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The Middle Stone Age (MSA) sediments of Porc-Epic Cave near Dire Dawa, Ethiopia, have produced a large assemblage of archaeofaunal remains dating to the later periods of the Late Pleistocene. As one of the few MSA faunal assemblages from East Africa subject to detailed analysis, it provides rare insight into the foraging behavior of the early modern humans in this region. The MSA fauna include taxa that were not historically present in the area, with the occurrence of reduncines and alcelaphines indicating widespread grasslands and proximity to a perennial source of water. The faunal analysis examined several lines of evidence, including breakage patterns, surface modification, and skeletal-element representation. By incorporating comparisons with multiple actualistic data sets, the analysis of the assemblage demonstrates that, while the influence of carnivores and other biotic agents was evident, the faunal remains were accumulated primarily by hominid activity. The skeletal-element representation at Porc-Epic includes an abundance of high utility bones, in contrast to the predominance of "head-and-foot" elements documented at other MSA and Middle Paleolithic (MP) sites. The MSA occupants of Porc-Epic effectively exploited a wide range of prey with more emphasis on small- and medium-sized mammals.  相似文献   
Genetic diversity and population structure were studied in 155 chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) entries using 33 polymorphic microsatellite (SSR) markers. Molecular analysis of variance showed variations of 73% within and 27% among populations. Introduced genotypes exhibited highest polymorphism (70.27%) than the landraces (36?C57%). Collections from Shewa, Harerge, W. Gojam and S. Gonder regions also showed higher polymorphism (50?C57%) than the rest of the local accessions (36?C45%). Analyses of pairwise population Nei genetic distance and PhiPT coefficients, expected heterozygosity (He) and unbiased expected heterozygosity (UHe), Shannon??s information index (I) and percent polymorphism (% P) showed existence of high genetic variation between geographical regions. Accessions from adjoining geographical regions mostly showed more genetic similarities than those from origins far isolated apart. This could be associated with the ease and likelihood of inter-regional gene flow and seed movement particularly during times of drought. The 155 entries were grouped into five clusters following analysis of population structure. The first cluster (C1) constituted accessions from Arsi; the second (C2) from Gojam and Gonder; the third (C3) from Harerge and E. and N. Shewa; and the fourth (C4) from W. Shewa, Tigray, and Wello regions. The fifth cluster (C5) was entirely consisted of improved genotypes. Improved genotypes of both Kabuli and Desi types distinctly fell into cluster five (C5) regardless of their difference in seed types. The result has firmly established that introduction of genetic materials from exotic sources has broadened the genetic base of the national chickpea breeding program. Further implications of the findings as regards to chickpea germplasm management and its utilization in breeding program are also discussed.  相似文献   
The Kibish faunal remains are useful for reconstructing the habitat of the earliest documented Homo sapiens and for understanding the community within which early modern humans existed. A diverse assemblage of large mammals, including many species of bovids, suids, and equids, has been recovered from the Kibish Formation. There are no extinct large mammals represented in the fossil assemblage, and the overall taxonomic composition of the fossil fauna is similar to the modern-day wildlife community living near the Omo River. The fossil faunal assemblage shows a paucity of arboreal primates, and carnivore species are rare. However, the faunal sample includes possible Cephalophus (duiker) remains and Hylochoerus meinertzhageni (giant forest hog), taxa that are extremely rare in the African fossil record, and both indicate more closed habitats. Comparative analyses of the Kibish faunal remains using the ecological-diversity approach document close associations with edaphic grassland and woodland vegetation types. These vegetation forms are similar to current habitats surrounding the Omo River.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The IP(3)R (inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor) is a tetrameric channel that accounts for a large part of the intracellular Ca(2+) release in virtually all cell types. We have previously demonstrated that caspase-3-mediated cleavage of IP(3)R1 during cell death generates a C-terminal fragment of 95 kDa comprising the complete channel domain. Expression of this truncated IP(3)R increases the cellular sensitivity to apoptotic stimuli, and it was postulated to be a constitutively active channel. RESULTS: In the present study, we demonstrate that expression of the caspase-3-cleaved C-terminus of IP(3)R1 increased the rate of thapsigargin-mediated Ca(2+) leak and decreased the rate of Ca(2+) uptake into the ER (endoplasmic reticulum), although it was not sufficient by itself to deplete intracellular Ca(2+) stores. We detected the truncated IP(3)R1 in different cell types after a challenge with apoptotic stimuli, as well as in aged mouse oocytes. Injection of mRNA corresponding to the truncated IP(3)R1 blocked sperm factor-induced Ca(2+) oscillations and induced an apoptotic phenotype. CONCLUSIONS: In the present study, we show that caspase-3-mediated truncation of IP(3)R1 enhanced the Ca(2+) leak from the ER. We suggest a model in which, in normal conditions, the increased Ca(2+) leak is largely compensated by enhanced Ca(2+)-uptake activity, whereas in situations where the cellular metabolism is compromised, as occurring in aging oocytes, the Ca(2+) leak acts as a feed-forward mechanism to divert the cell into apoptosis.  相似文献   
Localization of laminin alpha4-chain in developing and adult human tissues.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recent studies suggest important functions for laminin-8 (Ln-8; alpha4beta1gamma1) in vascular and blood cell biology, but its distribution in human tissues has remained elusive. We have raised a monoclonal antibody (MAb) FC10, and by enzyme-linked immunoassay (EIA) and Western blotting techniques we show that it recognizes the human Ln alpha4-chain. Immunoreactivity for the Ln alpha4-chain was localized in tissues of mesodermal origin, such as basement membranes (BMs) of endothelia, adipocytes, and skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle cells. In addition, the Ln alpha4-chain was found in regions of some epithelial BMs, including epidermis, salivary glands, pancreas, esophageal and gastric glands, intestinal crypts, and some renal medullary tubules. Developmental differences in the distribution of Ln alpha4-chain were detected in skeletal muscle, walls of vessels, and intestinal crypts. Ln alpha4- and Ln alpha2-chains co-localized in BMs of fetal skeletal muscle cells and in some epithelial BMs, e.g., in gastric glands and acini of pancreas. Cultured human pulmonary artery endothelial (HPAE) cells produced Ln alpha4-chain as M(r) 180,000 and 200,000 doublet and rapidly deposited it to the growth substratum. In cell-free extracellular matrices of human kidney and lung, Ln alpha4-chain was found as M(r) 180,000 protein.  相似文献   
Lepidopteran stemborers are amongst the most important insect pests of maize, sorghum and sugarcane in sub-Saharan Africa. With the exception of Chilo partellus (Swinhoe), which was accidentally introduced into Africa, the other stemborer pests are indigenous to the continent and have co-evolved with native grasses and sedges. In addition to pest species, wild habitats harbour diverse non-economic stemborer species, some of which are new to science. However, the diversity and distribution of both non-economic and pest species of stemborer are currently mostly unknown in Botswana. Accordingly, country-wide surveys were conducted during 2014/15 and 2015/16 austral summer to determine species diversity and distribution in cultivated and wild host plants of stemborers in Botswana. A total of 1597 stemborer larvae and 228 pupae were collected, constituting 63.1 and 36.9 larvae and 84.8 and 15.2% pupae from cultivated versus wild habitats, respectively. In addition to C. partellus, Sesamia calamistis Hampson and Eldana saccharina Walker which were previously reported, 12 more stemborer species were recorded for the first time in Botswana, including nine undescribed species. These species were from the Sciomesa, Sesamia and Conicofrontia genera and Tortricidae and Pyralidae families. Fourteen wild host and two cultivated host plant species of stemborers were recorded. Chilo partellus was most abundant (89.5%) in cultivated habitats whilst E. saccharina (33.6%) was most abundant in wild habitats. Stemborer species diversity was higher in wild habitats than cultivated. Current results highlight the significance of wild, especially wetland habitats for ecological functions and conservation of lepidopteran stemborer biodiversity.  相似文献   
Surveys to investigate the distribution and abundance of stem borers in natural habitats were conducted in February 2006 and January–February 2007. The surveys included eastern, northern and central parts of South Africa as well as three localities in Lesotho. During the surveys, Eldana saccharina Walker was recovered from three new localities in inland South Africa and two new indigenous hosts, Phragmites australis Cav. and Panicum maximum Jacq. from Boskop in the North‐West Province and Oribi Gorge in KwaZulu‐Natal respectively. Populations of E. saccharina in different parts of Africa are known for their differences in larval feeding behaviours, host plant choice and natural enemies. It is important to understand the origin of the newly recovered population for prevention of incursion and efficient management in case it invades crops. Molecular analysis indicated that the populations recovered in these new locations and from the new host plants are part of the southern African population of E. saccharina. With change in climate, and disturbance in wetlands the insect is expected in the future to be more abundant and problematic in inland areas of southern Africa.  相似文献   
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