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Molecular dynamics simulations using a simple multielement model solute with internal degrees of freedom and accounting for solvent-induced interactions to all orders in explicit water are reported. The potential energy landscape of the solute is flat in vacuo. However, the sole untruncated solvent-induced interactions between apolar (hydrophobic) and charged elements generate a rich landscape of potential of mean force exhibiting typical features of protein landscapes. Despite the simplicity of our solute, the depth of minima in this landscape is not far in size from free energies that stabilize protein conformations. Dynamical coupling between configurational switching of the system and hydration reconfiguration is also elicited. Switching is seen to occur on a time scale two orders of magnitude longer than that of the reconfiguration time of the solute taken alone, or that of the unperturbed solvent. Qualitatively, these results are unaffected by a different choice of the water-water interaction potential. They show that already at an elementary level, solvent-induced interactions alone, when fully accounted for, can be responsible for configurational and dynamical features essential to protein folding and function.  相似文献   
Purified (Na+, K+)-ATPase was studied by electron microscopy after thin sectioning, negative staining, and freeze-fracturing, particular emphasis being paid to the dimensions and frequencies of substructures in the membranes. Ultrathin sections show exclusively flat or cup-shaped membrane fragments which are triple-layered along much of their length and have diameters of 0.1-0.6 μm. Negative staining revealed a distinct substructure of particles with diameters between 30 and 50 A and with a frequency of 12,500 +/- 2,400 (SD) per μm(2). Comparisons with sizes of the protein components suggest that each surface particle contains as its major component one large catalytic chain with mol wt close to 100,000 and that two surface particles unite to form the unit of (Na+,K+)-ATPase which binds one molecule of ATP or ouabain. The further observations that the surface particles protrude from the membrane surface and are observed on both membrane surfaces in different patterns and degrees of clustering suggest that protein units span the membrane and are capable of lateral mobility. Freeze-fracturing shows intramembranous particles with diameters of 90-110 A and distributed on both concave and convex fracture faces with a frequency of 3,410 +/- 370 per μm(2) and 390 +/- 170 per μm(2), respectively. The larger diameters and three to fourfold smaller frequency of the intramembranous particles as compared to the surface particles seen after negative staining may reflect technical differences between methods, but it is more likely that the intramembranous particle is an oliogomer composed of two or even more of the protein units which form the surface particles.  相似文献   
Posterior distribution of hierarchical models using CAR(1) distributions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sun  D; Tsutakawa  RK; Speckman  PL 《Biometrika》1999,86(2):341-350


Differences in linkage disequilibrium and in allele substitution effects of QTL (quantitative trait loci) may hinder genomic prediction across populations. Our objective was to develop a deterministic formula to estimate the accuracy of across-population genomic prediction, for which reference individuals and selection candidates are from different populations, and to investigate the impact of differences in allele substitution effects across populations and of the number of QTL underlying a trait on the accuracy.


A deterministic formula to estimate the accuracy of across-population genomic prediction was derived based on selection index theory. Moreover, accuracies were deterministically predicted using a formula based on population parameters and empirically calculated using simulated phenotypes and a GBLUP (genomic best linear unbiased prediction) model. Phenotypes of 1033 Holstein-Friesian, 105 Groninger White Headed and 147 Meuse-Rhine-Yssel cows were simulated by sampling 3000, 300, 30 or 3 QTL from the available high-density SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) information of three chromosomes, assuming a correlation of 1.0, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, or 0.2 between allele substitution effects across breeds. The simulated heritability was set to 0.95 to resemble the heritability of deregressed proofs of bulls.


Accuracies estimated with the deterministic formula based on selection index theory were similar to empirical accuracies for all scenarios, while accuracies predicted with the formula based on population parameters overestimated empirical accuracies by ~25 to 30%. When the between-breed genetic correlation differed from 1, i.e. allele substitution effects differed across breeds, empirical and deterministic accuracies decreased in proportion to the genetic correlation. Using a multi-trait model, it was possible to accurately estimate the genetic correlation between the breeds based on phenotypes and high-density genotypes. The number of QTL underlying the simulated trait did not affect the accuracy.


The deterministic formula based on selection index theory estimated the accuracy of across-population genomic predictions well. The deterministic formula using population parameters overestimated the across-population genomic accuracy, but may still be useful because of its simplicity. Both formulas could accommodate for genetic correlations between populations lower than 1. The number of QTL underlying a trait did not affect the accuracy of across-population genomic prediction using a GBLUP method.  相似文献   
The changes in membrane structure of rabbit polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocytes during bacterial phagocytosis was investigated with scanning electron microscope (SEM), thin-section, and freeze-fracture techniques. SEM observations of bacterial attachment sites showed the involvement of limited areas of PMN membrane surface (0.01-0.25μm(2)). Frequently, these areas of attachment were located on membrane extensions. The membrane extensions were present before, during, and after the engulfment of bacteria, but were diminished in size after bacterial engulfment. In general, the results obtained with SEM and thin-section techniques aided in the interpretation of the three-dimensional freeze-fracture replicas. Freeze-fracture results revealed the PMN leukocytes had two fracture faces as determined by the relative density of intramembranous particles (IMP). Membranous extensions of the plasma membrane, lysosomes, and phagocytic vacuoles contained IMP's with a distribution and density similar to those of the plasma membrane. During phagocytosis, IMPs within the plasma membrane did not undergo a massive aggregation. In fact, structural changes within the membranes were infrequent and localized to regions such as the attachment sites of bacteria, the fusion sites on the plasma membrane, and small scale changes in the phagocytic vacuole membrane during membrane fusion. During the formation of the phagocytic vacuole, the IMPs of the plasma membrane appeared to move in with the lipid bilayer while maintaining a distribution and density of IMPs similar to those of the plasma membranes. Occasionally, IMPs were aligned to linear arrays within phagocytic vacuole membranes. This alignment might be due to an interaction with linearly arranged motile structures on the side of the phagocytic vacuole membranes. IMP-free regions were observed after fusion of lysosomes with the phagocytic vacuoles or plasma membrane. These IMP-free areas probably represent sites where membrane fusion occurred between lysosomal membrane and phagocytic vacuole membrane or plasma membrane. Highly symmetrical patterns of IMPs were not observed during lysosomal membrane fusion.  相似文献   
Sucrose transporters of higher plants   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), the prion disease in cattle, was widely believed to be caused by only one strain, BSE-C. BSE-C causes the fatal prion disease named new variant Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease in humans. Two atypical BSE strains, bovine amyloidotic spongiform encephalopathy (BASE, also named BSE-L) and BSE-H, have been discovered in several countries since 2004; their transmissibility and phenotypes in humans are unknown. We investigated the infectivity and human phenotype of BASE strains by inoculating transgenic (Tg) mice expressing the human prion protein with brain homogenates from two BASE strain-infected cattle. Sixty percent of the inoculated Tg mice became infected after 20 to 22 months of incubation, a transmission rate higher than those reported for BSE-C. A quarter of BASE strain-infected Tg mice, but none of the Tg mice infected with prions causing a sporadic human prion disease, showed the presence of pathogenic prion protein isoforms in the spleen, indicating that the BASE prion is intrinsically lymphotropic. The pathological prion protein isoforms in BASE strain-infected humanized Tg mouse brains are different from those from the original cattle BASE or sporadic human prion disease. Minimal brain spongiosis and long incubation times are observed for the BASE strain-infected Tg mice. These results suggest that in humans, the BASE strain is a more virulent BSE strain and likely lymphotropic.  相似文献   
Covariance functions have been proposed to predict breeding values and genetic (co)variances as a function of phenotypic within herd-year averages (environmental parameters) to include genotype by environment interaction. The objective of this paper was to investigate the influence of definition of environmental parameters and non-random use of sires on expected breeding values and estimated genetic variances across environments. Breeding values were simulated as a linear function of simulated herd effects. The definition of environmental parameters hardly influenced the results. In situations with random use of sires, estimated genetic correlations between the trait expressed in different environments were 0.93, 0.93 and 0.97 while simulated at 0.89 and estimated genetic variances deviated up to 30% from the simulated values. Non random use of sires, poor genetic connectedness and small herd size had a large impact on the estimated covariance functions, expected breeding values and calculated environmental parameters. Estimated genetic correlations between a trait expressed in different environments were biased upwards and breeding values were more biased when genetic connectedness became poorer and herd composition more diverse. The best possible solution at this stage is to use environmental parameters combining large numbers of animals per herd, while losing some information on genotype by environment interaction in the data.  相似文献   
Aims:  To determine the variability of the prion protein gene ( PRNP) in goats from Northern and Southern Italy.
Methods and results:  Genomic DNA isolated from goat blood was polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified for the coding region of the PRNP gene and then sequenced. In total, 13 polymorphic sites were identified: G37V, T110P, G127S, M137I, I142M, I142T, H143R, R154H, P168Q, T194P, R211Q, Q222K and S240P (substitutions I142T and T194P are novel) giving rise to 14 haplotypes. Clear frequency differences between Northern and Southern breeds were found and confirmed by genetic distance analysis.
Conclusions:  Differences in allele distribution were found between Northern and Southern goats, in particular regarding the M142 and K222 alleles, possibly associated to scrapie resistance; philogeographical analysis supported the idea that Northern and Southern breeds may be considered as separate clusters.
Significance and impact of the study:  In Italy only limited studies have been carried out on caprine PRNP genotype distribution; this study is important to fill this lack of information. Moreover the finding of significant differences among allele distributions in Northern and Southern goats, especially if involved in modulating resistance/susceptibility, need to be carefully considered for the feasibility of selection plans for resistance to scrapie.  相似文献   
Tongue involvement by prion spreading was shown to be a common outcome after oral or intracranial experimental challenge with scrapie and transmissible mink encephalopathy sources in rodent models. It is also known that bovine spongiform encephalopathy, which is pathogenic for humans, is experimentally transmissible to sheep and can lead to a disease indistinguishable from scrapie. A recent European Food Safety Authority opinion recommended research into PrPsc accumulation in the tongues of ruminants. We report on the detection of PrPsc in the tongues of seven scrapie-infected sheep by immunohistochemistry and Western blotting.  相似文献   
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