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The Alcidae is a unique assemblage of Northern Hemisphere seabirds that forage by "flying" underwater. Despite obvious affinities among the species, their evolutionary relationships are unclear. We analyzed nucleotide sequences of 1,045 base pairs of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and allelic profiles for 37 allozyme loci in all 22 extant species. Trees were constructed on independent and combined data sets using maximum parsimony and distance methods that correct for superimposed changes. Alternative methods of analysis produced only minor differences in relationships that were supported strongly by bootstrapping or standard error tests. Combining sequence and allozyme data into a single analysis provided the greatest number of relationships receiving strong support. Addition of published morphological and ecological data did not improve support for any additional relationship. All analyses grouped species into six distinct lineages: (1) the dovekie (Alle alle) and auks, (2) guillemots, (3) brachyramphine murrelets, (4) synthliboramphine murrelets, (5) true auklets, and (6) the rhinoceros auklet (Cerorhinca monocerata) and puffins. The two murres (genus Uria) were sister taxa, and the black guillemot (Cepphus grylle) was basal to the other guillemots. The Asian subspecies of the marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus perdix) was the most divergent brachyramphine murrelet, and two distinct lineages occurred within the synthliboramphine murrelets. Cassin's auklet (Ptychoramphus aleuticus) and the rhinoceros auklet were basal to the other auklets and puffins, respectively, and the Atlantic (Fratercula arctica) and horned (Fratercula corniculata) puffins were sister taxa. Several relationships among tribes, among the dovekie and auks, and among the auklets could not be resolved but resembled "star" phylogenies indicative of adaptive radiations at different depths within the trees.   相似文献   
When microorganisms eluted from upper Hudson River sediment were cultured without any substrate except polychlorobiphenyl (PCB)-free Hudson River sediment, methane formation was the terminal step of the anaerobic food chain. In sediments containing Aroclor 1242, addition of eubacterium-inhibiting antibiotics, which should have directly inhibited fermentative bacteria and thereby should have indirectly inhibited methanogens, resulted in no dechlorination activity or methane production. However, when substrates for methanogenic bacteria were provided along with the antibiotics (to free the methanogens from dependence on eubacteria), concomitant methane production and dechlorination of PCBs were observed. The dechlorination of Aroclor 1242 was from the para positions, a pattern distinctly different from, and more limited than, the pattern observed with untreated or pasteurized inocula. Both methane production and dechlorination in cultures amended with antibiotics plus methanogenic substrates were inhibited by 2-bromoethanesulfonic acid. These results suggest that the methanogenic bacteria are among the physiological groups capable of anaerobic dechlorination of PCBs, but that the dechlorination observed with methanogenic bacteria is less extensive than the dechlorination observed with more complex anaerobic consortia.  相似文献   
The relation between serum uric acid and social class is examined by sex among 910 persons in Wensleydale, Yorkshire, 321 persons in Watford, Hertfordshire, and 1,213 persons in New Haven, Connecticut, all of whom were drawn from the general population. Among the men of Wensleydale there is a tendency of marginal significance at the 5% level for serum uric acid to increase with decreasing social class; in the New Haven women this same trend is significant at the 2·5% level; no trend was found among any of the other four sex-specific groups. Age did not account for the patterns observed. The difference between these findings and those of several studies from the United States is consistent with the view that both serum uric acid levels and gout are under multifactorial control.  相似文献   
In this paper we attempted to investigate the existence of daily fluctuations on plasma sexual steroids (17beta-estradiol, E(2) and testosterone, T) in Senegal sole (Solea senegalensis) females. We described the monthly day/night concentrations and seasonal daily rhythms in animals reared under natural photo- and thermo-period. In addition, the influence of the natural annual fluctuation of the water temperature on the plasma concentration of these steroids was investigated, using one group of Senegal sole under a natural photoperiod, but with an attenuated thermal cycle (around 17-20 degrees C) for one year. Although no significant day/night differences were detected in monthly samplings, the existence of an annual rhythm of E(2) and T (p<0.01) with an acrophase in February was revealed by COSINOR analysis. Maximum values were reached in March for both steroids (6.1+/-1.7 ng mL(-1) at mid-dark, MD and 4.0+/-0.6 ng mL(-1) at mid-light, ML for E2 and 1.4+/-0.4 ng mL(-1) at MD and 0.8+/-0.1 ng mL(-1) at ML for T) in anticipation of the spawning season (May-June). As regards seasonal daily rhythms, the presence of daily oscillations was revealed. At the spring solstice (21st March) a daily rhythm was observed for both steroids (COSINOR, p<0.01), with an acrophase at 20:00 h (E(2)) and at 21:08 h (T). In summer, autumn and winter no daily rhythms were observed due to the low steroid levels at those seasons. When Senegal sole females were submitted to an attenuated annual thermal cycle, the steroid rhythm disappeared (there was no surge in spring, as in the control group) and these fish did not spawn, despite being subjected to natural photoperiod conditions. This result underlined the importance of the natural annual fluctuation of water temperature and photoperiod on the synchronization of the spawning season and on the onset of steroidogenesis.  相似文献   


Although the gene encoding for glutamine synthetase (gln A) is essential in several organisms, multiple glnA copies have been identified in bacterial genomes such as those of the phylum Actinobacteria, notably the mycobacterial species. Intriguingly, previous reports have shown that only one copy (gln A1) is essential for growth in M. tuberculosis, while the other copies (gln A2, gln A3 and gln A4) are not.  相似文献   
DNA methylation is an epigenetic mechanism that has the potential to affect plant phenotypes and that is responsive to environmental and genomic stresses such as hybridization and polyploidization. We explored de novo methylation variation that arises during the formation of triploid asexual dandelions from diploid sexual mother plants using methylation‐sensitive amplified fragment length polymorphism (MS‐AFLP) analysis. In dandelions, triploid apomictic asexuals are produced from diploid sexual mothers that are fertilized by polyploid pollen donors. We asked whether the ploidy level change that accompanies the formation of new asexual lineages triggers methylation changes that contribute to heritable epigenetic variation within novel asexual lineages. Comparison of MS‐AFLP and AFLP fragment inheritance in a diploid × triploid cross revealed de novo methylation variation between triploid F1 individuals. Genetically identical offspring of asexual F1 plants showed modest levels of methylation variation, comparable to background levels as observed among sibs in a long‐established asexual lineage. Thus, the cross between ploidy levels triggered de novo methylation variation between asexual lineages, whereas it did not seem to contribute directly to variation within new asexual lineages. The observed background level of methylation variation suggests that considerable autonomous methylation variation could build up within asexual lineages under natural conditions.  相似文献   
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