverted repeats. These LTRs start and end with the retroviral consensus 5TG...CA3 nucleotides. A putative tRNA-binding site and a polypurine tract are found adjacent to the 5 and 3 LTR respectively. The central domain is composed of two long open reading frames (ORFs) of 935 and 694 amino acids. Despite several indications of recent transposition activity, the translation of these ORFs failed to reveal significant homology with proteins associated to retrotransposition. We suggest that the Athila family could result from the transduction and dispersion of a cellular gene by a retrotransposon.  相似文献   
Pretreatment of anthers in mannitol prior to isolation of microspores by glass rod homogenization was effective for in vitro induction of embryogenesis in barley cv. Igri. A procedure for separation of viable microspores using centrifugation on 20% maltose was developed. The concentration of microspores was important and greatly increased the number of developing structures. Initial culture of microspores on FHG medium containing 62 g l-1 maltose, 4.4 M (1 mg l-1) BA and 200 g l-1 Ficoll-400 resulted in high frequencies of plant regeneration. Albino plant frequency was correlated to length of time in culture. Stock plant condition appeared to be a major factor influencing induction frequency. From 868 to 1738 green plants per 100 anthers were produced. The number of calli and embryos obtained and the number of green plantlets regenerated were improved by increasing the Ficoll concentration from 100 g l-1 to 400 g l-1 during the culture period compared to continuous culture on FHG Ficoll 200 g l-1.Abbreviations BA benzyladenine  相似文献   
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